Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 079 Kill the thief and win

The sporadic enemy soldiers who had time to escape near the barracks and the imperial city saw that most of our army had entered the city and looked at the wind falling.

Since Huan Xuan himself had fled, I don't think these soldiers would make any difference even if they were the old cronies of the Huan family, so he ordered Yu Qiujin to gather them into the army.

This bold move was opposed by everyone, including Liu Yi. After all, Huan is still there, and it is hard to guarantee that these people did not surrender out of expediency. The surrendered generals will either return to Huan Xuan's army in the future, or stay in Jiankang as an internal response when Huan Xuan's army went east. In either case, it is not good for our army.

However, my opinion is that what we try our best to deal with is not only Huan Xuan, but also to suppress the covetedness of other forces. In the case of a small number of soldiers, if we do not supplement our troops with ready-made surrender troops, then the vassal towns and warlords in the four directions will move when they hear the wind and rectrate their troops into Jiankang for chaos, we will fall into the deadlock of multi-party operations. The Great Jin Kingdom will still be in danger. Huan Xuan and other local warlords have greatly damaged the vitality of the dynasty and must not give other warlords a chance to move with a camera.

The opinions of all parties on the resettlement of soldiers are extremely different. Even my cronies, Kium and others, are against it.

This debate about surrender is no less intense than the battle between our army and the Huan army. However, the debate finally persuaded Liu Yi and others to accept my views with the strong support of He Wuji and the Tan clan.

Recruiting soldiers is indeed a bold gamble. However, we have been a gamble since the Jingkou Uprising.

Although the uprising itself was not a gamble, before the uprising, the situation of Jiankang changed fundamentally and threatened the safety of the rebels. This uprising can be said to be very hasty. In a sense, a well-planned uprising turned into a gamble. With less than 2,000 troops, he took the initiative to attack the city with 50,000 elite soldiers. For a soldier who is proficient in ancient warfare, I have never seen a similar incident in history.

If it hadn't been for my ignorance, once this uprising was successful, what we created would not be unprecedented!

Since the uprising itself is a big gamble, why not increase the bet? Once successful, it will stabilize the world in one fell swoop! Whether it is the empire or the emperor and the people, they have suffered too much. Who can bear to make the devastated Jin Dynasty have more hardships?

According to the report of the surrendered enemy generals, Huan Xuan has arranged a number of fast ships under the Stone City since he became emperor. As soon as the news of our uprising in Jingkou and Guangling reached Jiankang, Huan Xuan urgently ordered to transfer the items in the palace and the palace of Chu to the ship outside the stone city. Not only antique calligraphy and paintings, gold, silver and jewelry, but also tables, chairs and pillows have been moved to the ship.

This should have been an extremely secret thing, but it went away. Not only did the army know about it, but even the people quietly talked about it in the streets and alleys. It is precisely because of this that the military and people's hearts and minds of the defense of Jiankang City have been greatly shocked.

The Beifu Army was puzzled by Huan Xuan's behavior, and even Huan Xuan's Jingzhou soldiers did not understand Huan Xuan's behavior. Despite the bitter exhortment of literary ministers and generals, Huan Xuan still ignored it. Even the "emperor" who once dominated the Western states did not have the confidence to defeat the rebels. How can he defend the city?

When we set out from Beijing, who did not understand this, everyone thought that we would experience a protracted battle in Jiankang. Because of this, we did not bring all the troops, but left some of the troops in Jingkou and Guangling, so that when we are hit hard, there are also righteous people who can adhere to the will of our pioneers and continue to deal with the Huan family to the end.

But war is always full of infinite variables.

It is also because of this that those soldiers who can't get a deep glimpse of their appearance fall into confusion;

It is also because of this that those generals who have a glimpse can change randomly, like gambling, and gradually increase their chances of winning.

At the beginning of the war, it relied on confidence and courage;

At the time of war, it relied on wisdom and perseverance.

Those who rely only on the strength of their strength and arbitrary results of the war will eventually leave something on the battlefield. Either the head or in a hurry.

Huang Xuan did not leave his head, just because he fled the battlefield early.

On the way to march, the closer I got to Jiankang City, the more confident I became of victory. What makes it difficult for me to predict is that it took less than two hours for us to capture Jiankang City. Less than two hours later, even the Stone City was captured by us. Since the construction of the stone city in Jiangdong, I am afraid that this is the first strong city in the world has been broken, and no one has ever expected that this city will be broken so quickly. The world is unpredictable, and the military is unpredictable!

The victory came so fast that it was unbelievable.

Even if we have witnessed tens of thousands of enemy soldiers disperse in front of us, and even if we have personally landed in the two cities of Jiankang and Stone that guard the capital, our consciousness seems to have not been able to ease from the fierceness, excitement and excitement of the fierce battle for a long time.

Under the stone city, the vast river rushes from west to east, like a mighty division, straight down tens of thousands of miles. Who dares to block the situation?

A handful of rivers are light to soft, but hundreds of millions of rivers can be converged into the most daunting power in the world. Who dares to despise its power?

However, throughout the ages, how many people don't think it's strong, how many people don't think it's power, and how many people don't care? In time, such a force will eventually burst out and swallow up all the insincerity, injustice and injustice in the world.

"Kill the thief will win--"

Suddenly, such a shout came from a distance.

"Kill the thief and win! Kill the thief and win!!"

When our party walked from the side of the river on the stone city to the other side of the city, what we saw was that all the soldiers in the city were holding up their weapons in their hands and shouting in unison. The voice was very heroic and familiar.

"General, your knife!"

I looked back and handed over a moon knife holding me. The person who handed the knife was not Liu Zhong or his own soldier, but Meng Huaiyu, a former Dantu guard, who once led the Dantu garrison and shouted with me. That scene seemed to be yesterday. At that time, how could we think that one day we would stand on this majestic stone city and look at an "emperor" fleeing from the river in a hurry?

I took the knife handed over by Meng Huaiyu, as if it was not a knife, but a belief, a trust and awe-in righteousness. I slowly raised my knife in the city, and the shouting in the city stopped. At this time, the only thing is quiet, just like the dawn before dawn. All the soldiers stared intently at the moon knife in my hand. I raised my head and looked, and there was a ray of sunlight reflected on the blade. Incomparable and beautiful!

"The thief will win——"

If the sky has ears, my roar will definitely shock the sky.

"Kill the thief will win--"

If the earth has ears, the roar of all the soldiers in the stone city will certainly shake the earth.

"Kill the thief and win! Kill the thief and win!! Kill the thief and win!!!"
