Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 20 Rich 2

In fact, my idea is not extreme. In my opinion, most of the money and taxes accumulated in many places are not on the right path. In nominal terms, local finances and taxes benefit one party, do you know how much is included in the private bag?

Since local officials are in charge, why not borrow the right to levy taxes on the treasury? If the army protects local security and maintains market order, then the army also has the right to enjoy part of local taxes. If these states and counties are lost because the army or military expenditure is not enough to lose the city, they will not only lose the money paid to the treasury, but also lose all the property of the officials and the people, and it will cost a lot of money to rebuild them in the future.

I asked everyone, "What do you think?"

"I'm afraid there will be more obstruction."

"Hmm. There must be obstruction. I agree with his statement, "Let's talk about it after I discuss it with General Daojian." And write a letter for me."

Although the military officials, including Yu Qiujin, had reservations about my proposal, they wrote my oral letter very satisfactoryly.

After the letter was sent, I didn't expect the result to come faster than I thought.

Liu Jaozhi submitted a form according to my proposal. The seal was quickly recognized by the court. However, the region is limited to Sun Enkuo's violent area, and the time is limited to a few months. Despite the narrowness of the place and the short time, this measure will eventually help boost morale.

I wanted to answer a letter to ask Liu Zhenzhi how he was going to implement it, but He Wuji was sent to Xiaoxi again. He just left the stream for a few days.

I took He Wuji into the village and asked, "Wuji, why are you still free to write sentences if you are not in Shangyu Shoucheng?"

He Wuji smiled and said, "How can I give up Sima?"

"Don't play tricks with me. I don't know what you mean."

How can I not understand He Wuji's intention? He was sent so urgently that Liu Zhenzhi wanted He Wuji to ask me for advice for him.

Generally, Liu Laozhi, as the general of Beifu and the governor of Guangling County, knows better than me how to govern the place if he uses his financial power. He can mention the difficulties he faced in the letter, but he is absolutely embarrassed to ask me how to deal with them in the letter. Is he a county guard or am I a county guard? What's more, I'm just a general in the army. His ministers and counselors gathered in the shogunate, and no one should be better at those local affairs than me.

From this point of view, Liu Laozhi, Liu Jingxuan and his son and those counselors are not only not flexible militarily, but also lack means in world affairs. Liulaozhi did not send others but He Wuji to come, but he was very good at selecting people. Because He Wuji not only has an extraordinary friendship with me, but also behaves routinely like me, but doesn't think so.

Since he knew that He Wuji came here with a clear purpose, he asked bluntly, "Is the general sending you here to talk about finance and taxation?"

He Wuji smiled and said, "I know that since you have made suggestions to the general, you must have a calculation."

I said, "Let's talk about your understanding first."

He Wuji said: "If it was in the early years, it would not be difficult to levy taxes. When the country is prosperous and the people are safe, as long as the tax is too heavy, even if it is stripped up and down, there will not be a big problem. As officials, aren't all the dynasties stripped the wealth of the country and the people? However, in the current critical autumn, if the army is defeated by the tyrants because of military premiums, I'm afraid that the titles of King of Huiji and the son of Huiji will be difficult to keep. The two Huiji are not people who don't know the current affairs. They give up a moment of comfort and seek eternal leisure. Why not do it?"


What He Wuji said didn't seem to have anything to do with his purpose of coming to the stream, but I didn't interrupt him, but was very interested in what he said.

In the past, I always felt that those people in the court were vegetarian, and in many cases, they did not understand their thoughts and behaviors. Since the military position has become higher and higher and the number of people I have contacted has become wider and wider, I have gradually understood a lot of things. Although those people are still vegetarian meals in my eyes, think about it, how many people in this world are not like this?

Over the years, I have become more and more that if I am an ordinary citizen, the world is relatively simple and easy to understand. The more a person knows, the more difficult it is to understand the world. When you think something is what you think, it is usually very different; when you think it is not what you think, it is exactly what you think.

He Wuji continued: "So, as soon as the general's table was played, the two meetings were not embarrassed. However, unexpectedly, other ministers in the court strongly opposed it. There is nothing more than one reason: this strategy can solve a moment of difficulties, but it is a dangerous move for the long-term stability of the country.

"Once this wind opens, I'm afraid that the generals of future generations will make up an infinite number of reasons for the army to hold local financial power. Fortunately, the king of Huiji and the son of the father and son, who disagreed with each other, agreed on this point, and soon suppressed their opposition.

I said, "It's a good thing to have the support of the meeting."

He Wuji said, "It's true. However, Liu Sima, your advice to the general is really good, but one problem is that it is slow and troublesome to use the method you said. Do you think there is a better way? Now it's really an old horse dragging the car, and it's urgent!"

"There was not even a way to solve the problem before. At present, I have found a way out, but I think it's too slow. This is really!"

"Ha ha. Don't misunderstand. You are the wise, brave and invincible Liu Sima. In Huiji County and Wu County, everyone knows your prestige and wisdom.

"Don't give me ecstasy soup. No one knows what, so what?

"Your ideas can't be wrong."

"I think you just said something else."

He Wuji said with a smile, "Let the general seize the local financial power, but your idea. If there is any difference in this idea, hee hee, you, a famous man, can't get away from it.

"You are intimidating. Let me tell you, first of all, I, Liu Yu, am not a big shot; secondly, I, Liu Yu, am never afraid of coercion. However, if it is beneficial, I can consider it.

He Wuji laughed and said, "I just praised you for your wisdom and courage. Now I'm afraid it's appropriate to change it to cunning and cunning. The idea was made by you, and you are the general Sima. The general has dealt with the matter properly. Do you still have to bother to dig out the stream and worry about the salary and military food? The last time the Western Camp made trouble, it was time to fulfill your promise.

He Wuji can click on my dead hole this time. My promise was made when the Xiying changed, but at present, the military pay has not been raised yet. However, He Wuji mentioned the incident, which made me suspicious of Huiji's situation. Otherwise, Liu Laozhi would not have urged so tightly. So I asked:

"Is there something wrong on the side of Huiji?"