Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 23 Building City Sea Salt 3

After listening to my reminder, Bao Hu lowered his head and thought for a long time and said, "It's urgent now. If this is not the case, there is no other way."

I smiled and said, "This is exactly the advice I want to give you."

So I told Bao Wu about the fundraising strategy implemented in Huiji and Juzhang. Hearing this, Bao Bu immediately opened his eyebrows and smiled and said, "This is a wonderful plan. After returning the account, I said hello to everyone, and I must not say anything about my payment. I will go back to the county tomorrow and discuss with the rich people in the county. Alas, it's just that Haiyan City has been destroyed, and many rich people have fled to Wujun, Huiji, Wuxing and other places.

So that's it! No wonder Liu Laozhi's fundraising was so smooth at the meeting, but he didn't expect that the rich people in other counties would be used as a refuge. In other people's eaves, you naturally have to make some money to protect yourself.

After we returned to the Chinese military tent, Bao Sizhi also invited several craftsmen to discuss the creation of Haiyan City together.

Those craftsmen have also built the city. Although they have made a lot of good suggestions, they don't have many beneficial ideas about the pattern of the whole city.

After all, the upcoming Haiyan City is different from the previous Haiyan City. At that time, Haiyan was a county, but now it is going to build a military fortress like Juzhang City and Xiaoxi City.

After my proposal, I decided to build the pattern of Lucheng Shenfa Wu County. Wujun City was built by Wu Zixu according to the chessboard pattern. I am considering using the gossip pattern to build Haiyan City. I have a deeper consideration for adopting the gossip pattern. The water city in the sea is familiar with Jingkou, Guazhou and other cities.

Water City is not only a fortification of the town, but also the entrance to the sea grain channel. At the same time, it is also a water camp that gathers water troops. Although there may not be a water war in the sea salt city this time, sooner or later it will launch a water war in Ludu, Haiyan, Shangyu or Yongdong and other places. Building a water city here is also a pre-prepared move.

In order to prevent the enemy from attacking the city, several open gates and hidden gates are usually set up outside the water city. The open gate is one person high above the surface of the water to make it clear to the enemy ships that they are invincible and let them dispel the idea of attacking the city. Even if the enemy ship approaches the open gate, it will be attacked by a strong crossbow when the gate is pulled.

Several hidden barriers are set up in addition to the open gate. The dark fence is a foot deep in the water, and the top of the gate is tied with sharp stones. When the enemy ship hits the hidden barrier without being guard, it will cause some damage to the enemy ship.

Although Bao Bu was the county magistrate of Haiyan, when he was transferred to Haiyan, Haiyan had no city defense, and he knew nothing about building a city, and he had no clue about building a water city. So Bao Bu handed over the heavy responsibility of building the city to my shoulder.

After the recorder assisted the craftsmen to draw the pattern of Haiyan City, Bao Sizhi replaced me in the defense position on the city wall, and Yu Qiujin and I inspected the situation of building the city. When I was tired, I rested on a high platform in the city.

This high platform is built in the middle of the city, and the surface is seven or eight feet higher than the city wall. The reason for building such a temporary high point is to make it easier to check the situation of the construction of the city; the other is to worry about Bao Sizhi's lack of experience in defending the city. Standing on this high platform, I can also pay attention to the movements of the thieves outside the city at any time.

Overlooking from the high platform, the scene of military and civilian building a city is quite spectacular.

Looking at the hard work of the people under the stage, I can't help but think of the scene when I repaired the city.

When I built the "Iron City" in Jingkou and the Guazhou City in Guangling, I was still a descendant. Because I did something with my partner that was embarrassing to think about now, I was arrested by the government for more than ten days. After that, he was sent to the barracks to work hard. Work in the city with the soldiers every day and gradually get acquainted with them.

After the expiration of the hard labor period, I asked to stay as a service worker. Although the work is hard, the income is far stronger than the sale of weaving and the gambling money that is not guaranteed by drought and flood.

However, this is second. Because after getting familiar with the soldiers, I can often listen to them talk about war. I have been interested in war since I was a child. Now there is such an opportunity to contact those soldiers, especially those who have experienced the war, which not only rekindled their interest in the military, but also ignited the yearning and pride of their ancestors fighting for the Central Plains.

In my spare time, I take the initiative to weave for those well-known officers and private soldiers. They also have a very good impression of me and often invite me to drink and gamble with them.

For soldiers, if they can drink and gamble well, they can naturally become their admiration. But I'm very good at these two.

Gambling is tempered, not to mention that drinking seems to be natural. I have been poor since I was a child, and there is no wine if no one invites me. Since the first time I got drunk, I was covered with red rashes, and the second time I was drunk and scolded by my stepmother, I will never fall down before drinking with others.

I have returned the money I won from officers and soldiers to find opportunities. Because I still remember a sentence I was taught in those years: "Win money and lose people, lose money and win people; if you don't win or lose, win money and win people." I win the favor of these people in this way for only one purpose: to hope that they can find an opportunity to recruit me into the army.

As a civilian, even a poor person, they can only use this way to go up and down. Fortunately, all I wanted was to join the army, so although it took some time, things went very smoothly. One noon when I was building bricks on Guazhou City, a soldier came to inform me to pack up and take the army's fast ship back to Beijing, and report to the Chinese army tomorrow.

A month ago, I came to Guazhou from Jingkou on this fast ship. At that time, those standing beside me were strong men like me, and today stood beside me were soldiers who were different from me. Although I have suffered from the strange eyes of those soldiers, I am very happy: it won't be long before I will be like you.

The enlistment procedures are very cumbersome. Fortunately, it took only a whole day to complete it. To my comfort, the conditions in the barracks I live in are better than I thought; to my surprise, I became a military commander as soon as I joined the army, and my subordinates were still in charge of several soldiers, and the military pay was half a level higher than that of ordinary soldiers. It seems that several of the officers I entrusted did a lot of work to enlist in the army.

Although it is a troubled time, my army has little chance of fighting, and after the Battle of Yushui, there are not many opportunities to fight. Our army is stationed in Beijing like a rock. This is both a blessing and a misfortune for me.

My purpose of joining the army is not only to be proud of the military rank and self-sufficient, but also to have the opportunity to show my ambition to join the army. But over time, I hang out in the barracks every day. In addition to the improvement of combat skills, I only have gambling skills and drinking skills.

It's not that I haven't been on the battlefield, but those are just small-scale battles. It's not so much a battle as a conflict.

But those battles gave me an intuitive understanding of the form and tactics of the war. From the few battles I have experienced, I constantly reflect and speculatively. After careful study, I believe that if I command, the final battle situation will inevitably change greatly. Of course, these are just some unrealistic fantasies of a junior officer or senior soldier at best.

Life in the army is boring and boring, which is everyone's opinion. But my opinion is not the same. After the marriage, it was the dependent lady who made my heart of "learning from all enemies" sprout again. I grew from an uninexperienced teenager to a bloody man, and from a bloody man to a mature officer.

With a lot of blood and ambition in my heart, I couldn't imagine that after many years, although my military position is not low now, I am just a lieutenant and I haven't even become a general.