Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 27 Young Hero 1

A burst of cheers suddenly sounded in the city, and the newborn birds were scared to fly around.

Bao Bu led a large group of people to the city.

A man walked out of the crowd and arched his hand to Bao Hu and said to me, "Thanks to Liu Sima and Lord Bao's strategy, they not only annihilated the enemy, but also killed the thief general, which can be said to be a complete victory. It is the blessing of sea salt and the blessing of the country!"

This person turned out to be the county official who had ridiculed us before. Bao lou said, "Brother Quan Lai Deyu has this great victory."

I hurriedly arched to everyone and said, "This battle is due to the strength of our sea salt army and the people. How dare we have such a great reputation? I will report the battle to General Daojian and ask for a reward for those who have made contributions.

Bao also said, "Yes, that's right. I also want to ask you to draft a document and send it to the Ming court.

Everyone is even happier to hear such encouragement.

Just like the battle between Liu Laozhi and Xie Yan to seize grain and fodder in Wu County, we deliberately released more than a dozen thief soldiers. I believe that after their description, this Haiyan City will always become an indelible nightmare for the thief soldiers.

Killing the thief Lu Gui was an unexpected result. I ordered his head to be cut off and hung on the head of the city, juxtapose with Yao Sheng's head. In this small Haiyan City, he killed the marshal of the thief army in the first battle and shot the general of the thief army in the first battle. It's a great achievement!

After this battle, the thief soldiers should not have the idea of Haiyan City in the short term.

Bao is in a very good mood. Although he is only a county magistrate, his appointment was not determined by the state government, but by the imperial court. He, who was favored by heaven, made some great contributions to repay the pride of the court. Now that he has achieved such a great victory, his gratitude to me is completely expressed. Although I was eager to go to Shanghai for blaspite, Bao Hu and the people in the county forced us to attend the captive ceremony.

Although there are not many prisoners, Bao Bu is ready to solemnly escort them to Jiankang to dedicate them to the emperor. Previously, Liu prisoner also offered prisoners when he conquered Wu County and Huiji. The formal significance of offering a prisoner is far greater than the practical effect. Not only the emperor, but also the officials and people of Jiankang are happy to see such a grand event.

Under Bao's forced stay, I had to take the main officer to the captive ceremony.

The ceremony venue is located in a simple county government. Inside the house are large and small county officials and officers of two armies lined up, and the streets outside the house are honor guards composed of hundreds of soldiers. Another street set up a banquet to entertain the soldiers I brought from every chapter.

After everyone stood up and knelt down to the emperor's throne, Bao Bulang announced his captive speech. The ceremony was not over until the captive representative was escorted for inspection.

However, before the ceremony was over, many people shouted that they must see the little hero who shot Lu Gui to death.

Only then did we know that Lu Gui was originally very famous in Wujun, Hudu and Haiyan. He was originally a local rich family. With his relatives as a senior official in the court, he did all kinds of unreasonable things. Later, after the decline of his relatives in the court, he defected to Sun En. This Lu Gui has both wealth and power, and is also born with divine power. Before long, he became a general of the thief army. The position is second only to Lu Xun, Yao Sheng and other marshals.

Because Lu Gui has been operating in Wu County and Hudu for many years, whether Sun En is in Huiji or Yongdong, he has always handed over the war between Wu County and Hudu.

Therefore, the general Yao Sheng died, but the general Lu Gui died, but everyone was very happy.

I heard that Lu Gui was shot dead with an arrow more than 100 steps away, and the archery naturally received great attention. Whether it's county officials or officers, they all encouraged them to show their stunts.

Everyone is so enthusiastic, and I naturally want to. After all, after the long and boring captive ceremony, I was also happy to relax. In addition, I can also take this opportunity to show the power of my rule.

"Call Liu Rongzu!" I raised my voice.

Not long after the doorman passed on my call, a clear voice came from outside the door: "Liu Rongzu will listen to the order!"

Then the figure of a young general turned in from the door and gave me a military salute. The young man was handsome and wore a white shirt to make him more heroic.

I said to him, "Rongzu, you know that Lu Gui was shot by you, and you appreciate your archery. I don't know if you can still walk through Yang after drinking wine?

"When the general returns, the last general can naturally walk through Yang in a hundred steps without drinking. After drinking this... Then it can be 120 steps." Liu Rongzu replied.

I was stunned by the crowd and immediately understood. The young general drank some wine and began to gag when he talked to me.

"Haha. One hundred and twenty steps. OK! However, there is a saying that 'the end of the crossbow can't pass through Luzhen'. I'm afraid it may not be possible to add alcohol to one hundred and twenty steps. I know Liu Rongzu's archery, but at this time, I'm also afraid that he will be drunk and talk nonsense.

"If you don't have time, please watch me shoot an arrow."

Liu Rongzu arched his hand and walked out of the door, and took a bow and arrow back in less than a cup of wine. The county government is not spacious, and there is no way to set targets. Liu Rongzu looked around, pulled out two arrows, and said to everyone, "Can you see the crane on the wall?"

There is a wall at the gate of the county government. Although Haiyan City was built in a hurry, the county government still needs to be built according to the pattern stipulated by the imperial court. According to the usual practice, the craftsman drew a picture of a pine crane on thezhao wall. Several cranes patrolled on the ground and trees, and two flew in the sky.

Liu Rongzu said loudly, "There are two flying cranes on each side. I have two arrows in my hand, and I want to shoot two flying cranes in the eyes at the same time.

Although the distance is not far, it is indeed within people's reach for two arrows to shoot at two places and each target. Suddenly, the group was passionate. After whispering to each other, everyone quietly watched how the young general shot two arrows at the same time.

Liu Rongzu put the two arrows on the bow, did not round them first, his hands drooped and calmed for a long time, and then slowly turned around and turned his back to the wall. Put an arrow on the bow, bend down, put the bow in the middle of your legs, and shoot the arrow out backwards. Only a "bang" was heard, and two arrows shot into the wall at the same time. Everyone stared and saw that the two arrows shot into the eyes of the two flying cranes.

Such a magic skill suddenly won applause.

Liu Rongzu straightened up and punched everyone. I can't help but be proud of it.

When I was stationed in Wu County, my younger brother Liu Daogui came to visit me in Wu County. At that time, Liu Huaishen, who came with him all the way, was the father of this young player Liu Rongzu. Liu Huaishen passed by Wu County to Huiji and was going to visit his son. Liu Rongzu has been good at riding and shooting since he was a child, and I recommended him to join the army.

After Liu Zhenzhi broke through the meeting, I met Liu Rongzu again. I have long heard that there was a divine archer in Huiji City that made the thief who attacked Huiji palpitate. Unexpectedly, this divine archer was my nephew. I didn't expect that after joining the army for several years, his shooting skills had reached such an amazing level.