Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 20 Rich 3

"What you expected. Something did happen."

He Wuji told me that the situation was okay, but Shangyu had two mutiny in a month. The first time it was not a big deal, but the second time a few people died. Although the situation has calmed down, it is enough to affect Liu Prison's prestige.

Although the soldiers' mutiny can put pressure on the court to solve the problem of military pay, everyone understands that the most influential soldier's mutiny is actually the highest leader of the army. Liulao is in his position and can't ignore its advantages and disadvantages. In the end, I had to find a way to calm things up.

"So, do you have to pay to solve the problem?" I asked.

"Naturally, we don't rely on money alone to solve problems, but at present, we can only rely on money for emergencies. An upsand is not a trivial matter, and you can't say it casually when it happens. This kind of thing has always been heard by generals, not to mention the Beifu army. I just want to take care of it in the morning and don't let the soldiers make trouble again. He Wuji restrained his careless temper and looked extremely serious.

"I see. I do have two ideas, but one is not mature, and the other is not good, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to end in the future. I said.

"Those who know Liu Sima, General Liu." He Wuji said with a smile, "I've been talking for so long just to wait for your words. Just give me some advice. What's the idea?"

"If I say it, you can also help me figure it out. Can this be done? General Liu has to make his own decision? I'll say hello in advance.

"That's no problem. However, is it one thing or two things? He Wuji also picked out my speech at this time.

"There are two things to say, but whether it is success or failure, it is the same result after all. So it's still one thing." I also deliberately hung out with him and hung up his appetite.

He Wuji was so anxious that sweated on his forehead: "Okay. No matter how many things, please talk about it first.

"The first thing is with the help of Sun En. Previously, Sun En occupied several counties. Although many of his thieves abandoned their family money to enter the education, not all of them were poor thieves. As far as the thief soldiers were concerned, it was found that there were soft people with gold and silver. If these are not private, they are robbed. We don't need to verify the source of these goods, but we can consider collecting them into storage.

Previously, no one had checked the embezzling of property by soldiers cleaning up the battlefield. Now you can set a rule that all property, clothes, weapons, etc. need to be handed over and cannot be hidden. Those who participate in the clean-up of the battlefield will be rewarded according to the goods handed over. This is a lot of income. Money and goods can be put into storage directly, and other items can be entrusted to merchants for sale. Of course, you can also leave some profits for merchants. In this way, dead money can be turned into living money.

He Wuji opened his mouth wide and waited for me to finish speaking and shouted, "Dead things! Who wants it?"

"Don't die, people will die!" I saw that He Wuji didn't say anything and said in a slow tone, "When have we soldiers never dealt with the dead?" If you can't think of a trick from the living, you can only think of a way from the dead. I said.

"However, even if it is not scrupulous, it is also against morality!"

"It's true. But if people eat people, is it against morality? I asked, "When life is not guaranteed, even people can eat it. This is more unmothre than depriving the dead, but does anyone condemn those who change their children? No. Why? Because I have to. If there is a better way for us, no one will disturb the dead.

I remember that I discussed the issue of cannibaling with him not long ago. At that time, I thought he had understood. It seems that he still doesn't understand today. He Wuji is quite shrewd, but his head is still like an elm pimple in this matter.

I said, "Well, I'll just give you an idea. Whether you want to do it or not is your own business. Anyway, I'm going to try it in the stream.

He Wuji showed a very painful expression. I ignored him and went on to the next idea.

"You don't want to kill people. This second idea is related to strangers, which is to rob the rich and help the poor!" I said.

"Oh?" He Wuji's expression calmed down, and it could be seen that he was more acceptable to this idea.

I didn't say what I thought directly, but asked He Wuji such a question: "Wunji, who do you think is most afraid of troubled times?"

After regaining his senses, He Wuji answered very satisfactorily: "That depends. If it is chaos, it is the official and the rich; if it is the final chaos, it is all those who are not chaotic.

"So Sun En is harmful, do you think it's the beginning or the end of the chaos?"

"I think it's between the two, but I'm afraid the most worried about troubled times are officials and gentry."

"That's right. Since Sun En's uprising, how many officials have lost their heads and how many rich people's wealth has been robbed. Although the poor have also died a lot, they can still escape as long as they want. The poor have no official and no wealth, but only a pair of legs. But can the officials on one side escape? Can the rich man with a house and land escape? That's all I said. He Wuji nodded.

I took a sip of tea and continued to say, "So, since the rich are rich, they are most afraid of Sun En's robbery; and we led troops to stop Sun En's robbery. So, who do we ultimately protect? Isn't it just a rich official and gentry? Officials don't have good money, so they naturally have to think from the rich.

The idea has been made clear, but He Wuji is not in a relaxed mood: "Although the idea of letting them contribute to support the army is good, how can they take out the money from under the box?"

"With your unscrupulous talent, there is nothing you can do?"

"If I have a way, I won't come all the way to Xiaoxi to ask you for advice."

I smiled and said, "The so-called agriculture, industry and commerce are at the bottom. What is asked for must be missing. For scholars, most of them come from officials, and the so-called fame and fortune are both good; for merchants, profits are available, but fame is far from enough. Our soldiers, with countless false titles and false positions, have long been unable to inspire their ambitions. But for merchants, even a false position that does not need to be appointed, even a grade that does not need to pay salaries, is what they want for the rest of their lives.

"High move! "High move!" He Wuji, who understood, danced happily.

I also found it interesting to look at He Wuji's behavior. He is a man of strategy, but there are too many moral and righteous constraints in his mind.

He Wuji and I are completely different people, similar to living in two different worlds. I have been poor since I was a child. I only read books for a few years after three days of fishing and drying nets. Growing up from such difficulties, although it pays attention to morality and reason, it takes practical effect as the main purpose. If I only thought about those superficial and nothingness all day, I'm afraid I would have starved to death.