Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 060 Uprising Decision

Liu Yi immediately wrote a letter to his brother. Although it is a family letter, the letters are all about state affairs. If there is a mistake, it is not only a big opportunity, but also a harm to everyone, which is not small. So, I sent Zhou Anmu to Jiankang with books in person. Zhou Anmu Pingsu and Liu Mai are old and quite eloquent. I believe he can convince Liu Mai.

A few days later, Zhou Anmu returned to Jingkou from Jiankang. The situation he reported to us is mixed. The good thing is that Liu Mai promised to respond to Jiankang when he revolted. At the same time, Wang Yuande, Tong Houzhi and other people in the capital are also ready, waiting for us to be in trouble. What is worried is that Liu Mai seems to be quite uneasy.

"Are you worried?" Liu Yi asked.

"Yes. Brother Xile. I have never seen my uncles look like that. It's not so much uneasy as a little at a loss. Zhou Anmu described it.

He Wuji and others looked at Liu Yi. Liu Yi frowned very tightly.

"Brother Xile, what's your opinion?" I saw that Liu Yi didn't say anything, so I had to ask him.

"I don't know about this." Liu Yi has always been resolute. I'm a little uneasy today. Maybe I should go to Jiankang in person.

Hearing what Liu Yi said, everyone's heart tightened. Even if Liu Mai doesn't want to be our inner response, it doesn't matter. What matters is his position. If we are a little careless, we may be exposed to the danger of being suspected by Huan Xuan. What we have done may be abandoned.

I saw that Liu Yi really planned to go to Jiankang and stopped him from saying, "It's not necessary. It's good for your brother to help with justice, but if you don't mean it, it's okay. I just hope he won't leak the secret. Anyway, I should be ready and get up at any time, just in case.

On the same day, we revised our schedule to prepare for the early uprising.

Recently, I have been planning how to incite the army to mutiny. It's okay to say, but whether other battalions will participate is unpredictable and it takes too long.

We can't restrain ourselves by doing something uncertain. If you are not prepared enough to act rashly, the risk is too high. Now after the schedule has been revised, the incitement of military mutiny has to be cancelled from our schedule and hope to capture the king. Although the number of uprisings is not enough, it is not a small risk, but it is much better than delaying things.

Everyone unanimously elected me as the master of the uprising. At this time of a major event, success will lead to fame, and failure will affect the three races, which is not a small risk. In addition, many people participated in the uprising because of my mastermind. I will no longer give up and become the leader of the Rebel Army.

Since returning from Jiankang, Huan Xiu entrusted the military power of Beifu to his brother Huan Hong and me. He devoted himself to the study of Jiankang dynasty and officialdom.

Huan Xuan's original intention of calling Huan Xiu to Jiankang was to give him a heavy responsibility, but he was finally stopped by his left and right staff. Huan Xuan only appointed Huan Xiu as the crown prince Shaobao. Although the position is high, he has no real power. This is different from Bian Fanzhi, Yin Zhongwen and others. Although their positions are not high, they are the actual rulers of Jiankang.

Since Huan Xiu returned to Beijing, he was quite depressed. He is only dedicated to Jiankang and basically takes an indifferent attitude to the affairs of Jingkou.

Now think about it, although Huan Xuan's purpose of calling me and Huan Xiu to go to Beijing together is different, what Huan Xiu and I have done in Jiankang is exactly the same.

We all wander around the house or the market in our spare time. He met the powerful in various governments, and I met the righteous in various governments; he received people's feelings in the market, and I observed the people's feelings in the market. Huan Xiu's acquaintance with the powerful is to show loyalty to Huan Xuan, and to understand the people's feelings is to prepare for himself to enter the town and build health; I know the righteous man to plan anti-Huan's movements, and to understand the people's feelings to understand when Huan Xuan's status can move.

Because Huan Xiu, who returned to Jingkou, paid attention to the trend of Jiankang every moment and did not pay attention to Jingkou, some of our deployments did not attract Huan Xiu's attention.

These deployments include: changing the daily tasks of Tan Pingzhi, Xu Xianzhi and others; changing the location of the long knife camp led by Wei Yongzhi; sending Liu Yi to Guangling County to contact Liu Daogui and Meng Chang, and serving as the commander of the Guangling uprising.

The third brother Liu Daogui was heavily used by Huan Hong and was in charge of part of the military power as a Chinese soldier; Meng Chang served as the master of Guangling County and was in charge of civil affairs. I hope that Liu Daogui and Meng Chang can assist Liu Yi in completing the Guangling Uprising.

The preparations for the uprising are not limited to Jiankang, Jingkou and Guangling. Another righteous scholar Zhuge Changmin is also preparing for the battle west of Jiankang.

He joined the army as the left military office of the assassin of Yuzhou at that time. This Yuzhou assassin is none other than anyone else. It is Diao Kui, a vicious official who once detained me because of social money.

I made an appointment with Zhuge Changmin. We attacked Jiankang in Jingkou, hundreds of miles east of Jiankang. Zhuge Changmin attacked Jiankang a hundred miles west of Jiankang.

Although all deployments are almost complete, people can't help but be nervous when the event is approaching. Once there is a slight abnormal movement in the army, it will make everyone nervous. I was worried that everyone would often gather in my house and the council would be suspected by Huan Xiu, so I changed the meeting to Tan Pingzhi's home.

One noon, He Wuji and I went to Tanfu after meeting Tan Pingzhi and Wei Yongzhi in a restaurant in the city. The four of us had just reached the head of a bridge when a hand stretched out to block our way. He Wuji alertly wanted to draw a knife from his waist, but was secretly stopped by me.

It was just an old man in our way. He whispered to us with a smile, "Do you want to do something earth-shaking?"

Tan walked at the front, and the old man was shocked when he stretched out his hand. So he was a little annoyed and said angrily, "We are soldiers. Although what we do every day can't be said to be earth-shaking, we are also born to death, which can scare you to death!"

"Hey" The old man was not angry and said with a dark smile, "You don't have to hide it from me. I point out that this matter has nothing to do with Jiankang.

We were shocked. Looking at the old man's appearance, I don't know if he really knows our behavior or coincidentally. However, there are other people in Tan Pingzhi's house waiting for us to have a meeting and don't want to do much trouble here. So I said, "Old sir. At present, I have an urgent need to delay here. I'm sorry. After saying that, I will leave.

Other people followed me to bypass the old man. But the old man took a few steps to catch up with him, grabbed Tan's sleeve and said, "General Liu, General He and so on, I won't talk about it. But for General Tan, I have to remind him a few words.

Although there are many people who know us in Jingkou, there are not many people who can recognize us, not to mention this unknown old man. Everyone stopped when they heard what he said.

Wei Yongzhi arched his hand to the old man and said, "How do you say this?"

The old man ignored Wei Yongzhi and only pulled Tan to rely on it and said, "Please take a moment to talk." He led Tan Pingzhi and our party to a remote place under the bridge, and then let go of Tan Pingzhi and said:

"A certain surname is Wei, a native of Jinling. The ancestors once passed on the art of fate. Those who order each other are contrary to the way of Confucius and Mencius, and the career of neighbors is nothing serious, and the art of mutual order is useless, and the old body is never used. Today, I saw you extraordinary on the road, and I found out that you are going to do great things. When the old man mentioned this, his voice suddenly became smaller. Everyone had to get together to listen.

I pushed He Wuji, and he put his hand on the knife handle. He was in the east and I was in the west, listening to the old man surnamed Wei, but his eyes looked around in case of emergency.

The old man continued: "The big things you have done have nothing to do with my old age. It's not convenient to ask in detail. But from your face to face. General Liu Deyu must be complacent, and it is not difficult to enter the generals; General He Wuji will also get a high position in the future; General Wei Yong, who was appreciated by Yin Zhongkan and Yin Hou in those years, was very human, and must also be rich and noble.

The three of you are so precious that you don't have to worry about it. The only one who is worried is this general Tan. General Tan must not participate in military affairs recently, otherwise there will be a disaster. You should avoid the deep house and don't get out of the house. Remember! Remember!"

After saying this, the old man patted Tan on the shoulder and sighed and was ready to leave.

He Wuji hurriedly took a few pieces of money out of his arms. The old man waved his hand and said, "Each person has his own luck. I have just told you that I am not a person to meet. It's just that when this is the time, I will convey what I know to you. It's also God's will." After saying that, the old man went up the bridge.

Everyone looked at each other for a long time, shook their heads and went up the bridge. Although everyone was guessing the origin of the old man and what he said on the way, when Tan Ping's family discussed business with the righteous people, they forgot about the meeting.

Just as we were discussing the details of the incident enthusiastically, Zhou Anmu, who was late, bumped in and scared everyone.

"It's not a big deal!" Zhou Anmu lowered his voice and said.

"What's the matter?" I was shocked that our plan had been exposed.

"Jiankang's Wang Yuande took the lead and wanted to attack Huan Xuan. As a result, it was exposed before it happened. Wang Yuande was killed and Wang Zhongde fled.


After listening to it, I suddenly fell into the chair. I can't help but remember that when Jiankang and the Wang brothers talked about the timing of the uprising, I compared the famous brothers Wu, Huo and Cao in history as the Wang Yuande brothers. In these three cases, the elder brothers all died young. I didn't expect a word to come true, but what I inadvertently said came true. Wang Yuande, as his brother, was killed, while his brother Wang Zhongde escaped and died.

After sighing, I asked Liu Yi, who came from Guangling to the meeting, "Xile, what's the news from uncles and brothers?"

"Although my brother is very close to Huan Xuan at present, he doesn't communicate with me much."

I asked: "This seems extremely dangerous. Wang Yuande fell into trouble. I don't know what to do with Tonghou and other things?

"You might as well send someone to Jiankang to explore the wind. I'll write a letter to my brother first. If he is willing to be an inside response, we will be fully sure of our success.

"Okay. If you write a good letter, I will send Zhou Anmu to explore again. What do you think of Zong Wen?

Xu Xianzhi touched his beard and said, "We have to prepare for this. Although Wang Yuande failed, Huan Xuan did not know that his master was in Beijing. I don't know if Jiankang is wary of Jingkou. If Huan Xuan secretly mobilizes troops to prepare, and at the same time orders Huan Xiu, Huan Hong and others to secretly earn us to be arrested, then Zhou Anmu will also be killed on the day he goes to Jiankang.

I nodded: "Zong Wen makes sense. We really need to prepare for the worst.

"Although most of the news between Jiankang and Jingkou will not escape from our hands, Huan Xuan, Huan Qian and Huan Xiu are brothers after all. We don't know what they want to exchange information."

Everyone thinks that after the matter of the Wang brothers is exposed, Huan Xuan may suspect that they are the chief envoys of Jingkou, but they all think that the agenda of the uprising cannot be based on any self-righteous assumption. So we made the decision to revolt immediately.