Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 37 Meet the Emperor

After Sun En retreated from Dantu, he did not go down the current to Shanghai for deblaspense, but attacked Jiankang against the current.

Jiankang, called Jianye in the Wei Dynasty, was the capital of the State of Wu. Although it was built as hard as a rock when Sun Quan was in power, after all, the company suffered a fire. Although the city has been expanded, the city wall has not yet been repaired. If these 100,000 thieves attack the city, in case the stone city is not guaranteed, the emperor and the country will be in danger.

I bid farewell to the Dantu garrison and led my army and Meng Huaiyu's help to go up the river to pursue Sun En. In the past few months, they have turned to Haiyan, Lou County and Dantu. Every place has come and go in a hurry, and the soldiers are extremely tired. I also have no choice. Now it is a very special time, and there is nothing else to think about except for war.

is marching, and a flying horse arrived in the distance. When the man came nearby, I saw that he was his younger brother Liu Daogui. He was stopped by the guards from afar and couldn't come close. I hurriedly ordered Liu Zhong to bring him.

"Brother, it's polite." Liu Daogui came over, saluted me immediately, and then turned the horse's head to keep pace with me.

"What are you doing here?"

"The family asked me to say hello to my brother."

"I'm fine. At this time, the military is in a hurry and does not care about family affairs. Go back."

Taoist rules were stunned for a moment and glanced at the soldiers who were marching. They wanted to say something but never spoke. After a long time, they said, "Little brother, I wish you a victory. I take care of everything at home. Please rest assured, brother!"

"Go quickly." I waved to him.

Taoist rules took out a small bag from his chest and gave it to me, and then told him, "The battlefield is dangerous. Take care, brother!" After saying that, he turned his horse and was ready to leave.

"Tao rules." I stopped him.

Daogui turned around and said, "Brother, what's the matter?"

He has been calling me "brother" just now, but now he has changed back to his childhood name. This "brother" made me feel hot, and I felt that I seemed to be too cold to him just now. So I softened my tone and called his nickname and said, "A Ze, do you remember the recorder I brought out when I left Beijing?"

"Remember the one who died outside Wujun City?"

"Exact. You go to find his mother after you go back to Beijing. Alas... I don't even know if she is still there. Let's see what's difficult. You can help me. Her son followed me out and didn't seek glory and wealth. Instead..." Speaking of this, my throat choked.

"Brother, I know."

"In addition, has the Shen family settled down?"

"I have found a house to settle them down."

"That's good. Go quickly."

"Brother, take care, I'm back." After saying that, Daogui arched his hand at me, turned the horse's head, and slowly turned back in the direction of Jingkou City step by step.

Looking at Liu Daogui's fading away, I feel very lonely. After a year away from home, the military career makes people have no time to take care of family affairs, and once they touch the bottom of their hearts, the feelings of missing are as uncontrollable as turning over the sea. I suddenly felt that my eyes were moist. Maybe the horse ran so fast that it shed tears in the wind.

Fifty miles away from Jiankang, Sun En's fleet was seen coming downstream from the direction of Jiankang. At the same time, he received a war report from Jiankang: Liu Baozhi has led troops into Stone City and laid a defense line. Sun En learned that Liulao had returned to defense against Jiankang, and the whole army withdrew.

Before, Sima Yuanxian set up a heavy water barrier on the river road from Wu County to Jiankang, but did not stop Sun En from going back to the water. Sun En's water army has repeatedly created Sima Yuanxian's two armies of water and land, which is as powerful as a broken bamboo. For a while, Jiankang was in danger.

However, just as Sun En arrived at Stone City and was about to order the whole army to land, he learned that Liu Prison had led the army to Jiankang. As soon as Sun Engang fought, he hurriedly collected his troops before winning or losing. Sun En was worried that while Liu Prison would deal with him outside Jiankang City, he would mobilise troops to block the river from the downstream and trap him on the river. So I hurried to retreat.

It seems that Sun En is indeed afraid of me and Liu prison like a beast.

I didn't have a navy in my hand, so I couldn't go to the river to pursue it, so I had to continue to march to Jiankang. In order to prevent Sun Ensheng from attacking east and west, Liu Laozhi stationed his army in Jiankang and Stone, while I stationed by the river outside the city. It took a few days to lift the crackdown.

A few months later, Liu Laozhi and I met again when we were debriefing in Jiankang City.

Liu prison, who was sitting in the hall, accepted my salute and greeted him and said with a smile, "General Liu is exempt from the gift!"

I heard Liu's call "General Liu" and quickly turned my head and looked left and right. There was no one else beside me, so I confirmed suspiciously: "General Daojian, I'm Liu Yu."

Liu Fuzhi held my arm and said, "I'm calling you. General Liu Yu!"

I couldn't speak with a stunned face.

Liu Jaozhi laughed and said, "I have shown it the day before yesterday and reported your achievements to the Holy Sage. In view of your repeated great achievements in this expedition against Sun En, the emperor is determined to appoint you as a general and stationed in Jiankang as a garrison general. Probably, I will also grant you a title."

I was very happy to hear this and bowed to Liu Prison again: "Thank you for the promotion!"

"There is no need to thank me, let alone thank me. Deyu, you have long had the talent of a general, but it's just that you didn't make achievements at the right time. Earlier, you and I did not have a deep relationship, and Sun Wu finally recommended you many times, saying that your generals are far away from many generals in the dynasty. I have heard a lot about you, so I not only transferred you to my account, but also tried to appoint you as Sima.

"I don't need to say more about the talent of virtue, or martial arts, or military tactics, or strategy. The rank of general is too late for you. You take it for granted."

"Shame! Shame!"

In the evening, Liu Laozhi held a banquet in the house to entertain the civilian generals who accompanied him on the southern expedition. This time, it depends on everyone's concertedness to rescue Jiankang from danger, and everyone is happy with each other. And don't say much.

In the morning of the next day, I left the city and transferred hundreds of my subordinates from outside the city into Jiankang City to serve as the guard of Jiankang City.

After Sun En gave up attacking Jiankang, Jiankang City returned to its previous well-being. The residents of the city do not seem to be affected by the upcoming war. The difference is that there are three steps, one post, five steps and one post in the city, and the defense is much stricter than before.

The generals in the army, regardless of their official positions, divide their respective duty areas for patrol, and are extremely busy every day.

After five or six days of hard work, I received an order from the court to meet with several successful generals who were successful in suppressing thieves and one of Liu prison.

This is the first time I have entered the palace in my life and the first time in my life that I have seen His Majesty the Emperor with my own eyes. As soon as I entered the court, I followed Liu prison and worshipped him. I was so frightened that I couldn't add it. Carefully follow the guidance of the ceremonial officer on the first day, for fear that the etiquette of Mr. Face will make some mistakes.

Although it has long been known that the current government is upheld by the father and son of the king of Huiji, I never expected that the son of Huiji in the court was not standing in the queue of courtiers, but sitting on the side of the dragon case. Sitting behind the dragon case is naturally the current emperor.

The two people sitting next to the dragon case are about 20 years old, and they are both beautiful and graceful. I thought to myself: Sure enough, he is the emperor and the king, and his appearance is indeed extraordinary! But only the one on the side of the dragon case spoke, and the emperor after the dragon case hardly made a sound.

After secretly geek at the dragon case, I quickly lowered my head. I lay there for a long time. Although my knees hurt, I didn't dare to move. Hearing the clear inquiry of the son of Huiji and the cautious response of General Zhenbei, I felt even more frightened.