Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 078 Jiankang Stone

The situation is very beneficial to us. I took the opportunity to shout: "The enemy has been defeated, soldiers!"

Our morale rose again and rushed to the enemy with their respective heads.

After rushing forward dozens of steps, I saw thick smoke around the battlefield. The fire attack is really good!

After rushing forward more than a hundred steps, I saw deserters running around the enemy array. The enemy soldiers really collapsed!

The gate of Jiankang City has long been closed. The escaped enemy soldiers could not return to the city, so they had to walk around the city.

He Wuji and others have already inserted in front of us from the flank and are commanding soldiers to burn the gate under the city. The enemy soldiers who were originally standing in defense of the city suddenly disappeared.

When the army attacked the city of Jiankang and was about to order it to climb the city with heavy ladders, it saw the burning gate of Jiankang open, and even the suspension bridge was put down. A group of people in the city are leaning down with weapons.

I'm worried that there will be an ambush in the city. Although I immediately sent people to occupy the doorway, I'm still uncertain about whether to attack the city now. At this time, a man leaned on the city and shouted to us, "General Liu, the garrison in the city has gone. Please speed the righteous teacher into the city.

I looked up and saw that the man was Wang Zhongde, Wang Yuande's younger brother.

From this, I no longer doubted, but the moon knife waved into the air and led the army into the city.

Noda Jiankang City, the streets of Nuoda, are unexpectedly empty.

The rebels behind me continued to attack the city according to the battle plan, and I went to the city to check the battlefield with Wang Zhongde.

On the battlefield between Fuzhou Mountain and Jiankang City, some of the Rebel soldiers are chasing and killing the fleeing enemy, and the other part is queuing up to the city.

I saw a few thick smoke in the lake north of Zhoushan. There, Liu Yi is fighting with He Yuzhi. According to the situation, He Yuzhi has been obviously defeated.

A large flag stood at the head of Jiankang City and shook against Zhoushan and Jiangshan.

In a short time, a large flag was shaken on each of the two mountains.

This is a signal to inform all forces to quickly defeat the enemy and march towards Jiankang.

When I came down from the city, I asked Wang Zhongde, "Is Huan Xuan in Jiankang or in the stone?"

"As far as I know, Huan Xuan moved to Stone City with his family, children and cronies a few days ago."

I nodded and watched a team of soldiers running past me quickly.

Jiankang Street, which was originally empty, is now full of soldiers of our army.

The reason why Jiankang has two cities, Jiankang and Stone, is the same as the two cities of Tieweng and Dantu in Jingkou.

Jiankang City was built in the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, it was not a real city, but a military fortress guarding the river. Hundreds of years later, at the end of the Han Dynasty, Jiankang had formed a big town. When Sun Ce guarded Jiangdong, he first carried out some repairs and built the wall with soil. When Sun Quan was in Bingzheng, he moved the capital of Wu from Wuchang to Jiankang, and then he built a civil construction in Jiankang, making it the largest city in the south of the Yangtze River.

After that, Sun Quan thought that Jiankang City was not strong enough, so he built a small but extremely strong city in the southwest of Jiankang City. This city is different from Jiankang City, which is made of earth, but is all made of stone. This was also the only city built of stone at that time. Therefore, people have called it the "stone city" since it was built.

Although this stone city has an official name, the three words "stone city" are so influential that the official name is forgotten. This city is often referred to as "stone".

The Stone City is just a military barrier as a barrier to defend Jiankang City, and the palaces of all dynasties are still in Jiankang City.

After the Great Jin moved from Chang'an to Jiankang, Jiankang City and Stone City were repaired. In addition to strengthening the Stone City, Jiankang City has also been expanded and nine gates have been added. The empire followed the palace of the State of Wu, renovated the palace and raised the palace. And the surrounding mountains and lakes are merged into the imperial garden.

As a military fortress, the stone city was built into the emperor's palace. Once the situation changes, the royal family and important ministers will move from Jiankang City to Stone City for safety.

In the process of marching towards Jiankang City, Huan Xuan and his "chen" fled into the Stone City.

Since ancient times, although countless cities have called themselves "solid as golden soup". However, there are only two cities in the world that can really reach a city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. One is the ancient Jinyang city built from the Zhou Dynasty, and the other is the stone city built by Sun Quan in the Wei Dynasty standing in front of us.

The strong city built by Sun Quan is actually more than a stone city. The Jingkou Tieweng City that I have repaired is the prototype before the construction of Stone City. After that, Sun Quan built Wuwang City in Wuchang and wanted to make Wuchang the capital of the State of Wu.

Sun Quan's idea of building Wuchang was strongly opposed by the powerful and powerful in Jiangdong, and claimed that "I would rather drink Jianye water than eat Wuchang fish; I would rather die in Jianye than live in Wuchang." Sun Quan, who was devoted to building a strong city, had the idea of protecting the foundation created by his father and brother. Encountering the intimidation of the powerful in Jiangdong, he finally had to set the capital to Jianye (now Jiankang), which was far away from the battlefield of the Central Plains, and built a stone city stronger than Jingkou Iron Weng City and Wuwang City in Wuchang.

The stone city is built on the mountain. Although the city is small, the wall is extremely high and thick. Compared with other walls made of earth, the stone city almost breaks the idea of damaging the wall. No matter how powerful the army is, it will be moved by its towering strength.

There is no way to destroy this city. It can only besieged but not attacked.

Since Huan Xuan has entered the main stone city, Jiankang has actually become an defenseless empty city.

After settling the affairs of Jiankang, I personally joined Liu Yi's attack on Stone City.

The tragedy of the war is self-evident. From noon to evening, after several siege battles, I decided not to try again.

Attacking Stone City is like attacking a shrinking turtle. Since it can't pry open its armor, everything is futile. Moreover, the consumption of personnel on both sides is obviously extremely unfavorable to us.

In today's situation, Liu Yi has to set up a siege at the fortress outside the city, and then go back to Jiankang to deal with the rest of the affairs.

Just as all the troops from Jiangshan and Fuzhoushan gathered outside the city to prepare to enter the city, new war reports came from the Stone City. Dozens of Mengchong boats quickly sailed out of the city with several buildings, breaking free from our army's blockade on the river and going upstream.

After I was convinced that Huan Xuan himself escaped, I immediately made a decision and sent He Wuji to gather most of his troops to search the ships and chase them. Except for some of the martial arts who continued to join Liu Yi's troops to besiege Stone City, they all entered Jiankang City.

Although there was a big war outside the city, there was no destruction in Jiankang City.