Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 061 Jingkou Uprising

The third year of Yuanxing (AD 404). February is ugly, Yi Mao.

The mist locks everything in the field, making it difficult for everything to break free. The early bird was awakened by Mo Ming's voice, looked at the surrounding conditions with surprised eyes, and flew into the fog that could not see the future clearly. Occasionally, some pedestrians also seemed to be pulled by the fog and struggled several times to squeeze themselves out of the fog.

Pedestrians were not surprised to see our group gathered outside the city in hunting costumes. Jingkou is a military town, and it is common for such soldiers to gather outside the city.

When those pedestrians passed by, we took off the hunting suit covered outside and exposed the military uniforms inside. Hunting suit is just a cover; military uniform is the formal suit. Because what I want to hunt this time is not beasts, but people.

Most of the people gathered around me are elites of Dantu County and Beifu Army. In addition to He Wuji, Wei Yongzhi and Tan Ping, there are also Wei Yongzhi's younger brother Wei Xinzhi, Wei Shunzhi, Tan Pingzhi, Tan Pingzhi's nephew Tan Shao, Tan Zhi, Tan Long, Tan Daoji, Tan Fanzhi, Liu Yi's cousin Liu Yan, Meng Huaiyu, Xiang Mi, Guan Yizhi, Zhou Anmu, Liu Wei, Liu Guizhi, my brother Zang Su, Zang Baofu, Zang Musheng, Tong Maozong, Zhou Daomin, Tian Yan, Fan Qing, and my second brother Liu Daolian.

In addition to these righteous men, there are nearly 100 soldiers, mainly long knife battalion soldiers.

Liu Yi, Meng Chang, Liu Daogui, etc. are not listed, because they are now in Guangling, Jiangbei. Today, in addition to Jingkou and Guangling east of Jiankang, there are also Jiangzhou and Yizhou west of Jiankang.

When we arrived at Jingkou, the city was changing its defenses - it was almost time to open the gate.

The fog gradually dissipated. Although we can't see the faces of the people in the city, we all know the officer who supervised the change of defense by looking at his posture and movements. He also saw our group waiting outside the city to open the gate, so he leaned out from the city stack and greeted us affectionately.

We talked to him in a way, but our hearts were full of tension and anxiety.

I looked back at Wei Yongzhi, and he nodded to me, indicating that everything was arranged. My eyes swept around the crowd, glanced at the forest not far away with an unintentional look. The forest is far away from the road, and the situation inside can not be seen clearly either from the city or from the road.

We chose that place and hid He Wuji and others in it.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the methodical change of defense in the city seems to us as difficult as going through autumn and winter.

I heard a few bangs in the city, and there was a neat sound of footsteps in the doorway of the city gate. After a while, the gate slowly opened and the suspension bridge was also put down. Our group quickly took the horses to the moat and waited for the suspension bridge to land. The people who rushed into the city from outside the city early in the morning saw a group of fully armed soldiers gathered by the moat. They only stood in the distance and did not dare to approach. Several bold attempts to come forward and say hello were also driven away by us.

As soon as the suspension bridge landed, Tan and I led a team of people to rush into the city first. Wei Yongzhi led another team to guard the suspension bridge. At this time, several horses rushed over from the woods, and the first one wearing the imperial edict of the Jin Dynasty was He Wuji. After they arrived at the suspension bridge, the people led by Wei Yongzhi formed two teams and walked into the city with He Wuji.

It was strange for the soldiers guarding the gate on both sides of the city gate to see our behavior, but because I was the leader, they did not do anything. After being dispersed by us, they just held weapons in their hands and stared at the scene outside the city. They looked at each other for a moment and didn't know what happened.

At this time, the officer in charge of defending the city came down, walked to my horse's head, and looked at us with inquisitive eyes. Before he could speak, several soldiers around Tan Ping surrounded him and untied his sword.

"What does this...meant this?" The officer was a little panicked.

Tan urged the horse to come to him and bent down to look at him and said, "Don't make a sound!"

The soldiers guarding the door did not dare to move when they saw their leader being restrained.

At this time, He Wuji and his party had crossed the suspension bridge, and one of them urged the horse to come out and loudly declared to everyone: "The emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty! The whole city's soldiers and civilians knelt down to listen to the edict!"

The soldiers defending the city are at a loss. After all, for them, their identity is already the subjects of Huan Xuan's new state of Chu, but emotionally, they are also the subjects of the state of Jin. For the current situation, they don't listen or listen. Just look at each other, hoping that someone can take the lead.

I winked at Tan Shao and others. He led the people who did not ride horses to listen to He Wuji's edict as discussed before. Tan Shao and others took the lead, and some of the soldiers guarding the city also knelt down. Other soldiers and the people waiting to leave the city also fell to the ground.

He Wuji took a step forward and read the edict we forged in his hand to everyone.

I left Tan Shao and others to guard the gate, control the people living on the field, and then let everyone disar and line up for the General's mansion of the Fu army. Volunteers joined our queue one after another along the way. By the time our party arrived at the general's mansion, more than 300 people had gathered.

After knocking on the door of the general's mansion, dozens of people and I forced in. The servants of Huan Mansion want to close the door again, how can it be too late? The righteous man in front of him cut down the servants and the servants on duty. The rest of the people fled without resistance.

There are many people who are familiar with the General's Mansion of the Fujun, so I didn't spend much effort to break into Huan Xiu's inner house with several servants who wanted to report the news. We kicked open the door of Huan Xiu's bedroom and rushed in.

Huan Xiu was shocked from the couch. It's not good to see the situation. After seeing that I was the leader, he forced a smile and said, "What is Deyu doing?"

I said, "General Huan, your brother Huan Xuan, regardless of fate, usurped my Jinjiang and mountains, which is not acceptable. As a cronies, you don't want to calm down the chaos of the country and destroy your relatives righteously. Instead, you help to abuse and bully the officials and the people. We have to eliminate the harm for the people."

"Deyu...General Deyu. No matter what I have done to be sorry for others, I am not sorry for you. And you, Wuji, Huaiyu, oh, and the general. I have always valued you very much, and I have never lost my meritorious service to the court. Without me, General Xiang Mi Xiang is probably just a junior sergeant. It was I who promoted you one by one to the generals of Beifu..."

I didn't wait for him to finish and interrupted him, "General Huan. I'm sorry. We are not here for personal feelings, but for righteousness. If you want to complain, just blame your brother who is a minister. I threw Huan Xiu's clothes to him and shouted, "Where is Dawn?"

Kai En handed the long knife to his left hand and pulled out the sword from the scabbard with his right hand.

At this time, the concubine shrinking beside Huan Xiu couldn't help crying in horror and looked extremely harsh in the silent bedroom.

Huan Xiu knew that he had no choice but to put on the clothes I threw to him one by one, put on his shoes and walked to the bedroom and looked at me in a daze. His mouth was murmbling for a long time, and he wanted to say something but didn't say it. I couldn't bear to look at him and waved to him. Kuan pushed him into the courtyard and cut off his head with a sword.

I ordered Kuai En to hold Huan Xiu's head and declare to the servants and servants of Huan's mansion who came: "This matter is only about Huan Xiu alone. The culprit is dead and has nothing to do with others."

Huan Xiu, the head of the thief, has died, but there are still many old generals of the Huan clan in the army. I don't know what the situation is about the Tan clan over there.

As soon as we entered the camp, the brothers Liu Yu and Tanji greeted us from the camp. They told me that when they arrived at the barracks, many people already knew the change of the city gate. Although Huan's own soldiers had called on the soldiers to fight back against the "rebellion" in the camp and were initially excited, when the soldiers knew who the "rebellion" were, the Huan's own soldiers were isolated. Now that it is known that even Huan Xiu is also in a different place, those Huan's own soldiers have taken the horses of the barracks and fled.

Liu Yu and the Tan brothers sent people to explain the cause and current situation of the accident to the battalions to stabilize the army. At the same time, the military charms in the hands of the generals of each battalion were confiscated.

Although the soldiers in front of us looked panicked, they were in good order. The officers stood in twos and threes on the open space between the barracks and watched us, while the soldiers stayed in the barracks to peep at the situation outside. It seems that Liu Yu and the Tan brothers are good at governing the army. In a short period of time, the Jingkou military camp has quite the style of Zhou Yafu's willow camp.

As a general and general of the North government, I summoned all the officers, large and small, to the council chamber and described the uprising to them in detail.

Although these officers did not resist our uprising, not all of them could accept it. We also expected that their tendency towards uprisings was extremely inconsistent.

In recent months, when secretly conspired with He Wuji, Liu Yi, Tan Pingzhi and others, the reason why only hundreds of people were gathered in the army of tens of thousands of people was that their positions were not unified. Although there are many people who support the uprising, there are not many people who can really practice it, and there are many people who want to wait and see before deciding whether to practice with their own bodies.

The people in the council chamber have all kinds of attitudes, but for us, we can only simply divide everyone into two camps: those who firmly support the insurgent and those who are not.

The uprising is different from others. Anyone with an uncertain attitude may not be able to do his best even if he is pulled into the camp, and in some cases it may even have a negative impact on the situation. When I was in Jiankang, the brothers Wang Yuande and Wang Zhongde warned me repeatedly. The Wang brothers have had experience in uprisings in the north, so I attach great importance to their suggestions. In Jingkou, we did not mean to expand the righteous and rebels. Neither encouraged nor reluctant.

After discussing with the righteous, I decided to dismiss those who were not keen on the uprising. First, leaving these uneasy soldiers in the barracks is not conducive to uprising; second, after leaving, they can make room to recruit new soldiers who are willing to revolt; third, to avoid mutations caused by spies or assassins.

After the officers were quiet, I said to them, "I can understand that you don't want to follow our uprising. In the face of great changes, not everyone has the same ambition. In this case, those who do not want to participate in the uprising can leave the barracks first and go home for a while. When I capture Jiankang and welcome back to the emperor, you will still have a chance to return to the army to serve.

If you are willing to stay and participate in the uprising, you must abide by the military order and must not make a rebellion. Those who leave the barracks, we will allocate some silver from the treasury as a entangle; those who are willing to stay and double their pay. Once the uprising is successful, it will be rewarded for your achievements.