Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 18 Repulse the enemy 2

At the critical moment, I suddenly saw a dark shadow shouting over the leading officer in front of me. The long knife in his hand, Taishan, split the thief with the knife in half from head to waist. The left and right half of the thief's body fell to both sides, and the people nearby fled in a hurry.

If you don't look at the man closely, just look at the momentum and the excited roar, and you also know that it was the one who took action.

This black man likes to fight, but he prefers to fight against the strong. If you are strong, you will be stronger, and if you are weak, you don't seem to be able to lift your energy. At the beginning of the raid, seeing so many enemies to kill, he shouted and rushed to kill for a while. After that, he had never met a strong opponent, and his momentum was much weaker, which made the officer steal the limelight.

However, it was not only the officer who stole the limelight, but also another person - Liu Zhong.

Liu Zhong is a personal commander. Originally, there were not many opportunities to go to the battlefield. In addition, he was seriously injured in Juzhang and idle for more than a month. He was so idle that he even wanted to go up and help stab the soldiers kill pigs.

This time he will ask for war no matter what. When he had no choice, he had to bring a few soldiers to follow him.

Liu Zhong made a pair of iron whips. The iron whip is light in weight, and it does not have any advantage against the powerful general Li Er and the black man Kuai En, but it can give full play to his martial arts against ordinary generals and soldiers. His advantage is not strength, but dexterity. The two whips did not hit anywhere else and fell on the head of the thief. The seemingly inadvertent knock made the thief's skull crack, and then fainted in an in anx.

It is said that his whip method was taught by a master when he was a teenager, and he has some skills. At the beginning of his entry into the army, he was incorporated into the gun barracks, but in order to be able to use his own weapons, he was transferred to the barracks. If you enter the barracks, you can use any weapon at will, but you have no chance to kill the enemy.

So whenever there is a chance to fight, Liu Zhong's excitement is no less than Kuai En and others. In the battle to defend the city, he was injured too early and couldn't kill enough. This time, he attacked the camp with us like a hungry ghost bumping into a delicious meal.

In this way, the sudden influx of a large group of thieves did not make my army retreat, but aroused the fighting spirit. It's been a long time since I killed the enemy so happily. For a while, the group was excited. One by one, the dragons and tigers leaped, and the dragons and tigers roared. Our army blocked ten, as if they had entered the realm of no man.

However, I didn't let this scuffle last long. We did come to kill the enemy, but not in this way.

At this time, there is no need to push in, because this is the ideal place for arson. I ordered to blow the horn. All the soldiers gathered according to the order and guarded the position to play the role of dragons and tigers.

The soldiers gathered more and more, and gradually arranged the formations that had been practiced in the past two days: the soldiers on the periphery formed a protective circle with long guns and knives; the soldiers inside put their weapons on the ground, took out fire arrows to ignite them, and shot them with bows and crossbows to the most concentrated areas of the west and north.

According to the previous practice, every ten people are in a team, one of whom is the officer. After the officer shot the first arrow, the other nine people shot at the same place with the arrow. This is the same as the previous method of teaching soldiers to defend the city: one person is not enough to kill the enemy who came to the city, but the situation is different for three or four people to attack at the same time. One rocket is not enough to ignite the tent, but ten rockets are enough.

In a short time, four or five tents caught fire.

In less than a cup of tea, I suddenly saw nearly a hundred fire letters rising in the western sky, shooting straight into the middle of the enemy camp. In an in anna na na, more than ten camps caught fire in the distance. Judging from the arrow path, most of these shoots at the thief's barracks are crossbows with a longer range.

Liu Laozhi is indeed a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles. Soon after arriving, he had already understood the weaknesses of the enemy camp.

Although I was fully prepared for the fire attack, I knew that the thief soldiers were not as stupid as I thought and did not learn the lessons of defeat as before.

They also know that the biggest disadvantage of the camp is that it is not easy to fire, so many fireproof barriers are arranged at intervals, and the tents are not tight. However, most of these fire prevention measures are aimed at the periphery of the camp. In the hinterland where we live, the fire prevention barrier can no longer be seen. What we see is flammable oilcloth tents and grain and grass.

This is why we forcibly advanced to the hinterland of the thief's camp against the fierce counterattack of the thief soldiers.

In this huge camp, we didn't ignite many tents, but the fire quickly spread away. In just half an hour, the snake-like camp turned into a fire dragon. The fire dragon swam in the direction of the sea, devouring all the people and things that hindered it.

At this time, the thief army has been completely messed up and has no intention to fight with us. Like the thieves, we have no intention to fight with them.

When the fire began to spread, I led my troops out of the camp to the west. There, I saw Liu Zhenzhi, who also killed the thief's camp.

"Deyu, you came just in time. Let's enjoy the fire drama together, and then go to the camp to collect the corpses. Liu Laozhi, who was covered with blood, was very happy to see him.

I suggested to Liu Huozhi, "General, I'm afraid this fire will burn for a while, so it's better to intercept the way for the thief soldiers to escape. Although there are many thieves and soldiers, there should be no fighting spirit at this time.

"It's good. If the thief wants to escape, I'm afraid there are two ways: one is to take the sea road, and the other is to take the land road to the east. I have many soldiers, so I will go to the east to intercept its land road. You go north along the camp to intercept its sea road.


So, Liu Jaozhi led his troops through the thief camp to the east of the camp, and I was in the west of the camp. Our soldiers went to the interception site in two ways.

The scattered thief soldiers are gathering at the seaside to board the ship. I led people to kill for a while and dispersed this group of people. Between the thief camp and the sea, Kuan and I led an army and formed two armies. These two arrays are like two sharp tiger teeth, guarding the road from the thief camp to the seaside. He intercepted the thief soldiers who wanted to escape by the sea like a rabbit.

Although the number of thieves is dozens of times that of our army, they are no longer in love with fighting and have taken the road and competed for ships one after another.

Several thief ships closer to the shore began to burn when they were shot by our army. Seeing the bad situation, the other ships sailed away from the shore to avoid the fire attack of our army.

The thieves who escaped from the tiger's teeth jumped into the sea one after another and watered to the ships moored in the sea. Two boats were almost overturned by the surging thieves. One of the people on the boat quickly pulled the sail to retreat, fearing that it would really overturn the ship, so some people slashed their hands on the side of the ship with knives to disperse the crowd. The people in the other boat also followed suit. For a moment, the crying in the sea was shocking.

Those who can't water are surrounded by our army on the beach. When they are helpless, there are countless surrenders.

The raging fire cast the shadow of our army's killing enemy on the beach and sank deeply into the sand grains stained with blood. The blood from the fierce battle seemed to splash into the sky, which was extremely eye-catching in the dark. The blood color became thicker and thicker, and finally forced the black to fade. A dazzling golden light suddenly shot out of the thickest blood, suppressing the arrogant and unruly firelight over the thief's camp. Huo Guang tried to struggle for a while and finally surrendered to the golden light.

The small stream wall in the distance is also covered with a layer of golden light in the first sunlight. From the beach, it looks like a mirage, which is both clear and hazy. Since the construction of this small stream village, I have seen the whole picture from the outside for the first time. The small cottage now looks so majestic and towering.

All the soldiers, like me, hold weapons full of enemies or their own blood, silently looking at the golden stream in the distance. Xiaoxi, we finally succeeded in defending you; in every sentence, we finally defeated the thief soldiers in front of you and washed away the shame!

From night to day, our army killed nearly 4,000 enemies, captured 2,000 people, and wounded countless enemies. With 2,500 people to fight against 20 times the strength, what a glorious result!

However, it is regrettable that although the results were great, Sun En and other important leaders still led the remnants to escape in the wrecked ship.