Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 075 Overturning

At night, the rebels arrived at the foot of Jiangshan, which is the closest part of the river to Jiankang City. The detective has been reported before going ashore. Jiang Shan did not find the enemy, but there was an enemy movement on Fuzhou Mountain.

"The trace of the invincible army on Jiang Shan?" I listened to the detective's words and asked again.

The spy replied confidently that no enemy soldier had been found.

I looked around the crowd, and they were also full of suspicion. Jiangshan is the largest mountain in Jiankang, covering an area comparable to the whole Jiankang City. I'm afraid it's difficult to find out Jiang Shan's situation by sending only a few spies.

"Ji Gao!" I called out.

"The end!" Sun Jigao came forward and stood solemnly.

"Search the mountain separately with 50 people."

"Recomm on the order!"

"Look carefully, especially where it is easy to attack from top to bottom. Once the back road is intercepted by the enemy and attacked back and forth, our army will fall into a critical situation. Don't be careful!"

Liu Zhong took the order to leave.

"Li Mi!"

"The end!"

"You take ten people to investigate the enemy in Jiang Xiashan. Your journey is fast. In case of extraordinary circumstances, report it in time and don't delay!"

"The last general will listen to the order!"

After sending Liu Zhong and Li Mi out, I ordered everyone to follow the plan.

It is indeed inconceivable that the enemy is undefensed in such a military important place. However, looking back on the deployment on the way from Jingkou to Jiankang, he also thought that Huan Xuan did not seem to pay much attention to the defense. It seems that they are really preparing for the battle of position and the defense of the city.

Foreground warfare, he can rely on the disparity of troops in the open space;

In the battle of defending the city, he can defend the city.

We chose a location to camp while relocating all the ships and ladens. Heavy and grain are transported ashore. All the boats were also lifted ashore and built a temporary fortress facing Jiang Shan. The extra ships have been chiseled and sunk.

The symbolic significance of chiseling a ship is far greater than the practical significance. Doing so will not prevent the army from escaping after defeat, but it can let the rebels know that it is extremely dangerous. At this point, I will no longer have the idea of luck.

If you go deep alone, you will either fight to the death or die!

If you fight to the death, you will most likely not die in battle; and if you die in battle, you will never be able to fight again.

"General, the messenger has come to Jingkou."

We just set out the day before yesterday, and there is a messenger today. It seems that it must be an important military situation. I don't know if it's good or bad. Before I could summon the generals, I summoned messengers to send letters.

To my surprise, the messenger brought good news: Yu Qiujin brought 300 newly recruited soldiers and then arrived.

What makes me more happy is that these 300 soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, and they are veterans of Beifu who are stranded in Beijing. It is said that five or six hundred soldiers will be sent tomorrow. Meng Chang, Liu Muzhi, Liu Jianzhi and others are indeed my Xiao He!

Thinking of this, I can't help but be shocked. If Meng, Liu and others are Xiao He, aren't I Liu Bang, the king of Han? And the king of Han is naturally the later emperor. I dare not think much about the many good omens before. This matter is determined by heaven, and no one can know it. Unless it's really the son of heaven.

In less than two hours, the people who followed Sun Jigao to explore the mountain came back one after another. What they got was the same as that of the spies: there was indeed no enemy deployed on the mountain.

I and I will sit on the ground in the tent that has just been set up, carefully analyze the situation of bringing Sun Jigao back and the information sent to Fuzhou Mountain to spy, and slightly modify tomorrow's battle deployment. After the meeting, except for the 300 people led by Tan Daoji, Koon and the soldiers on duty at the side of the camp, they all went back to bed.

Not yet, in the early morning.

It's not bright yet. The barracks are already brightly lit.

All the soldiers sat on the grass in the barracks for dinner. I stood by the camp and stared at the solemn black in the gray in the distance. That is the overturning of Zhoushan. The mountain is not tall, and the top of the mountain is narrow, shaped like an overturned wooden boat. So the locals called it Fuzhou Mountain according to their image.

Cover the boat!

I really don't understand why this mountain is called by such an unuspicious name in this capital.

Heavy troops have been laid on the other side of the mountain. The general who led the army on the bank of Fuzhou Mountain was Huan Qian, who came to Beijing to ask me if he supported Huan Xuan. It is said that he is the commander of the Jiankang garrison. In addition, there is a deputy general and a partial general. Vice General Bian Fanzhi and General He Hanzhi stationed troops on the east and west sides of Zhoushan and on the river respectively.

Huan Qian, He Hanzhi, Bian Fanzhi and others are not afraid, but he has nearly 20,000 soldiers, about ten times our strength.

The disparity in strength is not frightening, but those soldiers are the most elite troops transferred by Huan Xuan from Jing, Jiang and Yang.

Although the general is not a good general, the soldier is a fine soldier. Far from being comparable to Sun En and Lu Xun, and far from being compared with the soldiers of Jiang Cheng and Luo Luo Bridge. This will be the last battle of the Rebels to capture Jiankang, and it will also be the most tragic battle. This is a battle of life and death, and success or failure.

This battle is a real desperate gamble. No one is very sure about winning. If it is unfavorable, more than 1,000 of us may be buried at the foot of the boat.

Cover Zhoushan! I don't know whether to be Huan Xuan or Liu Yu!

Everyone noticed that there was a faint flash of fire in the shadow of the mountain. Soon, the ignition light formed a long chain. Soon, the long chain gathered again.

Liu Yi and others gathered together and stood beside me to watch the fire in the mountains.

"Is the time come?" Liu Yi asked.

"The time has come!" I answered.

Liu Yi, Tan Zhi, Liu Daogui, Wei Yongzhi and others gathered our own troops and went to Zhoushan with complete equipment. Zhou Anmu, Zhu Lingshi, Zhu Chaoshi, Yu Qiujin and others packed up their supplies and moved the camp to the bottom of Fuzhou Mountain. And chisel all the intact ships.

Liu Daogui, his younger brother, strongly demanded to participate in the war. Although I tried my best to stop him, he swore in public that he would coexist with the soldiers. I have no choice but to give up the selfishness of guarding my brother. The generals understood my idea and persuaded Liu Daoru, but they couldn't make Taogui change his mind. I have no choice but to leave it to him.

When we arrived at the foot of the boat, the sky had not yet opened. The sky seems to be covered with a thick cloud, but the clouds in the east are lighter.

In the escape of the enemy soldiers, our army climbed to the top of the boat. There, I saw the successful Tan Daoji at night.

Tan Daoji reported to me with a tired face that they had planted flags all over the mountain overnight.

When we went up the mountain, he ordered to light all the torches on the mountain. I looked around, and the torches all over the mountain fluttered with the branches, and the flags all over the mountain fluttered with the mountain wind. Looking through the hazy light in the early morning, it seems that many mountain ghosts are wandering in the forest.

In the unopened skylight, these mountain ghosts look extremely strange.