Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 23 Building City Sea Salt 2

After the third update, I ordered 500 of my men to prepare to go to the old site of Haiyan.

Bao Sizhi came over and told me that he also ordered 500 people and was ready to sneak attack with me. I saw a lot of people behind Bao Sizhi. Although there were not many thieves occupying the former site of Haiyan, they were afraid that the thief army would counterattack after repelled them. It's better to bring more soldiers. So he agreed to go with us.

Bao Sizhi and I each led an army, one left and one right. I first led the army into the thief camp and fought fiercely with the guarded thief soldiers. The thief soldiers were indeed wary of the sneak attack. Before the peripheral thieves in charge of vigilance were completely cleaned up, a large band of thieves surged up. However, after all, our army is well prepared, and the thief soldiers are in a hurry to fight, and the situation is extremely favorable to us.

According to my instructions, Bao Sizhi did not join the battle, but led troops to guard the periphery of the battlefield to stop the thief soldiers who wanted to escape.

The thief is a brave man. I saw him kill several soldiers of our army and rush to fight against him. In four or five rounds, he and I were evenly matched. However, when he saw my face clearly, he quickly escorted the nearby thief soldiers and ordered the whole army to retreat. This withdrawal was unstoppable, and the thief soldiers quickly fled a lot, and even some even threw away their weapons.

Where does this look like a soldier? It's simply a mountain thief. However, Sun En is indeed similar to mountain thieves. They are pirates.

Although the thief soldiers escaped, they left a large number of materials that could be used to build the city. I asked Bao Sizhi to send a letter to Bao Hu and asked him to move here.

The retreating thief did not immediately counterattack. We took this opportunity to build Haiyan City Defense overnight.

I built Jingkou City when I was young, and I knew the pattern of the city very well and was very proficient in the craftsmanship of building the city. Moreover, not long ago, a small stream village was built in Juzhang County. Although sea salt lacks materials, at least there is no shortage of wood and soil. So I ordered one group of soldiers to cut wood and build it as the skeleton of the wall, and the other group of soldiers dug to form a moat and built the wall with the excavated soil.

In the early morning, a thick and strong low wall stood on the former site of Haiyan.

The thief soldiers were extremely surprised to see our army erect a wall overnight. They suffered the loss of siege and siege in the stream, so the whole army came to counterattack in an attempt to destroy our fortifications. These attacks were repelled by us using the terrain of the old city.

Seeing that the attack and defense of these thieves are lawless, I guess the big leaders such as Sun En and Yao Sheng must not be in the army.

A large army of thieves is not on the shore, but in the sea. There are many large boats moored in the sea miles away from the shore. More than ten buildings are towering, surrounded by hundreds of small ships arched. It seems that Sun En and the big leaders must leave the ship after waiting for the camp on the shore.

The repeated attacks of the thieves on the shore were ineffective, so they had to camp again along the seawreck.

Although I would like to take advantage of the absence of the main general of the thief army and low morale to carry out another raid, we were exhausted. Last night, we fought and built a city, and we were tired all night. Even I am exhausted, not to mention those soldiers? Last night, more than a dozen soldiers were killed. It's better to do less difficult things.

Although a wall has been built, this low city wall can't stop Sun En's attack. All he can do is delay Sun En's capture of Haiyan.

Several fast ships sailed away from the shore towards the buildings in the sea in the distance. It is estimated that the thieves on the shore went to report the military situation of Haiyan to Sun En, Yao Sheng and others.

While the thief army had not taken further military action, I discussed with Bao's father and son: "It's better to divide all the soldiers into three teams. The sea salt soldiers are divided into two parts, led by the noble father and son respectively, and the soldiers are led by me. Build the city with one team, defend and guard with one team, and rest with the remaining team. Rotation every two hours. What do you think?"

Bao said, "This method is very good. However, if we talk about building a city, I'm afraid that soldiers alone are not enough. It's better for me to send people to the nearby counties to recruit some people.

"That's good, Lord Bao."

At this time, a county official came to Bao Hu and said, "It's naturally a good thing to recruit people to build the city, but I'm afraid that the money that can be transferred in the treasury is not enough."

Bao Hu thought for a long time and said, "That's it. You are here to assist Liu Sima and Si'er. I will go there by myself.

Bao Sizhi, who had never spoken, said at this time, "Father, please go back and talk to the old lady, and ask your mother to help you persuade."

Bao nodded and asked several soldiers to take his horse and fly on his horse. Accompanied by more than a dozen soldiers, he went west.

I left the soldiers to continue to build the city wall, and took Yu Qiujin, Liu Zhong and others to check it closer to the shore. With such a terrain, it is not enough to build an ordinary city. It is necessary to build a water city to prevent the enemy from attacking from the sea.

Bao sha returned to sea salt the next day. Seeing that less than 100 people followed him, everyone's faces showed disappointment.

However, Bao Bu, who walked into the Chinese military tent, was full of spring breeze. He said, "Those who came first with me are all craftsmen. The rest of the days will come one after another. Although there are not many people, there are nearly 2,000 people. I don't know how big the city will be built? If there are not enough people, you can raise more.

"I'm afraid it is impossible to build the original scale of Haiyan City. Today, it can be built just an inner city similar to a fortress. Of course, I think we need to build another water city. The water city does not have to be big, neither stationed nor inhabit, as long as the city is high enough and strong enough to attack and defend. Two thousand people and soldiers should be enough.

"That's good."

Bao Sizhi asked his father, "The old lady didn't blame you, did she?"

"Not only did not blame, but also asked her mother's uncle to pay some money. In addition, although it is not enough, it should be possible to pay half a month's wages.

I didn't understand until I heard this and asked Bao, "It turns out that Lord Bao went back in person to raise money in addition to recruiting workers?"

Bao Hu said, "Yes. It's a shame that although Haiyan County is not small, the money in the treasury is not enough.

The county official in charge interrupted at this time: "Lord Bao, this is all for the people of Li. Bao's house is not a rich man. This time, he will pay 2,000 people for half a month, and I'm afraid the house will run out.

"Are you responsible for the wages of these two thousand people?" Hearing this, I feel incredible. It is also extremely difficult for those rich people to raise money for the soldiers. The county magistrate actually has to devote his family's money to pay for the people who build the city.

"That's the only way. I hope this city can be built earlier."

It is indeed very touching for the county magistrate to raise funds to build a city. But I think it is necessary to have a good talk with him about this matter.

I said to Bao Bu, "Lord Bao, let me talk."

There was no convenient place to talk in this military account, so Bao and I went out of the military account and walked to a place where there was no one.

"Liu Sima, what do you want to teach?"

"Lord Bao poured out his own money to build this Haiyan City, which made Liu Yu very moved. However, for Lord Bao's consideration, I have to make a proposal to you. I just don't know if it's appropriate."

"Please tell me."

"First of all, please forgive me for taking the liberty to say that you are a county magistrate with a low salary, and you must not be able to bear these expenses. So where does the money come from?

"Hmm. Although I am not rich, I still have some family background. In addition, there are several rich relatives.

"That's good. However, there are two proposals I want to make. One is a reminder and the other is advice.

As a small county magistrate, it is inevitable that he will get into trouble if he can take out so much money. No one knows where such trouble will come from, but someone will take this opportunity to secretly slander. Not only have I seen this kind of thing with my own eyes, but Liu Laozhi has also reminded me many times when I was raising money before.