Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 074 Sunset

When I heard the old monk mention the dragon pattern at the Zhulin Temple in Jingkou, although it could confirm my experience as a teenager, I always thought it was strange and suspicious. Now that one or two thousand people have witnessed the dragon pattern with their own eyes, this matter will never be fake.

What does the appearance of this dragon pattern mean? I find it very difficult to understand. Because this inexplicable thing has exceeded my understanding of things. Therefore, when Tan Daoji asked at this time, I really didn't know what to say.

Today, there is only one thing related to the dragon, and there is only one person. This is the title of emperor, and this person is naturally the emperor. Now this dragon pattern appears on me, is it...?

However, in front of Tan Daoji, it was not convenient for me to think about it, so I had to perfunctorily say, "The dragon pattern is a good omen, which must indicate that our righteous army will win and the true dragon emperor will return to Jiankang and resume the great cause of Jin. Therefore, I will definitely unite sincerely, go straight to Jiankang, and make great achievements early.

Tan Daoji didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of suspicion.

The real dragon emperor returned to Jiankang, why did the dragon pattern appear on me alone? No one will believe my explanation at this moment. But what can I say?

Tan Daoji and I chatted a few more, let him have a good rest, get out of the cabin and return to his ship.

I closed the hatch and lay on the bed. My heart was surging, and even the pain on my legs was completely forgotten.

As soon as I close my eyes, I will recall seeing the eagle with green hair hovering on my head on the tower in Jingkou. I should have been able to see that the eagle's hovering posture is not trying to find prey. It is completely like a worship etiquette, a kind of etiquette that people can't understand, and a kind of etiquette that only God seems to understand.

Is this really God's instruction? Do I, a slave who almost disappeared in the wilderness since I was a child and suffered a lot since I was a teenager, really have incomparable glory?

"It's not difficult to get in and out." This is what the old man in Jingkou said. However, now it seems that my future is not just about going out. And those who are about to enter the phase are naturally the ninety-five supreme that is admired by all people and worshipped by hundreds of countries.

The boat turned a corner in the river, and the afterglow of the sunset came straight in from the window of the cabin and shone on my face.

At this time, the sun has shown a golden halo. The halo is expanding little by little, dyeing the clouds in the sky into gold. From this perspective, directly below the golden area should be the Jiankang City behind Jiang Shan - the capital, imperial city and palace of the empire.


The sunset pulled the shadow of the towering wall hundreds of steps. The direction of the shadow is another wall.

The wall in the distance is much lower than the nearby wall. However, it is in the middle of the dwarf city that it is the most central place of the whole empire - the imperial city.

Now the original owner in the imperial city has already left there and moved to a defenseless city - Xunyang City;

Now the new owner of the imperial city has already left there and moved to the most defensive city in the world - Stone City.

Huan Xuan and a group of ministers are in the Stone City, looking at the palace and the Chu Palace in Jiankang City. Compared with Stone City, Huan Xuan naturally prefers the two magnificent palaces.

"Your Majesty, the prince has deployed his army outside the city." A general cautiously reported to Huan Xuan.

Huan Xuan spoke and did not respond at all. His eyes seem to have condensed in that direction.

The general spoke like facing a great enemy, and after speaking, he was like a Mongolian. Seeing that Huan Xuan did not respond, he quickly flashed aside.

When you encounter Huan Xuan's bad feelings, whether you report a good letter or a bad letter, two things are inevitable. If it is lucky, it is reprimand, which brings pain to the soul; if it is unfortunate, it is rebuking, adding physical pain; if it is great misfortune, it will completely detach the mind and body, so that you can't feel pain. However, at that time, he was already out of the world.

"How's the city defense?" After a long time, Huan Xuan, who replied to the yuan god, asked this question.

The general who just reported was shocked. Just as he was about to speak, another replied: "General Chen just reported that the prince has settled down."

Huan Xuan saw that the answer was Yin Zhongwen and nodded and said, "Hmm. That's good." Suddenly, he remembered something and asked, "How about Bian Fan?"

"The deployment on the river has been completed a few days ago. Bian Gong is also outside the city now, but I don't know whether he is with the prince or on the river. Your Majesty, don't worry. The prince and Bian Gong are both loyal people, and there is no worry about Liu Yu's children.

Huan Xuan sighed and said, "It's not worry, it's just your words to comfort me. How can I not worry about Liu Yu's rebellion in Beijing? I also heard that Huangfu and Wu Fuzhi led nearly 10,000 soldiers to be easily defeated by Liu Yu. How can I not worry? I..."

Huan Xuan temporarily changed his tone a little. Although he ascended the throne as emperor and put on a majestic and arrogant look in front of all the ministers, he has never done this to the two of them. One is Liu Yu on the other side of Jiankang City, and the other is Yin Zhongwen on the other side of Jiankang City.

"...My views on the military are completely different from those of the lords. Wait... alas!" Huan Xuan sighed and stopped talking.

What he actually wants to say is that if we follow my plan, the war situation will never be like this.

I don't know how many times he has spoken to these ministers. However, those ministers did everything they could to give, secretly, and desperately, and forced him to send troops to intercept him. Huan Xuan couldn't sharpen it, so he had to set up two lines of defense on Jiangcheng and Luoluo Bridge.

The result was as he expected, and the two lines of defense were broken by Liu Yu effortlessly. This is exactly what Huan Xuan is worried about: the failure of the striker has a profound impact on the army.

At this time, Huan Xuan was very helpless and secretly scolded in his heart: The mediocre minister misled the country! Mediocre ministers mislead the country! If others put forward these suggestions, even you, Bian Fanzhi and Yin Zhongwen, even followed. It really disappoints me deeply.

The afterglow of the sunset has changed from gold to red, thickly smearing Jiankang City and Jiangshan in the distance. This is extremely solemn. It penetrates into the hearts of everyone standing on the stone city and sinks people's hearts.

A cloudy wind blew from the river, and everyone couldn't help raising their hands to cover their faces. With a "kaka" sound, the handle of the golden top cover on Huan Xuan's head was blown off by the wind. Fortunately, the eunuch's hands and feet are fast, otherwise if the top cover falls on Huan Xuan's head, then the next one will fall will be the heads of these eunuchs.

When Huan Xuan saw that the people behind him were in a hurry, his face suddenly changed. But he was not angry, but thought in his heart: They are in a hurry, and they are like this, aren't I the same?