Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 063 Military Council

I leaned over from the head of the city and Diao Hong, the leader of the army, shouted, "What's the matter with General Diao?"

Diao Hong was surprised to see me emerging in the city immediately, but he immediately regained his expression. He asked angrily, "General Liu asked me what to do. What's the matter with General Liu's killing the emperor's relatives and seizing the capital?

"Can't General Diao see that we are waiting for this to rise up against Huan Xuan and restore the Jin Dynasty?"

"Jinshi? The Jin clan has long been in ancient times. You are a rebellion, and you should kill the whole clan.

Why did General Diao say this? Guo Jiangzhou is on his way back to Jiankang to welcome the emperor in Xunyang. We have received a secret edict from the emperor to eliminate the Huan Party. I don't know if General Diao knows that Huan Xiu has been killed and sacrificed the flag. At this time, Huan Xuan's head should have been suspended in Jiankang City. The generals are the old ministers of the Jin Dynasty, and the soldiers are the old people of the Jin Dynasty. I don't know what the so-called 'Jin Dynasty has long been established'? Now if you still have time to repent, you might as well enter the city and join our rebels.

Listening to my words, some ** appeared in Diao Hong's army. However, it was soon stopped by Diao Hong and his generals.

Diao Hong was silent for a long time, then picked up the rein and turned around and left with the man and horse.

Diao Hong is led by Jingzhou soldiers and the direct troops of the Huan family. I'm not going to collect it either. Diao Hong can take the initiative to lead the troops away, which is already the best result.

General Deyu, fortunately, Diao Hong escaped by himself. I will also have less worries."

I shook my head and said, "This is just a delay. It is not only Diao Hong's delay plan, but also our delay plan. When Diao Hong came, he must not have expected that our army had occupied the whole city. How could he win by attacking the city with his soldiers? Therefore, it is better to retreat than to attack. For us, it's better to take wisdom than to fight with Diao Hong under the city.

Most of the generals want to fight. Listening to me, they still want to fight, and they nodded in support.

I ordered Tan Shao and Wei Yongzhi to continue to defend the city. I took more than a dozen of my own soldiers and rode to the general's mansion to meet the righteous there.

As soon as he entered the house and Liu Daolian, who was guarding at the second gate, couldn't say a word, Zhou Anmu came in from outside the door and said to us, "Liu Jianzhi brought hundreds of people to join the army."

"Oh, he really came. Hurry up, please."

Although He Wuji and Liu Daogui were previously arranged to be responsible for contacting the anti-Han righteous in Beijing, later, because of the urgency of the matter, I could not completely appoint them, so I also took time to visit some old friends. Liu Jianzhi is one of them.

I have tested Liu Jianzhi about the anti-huan. Because he said it more implicitly, I don't know what his opinion is.

The day before I led the righteous out of the city, I went to find Liu Jianzhi again. At that time, Liu Jianzhi was meeting guests, and it was not convenient for me to talk, so I had to say something irrelevant to say goodbye.

When Liu Jianzhi's younger brother Liu Qianzhi came to me at noon, I knew Liu Jianzhi's ambition. Sure enough, Liu Jianzhi not only came by himself, but also brought volunteers to join. Although the number of volunteers is only a few hundred, it is a very important reinforcement for our team of only a few thousand.

I arched my hand to Liu Jian and said, "It is the blessing of my brother Liu Yu and the generals."

Liu Jianzhi smiled and said, "Brother Deyu told me yesterday that although I didn't say anything when I went to him yesterday, he had already guessed what I thought. So I found his brother Liu Qianzhi and told him that I had looked for him several times and came again today. Liu Jianzhi guessed that there must be something important, so he asked Liu Qianzhi to see me the next day.

After Liu Qianzhi told Liu Jianzhi about our uprising and conquering Jingkou, Liu Jianzhi led his clan, family members and subordinate soldiers to Beijing to join the army.

Liu Jianzhi is indeed an extraordinary person, so he can think of what we lack the most at present, in addition to the righteous, there are also soldiers.

In addition to Liu Jianzhi, some well-informed old generals of Huan Qian and Huan Xiu also invested in the Rebel Army, such as Zhu Lingshi and Zhu Chaoshi.

I was both happy and surprised that the Zhu brothers could join the rebels.

I have seen Zhu Chaoshi's bravery when I followed Huan Xiu to Yongjia. I have also learned about the talent of his brother Zhu Lingshi in many military meetings. He is a rare handsome talent. This handsome general joined, which greatly increased the strength of our army. It's really gratifying.

I have long heard that the Huan family is kind to the Zhu family, and the Zhu brothers are also loyal to the Huan family. The ancestors of Zhu Lingshi and Zhu Chaoshi are generals. When Zhu Zhu, the father of the Zhu family, was about to beheaded by Huan Wen in violation of military discipline, Huan Wen's younger brother Huan Chong painfully asked for a pardon. After that, Zhu Zhu treated Huan Chong as if he were his father, and the two families became friends. After Huan Chong's death, Zhu Zhuo died of illness because of great grief.

Because of the relationship between the Zhu family and the Huan family, although I appreciate these two people, I have never deliberately made friends because of their relationship with the Huan family.

When we eliminated the party of the Huan family in Jingkou, the Zhu brothers did not follow the Huan family or escape from the city, but resolutely joined our army. This is really surprising. Even if the Zhu brothers resolutely joined the Rebels, I don't know what they should do when facing the Huan army in the future.

However, when Zhu Lingshi saw me alone, he relieved his doubts for me.

Zhu Lingshi said to me, "My family and the Huan family are friends, and I should help the Huan family. However, the Huan clan usurped the world and was actually a national thief. Ancient high-level people were still able to destroy their relatives. Even if my brother can't destroy his relatives, he can at least help General Liu rise up against thieves.

"General Zhu's words are reasonable and righteous, and it is really a great blessing for my righteous army and the people to be able to distinguish right from wrong in this way. However, the thief will eventually kill the thief. Can your two brothers really have the heart to take action?

"I've also thought about it. When fighting with national thieves, my brother should move forward bravely; but when fighting with Huan, my brother hopes to avoid it. We are not afraid to kill the enemy with our own hands, but we can't bear to kill the Huan clan with our own hands. I'm afraid that I will feel ashamed of my father. In addition, my brother served in front of the horse for the general to drive.

I was also deeply moved to hear that the Zhu brothers did so: "General Zhu's words are serious. I have made it clear of your mind. When the Rebels attack Jiankang, they will definitely not send your brother to drive forward and kill the enemy.

War is an unjust thing. However, taking righteousness from injustice is a true hero. Isn't it a hero that Zhu Lingshi said frankly without avoiding suspicion? It is loyalty to help the rebels fight against the enemy, and it is righteousness to avoid fighting with their benefactors. What our Rebels need is such a loyal and righteous hot-blooded man.

More than a dozen main leaders of the Rebel Army came to the general's mansion to discuss the military situation.

I first said, "Gentlemen, since the first initiative outside the city gate this morning, less than five hours now, have put the whole city of Jingkou under our control. It is an extraordinary achievement for all of you here and those on duty at the gate, barracks, treasury and other places. Since ancient times, the uprising has never been so rapid. Naturally, it will take months of energy to plan.

However, although we occupy the whole city, we don't know the situation in Jiangbei or the west. With strong enemies outside the city, it is also unknown how to mobilize the troops of Jiankang and Gu. In the worst case, we may face a situation of being trapped in Beijing. Here, I ask you to be mentally prepared.

I paused and looked around at the people present. The people who participated in the planning earlier looked calm, because we had imagined such a situation. Liu Jianzhi and the Zhu brothers who participated in the later period were confused. However, it is not a concern just because I don't understand the deployment of the uprising.

I continued: "However, we have made plans. Although in unfavorable times, you can protect Beijing and go east. Break through Wu County and collect the power of the south. However, what we have to do is to face the strong enemy to the east and attack Jiankang. Jiankang is the foundation of the country and Huan Xuan. However, the foundation of the Huan family is not only Jiankang, but also has stronger power in Jingzhou.

If we try to fight against Huan Xuan after a long period of operation, I'm afraid we will wait for his Jingzhou soldiers to come to the east. Nanfang will form a situation of loss of life. Even if I wait to win Huan Xuan, how can there be a strong enemy in the north? Therefore, we will definitely fight against Huan Xuan's army deployed in Jiankang. Cheng can expel Huan Xuan from Jiankang and call on the world with Jiankang as the center. What do you think?"

This military plan has been negotiated. The reason for asking this now is mainly to seek the opinions of several newly joined Rebel leaders.

Liu Jianzhi took the lead in saying, "I don't know how many volunteers we have? How many soldiers does Jiankang Huan have?

I said, "It doesn't count the troops in the north and west. Today, about 2,000 rebels in Jingkou are still being recruited. Huan Xuan has nearly 50,000 troops in and around Jiankang.

After I said this, many people present looked less natural. Although everyone knows that there must be more chances to win the war with me, it is not so easy to fight against 50,000 with 2,000. If the other party is Sun En, the winner will be defeated, but the other party is a strong soldier under the rule of Huan Xuan, who is both civil and martial arts.

Zhu Lingshi said, "Brother Huan Xuan is rebellious, and everyone in the world has the desire to ask for it. However, our military strength is far from good. It is not easy to win against 50,000 Huan Xuan with 2,000 soldiers. If it is a positional battle, with the ability of General Deyu to lead the army, he can still win by military tactics, but if he faces a siege after arriving in Jiankang, it may be very difficult.

I replied, "If it is a siege, it is indeed difficult for us to win. However, I thought that Huan Xuan would use positional warfare.


"I'm afraid Brother Shi knows more about Huan Xuan's people than me. Is he a man with tens of thousands of strong soldiers and trapped in a lonely city? Moreover, if he really has the intention to defend, I'm afraid he will also worry that we will gather the four-way rebels to besiege the city after stationing the city. Jiankang is a land of water and fire. He either repelled our army outside Jiankang City, or withdrew from Jiankang and turned to guard his aunt.

"So, as expected, Huan Xuan will inevitably send troops to obstruct our army on the way to prepare for his deployment of the battle in Jiankang. Of course, if Huan Xuan sits and guards Jiankang, the stone will not come out. We need to turn to attack the upper reaches of the river to cut off Jingzhou's reinforcements. It will take at least two months for the soldiers of Jiangling, Jiangxia and Xunyang to get the news and go down the river. How could Huan Xuan take risks for these two months?

"What you said is very true!"