Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 40 Shanghai blaspence 1

As soon as Sun En arrived in Shanghai, he asked 100,000 people to set up a strong formation and prepare to fight to the death with me.

100,000 people? Why are there 100,000 Sun En after tens of thousands of people were killed and injured outside Yuzhou City?

This is because when Sun En led the army to fight against Dantu, Jiankang and Yuzhou, a large number of thieves gathered from the south to Shanghai. The recruits who arrived added the fallen, and the current strength is that 100,000 is just a conservative estimate. Sun En has taken this Shanghai demagination that can attack Jiankang and retreat to defend Yongdong as his base camp.

Sun En is not dead, and the thief can't be killed. I will completely defeat Sun En's 100,000 troops with these thousands of sailors!

Direct all the soldiers to disembark and array on the shore, with Meng Huaiyu and Yu Qiujin. I stood on a high place and looked at the enemy carefully.

Sun Enbu still has five squares, but these five squares are completely different from the five squares outside Dantu City. At Dantu, his phalanx was just a simple queue; but this time, the phalanx in Shanghai had a combination of arms. And archers were also arranged in the array. It seems that Sun En, who is good at learning to imitate, has learned a new formation from my wild geese array.

It is understandable that Sun En has such a high prestige among the thieves. Because even as his enemy, I think he is an extraordinary person. Although he ostensibly confused the public with the heavenly master and said that God would send heavenly soldiers to help Yunyun in the future, he did not superstitiously believe in this, but persistently learned experience in every war and played his strengths in subsequent wars.

In the long run, Sun En or his subordinates will always know how to use the military. If you want to subdue him at that time, I'm afraid it's a fool's dream. At present, although it can't be said to be the blessing of the Jin Dynasty, it is a blessing in the end. God doesn't want to die!

Although Sun Enbu's formation worries me, there is a detail that calms my heart a lot. Sun En has always been under the command of the former army or the central army because of the large number of people. But this time, after the formation of the enemy and our armies was completed, Sun En's handsome flag moved to the rear army. This change is like the commander fleeing from the battle, which is a taboo for soldiers.

Moreover, judging from this handsome flag, the commander of the thief army this time will still be Sun En, not Lu Xun, Xu Daofu and other generals who know how to fight.

Since Sun En knows all our strength, I will no longer set up doubts. Four thousand sailors can be seen at a glance.

After the two armies fought against the circle, the drums sounded, and the thief soldiers rushed over with whistles. But our army is motionless.

When the thief soldiers approached, the officer waved the flag and played it with a "woo" sound. The soldiers in the front row heard the order and lay prone.

The enemy was a little stunned to see our army's suspicious actions, but still rushed forward. It was too late when they approached and found the soldier behind the fallen man taking out the bow and arrow from behind.

The arrow is like a flying locust that devours the thief. Although there are many attacking thieves, they are not dead or injured. They have already messed up the formation and lost their combat effectiveness. Even before the attack, he was blocked by the fallen soldiers with long guns and could not move forward. I had to return and escape.

The drums of the thief army rose again, and another team of soldiers formed in front of the battle and began to change their strategy to carry out the second round of attack.

The vanguard queue of the thief army ran beyond the range of the bow and arrow and stopped for a moment. At the same time, I also faintly saw the thief soldiers in the back row of the enemy raising the crossbow in their hands and preparing to shoot against our army. I motioned the officer to fly the flag, the horn resounded, and the soldiers in the front row were still lying prone.

The enemy watched with great interest as our archer raised his bow again, and this time there was no fear at all. After all, they are outside the range of the bow and arrow, waiting to watch the play and start attacking.

The horn sounded again. Countless flying locusts soared in the air.

It was not until those arrows flew in front of them that the thief realized that these arrows were completely different from before. All the enemy soldiers in the front row that had not yet escaped have fallen to the ground. The remaining arrows shot directly at the enemy soldiers behind him. The enemy array was chaotic again, and those enemy archers who danced bows and arrows ran back to the array first.

The thief army obviously did not expect that the range of our bow and arrow would be so far.

This is because the arrow shot for the second time is completely different from the first shot. The arrow used for the first time is just an ordinary feather arrow, and this time it is a wild goose arrow.

The wild arrow is the best of the arrow. The arrow itself is not valuable, but it is quite laborious. It takes several times as long for an ordinary craftsman to build a wild goose arrow. The advantage of the wildelong arrow is that it shoots quickly, has a long range, and can resist winds with low intensity.

There is nothing wonderful about using bows and crossbows against the enemy. The purpose of using bows and crossbows without fighting this time is not to annihilate the enemy. After all, arrows and arrows are exhausted. The purpose of this move is just to disrupt the enemy's formation and kill its morale.

"One drum, then decline, and three exhausted."

The enemy has been summoned, but still did not approach our array, but many people were killed and injured. The thief army became anxious.

The drums of the thief army sounded again. The third attack began.

In view of the repeated long-range attacks, when this team of thieves rushed within range again, they took out all kinds of shields from behind. Except for the occasional strong crossbow shooting into the thieves' array, our arrows are almost blocked by shields.

The thief soldiers are gradually familiar with the tactics of our army, and they are indeed prepared.

Seeing the success of the defense, the thief excitedly accelerated the pace of the charge.

We waved the flag, the drums sounded, and the formation changed accordingly. The archers withdrew from the front and retreated to the front.

The thief is approaching quickly.

We waved the flag again, and the horn sounded again. The original round array suddenly turned into a square array.

Every time the horn sounds, the enemy will suffer once. The horn rose again, and the pace of the thief's charge obviously became hesitant. When they saw the changes in our military formation, they were even more suspicious of what we were playing. The thieves ran uneasily and scattered, and the steps of the charge were as slow as walking. Not to mention Sun En, even we are anxious to wait.

When the thief soldiers were only 50 or 60 steps away from our army, the drums of our charge sounded. The square array suddenly split, and the four corners of the square unfolded outward and split into four huge triangles. And these four triangles are the already formed formation - the geese array.

Located in the position of Touyan, they are Meng Huaiyu, Meng Longfu, Liu Rongzu and Ke En.

The two geese arrays led by Kui En and Meng Longfu, who met the enemy, were the first to insert into the thief's army, and the two geese arrays behind followed, looking at the most concentrated place of the thief soldiers and inserted them fiercely. These four geese arrays are like four sharp knives that plunged deep into the four key areas.

After the head geese plunged into the enemy's array, the goose's body was also pulled out as if it were pulled out by the head geese, gradually revealing a round array in the middle of the phalan. I stood on a high point in the center of this round array and observed the battle between the geese array and the enemy soldiers. Yu Qiujin, Sun Jigao, Liu Zhong and others stood beside me.

The thief soldiers have suffered the loss of the wild goose array, and this time they saw us again. Extremely experienced use of long weapons and bows and crossbows to attack the head geese. The long weapon has its own wings to resist the head geese, and the enemy's archers were shot by our arrows one by one. After the enemy's long-range attack weakened, the power of our wild geese array became more and more powerful.

I saw a long knife dancing wildly. Wherever I went, not only did the thief flee, but also the friendly soldiers in the wild geese array dared not get too close to avoid being injured by his blade. That's the akuen at the front.

I saw two heads of geese and iron being majestic, rising one after another. One can stand out and often penetrate two or three people. Although the thief soldiers also have brave men, under the attack of these two people, they can only fight and have no power to fight back. Seeing these two people like boiling stars, how can they stop their pace? That's the Meng brothers in the middle.

Goodbye, a pair of long guns are like silver snakes, flying up and down, all-pervasive. Often as soon as the thief soldiers behind him poked their heads, before they saw the face of the handsome young general in front of them, they felt a flash of silver in front of them and lost consciousness. That's Liu Rongzu after the break.