Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 18 Repulse the enemy 3

Liu Jaozhi's army joined us in Xiaoxizhai after the battle. Although the fortress is crowded, this army is only temporarily stationed. We set up a sunny hillside and found a rich man to vacate a courtyard for Liu to live in.

Before dinner, I accompanied Liu Laozhi around the village, and then climbed the wall.

Looking at the charred plain on the other side of the river, Liu Jaozhi said to me, "Deyu. Since breaking through the meeting, only today's war has truly solved the worries of the south. Although it is difficult to defend the city, it is also true in Shangyu, Haiyan, Hudu and other places. Sun En relied on the large number of people and harassed everywhere, which made us overwhelmed. Fortunately, you trapped Yao Sheng and others here to relieve the pressure everywhere. Fortunately, Sun En was defeated in a battle today, which made it difficult for Sun En to regroup for a while.

"There are many people. If Sun En doesn't gather in every sentence, I'm afraid it won't be easy to eliminate him."

He Wuji said, "The general and Sima worked together, and this battle was very tacit."

Liu Laozhi nodded to He Wuji and said, "So I have repeatedly made you, Jingxuan, Yazhi and others learn from Sima. You also saw the map drawn by Sima just now. You are still a little better, but it is difficult for Jing Xuan and Yazhi to achieve overall calculation and comprehensive planning like Sima.

I said, "These calculations and planning are also unscrupulous."

Liu Jaozhi said, "That's good."

Liu Jaozhi looked at the defense again and said to us, "Let's rest in the village tonight. I will take the army back to Shangyu early tomorrow morning."

"Oh? Come back so soon?"

"Hmm. I have been in Shangyu for a long time, and I don't know how many chores I have accumulated in Huiji, Wu, Jingkou and other places. Taking advantage of the future of the thief soldiers, the city defense of Huiji also needs to be strengthened, and the troops need to be rearranged.

"That's true."

"Have you arranged things at night?"

"It has been arranged. Let's go now."

The most important thing that night was naturally the celebration banquet held on the platform.

When our group arrived at the platform, we saw 30 or 40 tables full of the platform. The trees around the platform are covered with various colors of lamps and colorful cloth. I don't know, but I thought the Shangyuan Lantern Festival was being prepared here. The surrounding soldiers and civilians are busy, and many officers and people are either squatting or gathering under the platform to chat.

The celebration banquet was very lively.

After three rounds of drinking, I ordered someone to call the officer who always rushed in front of me.

The officer came to our table and saluted me, Liu Laozhi, He Wuji and others.

I raised my hand and said, "No gift, little brother, your name is Ji Gao, right?"

"Exact. The last general's surname is Sun's name, and his name is Ji Gao.

"Ji Gao, where are you from?"


"Are you used to using swords?"


"Last night's camp, I saw a man always rushing to the front. If you don't see it wrong, it should be you.

"If the person Liu Sima sees is me, that person is indeed me."

I was stunned by what he said. I thought he would say "it's me" as straightforward as at the beginning of the conversation.

"Not bad. What's your current position?

"What's the length."

I turned around and explained to Liu Prison: "This little brother always rushed forward in last night's battle. Killing more than a dozen enemies can be said to be fierce.

Liu Jaozhi nodded with a smile.

I said to the crowd again: "Sun Chu and Sun Jigao, it was a great achievement to kill the enemy bravely in last night's battle. However, his greater credit is more than that. Before the war, he advised me to use fire attack tactics. This tactic coincides with the tactics of me and General Liulao.

"Ji Gao is brave and resourceful and can take on a big job. Here, he was appointed as the general of the left battalion. At the same time, he will also be asked for credit in the war report submitted to General Daojian. Please raise your glasses and congratulate him together!"

Sun Jigao took the wine handed over by his own soldiers and saw everyone holding up their glasses and standing up looking at him. He smiled happily and raised his glass and drank it all.

Sun Jigao is about to retreat. Liu Jaozhi suddenly stopped him: "Ji Gao!"

Sun Jigao saw that it was Liu Prison who called him and hurriedly replied, "The last general will listen to the order!"

Liu Jaozhi grabbed the wine pot on the table and walked away from the table and walked to Sun Jigao and said to him, "Jigao, I, Liu Juzhi, appreciate such a brave general like you and have a toast."

Sun Ji quickly knelt down and said repeatedly, "The last general dare not! The last general dare not!"

Liu Jaozhi filled two wine and drank all the wine with Sun Jigao.

Liu Laozhi pulled Sun Jigao up, patted him on the shoulder, and said loudly to everyone, "You soldiers, brothers, and the parents here. Thank you for your hard work! You have suffered! First, as the princess of Huiji, I would like to have a drink to you.

After drinking this cup, Liu Zhenzhi said, "Although the sentence is a defensive fortress, the armament is not enough for you to see. There are many people and households in the city, but there are not many people who can join the army. Hundreds of guards guarded the city for more than a month, and their hardships and the sufferings of the military and civilians need not be said.

"There is a truth that Deyu Sima and I have never mentioned to everyone, and I think most people don't know it. The attacking thief soldiers is actually not the thousands of people you have seen. But 30,000."

"Thirty thousand?" I heard people whispering.

Liulaozhi smiled and said, "Yes. Thirty thousand! The failure of the chapter is indeed an unfortunate thing. But which general and garrison can guard a small county for so long? If it had been before, I would not believe that it was done by manpower. However, after last night's battle and today's inspection of the village, I finally believed it. This is indeed not from nature, but from manpower.

"The people endure humiliation and support the defenders; the soldiers are brave and brave and good at fighting; the generals are well-recognized and talented as generals. With such people, such an army and such a general, even if Sun En sent thousands of troops, there is no fear. Admittedly, after the loss of the sentence, the generals, soldiers and the people have suffered hardships, but I, Liu Laozhi, must go to the court to clear your injustice.

Hearing this, many people looked relieved.

"Gentlemen and soldiers, fathers and elders! I'll have another drink to celebrate the victory!"

Subsequently, the people and the refugees who were exiled to the stream a few days ago also elected several people to toast at various tables.

People's suppressed happiness for a long time was released in this night. The night was full of joy.

The celebration banquet ended after nearly three times. Before returning home to rest, I didn't forget to take a few soldiers to inspect the wall.

When I returned to my house, I found that it was not calm. Liu Zhong was regarded as a hero because of his heroic battle last night, and he was toasted a lot at the banquet. After being brought back by his own soldiers, the calm man actually started to get drunk, and several people could not subdue him.

I asked two soldiers to look at him, shook their heads and smiled, and returned to their room.

When I took off my clothes and was about to blow candles to sleep, I found a red note pressed down. I pulled it out and opened it. There were only six words on it: "Congratulations to the general"

The handwriting is generous and beautiful, which is exactly the font I was familiar with a few months ago.


Zi Guo: Amaranth is infatuated and entangled with slaves. I don't know how it will develop in the future?

Xiaohu: If the slave is unmarried, the development will be smoother. Since you are married, you really need to struggle. The interaction between the ancients and the opposite sex is different from that of modern people.

Zi Guo: Indeed. Modern people always love to be called "otaku", but beautiful friends are everywhere. The ancients did not have Weibo, and there was no "death" where to make friends, let alone so many childhood sweethearts and back garden meetings.
