Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

39 natural disaster

After the master invited me, it seems that I am very busy. Sometimes I live in the post hall all day and don't come back. When I came back, I just went out of the door after a simple grooming and taking a rest.

Various traces indicate that something must have happened, and it must not be a trivial matter related to Murong Zijun. As expected, rumors came out in the house in a few days. Although this gossip is a little exaggerated, it does not reach the point of being groundless.

It is said that 3,000 miles south of the capital, there is a rich city, with two major rivers across the city, and because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the climate in the city is like spring all year round. It is a good place to grow crops. Two-quarters of the country's revenue is here. Today, the emperor personally gave the name - Ruicheng. You can imagine what an innate advantage this place is. But it's such a blessed land, and now there is a problem.

"Miss, I just heard from the girl in the fourth lady's room that she said that Ruicheng didn't know what happened this year. The field was full of locusts flying up to cover the sky and avoid the sun, which was very scary!" Helianwu told me the gossip she had just heard from the kitchen, and repeatedly stressed that the relationship between the fourth lady's girl was with a guard beside her husband.

"Oliver, don't mention what's gone. Go and send this to Zhang Banxian." I watched Helianwu speak a little vigorously, so I quickly sent her out and told her to bring me a snack when she came back.

I sat on the table thinking about what Helianwu said. If it was true, it would be a little serious. The foundation of the country is this crop. The so-called three armies do not move, and the food and fodder go first. Don't eat any of these living mouths. No wonder Murong Zijun hasn't come to the prime minister's mansion recently, and he is probably lack of skills. Since ancient times, natural and man-made disasters have been the most difficult to avoid. As a prince, now the emperor has given this matter to him, which must be to test his ability. If this is not done well, it will affect his future. He must be very busy now. I'm inexplicably good at the thought that he may not be able to sleep well all day.

But after all, the people affected by every natural disaster can't be their relatives! The dead and injured are not all the people. The harvest is not good, and the people must live in the disaster. There will definitely be a treasury relief, and the consequence of the relief is that the taxes of other cities and towns will increase! A typical vicious circle!

Just as I was calculating how long the country would perish, a little man came to invite him and said that he had something to call everyone.

When I walked to the front yard, except for Chu Tianshuang, who was banned, who could not be there, other family members of the prime minister were present. It seemed that other people also heard a little bit of the wind and seemed a little nervous.

The prime minister leaned against the back of the chair with a tired face, and Chu Tianxue stood behind him and pressed his shoulder. The prime minister saw that the people arrived and asked Chu Tianxue to sit down.

"There was a locust plague in Ruicheng, and the emperor's heart was very sad! His Royal Highness also thought about the solution for a few days! But the situation is getting worse and worse!" The prime minister cleared his throat and said.

"If we don't solve the locust problem, tens of thousands of mu of land in Ruicheng will be harvested this year! Therefore, we should prepare for the worst. As the prime minister, I have to take the lead in this emergency! So now we need to reduce the daily expenses of the prime minister!"

The concubines of Xiang Ye didn't really listen to it. As soon as they heard that they wanted to reduce spending, they all chattered.

is talking about how she will live in the future, and even said that her mother's family is still waiting for her to get money to support. In short, except for the eldest lady, Chu Tianxue and I didn't talk to him, everything else didn't agree.

With a "bang", Xiang Ye looked at the bottom as if it had exploded and slapped on the tea table, which scared the people below to heartbeat.

"It's presumptuous and makes you get used to being rich, right? Now that the country is in trouble, how can I believe that you ignorant women know what it means to sacrifice your life for righteousness? Needless to say, the expenditure per room has been reduced by two-thirds. Now meat dishes are not allowed on the dining table of the prime minister's house. No..." Xiang Ye wanted to say something, but suddenly the dizziness in front of him spread out on the chair.

"Master, what's wrong with you!" Obviously, the eldest lady was also scared and hurried to check the state of the prime minister.

"Dad, don't scare Xue'er!" Chu Tianxue, which is the closest to the main seat, also ran over and pushed his master, and the concubines also surrounded him.

I hurried over and pulled them away. This man was nothing good. It must have suffocated them to surround them so much.

"Go and get a doctor! What are you still doing?" I shouted at the panicked people, and then everyone woke up and asked their servants to go to the doctor.

Several bodyguards worked together to carry the prime minister back to his room, and soon the doctor in the house rushed over. After passing the pulse, he opened a few prescriptions.

"Mr. Zhang, it's okay for him!" The old lady asked worriedly.

"It's okay for him. It's just that he didn't eat well and sleep well these days, and now he's angry again, so he fainted. Just open a few prescriptions to recuperate!" Zhang Hongyu, known as Dr. Zhang, handed the written recipe to a subordinate next to him and pulled out silver to say to everyone.

"I'm going to give you a needle now, and you can wake up right away!"

Everyone looked at Xiang Ye anxiously, and as expected, Xiang Ye woke up leisurely soon. Zhang Hongyu then withdrew the needle and put it in his wooden box, ready to leave.

"Master, what do you think!" The eldest lady asked eagerly. It can be seen that the eldest lady's friendship with the prime minister is still true, but no one really talks about such feelings.

The boss shook his head to show that he was fine, so he lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed. Chu Tianxue hurried forward to stop his movements.

"Dad, you just fainted, just take a rest! Dr. Zhang opened the recipe and is already struggling!"

"No, the matter of Ruicheng has not been solved yet. How can you tell me to sleep at ease! Tomorrow, the prince will go to Ruicheng to inspect the situation, and I will also go to the post hall to meet him.

"Master, let's send someone to inform His Royal Highness. You can meet at the gate tomorrow. You can take a break first! Health is important!" The eldest lady persuaded her. After thinking about it, he felt that what the eldest lady said was reasonable and agreed.

After a while, the medicine was brought up, and Chu Tianxue sat on the edge of the bed and fed it spoon by spoon. If it hadn't been around these people, this picture would have been a happy family of three.

"Master, you are not in good health now. Why don't you follow the snow to Ruicheng that day? Concubine, don't worry!" The eldest lady was talking about it. If it is done, it will be of great benefit to Chu Tianxue. Maybe the relationship between Chu Tianxue and the prince can take a big step forward. Even if the matter in Ruicheng can't be solved, Chu Tianxue is also a person who has accompanied the prince through difficulties, so there will be a great advantage. If God really has eyes to solve this problem, the emperor will definitely look at Chu Tianxue differently.

"This... Well, let Tianxue follow me! I'm afraid it's going to be hard all the way!" This eldest daughter has always liked herself, even if the current prince no longer intends to marry her.

"Let's all go!" The eldest lady took a look at the people standing aside. Everyone saw that it was not a big deal, so they took their own people back to their rooms.

"Xiang'er, please keep it!" Just when I wanted to go back to the room like everyone else, the master stopped me. I have to stand aside and wait for everyone to leave. Isn't the prime minister going to want to accept my learning achievements in the past few days at this justation? I thought with a little guilty.

"Xiang'er, you can also go to Ruicheng with me tomorrow! Go back and clean it up tonight!" In the surprised eyes of the eldest lady and Chu Tianxue, the prime minister said to me.

"Ah... I'm going too!" Although I'm still very happy that I don't have to be tortured by those three masters anymore, I'm still a little surprised that the prime minister will take me there.

"Yes, your elder sister can't take care of me all day. It's easier for her if you go!" Listening to the minister's words, the old lady's face softened a little.

"Master, Tianxiang is still a little young. Why don't you find a smart girl to accompany Xueer!" The eldest lady looked at me kindly, but her eyes were full of warnings.

"It's okay, Tianxiang will become! That's it. Tianxiang, go and get ready!" The prime minister waved his hand to indicate that I could leave. How could I think of it? The prime minister asked me to go, which was nothing more than to make the prince happy.

I didn't know what the prime minister wanted me to go until I got back to the room. No matter what, it shouldn't be my turn! As soon as I pushed the door, Helianwu sat there eating pastries.

"Miss, where have you been!" Helian dance quickly pushed the pastry in front of me. I picked up a piece and tasted it. It was almond-flavored. It was slightly bitter in the mouth, but it had a special fragrance.

"Woer, we are going to Ruicheng tomorrow!" I told her the unfortunate news while eating, that is to say, we won't be able to eat Yunjinlou's specialties and pastries for a while.

"Miss, no, there is no food in that place now! What are we going to do?" As expected, Helianwu was unhappy when he heard it.

"How can there be no food? That place used to be so rich that there must be food reserves, but there is a locust plague this year. You always listen to people talking nonsense! You have to use your brain to know!"

"Miss, what the hell are we going to do?" Helian smiled and asked me again.

"I don't know, just take it as a sightseeing tour!" I picked up another piece of cake. Well, this time it's pomegranate flavor! It's the same color, how to make different flavors! The master of Yunjin Building is quite good at it.

When I think of Yunjin Tower, I don't know when I will be back when I go out! It is estimated that it will be less than a month and more than half a month. Thinking of not seeing Xiao Qingyun for such a long time, I felt an indescribable unhallowance. No, I have to meet him!

Looking at the sky outside, it's not too late. I guess Xiao Qingyun hasn't slept yet. Then let's go out for a midnight snack.

"Wu'er, do you want to eat the three-burned pigeons in Yunjinlou?" I seduced the Helian dance.

"Think about it!" Helianwu immediately hooked up. I asked her to blow out all the candles in the room, then bolted the door and climbed out of the window with me. This is in case someone is looking for me. Although there will definitely be someone looking for me in the middle of the night, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years!

No one passed by the street at night, only a few drunk people were quarreling together, which is not much different from modern times. There is a brothel at the end of the street from Yunjinlou. At night, many people will let their servants come here to pack wine and vegetables, so Yunjinlou's business will open very late.

When Helianwu and I walked into the gate of Yunjin Tower, there were still many people eating and drinking below. Zhang Banxian sat at the table in the lobby downstairs and ate a midnight snack. As soon as he saw us coming, he got up to greet him.

"Chu girl, it's so late, but I miss our son!" Zhang Banxian touched his white beard with a smile.

"No, I have something to look for him, and the dancer will give it to you. I promise to let her eat three-burned pigeons!" After saying that, I ran to the second floor,

"You are a loser, you can eat whatever is expensive. Sooner or later, Yunjin Tower will let you eat it! Alas, girl Chu, the prince is..." Zhang Banxian looked at me running to the second floor and quickly said something to me, but a guest slipped and broke the wine bottle, so that I didn't hear the second half of the sentence clearly.

Xiao Qingyun has been living in the innermost room on the second floor, which is said to be the best light. When I pushed the door in, I didn't see anyone outside, so I went straight inside. Anyway, he had better not to fall asleep. When he fell asleep, he was destined to be woken up by me.

I faintly heard a sound of water. When I was still wondering, my eyes looked at such a picture first. A white jade-like back, the green silk on his head stuck to his back because of wetness, making the skin of his back more and more white. He washed his chest with a hand towel, and the butterfly bones behind him looked extremely beautiful. Because he turned his back on me, I just guessed

I'm completely stupid. Well, anyone who sees such a naked man will be like this!

When the water slid along his hair and fell into the water and bloomed, I heard the sound of my gasping, and now I know what Zhang Banxian is trying to tell me. All the situations indicate that Xiao Qingyun is taking a shower, and now I have become a complete voyrant.

I guess now others want to say that I came here on purpose, and I can't argue. Who would think I really didn't hear Zhang Banxian's words?

"Do you still like what you see!" I don't know when Xiao Qingyun found me. Maybe he knew it was me from the beginning. He now turns around, and his body under his waist is covered by the heat of water, revealing only his thin upper body, and his long wet hair makes his face more delicate, as attractive as a water demon.

Because of the heat of the water, his face appeared a little red, and his lips were particularly moist and red. I unconsciously watched his lips open and close, confused!