Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 38 Official Leader

Sima Yuanxian seems to be clear about the achievements of every general he met. Every time he read the name of a general, he counted his achievements as if he were reciting a book.

Every time a general was praised, the ministers praised:

"General Liu Prison is brave! Good luck to the emperor!"

"Liu Yu Sima is brave! Good luck to the emperor!"

After the completion of the statement, that is, on top of the court, the emperor ordered me to appoint me as General Jianwu, the leader of Pi Taishou, and the title of Marquis of Guan Nei, and the establishment of General Jianwu's Mansion in Jingkou. In addition, the general's crown was awarded by Sima Yuanxian himself.

The award of the general's crown by the auxiliary minister in place of the emperor is undoubtedly an honor that many veterans who have galloped on the battlefield for decades may not be able to get. The emperor's royal gift and the personal instruction of the prince of Huiji seem to be the compensation for the rank of general who came too late. As a general, it is a lifelong blessing to be able to ascend to this world. I can't help but be grateful. With the kindness of this emperor, I will not hesitate to go through fire and water.

The so-called General Jianwu and the leader of the Taishou, in fact, only the general is the real position, but the Taishou is not.

Although the emissary is a local county guard, the emissary actually does not have to take office. At present, the real Xia Pi County is not in the actual controllable territory of the State of Jin. Xia Pi is at the forefront between the State of Jin and the State of Yan, and is a place of military struggle between the two countries. There are no permanent residents there for a long time, only wandering refugees.

Because Xia Pi is close to Beijing, I know something about the situation there. It is difficult to understand why so many refugees gathered in the cities where the Jin and Yan armies came and went?

People who fled from the north to Jingkou said that the refugees there came not only from Jin and Yan, but also from Qin and Wei. They don't belong to any country, and no country can do anything about them. They neither defend the city nor attack. As long as the army does not disturb them, they will not cause trouble for any army. Xia Pi maintains a balance so strangely.

Now I have become the governor of that strange county.

Fortunately, I'm just a false position and don't really have anything to do with this subordinate.

The general is a real military position, which makes me very excited, because from now on, I can have my own army and become the leading general. This is a poor people who started as a commander after joining the army, which was unimaginable at the beginning.

Over the past few years, although he has served in the military positions of lieutenant, army and Sima for a long time, he seems to be one step away from the position of general. Now, it has finally crossed that distance and came to me.

To my surprise, the army assigned to me turned out to be a navy under the command of the son of Huiji. This is one of Sima Yuanxian's elite troops.

Until now, I finally have a regular army and become a real general. Although the number of soldiers I received is only 4,000 and the number is small, I think it is enough.

In those years, Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhong swept the Central Plains with 30,000 people and became the first hegemon in the Spring and Autumn Period. Wu Zixu and Sun Wu led the Wu army to defeat ten times their enemies in just a few months and almost destroyed Chu, the most powerful country in the world. Why are there fewer soldiers?

However, I am not only happy and a little worried. Such hidden worries are a reminder from He Wuji.

On the day I worshiped the general, He Wuji and other colleagues in the north held a banquet for me, which was a collective congratulations to me. After the banquet, He Wuji invited me to run horses by the river.

After the two's own soldiers, He Wuji said, "General Deyu is bound to be in a good spirit at this time."

I laughed and said, "That's natural. Soldier, how can you not want to be a general?

He Wuji glanced behind him and whispered, "Now the generals of the Great Jin Kingdom are not as good as the previous dynasty. When the armies are fighting, have you ever thought about why the son of Huiji transferred me to assist his son and why he asked you to lead his elite navy?

I have thought about this matter myself, but at this time, I would like to hear He Wuji's opinion. So I shook my head and said, "I don't know why."

He Wuji said with a smile, "You can't have thought about it. I thought that the transfer of me as a lieutenant of the East China Sea was to appease my uncle, General Daojian. The son of Huiji needed his uncle to fight for Sun En, and at the same time, he must be assured that he would not take the opportunity to seize his military power, so he was promoted to his military position and transferred me to the East China Sea Palace. However, your situation is very different.

I looked at He Wuji and asked him to continue.

He Wuji said, "You have been following General Sun Wuyu, and you have no relatives with your uncle. If the son of Huiji wants to compete with his uncle, it is rare in the whole northern mansion, and you are the only one. You are far more than Huan Wucai, Sun Wuji and other Beifu generals to lead the war, and you are no better than your uncle. And what makes Yuanxian most optimistic about you is that the military position is not high and the salary is not high.

"Is it easy to pull in?"

"Hmm. If the son of Huiji is attracted with official positions and money, and ordinary people are in your position, won't they fall in love with the son of Huiji and work for it? And not only can I see this, but you can see that my uncle or the counselors in his account can't see it?


"Therefore, this 4,000 navy is probably a hot potato for you, General Deyu, which does more harm than good."

"What you said really makes sense."

"It may not be good to say these from my mouth. I am the nephew of General Daojian. In addition to considering my uncle, I also want to consider it for you. Maybe I'm wrong, but please pay more attention to these things in officialdom. Whether you like it or not, it's hard to get out of it.

I said, "I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful when you are young."

When He Wuji saw me praise him, he smiled shyly and said, "You may not have thought of what I said. It's just that I remind you and help you with your staff. After all, it's inevitable that a person's wisdom will inevitably leak ten thousand.

"Thank you, thank you."

"Don't dare, dare."

He Wuji is not only stronger than his uncle Liu Zhenzhi, but also many people in Liu Laozhi's shogunate in terms of talent. What he said to me today is not that I didn't think about it. However, many things do not wait for it to happen and never know what the result will be. I believe that as long as I grasp myself, everything can be adaptable.

There are always some things in the world that are unexpected and avoided. If you really want to meet, you can only rely on fate.

As a newly appointed general, my first task is to lead my navy to pursue Sun En and clean up the rest of the thieves. It is said that although Sun En withdrew from Jiankang, he walked and toured the river and didn't know where to go. Jiangfang along Jiankang and Jingkou are also on alert at all times and dare not slack off at all.

After I finished inspecting the water barracks, I sent the reinforcements of Juzhang, Haiyan and Dantu back to their original place, and the rest of the soldiers were mixed into the water army.

Although the soldiers of the navy are under the command of Sima Yuanxian, the sources of soldiers come from all over the country, especially in Beijing. After all, the navy is the hero of the Beifu Army. Sima Yuanxian used a lot of tricks to control the elite sailors in charge of the Jin Kingdom, and finally got what he wanted and merged all the Beifu navy.

Now, after the defeat with Sun En, it is not easy for Sima Yuanxian to hand over the 4,000 soldiers to me.