Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 33 Defending Hometown 2

The two armies compete with each other and the brave wins. Throughout the ages, countless war cases have been rare. As long as they can fight with momentum, soldiers can not only block ten, but even fight against a hundred.

Although there are not many soldiers I brought to Dantu, they are very encouraging to the military and the people.

We naturally have a tenacious determination to fight, and the soldiers and people of Dantu seem to be more determined than us under our encouragement. For a while, hundreds of people asked to join the army.

I ordered Yu Qiujin to recruit troops with the Dantu garrison, and ordered a general of Liu Rongzu, Sun Jigao and Meng Huaiyu to select dead soldiers from the veterans of the two armies.

There are a large number of thieves outside the city, and it took a long time to arrange troops, which won me time to plan to defend the city.

Except for the formation used in the fire attack with Liu Laozhi, all offensive and defensive battles have not been officially used. After all, the formation needs enough people to be effective.

The array, either attacking or defending, can advance and retreat, both mutual birth and mutual restraint. The formation with a small number of people is just a bunch of people at best.

Yao Sheng is known as the marshal of the thief,*. He has never used the formation. Unexpectedly, Sun En didn't know when he learned to arrange troops. I'd like to see how Sun En's array is.

Just leave the preparations to Yu Qiujin. I led Meng Huaiyu, Liu Zhong and other people to rest at the top of the city while watching Sun Enbu's array.

To my surprise, Sun En's array still seems to be quite methodical. What he has layout is the oldest of all battle arrays - the phalanx, and it has five major arrays: front, back, left, right and middle.

The phalanx is the ancestor of ten thousand arrays. Its history can be traced back to the time when human beings had war.

The original phalanx is a formation, and the whole army ranks. After listening to the order, the whole team advanced and retreated together. For a scattered army without a formation, the power of the phalanx is conceivable. Just watching a row of people rushing at a neat pace is enough to deter the enemy, not to mention that its attack power is indeed very strong.

However, when the phalanx was adopted by both sides of the war, the advantage of the phalanx disappeared.

So the generals of later generations improved the original single square matrix and formed multiple square arrays. The strategy is implemented with the flexible cooperation of the phalanx, and excellent results have been achieved.

In the spring and autumn, the auxiliary ministers of Duke Huan of Qi set up three armies, and at the same time evolved the original single phalanx into three arrays of left, middle and right, collectively known as the three armies. Under the command of Guan Zhong, the three armies of the State of Qi were invincible to the world. The princes who dominated the world after Duke Huan of Qi, such as Jin and Wu, adopted the three armed forces and gave full play to the space and time advantages of the three armies.

Sun Bin used the way of "Tian Ji's horse racing" to demonstrate the space advantages of the three armies to King Wei of Qi: the upper army against the Chinese army, the Chinese army against the lower army, and the lower army defense.

Duke Wen of Jin and Duke Xiang of Jin took advantage of the time advantage of the three armies against the powerful State of Chu: one army was sent every year to attack, and the other two armies were recuperated. The next year, another army attacked, and the two armies were still recuperating, which made the army of the State of Chu exhausted year by year.

The formation of the three armies can only be called the military system. The emergence of the front and rear array makes the phalanx with five arrays truly become a combination of attack and defense. The left and right arrays reflect the space advantage of the battle; the front and back arrays take the time advantage of attack and defense in turn.

These five square arrays are the prototype of the " gossip array" known to later generations. The so-called gossip array takes the front array of the five arrays as the vanguard, the left and right array as the two wings, the middle array as the main force, and the rear array as the auxiliary attack.

The above five arrays are called "positive arrays". If the strange soldiers arranged behind the phalanx are divided into separate columns, four more "strange arrays" will be performed, thus forming a gossip array of the Chinese army in the middle, with four positive and four strange arrays deployed around it.

The gossip array is suitable for the situation where the Chinese army has a large number of people, the strength of the Chinese army, and the cooperation of many arms. The two strange soldiers in the rear wing of the Bagua array are ambush and one is a reserve.

Because the form of these nine arrays is a large array in the middle and eight small arrays outside, which looks very much like the Taiji gossip map, some generals often name these nine arrays after the gossip. Although some people have used the gossip in the Book of Changes to evolve this array until today, I thought it was far-fetched.

"Brother Deyu, what do you think of Sun En's array?" Meng Huaiyu watched me staring at the thieves and soldiers. After a long time, she couldn't help asking.

I replied, "That's right."

"Oh? So..." Meng Huaiyu's face showed a worried look.

I said, "For a person who is not good at arrays, such a formation is not bad. However, in my opinion, this array is nothing more than an empty shelf.

"What's the point?"

"What do you think is the difference between these five arrays?"

Meng Huaiyu looked carefully again, shook his head and said, "There is no difference."

"Do you have any rules to follow for the arrangement of each array?"

"I can't see it. But the queue is tight.

"Hmm. The tightness of the queue just shows that this array is empty.

"Why is this?"

"The so-called formation is not a formation, but depends on whether there is coordination between the formations and whether there is a combination of arms. Whether it is strict or not is secondary. Isn't it empty that Sun En made this array so strict and completely ignored the formation?

Meng Huaiyu touched her beard and said, "That's true. However, this is just my guess, maybe not all. He may be the oldest phalanx. As long as the array is not chaotic, the power is not small.

I smiled and said, "If it's really as strict as you said, then it's not Sun En's thief. If you have trained, you naturally know how long it will take for the Beifu Army to practice a formation.

Meng Huaiyu agrees with me very much: "It's true. After all, the formation is practiced, not displayed.

I nodded.

This array is not that simple.

The first thing for soldiers is to march and fight, or " march and array".

Those who fight, attack the city and annihilate the enemy; those who array subjure people's soldiers without fighting.

Guan Zhong led the army of Qi to the territory of Chu, and the Chu army surrendered without fighting and completely accepted Guan Zhong's accusations. One of the reasons for defeating Chu soldiers without fighting is that Guan Zhong represents the king of Zhou and has the first morality; the second reason is that Guan Zhong has a powerful enemy. Although the Chu army was strong, it naturally took morale when it saw that the Qi army was strict.

In the battle of Yushui, the reason why Fu Jian, with a million army, was afraid of only 50,000 soldiers and soldiers was because he saw the appearance of the Beifu army before the war. This kind of military appearance comes from the formation.

Array, like a game. Before the beginning, the chess game between the enemy and me was the same, and the formation was simple and clear. But after the beginning, the situation has changed a lot. Those with good chess skills can make the enemy at a loss, and the enemy's whole army can be destroyed before one move.

However, no matter how important the formation is, it is not as important as military orders and constraints. The formation is only the surface, and whether the soldiers can fight and whether their morale can be fought is the key to victory or defeat.

(PS: Today, I officially entered the homepage of the boutique text recommendation.

Just entered the first part from today, and a few days later this week is the beginning of the second part. Please put this work on the bookshelf for collection! Xiaohu will continue to cheer.

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