Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

40 Ruicheng

"Xiang'er, can you turn around first? The water is cold!" Xiao Qingyun looked at me with some fun.

It's cold, what's cold? The water was cold... I suddenly woke up, and the red immediately climbed onto my cheek, quickly climbed down my neck, and there was a downward trend. I quickly turned around and breathed. What did I do just now? I stared at a man's upper body in a daze!

There was a sound of water behind me, then the sound of stepping on the wooden floor, and finally the sound of cloth rubbing, and my face turned redder. After a long time, maybe not for a long time, but I feel that it has been a long time. I was carried into a warm and steamy arms. His long wet hair swept over my cheek, which made my heart beat.

"Xiang'er, did you come to me in the middle of the night to be in a daze?" His breath touched my ears, and I shrank aside. He was absolutely intentional.

Sure enough, he laughed when he saw my movements. Men are so inferior! At this time, I thought bitterly that I shouldn't have come tonight, so that this man can't find me in the next few days. I'm so anxious!

"Who...who is in a daze? I just got into my responsibilities and intentions as the second boss to tell you that I'm going to Ruicheng with my father tomorrow!" I cleared my throat and said to him that his chest was quite comfortable, so I simply pressed the weight on him and was happy.

"Oh, I went there in person for such a small thing!" He asked me in a smiling voice.

"Do you think I'm a masterpiece? Then I'll go back! I won't tell you where to die next time!" I'm angry, and it's really bad to be eaten to death by others all the time. I twisted my body to get away from his arms.

"Xiang'er, if you continue to twist like this, I don't promise to do anything!" Xiao Qingyun said to me in a hoarse voice.

"I can do it when I'm so young, I don't believe it!" After I blurted out this sentence, I regretted it. This is a naked provocation! Sure enough, Xiao Qingyun was unhappy. He turned around me and pressed his face down on me.

"Don't... Don't make me wrong, can't you?" I put my hands on his shoulder and looked up as much as possible. This posture was too painful! Xiao Qingyun saw my resistance, wrapped one hand around my waist, pulled my bracelet to his neck with the other hand, and then smoothly blocked my mouth.

There seem to be a lot of fireworks in my mind, which makes me unable to open my eyes! Xiao Qingyun's heavy breath sprayed on my face, and I hugged him back. He likes me, right? At least you like me at this moment!

"You're right, it's really too small!" Xiao Qingyun looked down at my chest. I followed his eyes and kicked his calf bone. He frowned in pain.

With a "squeak", the door was pushed open and two figures fell in. I looked at the place where the sound was made, and it turned out to be Zhang Banxian and Helian dance. I hurriedly pushed Xiao Qingyun away and distanced himself from him in exchange for his unhappy eyes.

"Dan, tell you not to push me, but you don't listen. Look! It has been found!" Zhang Banxian got up from the ground and accused Helianwu.

"Who won't let me see it and cover my eyes!" He Lianwu also said aggrievedly.

"I'm for your own good. This picture is not suitable for children!" Zhang Banxian looked at Helianwu with the meaning that Confucianism could not be taught.

"I'm one year older than Miss! I'm not young..." The two directly ignored the existence of Xiao Qingyun and me, walked out while quarreling, and thoughtfully helped us close the door.

Silence, the atmosphere is not ordinary embarrassment.

"I'm going back, and I have to get up early tomorrow!"

"Xiang'er, are you all right? Your face is so red!" Xiao Qingyun teased me funny. Can I not be popular? What a good child I am! It's rare to do a bad thing and be caught!

I ignored him and went straight downstairs and rampaged out of Yunjin Tower. Helian Dance was also busy catching up with me and laughed from time to time along the way. I've had enough!

Lying until **, I can't sleep. I always think about Xiao Qingyun and the temperature on his lips, and I can't sleep for a long time. Finally, I fell asleep when the sky turned white. But after sleeping for a while, he was called up again, saying that he was ready to go.

Helianwu packed our luggage in the shortest time, changed a few sets of clothes, and didn't bring anything else. When I arrived at the door, a large number of people came to see me off. As for it, it's not that I can't go back.

I actually saw the long-lost Su Shixian in the crowd. I guess the child was scared by Chu Tianshuang and went home to be shocked. The prime minister's house also dared not come back for a long time.

He hasn't changed much, but he hasn't seen it for a long time and feels that he is a little more beautiful. He also saw me, smiled at me, and said hello. The old lady directed the servants to carry the luggage of the master and Chu Tianxue on the horse. Compared with their boxes, my small bag looked very shabby.

Finally, after tossing around, we embarked on a journey with the sound of care from the eldest lady and the concubines. There are three carriages in the group, Murong Zijun, Xiangye, Chu Tianxue, and Helianwu and Su Shixian. The back one is used to check luggage. The carriage is very well decorated, and there is a soft cushion on the seat, which is very comfortable to sit on. The carriage is also covered with the fur of unknown animals, which is really not an ordinary luxury. But it's really comfortable to take off your shoes and step on them!

Not long after I got in the car, Zhou Gong appeared in the shaking of the carriage. Su Shixian looked at the blue and black under my eyes and expected that I must have slept well yesterday, so he took a book and looked aside without making a sound.

When I came out of the prime minister's house, I would pass the Yunjin Tower. I suppressed my sleepiness and lay on the window of the carriage and looked out. Although it's still early, I still hope to see Xiao Qingyun.

Sure enough, Xiao Qingyun watched our carriage slowly pass by on the second floor. I waved to him in the carriage. He took out a burden and threw it to Helian Dance who was lying with me at the window with me. I grabbed it and opened it. It was all my favorite little snack. I can't help but feel sweet. So I made a very funny move, and I threw a kiss to Xiao Qingyun! After being stunned for a moment, he quickly understood and threw it to me like me.

I didn't shrink my head back until I couldn't see Yunjin Tower. Sharing the snack with Helian dance and eating extra sweetness in his mouth.

"Tianxiang, do you have a good relationship with Boss Xiao?" Su Shixian, who was also sitting in the car, asked, that I really forgot his existence just now. Fortunately, I just carried him on my back, and he didn't see my movements.

"It's just a gentleman's friendship!" I perfunctorily looked at Su Shixian. Su Shixian looked at the big bag of small mouth in my hand, which obviously didn't match what I said.

My spirit returned to light when I saw Xiao Qingyun, and I wanted to go to the Zhou Convention. I leaned my head on Helianwu's shoulder and fell asleep. In a daze, I seemed to feel that someone had changed my direction and let me lean against a more stable place.

When I woke up, I leaned against Su Shixian's arms, which scared me so much that I almost hit the roof of the carriage.

"Tianxiang, you don't have to panic. I didn't do anything to you! It's just that Tianxiang sleeps deeply, and I'm afraid that you will hit your head to come up with this!" Su Shixian explained that I reacted too much and was injured.

I was wondering why I couldn't see Helian Dance. The curtain was lifted, and Helian Dance poked his head in.

"Miss, you're awake. Come down and have a meal. The scenery outside is beautiful!"

I jumped out of the carriage. It was really like what Helian said. The scenery was really good. My eyes were full of green, but now the sun could not shine in at noon, and most of the light was blocked by many towering trees. Only some mottled shattered light was left on the ground.

The outline of the blurred green mountain in the distance is as beautiful as a pair of ink paintings. From time to time, all kinds of birds fly through the forest, and the crisp calls make people feel comfortable.

"Tianxiang, what do you think of this scenery!" Murong Zijun didn't know when he would come behind me and asked me softly. This was the first time he didn't call me sister, and I was in a good mood, so I took care of him.

"It's really good. Even if I live here for the rest of my life, it's not annoying!" I sincerely praise you.

"What's the difficulty? As long as you follow me, half of the mountains and rivers are yours!" Sure enough, it started again in less than two seconds.

What's the use of half of the mountains and rivers? In life, you can't eat a few meters, sleep in a bed, and wear three feet of clothes. How about it?

"Oh, so that's what Tianxiang thinks?" Murong Zijun looked at me in surprise, as if he had known me for so long that this was the most reaction.

"Originally, if you give me half of the mountains and rivers, I'm not happy, then it's of any use to me!" Murong Zijun, who left me with thoughtfulness, stood aside and walked far away. He has been staying in the capital. How could he have a chance to see such a beautiful landscape?

"Dan, have you seen such a beautiful scenery?" I asked Helian dance that followed me.

"I have seen it. At that time, I saw it every day on the mountain. The master planted a large flower field there, which was a kind of flower I had never seen before, and he never told me what kind of flower it was! I looked at the stars in the tree every day at that time. It was very beautiful!" Helian said with some nostalgia.

The unknown sea of flowers in the mouth of Helian attracted me!

"Dan, if one day I get rid of my current identity, I will go to the mountain to see the sea of flowers with you and live there, okay?" Helianwu readily agreed. He also talked about how good his master's cooking is and how delicious the dishes are!

In a short time, a bodyguard invited us to have a meal, a few simple dishes. This is the only way in this suburbs, and the bodyguards caught a few fish to roast for us, and the food was not too bad.

Chu Tianxue fed her father medicine after dinner. Murong Zijun occasionally said a few words to her and she was happy for a long time. She was really ignorant.

After a short rest, I embarked on the journey again, and the carriage began to shake again. I looked at the scenery outside the window and didn't have time to meet Zhou Gong. Su Shixian felt a little sorry.

I have to find a topic to talk to me. Every time I get stuck and speechless, it's better to do it and read his book. I don't think there has been a woman who doesn't give him face like this!

The speed of the carriage was really slow. It stopped for nearly ten days before it arrived in Ruicheng. On the day we arrived in Ruicheng, more than a dozen officials, large and small, came to welcome us, sent us to the post hall, and then went to the largest restaurant in the city to pick us up the dust.

"Liu Yiqing, a subordinate, is the magistrate of Ruicheng. The prince and his prime minister have worked hard all the way!" Liu Yiqing held his glass to toast the crowd, and the little officials below followed one after another.

At this time, the dishes were served one by one. After eating a few dishes, I had a slight doubt.

"This is our unique banquet in Ruicheng, whose name is Bainiao Chaofeng!" Liu Yiqing introduced me to the dishes in front of me.

The dishes on the table are very beautiful. In the middle, a phoenix is carved from fruit, with various fruits to spread tail feathers. Other dishes are also made of various fruits to make bird heads, and there are all kinds of meat in the middle.

"This is called milk swallow returning to the nest. It is chopped with field chicken to make the shape of a bird, and then shredded fish and wrapped into the shape of a bird's nest. It is steamed with high-thick chicken soup. It is famous for being slightly sweet in the mouth."

In the end, a few vegetarian dishes were served. The more I ate, the more I became confused. After tasting each dish, I felt confident that I was really doing it myself and couldn't live!

After dinner, we followed Liu Yiqing to the farmland outside the city in a carriage. No wonder it can produce two-quarters of the country's food. What a large field! From the foot of the mountain to the halfway of the mountain, it looks like terraces.

There is also a waterfall hanging between the mountain and the mountain, which is really a place of marriage at the right time and place. This is supposed to be a prosperous place, but the purpose is to marry a man who has been bitten. Many people took nets to catch locusts, but the speed of people was not as fast as these flying insects, so they trampled on a piece of crops. The scene looked really lively. We look down the mountain with locusts flying all over the sky, and I'm afraid the people below can see more.

It's a pity that these people don't know how to cherish it! I am a light-spoken female generation. How can I make them understand the mistakes they have made? I don't want to be in the limelight anymore. It's really nerve-wracking.

This field is owned by the state, and because of the existence of waterfalls, Liu Yiqing built a summer resort in the mountains. He is still a person who can enjoy life. Liu Yiqing lived on the mountain with us with those officials. Before dinner, the prince and the prime minister went down to the field to watch, and they all came back with earthy faces.

I can't think of an idea of how to mention them. Even if I say it, I can't save it. I heard Liu Yiqing's wife that the reason why this summer resort was built here is that there is a low-lying place behind the villa, and the water of the waterfall will flow into it to form a natural pond, in it. The bath is very comfortable.

I pulled the Helian dance as soon as I heard it and was ready to experience it. We took the laundry and went to the place Mrs. Liu said.