Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 35 Dantu's Bloody Battle 2

Once we get out of the city, the defenders will immediately close the gate. Whether we live or die, we will not open the gate again. Fight against the city, but there is no way back. Scholars have the will to die, and people have no worries. How can they not fight bravely to kill the enemy?

The prepared crossbow in the city shot a burst of force, forcing the thief soldiers to retreat from the gate. As soon as the gate was lifted, I rushed out first and took the lead in cutting off a ladder erected at the gate of the city...

A gust of wind just blowing from the river seemed to freeze in the air in an instant. I waved away the solemn air in front of me and took a step forward. My steps are so heavy that I can't hold back. However, my heart is extremely light, and a heart seems to fly out of the sky. Above the clouds, I breathed the fresh air happily.

When I stood in front of the gate of Dantu with a bloody moon knife, countless soldiers and people poured out of the gate. They have been so proud that they have forgotten that there is a battlefield full of corpses outside the city, and that outside the moat is a military forbidden place that cannot be set foot according to military orders.

Behind me are more than 100 bloody warriors like me.

Behind these soldiers is Sun En's army that fled to the river.

I can't remember the process of the battle. I only remember that after I led the warriors to rush through the moat, I quickly restored the formation of the geese array in the fight with the enemy.

Before the enemy could be stunned, we rushed over like geese.

My thinking stopped at that time. I only remember that I kept moving my footsteps and waving the moon knife in my hand. At that moment, it suddenly seemed to return to the outside of Wujun City that day. It is also outside the city, also surrounded by enemies, and also waving a long knife. The only difference is that there is a group of soldiers behind me with long guns and halberd like me. Among these soldiers, there was also a group of archers with arrows.

We rushed to the most densely populated Chinese army. Where it has passed, there is only one bloody road left.

The enemy is crazy, and our army is even crazier! We quickly inserted the front and middle array and took the rear army directly. The three arrows on each archer's back quickly shot. They pulled out their knives and daggers and joined in a hand-to-hand fight. Thieves have probably never seen such a murderous and bloody enemy. Hundreds of blood people shouted and swarmed to kill. How can it not make people feel scared?

Although the Chinese army is Sun En's elite, it is also the primary target of our army's attack. As soon as the Chinese army collapsed, other armies were also defeated. By defeating the enemy, killing the enemy is as easy as cutting vegetables. The thief soldier with weapons seems to have forgotten that the weapons in his hand can also be used for self-defense, just shouting and fleeing or causing his neck to be killed.

The outside of Dantu City has almost become a slaughter place for thief soldiers. In addition to grabbing the boat and returning to the heart of the river, all the enemies, including those who did not escape in time on Garlic Mountain, were killed, squeezed to death and trampled to death.

At the beginning of the battle, most of the physical exhausting is fighting; at the end of the battle, most of the physical exhausting is chasing.

Each of us has a supreme sacred mission in our hearts: even if we spit blood and die, we must expel every enemy from our home!

When I dragged my tired pace to Dantu City, I even had a strange feeling: it was like we were staggering and losing the war. Our steps are like decaying autumn leaves, but our expression is a brilliant spring day.

I don't know who took my moon knife, and I don't care anymore;

I don't know who took my body, and I can't help it.

I and the surviving warriors were thrown into the air by the crazy crowd again and again. We endured the physical pain and forgave the ignorance of those who threw us away, and our hearts were both exciting and calm. Mo Ru is also willing to die like this.

Finally, after Meng Huaiyu's several soldiers stopped, the crowd realized that each of us had different injuries and stopped their crazy throwing.

They cheered and carried us into the city with people as sedan chairs.

What greeted us in the city were flags and petals flying all over the sky, as well as cloth and paper of various colors.

The wind that could not be felt outside the city turned into the city. I looked up to the sky and saw many colorful things flying happily over the city.

The streets are full of people, and our "sedan chair" can't be crowded at all. So people raised their hands and relayed us into the county government according to the order of their own soldiers. There have been military doctors waiting there for a long time.

In a short time, Li Xu and several other military doctors waiting at the head of the city were also transmitted to the county government in the same way.

Because I am a goose, the wound is in front of my body. He was stabbed in the chest and stabbed in the arm. Fortunately, everything is fine. Although several are seriously injured, their lives are not in danger for the time being. Only one wounded soldier injured two ribs during the crowd throwing process.

Nearly an hour later, the crowd on the street slowly dispersed. Meng Huaiyu and others can squeeze back from the city to the county government.

He told me: "There are tens of thousands of enemies this time! It's really a great victory!"

"Ten thousand people!" I was shocked to hear it.

"Exed. In this way, nearly 30 or 40 people were killed by each person. It's not that he escaped from injury.

No matter how many enemies are annihilated, what I know is that the victory of this battle really comes from the time, place and people.

In the sky, the enemy's morale is not full, and our morale is strong.

The land is strong, the enemy is in the land, and I am in the city. The death squad went out of the city and closed the gate to death, so that each of the dead could block a hundred.

People and people, we are the victorious generals and the enemy is the defeated generals. The two generals are united, and their morale is strong and weak.

In fact, many thieves were trampled to death because the team was in a panic, just like the last battle in a sentence. Sun Wuzi's "warriors who subdued people without fighting" has evolved into "a soldier who subdued people by fighting" in me.

Before nightfall, several invitations were posted. These are all stickers from people with faces in the place, inviting the death squad and the main generals of the garrison to the banquet.

These people are all rich people in their hometown. Even if you don't have the intention to make friends, you can't offend. However, this is far from the time to celebrate. I had to apologize for my physical inconvenience and refuse them all.

The county guard of Jingkou also sent a government official to bring several famous doctors from Jingkou to visit the injury. One of them is still an acquaintance.

The 70-year-old doctor turned his head to worship me as soon as he saw me. I was so panicked that I bowed down. Regardless of the presence of others, he must undress and examine the wounds that others have treated again.

He looked at it carefully for a long time, and his expression couldn't help but become surprised.

(PS: ** before the warm-up. Let's see how the slave completely defeated Sun En. Please put it in the bookshelf collection!)