Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 19 Rectification of Military Discipline 1

After Sun En retreated, there was a rare peace in the sentence. The escaped people also came back one after another. When they found that Juzhang City was no longer habitable, they all gathered in the stream.

Not long after, he received an official letter from Liu Laozhi, saying that the court learned that the old site of Juzhang could no longer be used, and specially ordered Xiaoxi to build a new city and county government.

I ordered someone to strengthen the Xiaoxi wall and build it into a Weng City. Take Weng City as the south gate to build a new Juzhang City. The responsibility of building the city was handed over to the newly appointed county magistrate.

After defeating Sun En, the number of defenders increased significantly. In addition to all the recruits enlisted in Xiaoxi who were integrated into the official army by the court, they were also given an extra 500 soldiers. It can reach a thousand defenders. Liu Jaozhi does not have any soldiers to allocate to me, so the other four or 500 people need to be recruited.

I have been in the Beifu Army for so many years, and I have recruited soldiers in Xiaoxi before. I have more experience in selecting soldiers. Among the selection criteria of Beifu, I am most looking at two: one is spirit and the other is character.

Spirit, that is, human courage. Those who are brave and dareless are not allowed, and those who are brave and brave are not allowed. Courage and intelligence, if not supplemented by courage, often lose morale during the battle. It doesn't matter if only one person loses morale, but the change of morale can be contagious. Improper handling will affect the morale of a team, a battalion, or even an army.

On the contrary, even if it is an old disease of women and children, as long as they have courage, they can be of great use. I will never forget the night my stepmother besieged me in the neighboring village. When I was stunned, she calmed down and finally saved me. Compared with my strong stepmother, who has no power to bind chickens, what can I do without courage?

Character is also an important factor in the selection of scholars. Slippery and capable people are not available, but incompetent but honest people can make good use of it. An honest person's idea is simple, and he can see his psychology by looking at his face, which is easy to understand his spirit and courage. Honest people are also easy to transfer and easy to get along with. They are both beneficial and deterrent. As long as the grace is applied and handled properly, the decree and reward can achieve the greatest effect. It is forbidden.

After the recruitment notice was posted, there was an endless stream of people coming to apply for the recruitment. After all, not to mention what kind of reward the victorious teacher will receive, the invisible honor alone is eye-catching. Therefore, not only the young people in Juzhang County, but also the young people in the surrounding counties came to join the army.

Everyone was very happy to see the surge in our military strength. Kuai En and Sun Jigao, who were raised among the march and took on major roles in the Juzhang army, were even more appreciated. Because their subordinates have also been strengthened. The official appointment of Kui En and Sun Jigao as the head of the building was also put into the army.

As soon as this appointment arrived, Kwain came to me three times in a day.

I didn't understand his intention until he came for the third time. It turned out that this black man did not come for me, but for Liu Zhong.

Liu Zhong's position is not high, but because he is my own commander, he often gives orders to Kui En and other generals. As for whether he listens to his order or not, it is another matter. Now Kua En has been promoted to the position of master, and his military position has been higher than Liu Zhong. When he came to me, it was nothing more than a show for Liu Zhong.

Although Liu Zhong contributed a lot in defeating the thief army, after all, like most generals, he participated in the war as a soldier, not as a general. He received some rewards, but he was not promoted.

Liu Zhong was angry when he saw Kuai En's promotion. As a result, he didn't expect that Sun Jigao was promoted to captain for a few days, and he was promoted to the building owner, which was even more unconvinced.

I stopped him while he came into the house to deliver*.

Liu Zhong turned around and asked, "What's wrong with Sima?"

I said to Liu Zhong, "I'll talk to you while he joins the army here. Sit down."

When he sat down, I said, "Shizhi, aren't you happy to see others promoted?"

"No. They fought bravely and defended the city hard, and they should be promoted to their positions.

"That's good. However, please listen to He's experience of joining the army. I winned at He Wuji.

He Wuji said to Liu Zhong with a smile, "My experience is very ordinary. I also served as a personal soldier. However, it is far less than your worldly scenery. I am a personal soldier of the county government. Although you also know that General Daojian is my uncle, he has always been on the growth of his sons and nephews, regardless of their promotion. After being a soldier for two years, I had the opportunity to switch to the government. Although he is not a great official, he has paved the way for the future..."

I interrupted He Wuji and said, "Wushi, you are so kind. Saying that other people's things are wonderful, and that you talk like chewing wax, which makes you feel sleepy.

He Wuji said, "It was originally a wax-like experience, and you still had to let me tell him."

I said to Liu Zhong, "Shizhi, no matter what, what I want to say is that there are thousands of roads to Jin. You are just a personal commander now, but you are not a personal commander all your life. Do you know the story of 'If you haven't seen each other for three days'?


"I also hope that you, Liu Zhong and Liu Shizhi, can also impress me like Wu Xia A Meng."

Liu Zhong nodded.

I continued: "It's relatively easy for people like Kuan to advance in the war. Even if he does nothing, the military achievements made in every battle alone are enough to keep him promoted. And your situation is quite similar to that of Sun Jigao. In terms of force, Sun Jigao is far less than Kou En, but Sun Jigao can make good use of his thoughts.

"I have talked to him alone. Although he is only a leader, he has a great ambition and the idea of assisting him to achieve his ambition. Do you know that Sun Jigao has an account book?

"Account book?" Not only Liu Zhong, but also He Wuji is very interested.

"The account book records the preparedness, as well as the number of ordnance, casualties, duration and other figures used during the defense of the city. What he did was not what a chief should do, but what a general should do. Who else has done this besides Yu Qiujin and other military officials?

Liu Zhong shook his head.

"So, whether others are promoted or rewarded. You don't have to be jealous or unconvinced..."

Liu Zhong said without admitting, "May be jealousy, but he is not convinced."

"All right. In a word, look at your shortcomings every day in order to make progress.

He Wuji listened to me and added for me: "The so-called 'I have three reflections on myself on that day'

"I will follow the teachings of Sima and join the army!"

After Liu Zhong withdrew, He Wuji said to me, "It's not easy to be as careful as you."

I said, "This is not careful, but I am indeed grateful to these soldiers. Comparing their hearts to their hearts, these soldiers fought with blood here, and compared with what they lost, they got very little.

"You are afraid of the same."

Hearing He Wuji's words, I smiled helplessly and said, "For me, I will hand over hundreds of soldiers and thousands of people. Responsibility is much heavier than what you get.

He Wuji pointed out the door and said, "Isn't that what they are?"