Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 062 The enemy comes from the east

Many people are reluctant to leave the barracks, especially foreign soldiers. However, I heard that I would send silver and entanglement, and most of the people who wanted to leave still left. There are also many old people in Beijing who did not choose to leave, because they kept a wait-and-see.

In fact, not all the people who stayed in the barracks were willing to participate in the uprising. However, most of these people have been in the army for many years, and as soon as they leave, they hesitate and don't know what to do.

I have been in the army for so many years, and I understand such people very well. After being in the army for a long time, they have feelings and support for the army. For them, it doesn't matter who they fight. All they want is to be in the army. Those who are determined to be loyal to the king should be foolish, and those who are determined to be loyal to the army should also be foolish.

However, I don't think such a person needs to be rejected. They don't need a reason to fight. They have been tempered into almost natural soldiers by the army. Once there is a war, they will charge forward and don't care about gains and losses. Just like a timid person rushes to his life when he sees his father and brother being bullied. They maintain the army as well as their relationship with the army.

I'm not worried about the soldiers left in the barracks, but it's not easy to reorganize the soldiers. I gave the full power of this hard matter to Tan Ji.

I also ordered Tan Ji to notify the whole army of the demobilization. Divide the first few hundred soldiers selected into two teams and go to the west gate and the north gate to assist in defending the city. The remaining officers assisted Tan Ji in registering and reorganization of soldiers.

I wanted to appoint Liu Daolian, who had worked in the Ministry of Ceremonies, to preside over the dismissal, but Liu Daolian is now sitting in the general's mansion and can't leave for a while. Although others are from the military and official gates, they are not familiar with the documents and treasury of the garrison in Jingkou. Meng Chang, who is most familiar with this matter, is not in Beijing.

I asked everyone, "At present, there is still a lack of a master book in the army. I don't know who can take on this role?"

He Wuji said, "In my opinion, there is no one more competent than Liu Muzhi's Liu Daohe in Jingkou."

I know Liu Muzhi. Now he is the general of Jianwu, the internal history of Lang Xie and the master book, but I have not had a deep friendship with him.

"I know Liu Muzhi, but I don't have a deep friendship. Wuji, how do you get along with Daohe? I asked.

"There are not many contacts, but this person is a righteous person. Now that we have conquered Jingkou, he will definitely not refuse. He Wuji is very sure.

After thinking about it, Liu Muzhi was not the righteous man who initially participated in the uprising. Now it is indeed necessary to take certain risks for him to take charge of the important position of the main book. However, what other risks are greater than our uprising? Success is not necessarily king; failure is not necessarily a bandits. It not only hurts yourself, but also affects your family.

"In this case, please work hard and invite Liu Muzhi to join the Rebels."

He Wuji was ordered to leave the camp.

At this time, Wei Yongzhi, Tan Shao and others sent people to report the situation in various parts of the city. The people in the city were still a little disturbed at the beginning of the uprising, but after the announcement of the people, they were slightly relieved. People scattered from the morning fair came back one after another, and some shops facing the street were half-open to meet some regular customers.

When Tan Pingzhi and I returned to the Central Army after patrolling the camp, we saw that He Wuji had already sat in the tent with Liu Muzhi.

"Dao and brother, please." I hurried forward a few steps and arched my hands.

Liu Muzhi hurriedly returned the salute and said, "Daohe has met the general. You are worthy of being a hero and doing such a righteous thing.

Where, where. Because Huan Xuan is incompetent, we will raise the flag of righteousness. Now Liu Daolian is appointing to guard the general's mansion of the Fu army, Tan Shao and Wei Yongzhi to defend the city, and Tan is responsible for the rectification of soldiers and perform their respective duties. It's just that there is still a lack of a master book management in our army. May I ask my brother if he can recommend a suitable candidate?

General Deyu, I have been living outside the city for nearly half a month. When I was lying in the room in the morning, I heard the noise in Jingkou City. I went out for a long time and thought that there must be a change in Beijing. In less than an hour, I saw several soldiers riding out of the city on fast horses and coming to me. At that time, I guessed that your Excellency must have asked me to discuss the matter. Because the military uniform was not at home, I temporarily made a piece of cloth.

At this time, I found that Liu Muzhi's dress was indeed different. Several of the people in the account couldn't help laughing.

"Dao and brother are really extraordinary." After I said this, the people in the account couldn't help laughing.

Liu Muzhi looked down at himself, smiled with everyone, and said, "It's really a shame that Muzhi failed to follow the generals and generals. The first creation of the Rebel Army, the main book task is heavy, and the appointees need to be quite talented. My ability is limited, but I'm afraid there is no one more competent than me in a hurry.

"That's good. It's really lucky for me that Dao and brother can succumb to the main book. With the help of Tao and my brother, I will definitely succeed.

Immediately worshipped Liu Muzhi as the main book of the Rebel Army in the account of the Chinese army, asked him to take charge of the treasury, and sent Yu Qiujin as his deputy. The first task is to order Liu Muzhi to count the treasury and allocate some money to assist Liu Wei, Tan Pingzhi and Tan Ji in dealing with the demobilization of soldiers.

The last group of demobilised soldiers were also sent out of the camp after having lunch in the camp.

The largest military camp was organized as the main camp of the rebels. There are less than 2,000 people left in the Nuoda camp, which looks empty.

I ordered to seal all the barracks and leave only the east gate. The soldiers in the battalion are not allowed to move lightly.

After affirming the discipline of the barracks, I led the righteous in the barracks to set up an incense case on the campus and sacrifice the flag.

When I saw the ceremonial official straightening Huan Xiu's head on the incense case, I suddenly felt a chest tightness. Thinking of Huan Xiu's usual trust and concern for me, I can't help but feel sad.

After sacrificing the flag, I rekindled the incense and cried and sacrificed Huan Xiu with wine. Standing behind me and crying with me to sacrifice Huan Xiu, there were also several old generals of Beifu who were deeply valued by Huan Xiu.

Huan Xiu came to Beijing for a long time. Although there is no achievements, because of kindness and kindness, it often gives small benefits to the left and right, so it is quite popular. He also treated the generals of Beifu, including me, with courtesy.

However, those who practice great righteousness are not petty. Although Huan Xiu treats people with sincerity and courtesy in the army, he is Huan Xuan's right-hand man after all. If he had not been born into the Huan family, he might have become an important minister of the State of Jin in the future. But now, because he is a member of the usurper, his sins are unforgivable.

After the ceremony, I asked Huan Xiu's head and body to sew up again and be buried outside the city.

Tan Pingzhi led several of his nephews to lead the well-organized soldiers to the school and practiced martial arts as usual; Liu Muzhi led more than a dozen books to count the arsenal and equipment. All military affairs have been resolved so far.

From the early morning to now, everything has been done like water. This is the result of our careful planning for several months. Many plans originally set for the accident, but fortunately there is no chance to implement them.

After a busy afternoon, several leading righteous men and I could sit down for lunch.

However, we only ate one or two, and a soldier hurried into the account and told us an unexpected news: a team of soldiers came from the east and didn't know where they were. They asked me to go to the city quickly.

Our group quickly threw down the bowl and followed the people to fly to the city.

When I got to the top of the city, the team of people had arrived at the bottom of the city, estimated that there were three or four thousand people, equivalent to the number of defenders in the city. The leader was none other than Diao Hong, who was with me in the Sanza camp, Sima, who was the general of the army at that time. The soldiers he led were Huan's soldiers stationed in Dantu.

Because this personal soldier was stationed in Dantu, a barrier was set up between Jingkou and Dantu after breaking through Jingkou City. With our plan, the city of Jingkou will be broken, and the little Dantu County will certainly not be able to defend it. As long as Jingkou is stabilized, Dantu can be defeated in one fell swoop.

I didn't know that Dantu's army didn't wait for us to attack, but attacked our city. Whether to fight or not, it is urgent to make a judgment.

The generals saw this situation and asked, "General Liu and General Tan, what should we do now?"

Tan waved his hand: "The soldiers will block it. Let's go out of the city to kill him. Brother Deyu, you sit in the city and watch me go out to fight with him.

The two strong men, Qian and Meng Longfu, also came forward and said, "Yes! Kill him without coming back.

I asked, "Is there any news in Guangling?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one knew.

"What's the news about Liu Zhong?"

Everyone shook their heads.

I pondered for a long time and said, "Although we are winning against these 3,000 or 4,000 soldiers, at this time, the news in Jiangbei has not yet come, and I don't know what the situation will be. At present, Beijing is just a lonely city. Therefore, I can't wait to waste troops. Instead of going out to fight, it's better to defend the city for the time being.

Tan disagreed: "It is precisely because it is a lonely city that we need to fight against it. If Huan Xuan sent troops from the west. East and west attack, won't it be a big deal for us to stay in Beijing?

I shook my head and said, "I'm not afraid that Huan Xuan will send troops, but I'm afraid that he won't send troops. Judging from the situation of Jiankang, Huan Xuan was worried that the situation was unstable, and his troops were assigned to Jiankang and his aunt. When he did not usurp his power, it is understandable that he has a heavy army. Since he has usurped power and the capital is set in Jiankang, why did he put the army in his aunt? It can be seen that Huan Xuan has a weak mind and a strong retreat.

Tan was meditating and said no words.

He Wuji said at this time, "Since the accident between Yuan De and Zhong De, Huan Xuan has indeed had lingering fears. For him, although he is the lord of Jiankang, he always believes that the foundation is in Jing and Jiangzhou. It did not focus on operating Yang, Xu and other states in the east. General Deyu's intention is to adapt to changes. Jingkou is on the side of Jiankang. Now that Jingkou City and Beifu Army are in our hands, can Huan Xuan fight a war?

We are not allowed to discuss in the city. The soldiers under the city have begun to prepare for the siege.