Marty Jianghu

Chapter 195 Sit and watch under the sword

According to Bai Shiyun's idea, if this can't beat this little girl, he will only die.

So he will win whether it is for survival or reputation!

The little girl in the sound wave tornado was shrouded in the clear eyes of Bai Shiyun, but her mind was suddenly a little disordered. The fierce sound rolled with the roar, waved and tore fiercely, forced by the long sword of the silver pipa and Bai Shiyun. It became thicker and thicker between the two. Bai Shiyun could hardly breathe. The only thing he could do was to hold the sword in his hand tightly! He searched every inch of his body and stamped all the true power on the sword. Although he had no experience or perception in dealing with sound wave skills, he still firmly believed that he could win, and he must win. Finally, the tornado and the dance sword were connected. A trace of fear suddenly flashed in the little girl's eyes, because she found that she could no longer stop, and she couldn't help hitting the sword. The sword is sharp! The little girl screamed.

The domineering sound suddenly weakened with her scream, and Bai Shiyun only felt that the pressure on his body was suddenly relieved, so he took a long breath.

Qingcheng swordsmanship flashed like a dragon on itself. Although this long-suppressed sword is not a divine sword, it is different from Bai Shiyun at this time, and the little girl seems to be simply touching the silver pipa in her hand with her own strength.

Bai Shiyun knew that only by using the deadly sword handed down by the teacher could he defeat her, but that would annihilate the other party. Although she was a demonist, she had no hatred with herself at a young age, and suddenly felt unbearable, because what he saw at this time was not a flesh-eating demon, but just a fearful person. . His hand suddenly deflected.

Between the lightning and fire, the long sword slid past the side of the little woman's body, with a soft sneer, cracking the strings in her hand, but it did not hurt her skin at all. But the broken silver string seemed to be spiritual. Under the flying of the fourteen silver stars, it hit Bai Shiyun's arm firmly!

Bai Shiyun hummed, and his body flew out, fell to the ground, connected a few mouthfuls of blood and spit out. His eyes were dark and there was a feeling of dizziness.

The little girl was stunned. She really didn't expect that Bai Shiyun would stop the sword at the last moment. Why did he let go of a man who wanted to kill him? And he knew that the price of letting her go was his own serious injury. Why did he do this? The little girl trembled, and she didn't know what she was afraid of, but she slowly approached. She stared at the dying struggling man crawling on the ground and gently said to Bai Shiyun: "Why? Why?"

Zhang Chengfeng on one side fought side by side with Fuhai and the "Sword Saint". I don't know what the situation is here.

Bai Shiyun used all his strength and raised his head. He stared at the girl who walked in front of him and retained a trace of regret in his heart. He guessed that his life would not be long. And the girl suddenly felt sad and couldn't help crying. She was surprised that she had never shed tears since she knew that Xiong Feng had murdered her father a year ago. Why does she cry now? Just because Bai Shiyun didn't kill her? Her little heart has long been desolate, so how can she care about life and death?

"Brother!" The little girl said with a little crying voice. She stretched out her little hand and grabbed Bai Shiyun's shoulder and gently pushed him.

Bai Shiyun tried his best to open his eyes and saw the little girl's small face full of tears. In the big clear eyes of the sun, he looked at himself full of surprise and shame.

Only then did Bai Shiyun know that this little girl was also a kind-hearted person. He thought he was going to be young. From then on, he could not see his master and could no longer drink with his brothers. Bai Shiyun didn't expect such an ending. He sighed in his heart. Long Zhantian over there was still forcing him to die. Even if he survived, how could he stand by and watch? But he always owed her a life. Thinking of this, Bai Shiyun really wanted to faint like this, but then he was sorry for the little girl. Struggling on the edge of his conscience, Bai Shiyun still woke up.

"Brother!" The little girl said with a little crying voice. She stretched out her little hand and grabbed Bai Shiyun's shoulder and gently pushed him.

Bai Shiyun tried his best to open his eyes and saw the little girl's small face full of tears. In the big clear eyes of the sun, he looked at himself full of surprise and shame.

"Hey, I'm not dead yet!" Bai Shiyun slowly got up and endured the severe pain in his heart.

"I'm scared to death. My eldest brother's martial arts are indeed above me. Your move, which is as fast as lightning, will completely restrain me, and even pierce my heart with a sword..." Before the little girl finished speaking, she was stopped by Bai Shiyun.

"You and I don't owe anyone, and now I won't fight. Life and death are up to fate. Bai Shiyun looked at the two sides that had already been reflected in the bitter battle.

"Well, let's see who wins over there. Don't worry, my master, he won't kill you if he just needs a knife! Just like if you don't kill us, don't think that the people of heaven and earth are bloodthirsty demons. In fact, those who are really shameless are those of you who think you are decent... Of course, brother, you are not that kind of person. The little girl said that the girl sat beside Zi Bai Shiyun without any precept and watched the battle over there with joy.

Bai Shiyun did not answer her. But now he doesn't want to care about such a problem with her, and his eyebrows are full of worries. If they lose, the efforts of the previous generation in Qingcheng will be wiped out. Who can bear this? If the three of them work together, they will be able to solve Long Zhantian.

There is no if here.