Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 40 Shanghai blaspise 2

Looking at the four giant geese flying away, I couldn't help smiling. Ludu, Ludu, let's see how I Liu Yu turned you into our own blessed land and the enemy's Jedi!

This wild goose array fights against each other, but it is not unbreakable. The so-called arrays are complementary to each other. Those who are good at attacking are not good at defending; those who are good at defending are not good at attacking. The formation suitable for attack and defense does not exist at all.

In ancient times and today, how many formations have been known as "complete arrays". The founder claims that no one can break it. Perhaps, the founder was indeed a person who did not break the array during his lifetime, but all the so-called complete arrays were finally broken. This is like the relationship between a lock and a key. As long as there is a lock, the untied spoon must be made.

Although the attack is strong, it also has weaknesses. If the enemy avoids the most aggressive head geese and attacks the side or tail of the goose and disturbs the formation, then the whole geese array will not attack and collapse. But it is not easy to disturb the wild geese. In addition to the self-protection of the flank, the geese array can change direction with the enemy's attack, so that the head goose can always face the most fierce attack of the enemy. This is the reason why the head goose is crucial.

I have to admire the sages who invented this geese array. He skillfully applied the mobility of the formation. Impact is not the most important advantage of this formation. Its advantage is all in mobility. Through rapid movement, after rushing left and right, you can quickly disturb the enemy array and achieve the effect of one block ten.

Now recalling my fight outside Wujun City, isn't it because I have been moving quickly and disrupting the thief soldiers, so that the attack of the thief soldiers is not practical? Otherwise, if I fight against thousands of people with my strength, even if I am not killed, I will be injured all over the body. How can I have only suffered a few minor injuries after fighting for so long?

Since the last time I achieved miraculous effects with this geese array in Dantu, I have made countless improvements to this array. And increased the attack power of long-range arms such as bows and crossbows. As we all know, archers are strong offensive but completely unprotected arms. I simply integrated its aggressiveness into the wild goose array, which is an extremely strong attack. In this way, it can achieve a complete attack and defense.

It didn't take long for the four distant goose-shaped arrays to disperse the attacking thieves. They are rushing towards the middle.

Occasionally, scattered soldiers avoid the wild goose array to attack the round array set in the central army. Although the round array is not good at attacking, it is very good at defending. A well-mand circle is like a strong fortress. The scattered soldiers of the thief army were blocked from the shield, but they were attacked by the long guns in the array. They scratched for a while and did not form an offensive, so they dispersed.

At this moment, I suddenly saw the side of the thief camp appear**. I looked at it. I don't know where another teammate came out, and I was attacking from the side with all my strength. Those people were not many and were soon surrounded by calm thieves.

Seeing the critical situation of the team, I quickly ordered the flag to be raised and asked the closest to the team to rescue.

Fortunately, the thief's spirit has been lost. Kuan led his wild goose array and rushed to the encirclement of the thief army, tearing a door and joined the besieging troops in a place. The thief soldiers who surrounded the group of soldiers and horses were attacked by the wild geese and gradually retreated.

The battle lasted for nearly two hours from noon to afternoon until the thieves were defeated and retreated, and nearly 10,000 enemies were annihilated.

Although we were more injured, there were very few killed in the battle. War is not just about success or failure based on casualties. Countless military books will emphasize this point. However, many wars are finally won after annihilating the enemy and preserving themselves, thus changing the enemy and our forces.

For Sun En, a group of thugs, it is no longer possible to use common sense to "congrace people without fighting". The only way to deal with them is annihilation. While annihilating the enemy to the greatest extent, we should also minimize our own casualties, especially deaths.

After all, some of the wounded soldiers will eventually become elite soldiers after the bloody war, while all of the dead soldiers can only be filled with streamlined coffins.

After Kaien brought back the receiving troops, I knew that this team was led by Bao Bu of Haiyan.

I jumped off the high platform, met Bao Hu and asked, "Why did Lord Bao come to Shanghai at this time?"

Bao Bu took the kettle handed over by Liu Zhong and took a big sip of water. He gasped and said, "I heard that Brother Deyu and Sun En fought a decisive battle in Shanghai. As the magistrate of Haiyan County, he had the help of the general to defend the city. At this time, he naturally had to help the general. Moreover, I, Bao Bu, vowed to kill the thief in person with blood.

Bao said, raising his finger to the funeral ornament on his body.

Unexpectedly, Bao Bu, a civilian official, not only personally led the army to support, but also personally participated in the war. In this hour of battle, he also had several injuries on his body, and his hands were so trembling that he could not hold the knife.

On the one hand, Bao Bu came to help me annihilate the enemy, and on the other hand, he wanted to avenge Sun En's thief soldiers because of the pain of losing his son. Yes, how can he stay in Haiyan City to refresh his mind? This time, he personally participated in the war as a civilian, and perhaps he had already made up his mind to shroud the battlefield.

I have to comfort him a few words and ask him to bring his troops back to prevent sea salt tomorrow.

After all, if Sun Ensheng, Bao's soldiers will not help; if Sun En defeats, Haiyan will be the only way to escape from land. Bao Bu understood my deployment and promised to return to Haiyan tomorrow morning to deploy the city defense.

I was speechless all night. When there is another war in the future, I will still put on the same formation. This formation has formed a strong pressure on the thief soldiers, and the greater pressure comes from some changes in the battlefield. These changes are some of the rut marks in front of my barracks and the two side camps around my base camp.

The rut is very obvious, extending to our camp one by one from the left to the right in the sun. The two side camps held high flags, with the word "Li" written on one flag and the word "Chen" written on the other flag.

This so-called "General Li" and "General Chen" are actually false. The soldiers in those two battalions were also wounded yesterday. Soldiers are never tired of fraud. When I arrange the suspects like this, I just want to completely destroy the final morale of the thief army. Bao Bu suddenly led the army to appear on the battlefield yesterday, which must make the thief army doubt whether only the 4,000 people of our army participated in the war. Two new suspected battalions added today are to tell the thief army that our army is sending more troops.

Since the beginning of the battle, the difference in the situation has been more significant than yesterday. If yesterday's battle was a "defeated enemy", today's battle is a "massacre". We have interpreted the process of Dantu's bloody battle again. However, outside Dantu City, although our number is small, we can rely on the terrain, and in Shanghai, our army did not use any terrain at all. This battle is a tough battle.

Yesterday's war has frightened the thief soldiers. The array of the thief army today is still Sun En behind the camp and dares not come close. From the beginning of the battle, the thief had not even a formed attack.

Although this battle is still led by four geese arrays, yesterday's round array can no longer be seen. I poured all my troops into a phalanx and pressed the enemy like a mountain and sea to annihilate the enemy. It was not until we attacked under Sun En's handsome flag that Sun En was not in the battle. At that time, a large ship was sailing away from the coast and drifting into the sea.

At this time, most of the people in the thief's army also knew that the general had already escaped from the battle. The heart of the army immediately collapsed like a mountain, and collapsed in an instant. In an hour, tens of thousands of thieves were "submerged" by my 4,000 soldiers...

With only two days and two battles, our army annihilated tens of thousands of enemies. The thieves' army carefully built a base camp in Shanghai for several months and was destroyed.

The rest of the thieves are divided into two roads, and they can take a boat to protect Sun En to escape to the south; if they can't take a boat, Lu Xun will lead them to run south from the coast by land.

I took a boat to chase Sun En. Unexpectedly, Sun En's boat was fast and had already been far away. I had to land in Haiyan and launch another position battle with Bao Hu to intercept Lu Xun's army. Lu Xun had no intention of fighting and led thousands of elites to escape to Zhejiang.

This battle took not long and annihilated nearly 10,000 enemies.

After three battles, most of the enemy was annihilated and nearly 10,000 people were captured. Except for Sun En and Lu Xun, the leader of the thief, it can be said to be a complete victory!

Although Lu Xun picked up the remnants near Zhejiang and broke out to the south, he was blocked by the troops stationed in Huiji, Shangyu and other counties along the way, and the losses were exhausted. Lu Xun simply abandoned the remnants and took hundreds of elite soldiers to find several ships to follow Sun En and fled into the sea.

Sun En started a rebellion from Yongdong more than a year ago, and today he has finally been paced by my army led by Liu Yu. So far, his vitality has been greatly damaged, and he dares not come out to disturb the sea again.

The war in the East has calmed down a little.