Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 34 Wild Goose Array

The real general, or the so-called "there is no one in the chest" without the ancient law, or the "million arrays in the chest" as well as the palm of the ancient array, is not as important as the prohibition. Such a queue is the best array that can achieve "corresponding on the surface, saving each other at the beginning and end; the team is compatible with different shapes and names; the rush is not chaotic and unmoved".

Although I have not been on the battlefield many times in the past ten years, in terms of understanding of the array, at least in the whole Beifu army, I should be at the forefront. Therefore, when I look at the five squares under Ming Sun En's hem in Dantu City, the way to crack it is clear.

"Do you think Brother Deyu must have a way to solve it?"

I replied, "Wait for me to break it with 'the wild goose array'."

Meng Huaiyu looked at the array of the thief army again and nodded, "Well, this is a way to crack, but it's a pity that there are not enough troops."

"Exed. However, how can there be a perfect time to march and fight? Only when soldiers come to block and respond to the enemy can they have a chance to defeat the enemy.

"How to make this 'wis goose array'?"

Compared with the phalanx, the geese array is a typical strange array. This formation is like a formation of geese flying in the sky. At the front of the team is the head geese, and then it unfolds in two columns, and the whole formation becomes a gong shape.

The head goose is the sharp cone. It will pierce the enemy's array at a very fast speed, tear the enemy's array open, and the goose will take advantage of the situation to get into the enemy's array. The wild goose formation that entered the enemy array remained unchanged and continued to attack forward until the enemy array was torn into two. Once the enemy array is torn apart, the formation will be completely destroyed. As soon as the formation is chaotic, the commander will mess up the military order, and the captain, Shichang and the commander will become a plate of scattered sand due to panic.

The most important thing in this array is the breakthrough power of the head geese and the cooperative defense of the geese. Although the array can produce strong lethality after successfully breaking through the enemy array, once it fails to break through, the head geese will face a great threat. Because once this formation is put out, even for those who don't understand the formation, it is not difficult to see that restricting the head geese is the key to breaking the array. The enemy soldiers will naturally attack the head goose with all their strength.

Because the head goose is attacked by the enemy, once the head goose fails to break through, the goose will close to the head, flatten the pointed head, and cover the head with the strength of the side. The head geese can thus calmly observe the enemy's array and look for another chance to break through. Ensuring the safety of the head goose is the key to the unbreakable formation.

Although this array combines attack and defense and complements each other, the biggest disadvantage is precisely because its assault power is too strong. Once the wild geese falls into the enemy, if the situation is unfavorable, there will be no chance to withdraw from the enemy array. And once it is broken and surrounded by enemy soldiers, it is impossible for friendly troops to save them. Therefore, whether it is successful or not, the attacking wild geese can only fight alone.

Because of this drawback, although the attack power of the geese array is extremely strong, the geese array is usually used as a strange array of defense in ancient and modern battlefields.

When the enemy attacks, a wild goose array showing a fierce offensive appears from the flank or rear wing, which will affect the attacker's morale and morale. The sudden impact of the wild goose array will greatly weaken the enemy's offensive. The only thing that the wild geese array can exert its power is only one or two attacks. Success or failure is crucial.

"The array I have is different from the general wild goose array. Although the wild goose array has a similar breakthrough power to the gong-shaped array, the characteristic of my 'goose array' is that it strengthens the attack power of long-range weapons, so that the long weapon located in the body of the geese is not only an attack tool for assault, but also a defense tool to protect archers.

"Long-range weapon? If you really want to arrange so many archers to participate in hand-to-hand combat in the array, I'm afraid it is a rare battle in ancient and modern times.

Hearing Meng Huaiyu say this, I just smiled.

Meng Huaiyu asked again, "How sure are you about defeating the enemy?"

"I'm not completely sure whether I can defeat the enemy. But I am sure that at least it can power the enemy, make Sun En give up attacking Dantu and Jingkou City, and save these two cities for the time being. Of course, I didn't have such confidence at first, but after thinking about the tactics of the wild geese array, I became more sure.

"Is it?"

I smiled at Meng Huaiyu and said, "Sun En's array has great weakness. I don't know if you can see it? No matter what kind of array it is, the head and tail are difficult to destroy. The most common soft ribs are in the middle. The ancient long snake array is an excellent formation to cover the middle.

However, it is precisely because the head and tail of the long snake array take into account the cover of the middle that the attack power is sacrificed, so that this formation is easily restrained by the enemy's small force. In the end, like the name of this formation, the 'long snake' was surrounded by the enemy and finally swallowed not the enemy, but its own tail.

"Well, such an ancient formation is no longer used in modern times."

"Exact. Sun En's phalanx doesn't care about the head and tail. The phalanx faces the enemy with a square side, which is usually equipped with the most elite weapons and the strongest soldiers. Therefore, it has the best attack and defense. This edge can't be called the head, nor the middle, let alone the tail. So where is the weakness of this formation?

Meng Huaiyu, who was suddenly cheerful, patted the wall with her palm and laughed happily, "Except for the side facing the enemy head-on, there are weak spots everywhere!"

"Yes! That's exactly what I want to attack."

"However," Meng Huaiyu's face looked melancholy after thinking about it, "but this array sounds so complicated that can it be practiced in a short time?"

"The veterans I brought should be unimpeded. Similar arrays have been used in sentences and sea salt. Although this battle is complicated, Dantu's defenders are all Beifu soldiers. As long as the gist of the performance is explained, it will be very easy for them to get started.

"I don't have much time."

Now Dantu City is like a boat in the torrent. The boat has made countless whirlpools among countless whirlpools, but fortunately it did not sink into the bottom of the water with the undercurrent. But whether it can withstand the roaring flood from the distance, the boat can't determine its fate.

Standing at the head of the city, I can fully understand the great pressure of the defenders in the city. Perhaps, most of them have never seen such a large enemy in their lives, let alone the huge phalanxes under the city. The area occupied by the five phalanxes is not much smaller than that of Dantu City.

Most of the land occupied by Dantu City is houses and streets, while most of the land occupied by the phalanx under the city is only people! Enemy!

The noise outside the city is in sharp contrast to the silence in the city. Under such circumstances, after a long silence, people's courage will only fade away little by little. I believe that the speed of Sun En's deployment is indeed very slow, but I also suspect that he intends to do so.

Although I don't have much direct contact with Sun En, the more I have contact with him, the more I feel that he is indeed a great person. This person who doesn't know anything about soldiers and war has honed himself in repeated defeats. After every battle, I found that he had improved.

Sun En first found that he was not a general, but handed over the command to his generals; then he learned to use his numerical advantage to carry out wheel battles; now he found the subtlety of the formation and began to try to set up the array.

He arrays with a huge army under the city in an orderly and slow manner, which has to make people suspect that he is using the most reasonable words in the military book "condescending soldiers without fighting".