Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 24 Water City Attack 1

"Liu Sima, Lord Bao is back." Liu Zhong reported to me.

I looked in the direction of his finger, and as expected, more than a dozen craftsmen came to us.

I was busy getting off the platform to meet him.

Bao's expression doesn't seem to be as good as the last time he came back.

I welcomed him into the Chinese military tent and asked, "Lord Bao's face doesn't seem to be good. I don't know if there is anything wrong?"

Bao said, "Nothing has changed, everything is as usual."

"Oh. How's the money going?"

"Basically, it has been prepared. It can take at least two months.

"That's fine." I'm relieved. Things seem to be going well, probably because Bao is unhappy for other reasons. It's not convenient for me to ask either.

At this time, I faintly heard a few shouts from someone on the high platform, and then the sound of the sound came to my ears. I was busy taking everyone out on the stage to check. A personal soldier was coming down from the high platform and greeted me and said, "The thief began to attack the water city."

I rushed to the high platform in three steps and two steps, and saw several boats on the sea that had crossed the underwater hidden barrier and were approaching the open gate.

It seems that the thieves turned to attack the water city because they failed to attack the city by land. Only half of the water city has been built, and it doesn't look like a city. In order to prevent the thief soldiers from destroying the city halfway, a crossbow platform was built on the two sections of the wall, each with ten strong crossbows on each platform to prepare for the enemy.

Although the arrows were like rain and the arrows were like electricity, the open fence on the surface of the water was still damaged by the thief soldiers.

From afar, I saw that Bao Sizhi had climbed the wall of the water city and was directing the soldiers to attack remotely.

When I took the crowd to the water city, the thief ship had attacked under the wall. The thieves expected that our army would carry out a long-range attack, so each ship was covered with thick wooden boards and cowhide. The thief soldiers standing in the bow also cling to cowhide shields and wooden shields. It is difficult for strong crossbows to cause damage to these shields, and ordinary arrows are even more like scratching boots.

Kuai En looked at it anxiously and said violently, "His ancestors still need to shoot so many arrows on these broken boats. Wait for me to go down and drive them away.

Yu Qiujin and Sun Jigao held him together and said, "Let's see what happens."

"What else is the good-looking situation? Don't you see that they have taken out the long axe and hammer?

Sure enough, several long axes and hammers stretched out from under the shield and slashed into the unbuilt door hole.

"Oh, I'm so pissed off. Liu Sima, please give me an order."

I waved my hand to Kuan and said, "Let's take a look."

When I heard this, I had to stop making a sound.

Bao Sizhi listened to Sun Jigao's order and ordered people to move some stones and wooden stakes to the city. Prepare to fight down when the thief ship approaches the city wall.

I said to Bao Sizhi, "And don't move that stone rolling wood. Let's continue to shoot arrows. You don't have to release more, you can shoot a few arrows sporadically.

Bao Sizhi knew that archery would work in seconds, but he did not question it, and directly passed on my order.

After the thieves under the city began to smash the wall, more than a dozen boats came to the water city in the distance.


"The end of the year."

"You took more than a dozen strong brothers to take two boats to guard the gap in the open gate. Don't let the thief boat in. Remember, this is not for you to kill the enemy, but to intimidate the enemy.

"Don't kill the enemy but want to fight against the enemy? How to do it?"

Liu Zhong said gloomyly, "As long as your appearance stands there, you look like a living king of hell. Do you still need to kill the enemy?"

What Liu Zhong said is exactly what I mean.

Kuai En didn't know whether Liu Zhong's words were harmful or praiseful. He was stunned, ignored Liu Zhong, and arched his hand to me and went down to the city.

I saw that Kuan and others had jumped on the boat and drove to the gap in the open gate. I also issued an order to Sun Jigao: "Take people to destroy the thieves in the city. Remember to keep the boat well.


Sun Jigao took the order.

The thief soldiers probably saw fewer and fewer arrows and arrows in the city. It was estimated that the guards had no choice but to take them, so they carefully cut the wall. Even if they saw that Kawne led the ship to plug the gap in the fence, it did not affect their actions.

When Sun Jigao brought the boat out, the thieves collected the long axes and hammers. The thief ship sailed to the gap in the open grid and tried to attack Kuan inside and outside. Either rush out by yourself or let the boat outside rush in.

I didn't expect that the cut open gate gap was too narrow, and as soon as Keen's ship crossed there, it sealed the gap. The thieves were already afraid of this so-called "black-faced boiling stars", and the repeated attacks of the thief ship outside were killed by Kwai En. Finally, I stopped in the distance and dared not come back.

This is a pain for those ships that came in early. He did not dare to attack Kuo En, and was chased away by Sun Jigao, and there was no time to cut the open gate elsewhere.

It won't take long for these ships to be subdued. Thieves either killed or surrendered, and the ship was completely taken back to the water city.

The thief's first attack from the sea ended hastily. However, I always feel that things are far from being so simple.

Before the general attack, send a small group of troops to test attack, which is the usual way for Yao Sheng and others. But there are too few people sent today, and only a few boats wave long axes and hammers to destroy the city walls or entrances? This is impossible. What exactly do they want to do?

The thief army is the attacker, and they can take the initiative to choose the opportunity to fight. When the situation is unfavorable or tired, the thief army can choose to rest temporarily. Our army is a defense. We can't estimate when the battle will start. We can only estimate the most unfavorable situation to defend.

Because of the uncertainty of the battle time and the urgency of city-building time, we can say that we are competing with time itself. Multiple bases of soil and a more compaction of a wall to suppress every attack of the enemy is to reduce the danger by one point.

Time is also very important for the thief. The longer it is delayed, the stronger Haiyan City from a small point of view will hinder its offensive strategy, and from a large point of view, it may attract officers and soldiers supported by other parties.

Although the thieves did not invade half an inch of Haiyan City, the continuous siege made us deeply troubled. At this time, the thief soldiers are more difficult to deal with than the thief soldiers they met in Wujun, Huiji and Juzhang before. Although there are still no tactics to speak of, it is no longer a mess, and more importantly, what is more worrying is that they have begun to use wheel battles frequently!

This tactic is indeed the biggest threat to our army. Although we can still resist the attack of thieves, many people take two or three days to get a complete sleep. In the sentence, the food worries of the stream have completely turned into sleep worries after the sea salt.

Our army dealt with the thief army in Xiaoxi, but I didn't expect them to use it to deal with us now.

Bao Wu is also deeply worried about this: "If it goes on like this, the situation is extremely unfavorable to us."

I looked at the county magistrate's eyes because of lack of sleep and said, "The wheel battle of the thief army is indeed very troubled by our army. Although our army takes turns to rest, no one can rest well in the current situation.

"Do you think there is a way to change the current situation?"

I thought for a moment and said, "If you just want to build a city, it doesn't seem to be a good idea. Maybe at the moment when Haiyan City was built, our defenders had all been consumed by the enemy. I think it's better to attack and defend like in sentences and streams.

Bao Sizhi came over and said, "This is a good idea!" Instead of waiting for death, it's better to go out for a fight.

As soon as Bao Hu heard his son's words, he immediately corrected and said, "Why do you sit back and wait for death?" That's sitting and waiting for the enemy!"

Bao Sizhi found that he was unscrupulous and said something unlucky just now. He hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, it's better to go out and kill him than to sit and wait for the enemy."

"Good!" I said, "There are 2,000 soldiers in your county, plus the 500 people I brought from every sentence, a total of 2,500 people. Although many sacrifices have been made in the past few days, hundreds of new recruits have been recruited, and the strength to defend the city should be sufficient. I'm going to form a death squad and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.