Marty Jianghu

Chapter 196 Crystal Floodlight Shines for Me

In the cave.

Yang Jing opened his eyes and saw nothing but darkness, thinking that it was hell. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice coming into my ears, which was Gu Lian's. Hearing this sound, Yang Jing closed his eyes at ease and knew that he had no chance to see the Lord of Hell now.

"Ky! Don't scare me." Gu Lian's warm little hand patted Yang Jing's cheek. Where did Yang Jing, who was in a state of fake death, remember under the touch of such a gentle little hand?

Gu Lian suddenly put his coat on Yang Jing's chest, and Yang Jing immediately jumped up. This move was really effective. It turned out that Gu Lian's observation was so meticulous that he saw Yang Jing's relaxed and happy look and his heart beating faster, and now he decisively gave him a pain. Yang Jing bent down and stared at Gu Lian with great pain. This sweetness and then bitterness really couldn't stand it.

"What's going on?" Yang Jing looked over there to see where there was any situation.

Gu Lian was asked and said for a moment, "There is nothing left. The black snake left, and the elder of the Kuntong faction disappeared.

In such two simple sentences, Yang Jing and Gu Lian have fallen into infinite reverie. Perhaps only God knows why it will be such a result. As for the process, it is too complicated and imaginative that no one can say it clearly.

"Let's go and have a look." Yang Jing said.

Hearing this, Gu Lian opened her big eyes and looked at Yang Jing again and smiled, "Look!"

I saw a red crystal in her hand, shining. Yang Jing was shocked and asked, "Is this the 'blue blood crystal' you mentioned?"

"Well, this is also thanks to the old man of the Kuntong faction, otherwise we won't get it a hundred times." Gu Lian said.

When Yang Jing heard her say "we", she was faintly shocked. A few hours ago, he still hated it to the bone. Now that the other party has done so much for himself, he doesn't know where to start his words of gratitude. She is her father's personal guard and is ordered to arrest the killer and assassin who took her home.

Yang Jing suddenly sighed and said, "I don't know how to thank you. I once thought you were a witch..."

Gu Lian interrupted him and said, "Tears in the world, resentment, Qingfeng's two sleeves are long and comfortable. People's tricks, knives hide smile, colorful clouds and long swords are short and sharp, he gets ambition and laughs at idle people; he loses ambition, idle people laugh. Yang Jing didn't pay attention to the first two sentences. When he heard the words "He got ambition and laughed at idle people; he lost his ambition, the idle people laughed", he was shocked and heard that her voice was delicate and clear, round and free, full of worries, and he couldn't help but understand the meaning of her first two sentences carefully, and then did he know that Gu Lian from coming out to with himself. After encounters and moves, Gu Lian is very kind to herself, but she regards her as an enemy. She can't help but feel ashamed when she wants to come to Yang Jing.

"The world is difficult to reason, and life is precious. I want to move the creation of the world. Good luck hides bad luck. Yang Jing said.

In the dialogue between the two, their words are open-minded, which shows that they are a person who is full of worries and can see through the feelings of the world. It is not commensurate with their years, and it is also because they have experienced more hardships than others. In the past two years, Yang Jing has been struggling to prepare for it. Today, he is trapped in the mountains and sees that he has no physiology and chews the valley. Those two sentences can't help but disappear, and I feel it. The so-called "people in the world can't help themselves", Yang Jing also became calm at the moment when he died.

Gu Lian got up and walked towards the exit, and Yang Jing walked over with understanding.

Yang Jing came there with him and saw that the stone gate was automatically closed. Yang Jing asked, "How did you get the crystal?"

Gu Lian said, "It's a black snake. After he was injured, he protruded the crystal and ran away, but the elders of the Kuntong faction were forced to die. He was immersed here for a hundred years and couldn't imagine that he would sacrifice for this crystal. Hearing this, Yang Jing also stood up and pushed the stone gate with Gu Lian. He only felt that the true air flowed in his body, which seemed to accumulate endless strength, but he could not make it out, just like a long embankment blocking the torrential flood, and the water was blocked and could not vent. He tried three times and was decadent. Gu Lian also stood aside anxiously and said, "Yang Jing, will you come to suck the energy of this crystal? Maybe you are so smart that you can practice at once. Yang Jing smiled and said, "Although I have experience in this, but..." Gu Lian whispered, "It's been used for a while, and it's cheap. It's good to practice for a day. Yang Jing knew that his previous experiences were escorted by Su Qianyang, but now it was different, but in order to go out, Yang Jing still smiled and took over the crystal.

"It should be sucked according to certain steps, according to the law, and the true air should be penetrated for a moment. When there seems to be a trace of cold air in your ten fingers, you need to pause for a moment to prevent it from going crazy and being irredeemable." Gu Lian said.

Yang Jing was shocked that there are still so many steps in this crystal.