Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 010 Pioneer Sima

The tenants and domestic slaves are private belonging to the rich family, especially domestic slaves. After the abolition of slavery as guests, the tenants terminated their employment relationship with their owners, and domestic slaves became public property, and part of their output changed from private income to state income. The rich people should be dissatisfied.

The preferential policies formulated by the local cut-off policy to encourage the naturalization of Beijing overseas Chinese have been gradually abolished, causing Beijing overseas Chinese to be deceived.

Although southerners do not have to worry about their identity, they bear the burden arising from the process of implementing the land break.

Therefore, for several years, from a military point of view, the officers and soldiers have obtained a stable source of troops; in terms of money, the emperor's internal treasury and the government's external treasury have become the ultimate beneficiaries. It not only enhances financial resources, but also increases military resources, which is undoubtedly a good thing for the country. However, people, whether they are noble or low, have been damaged to varying degrees.

The reason for such consequences is not the policy itself, but the poor management, which ultimately causes great harm to the people. First of all, it destroys normal production and life, and also causes social panic.

This destructive power is amazing. There have been precedents in history of the subjugation of the country due to poor handling.

In the year of the Western Weekend, Zhou Tianzi expected people to be in Taiyuan. As a result, there was a civilian violence. Move. The seemingly inconspicuous violence. It moved, but in the end it became more and more intense and could not end. When he had no choice, Zhou Tianzi had to move the national capital to Luoyang in the east. The 400-year history of the Western Zhou Dynasty established by King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou has also been cut off. The Zhou Dynasty, which moved to Luoyang, has been called "Eastern Zhou" since then.

Zhou Tianzi, who had no time to look around, gave the dilapidated land of the West to a small vassal country to help calm down the chaos.

Unexpectedly, after 400 years, this small vassal country became stronger and finally broke the Qi of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Now we know that this small vassal country in those years was the State of Qin, which destroyed the six kingdoms and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to unify China.

Although this soil fault is fundamentally different from that of the people, the result is completely the opposite.

For those who expect the people, check the number of the people to recruit the people to join the army; those who cut off the territory, check the number of overseas Chinese, and collect taxes in peacetime and army in wartime.

When Huan Wen was alive, no one dared to oppose or even resist. After Huan Wen's death, there was neither a strong king nor a strong minister. Although the policy was still the same, it was not strictly implemented, or there were serious deviations in the implementation.

In recent years, Sima Yuanxian has used the policy of cutting land to accumulate wealth and recruit troops for himself. In addition, Sima Yuanxian also has to recruit troops from Jingkou as a garrison to supplement Jiankang's soldiers. Liulaozhi was afraid of weakening his military power, so he only sent the abolition of slaves to Jiankang.

Seeing that Liu Laozhi was not sent by the regular army, Sima Yuanxian forced Liu Laozhi to either send the regular army or increase the number of recruits who abolished slaves as guests. Liu prison took into account the interests of the whole rich people, and of course refused to enforce the land under his own rule, so there was a phenomenon of forcing ordinary people to join the army as abolitionists and guests.

The people may have unpaid rents or have feuds with the government. In short, these people were conscripted into the army and sent to Jiankang for various excuses.

The matter had a great impact, which naturally provoked a civil unrest. However, the government has a good way to "bounce", and many things did not appear at the beginning.

Until the civil unrest became more and more noisy, and Sun En took the opportunity to guide these people's feelings with the inspiration of his uncle Sun Tai, so there was a much wider rebellion than Sun Tai. Although the center of the trend is in Huiji, the source is in Liu Prison's North House, so Sima Yuanxian instructed Liu Prison to clean up the mess.

As a result, Liu Fuzhi became the best choice to suppress Sun En.

Liu Daolian listened to Liu Daogui's words and said, "If General Daojian really wants to drag troops in Beijing, the son of Huiji will definitely be in trouble and there is nothing he can do."

I asked, "How about Jiankang City Defense?"

"At present, we have done enough city defense. However, with the soldiers of the world, even Sun En's thief soldiers can't beat them. How can they deal with Huan Xuan's elite in Jingzhou?

I can't help but be deeply worried. How Sima Yuanxian and Huan Xuan are vicious is not about others. But now the war has burned to the capital and to the feet of the emperor. If there is a threat to the capital and the emperor changes, won't the world be in chaos?

Of course, as a successful person, the chaos in the world is a good time for heroes to emerge. However, by nature, I know that the consequences of this disaster must be decades of expedition. Countless soldiers and people will fall into disaster. Looking at the Later Han Dynasty, you will know that such a disaster is unbearable for anyone.

At this time, the servant came to pass the meal.

Although the general's mansion built by the emperor's own order is far from being built, the family has already invited some servants. In the future, when the place grows up, people need to be managed everywhere. Although my mother likes to do something, she is old after all. My wife can't take care of it alone. In addition, I am not at home all year round, and my wife has the responsibility to educate her daughter.

I have been away from Jingkou for more than a year. It's rare that I stayed at home this time and met Daolian back to work in Jingkou. So I invited my aunt Du and cousin Liu Huaijing to come home together, and my family and relatives gathered together for a reunion dinner.

The family is happy to talk about their war career, the wonders of the capital, or their parents.

A few days later, Jiankang came to the army with orders.

I thought it must have been that the court had convicted me, but to my surprise, this dynasty actually cancelled the charges proposed to me in the court. I not only recovered my title and assigned 4,000 sailors, but also gave me hundreds of thousands of silver coins to reward my military achievements.

Just as I received the decree, the person who submitted the decree announced another decree: appoint me as the vanguard deputy governor, Zhengxi Sima, and lead the army to the west to attack Huan Xuan.

As soon as I received this second decree, I immediately understood why it was not only not convicted but also rewarded. Because Liulaozhi was not active in leading the army to the west, Sima Yuanxian had no soldiers and no generals, so he had nothing to do about it. So he retreated and appointed me as deputy governor. This is one piece of stone.

First, my appointment can put some pressure on Liu Fuzhi; second, I am not weaker than Liu Fuzhi in the war. If Liu Laozhi still drags and misses the fighter as usual, then he can retreat and let me lead the army to the west alone.

I can understand this move shown by Sima Yuan, and naturally Liu Laozhi can't understand it.

Beifu is full of talents and good generals. In addition to the generals Liu Laozhi, Sun Wuyu, Huan Wucai and others, there are also more than ten veterans. I was promoted to general only a few months ago, and I was actually promoted to deputy governor of Liu prison's vanguard army. Although Sima Yuanxian's original intention was to force Liu Prison with my promotion, I thought it was not a good thing for me personally.

In this life-and-death chess game, I am no longer the irrelevant pawn. Today, this pawn has crossed the "Chuhe Hanjie" and can compete with the car. The original balance is likely to be broken by the pawn transformed into a car.

However, it is precisely because the pawn has turned into a car that once the overall situation changes, the car naturally cannot escape the fate of "losing the car and the commander-in-chief". The danger is great!