Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 35 Dantu's Bloody Battle 1

If Sun En does not die early, it will certainly cause great harm in the future.

The drill of the geese array only took more than half an hour. Obviously, there is not enough time. In the Beifu Army, any formation needs to be drilled for several months before it can be practiced. However, I think the half hour of practice in Dantu is enough to face the enemy.

The reason why it takes months to practice ordinary formations is that the soldiers have no sense of urgency. If you can't practice at one time, you can practice again in the next day; if you can't practice in the next day, you can practice again next month.

It's completely different now.

The current situation is that the best time for the military and civilians to withdraw from Dantu City has been missed, and once Sun En breaks the city, he will be threatened to slaughter the city.

Every general knows that this is a battle of survival.

Every order and every action is related to the life and death of all soldiers and all the people.

How many times can a person's life meet to determine the opportunity of a life?

If we only have once in our lives, then this time is today, at this time.

This half of the time is most likely to be the time and life of a lifetime. Who can not be exhausted, who can not be careful, and who can not work hard?

Maybe practicing again, even for a moment, can make the soldiers more proficient in the formation, but I know we don't have much time. What the soldiers need most at this moment is rest. Me too.

I don't know how long I slept. When I was awakened by the guard from a fake sleep, I suddenly thought that I had been sleeping for several days.

The guard trembled at me: "It seems that the thief is going to attack the city."

I stood up, smiled at him, patted him on the chest and said, "Before the war, everyone will be timid. After the real fight, you won't be afraid.

The soldier grinned with a smile on his face. Laughing badly.

After I walked out of the tower and went to the city stack to take a closer look, I became more confident in fighting against the enemy soldiers. Although the thief army came by boat, they have been rehearsing their formation since they landed, exhausting their physical strength. Although our army has been running for a long distance, it has been resting in the city after a full meal, and its physical strength has recovered. Moreover, most of the death squads are Dantu's defenders, and their physical strength is very good.

I didn't startle the death squad, but just reiterated the gist of defending the city to the officers, and still went back to the tower to rest. However, this time I didn't fall asleep, but repeatedly interpreted the formation in my mind to be foolproof.

I am the leader of this team. Once my leader makes a mistake, I will lose not only my personal life, but also the lives of the whole death squad. And not only lost the lives of the death squad and Dantu soldiers and civilians, but even after the loss of Dantu, the thief soldiers can ** the important town of Jingkou and the capital Jiankang. To put it more seriously, the safety of the whole Jin Kingdom is in this move. You must be cautious!

The offensive drums under the city have been beat, and the defensive drums on the city have also echoed. From the tower, the high-sounding sound of Meng Huaiyu commanding the soldiers to defend the city penetrated from the deafening shouts - the offensive and defensive battle has begun.

I got up and stood at the gate of the tower, looking at the soldiers guarding the city. I just hope that the soldiers at the head of the city can resist the attack of the vanguard of the thief soldiers. When the war between the enemy and us enters the white heat and everyone's energy is focused on attacking and defending the city, it is a good opportunity for us to take action.

Although the shouting of killing in the city is like a huge wave, coming one after another, roaring and earth-shaking, the defense of the city is not slacking at all. I can't help but look at Meng Huaiyu, a member of the Dantu Shou general: his calmness and calmness are better than those of Yu Qiujin and Sun Ji. I have only dictated the method of defending the city several times, and he can skillfully apply it in the defense of the city.

With Meng Huaiyu in the city and the assistance of Sun Jigao, the first wave of attacks should be unimpeded.

At this time, the panic I saw when I first entered the city has disappeared.

People's fears are usually like this. At the moment before the danger arrives, fear will reach its peak. Once people bear the attack at that moment, fear will collapse thousands of miles like a defeated soldier, and those who restrain their fear will suddenly become dead and become bold. The same is true of soldiers in the battlefield. Once the war starts and there is no way to retreat, they will be energetic and brave to take the lead.

What I see now is exactly this state.

Maybe Sun En has gone through dozens of battles and has a higher understanding of war. Maybe through the guidance of others, Sun En is obviously more aware of war than before. This time, instead of rushing to the siege as before, the siege soldiers were divided into several teams. The five phalanxes placed outside the city are used for wheel battles. At present, the front is attacking the city, and the other four are watching the battle. Such a situation is really worrying.

This is like a sea tide. If there is a huge wave, everyone will be extremely alert to it. Everyone knows that as long as they withstand this wave peak, everything will be safe. But if the sea tide comes in waves and waves, people's vigilance will be reduced.

The rising tide will gradually invade and eventually sink the whole beach or even the dyke into it. To illustrate, this is the so-called "one drum, then decline, and three exhaustion". This is true for the attacking side and the same for the defending side.

After more than half an hour, the soldiers on the tower gradually became tired, and the enemy's offensive, which replaced the front instead of the front, did not weaken at all. We have no military advantage at this time. Obviously, we can't rely on the main battle, but need to use the strange battle.

I walked to Meng Huaiyu and reminded him, "Don't slack off."

He nodded and said, "Brother Deyu has told me before that continuous attacks require the most vigilance. I will urge everywhere to be careful."

"That's good. I'm ready to go to the city."

Meng Huaiyu followed me into the tower and helped me put on my armor. Then he solemnly saluted me solemnly: "Be careful! Waiting for you to come back!"

"Hmm." After I returned the gift, I took the moon knife and walked out of the tower.

Before going down the city, I finally glanced at the city: the enemies in the distance were like a calm lake, but the enemies nearby were like the tide of Zhejiang. It seems that this small Dantu City will be completely submerged.

When I walked to the bottom of the city, the 300 dead men were all dressed, each holding halberd and bows, lined up, and formed three huge triangles in the open space in the gate.

I walked to the two vice generals, patted them on the shoulder, and encouraged them. These two vices lead the left and right two arrays respectively. I led the formation. The front position of the triangle in the middle array is empty. This is exactly where I am.

I walked to my position, looked at all the soldiers in the death squad, raised the knife in my hand and shouted, "Kill!"

"Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!" All the soldiers raised their weapons.

(PS: The first day's "home boutique text recommendation" works well. Thank you for your support!

The plot is gradually entering**, please put it into the bookshelf collection and enjoy the legend of heroes with Xiaohu.)