Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 27 Young Hero 2

When I was ordered to keep the sentences last year, I asked for two people, one was Yu Qiujin and the other was Liu Rongzu. Yu Qiujin has experienced hundreds of battles and can help me govern the army and staff; while Liu Rongzu, a divine archer, can use it in extraordinary times.

In the sentence, Liu Rongzu taught the soldiers to practice archery every day. Unfortunately, there were not enough bows and arrows at that time, and Liu Rongzu and his arch battalion were not allowed to fight. It was not until I joined forces with Liu Laozhi to defeat the enemy that Liu Rongzu led the bow barracks to participate in the battle with fire.

At this time, a county official came to me and Baohu and said, "When the city was built, my colleagues and I were very puzzled about the design of the city. Haiyan City is weak and there are few people building the city. Why should we spend all our energy to create some unreal things? Now after this battle, it is understood that this city is also a place to kill the enemy. Liu Sima's ability is not what we and other laymen expected.

"You must not say that. Sea salt is comparable to an unusual city. Since it is a military fortress, naturally everything is for the prevention and extermination of thieves. Those useless things in ordinary cities are eliminated, which is conducive to the addition of offensive and defensive things. That's all. Because I often fight with Sun En, Yao Sheng and others, I know their habits, so this design is also all to deal with Sun En's thief soldiers. Fortunately, it was built and useful, which is a blessing for the country.

Although I am modest, I am also deeply proud of the layout of Haiyan City.

Haiyan City's teaching method is the pattern of Wu County, but it has not been completely copied. Wu Cheng was built by Wu Zixu using the chessboard pattern, in which he also participated in the direction of gossip. However, he used the gossip, and the roads in the city were built in the north-south direction and east-west direction; I used strange gossip, that is, to change the direction of the gossip to build the city. The gate of the outer city is not located in the middle of the city wall, but has a deviation of dozens of steps to 100 steps.

This is the natural power idea described in Mozi. Although such a layout itself cannot generate any power, for the thieves who believe in the heavenly master, this pattern can make them think that we have used some kind of power.

The water and land gate of Wucheng are all to block the enemy soldiers outside the city; the water and land gate of Haiyan City are to trap the enemy soldiers in the city.

The most complicated part is actually in the city. The ground of the whole city is not on a horizontal surface, some are high and some are low. This is my reference to the pattern of Xiaoxi Village. At that time, I thought about how to defeat the enemy in the village if the thief broke through the wall. Fortunately, the thief did not break through the stream, but I think the idea at that time could be completely used in sea salt.

Roads built according to the terrain are also sometimes up and sometimes down, and the bottom or top of the road can also connect with other roads. This refers to the pattern of Wucheng waterway connecting the whole city through bridges under the land road. In this way, Haiyan City has become the only city in the world where roads are crisscrossed but are not connected with each other.

Such a road can only be built in military fortresses such as Haiyan City. Because there are no people, shops or markets in Haiyan City. All it has is the barracks. These roads, these labyrinths, are our sharp weapons to kill the enemy.

During the period of guarding the city, I ignored the complaints of the soldiers and frequently sent troops to shuttle around the city, the purpose of which was to let everyone familiarize everyone with the roads in the city. The enemy who is not familiar with Haiyan City is like being in a hill or a maze.

Even if the enemy marches as a whole team, the beginning and end are not connected, and the left and right do not care about each other. In this situation, it is convenient to disperse a large number of enemy troops so that we can reduce the enemy.

Sea salt lacks stone, rice and other materials for building cities. However, because I had the experience of building a city, I designed a structure for building a stable bridge with wood. Mozi could make flying wooden yuan 700 years ago, and Zhuge Kongming could make walking wooden cattle and flowing horses 200 years ago. Of course, it is not difficult to build a bridge with wood and ramming soil.

The material and manpower required to build a city is huge. We first built the walls of the outer city. While maneuvering with the thief soldiers, the outer city was repaired, raised and strengthened. The original Haiyan City was just an empty and huge armor, while the gradually improved Haiyan City evolved into an attack tool. That's why we don't fight outside the city, but introduce the thief soldiers into the city for annihilation.

The process of changing from armor to attack is extremely imaginative. I asked all the soldiers to be led by a group of eight. This group of people eat, live together, attack and defend together, and also build their own houses. This may make the soldiers familiar with each other in order to realize the strong fighting force of "brothers in war, father and son soldiers in battle".

The founder of this kind of team is Guan Zhong, who assisted Duke Huan of Qi to dominate in the Spring and Autumn Period. By restraining the world with 30,000 people, he cleverly adopted the "Shiwu system" in the army. Later, Shang Yang expanded this system to the people, thus making the whole State of Qin a great country full of soldiers. In Haiyan, I just changed ten people to eight people.

I also spent a lot of time on living in the city. I think it's unique. Because I didn't stipulate what the residence would look like, but gave each group of soldiers a designated site, a certain amount of wood and soil, and they would build their own houses and build whatever they wanted.

It is to use this different-shaped house to make this gossip city more like a maze, more strange and more unique. The sharp weapon of attack sometimes needs some ideas, just like I designed my blade into a strange appearance. Such strangeness is not to be innovative, but to make it do its best.

Since the beginning of the construction of the city, this design has been controversial and questioned. Nevertheless, the soldiers and civilians built Haiyan City according to my ideas.

It is indeed an adventurous move to lure thieves from outside the city to the city to annihilate them. Once failed, my personal reputation will be damaged second, and more than a month of hard work will be in vain.

Therefore, this battle is a complete victory, and my inner joy is naturally unmatched. Since the beginning of the construction of Haiyan City, I hope to build Wucheng like Wu Zixu and make the best use of it. Now it seems that this unique city is really not what I can see.

From this, I can't help thinking that if the offensive and defensive utility of the city can be applied to the formation, it must be an innovation.

Haiyan City is like a phalanx. When defending, it can prevent the enemy from breaking in. When attacking, it can lure the enemy deep and annihilate the enemy in the array. Xiaoxi City borrows the trend of the river to make it difficult for the enemy to approach the city wall, and at the same time arranges guerrilla troops outside the city to disturb the enemy. These two cities can be completely changed into arrays.

At present, I don't have time to study the formation like a city, but in time, I must study more ancient and modern formations to see if I can integrate and array them with my own ideas.