Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

41 Guoshi Mujin

Walking in the direction indicated by Mrs. Liu, we soon heard the sound of water. The closer we got, the louder we got. Soon we found the pond that Mrs. Liu mentioned was not big. It was surrounded by stones. It should be Liu Yiqing who specially found someone to repair it. A small canal was also dug to lead the water in the pond to a lower place so as not to make the water in the pond become stagnable.

The moon tonight is very round and bright. The pool water is clear and there is no impurities. It's really a good place.

There is only one way to come in. I asked Helianwu to wash with me, but she had to guard me on the way. I can't resist her, so I have to go with her.

I took off my belly pocket and underwear and went into the water. The water temperature was not very low, and it was very cool to soak in it. I am entertaining myself in it, and I also take a deep breath and sink into the water to see the stars in the sky. The scenery of the sky looks dreamy and unreal in the fluctuations of the water. I kept repeating this action until I saw no longer a star, but a person.

I quickly surfaced and wondered where he came from. Helian dance guarded at the intersection, and it was impossible for someone to come over without alarming her.

"Who are you?"

He stood three steps away from the edge of the pool, dressed in pure white and unpatterned clothes, with long and small white hair casually scattered, and even his shoes were white without a trace of mud! How much does he like white? He gave me a very clean feeling, as if he didn't belong here.

No, there is no mud on the shoes! This is on the edge of the waterfall. No matter what, it will be a little along! Come on, it's a ghost! Mom, take a picture of Liaozhai!

"Miss Chu, don't panic. I'm Mujin, the master of the dancer! And I can't see it!" He stood there and said lightly.

I always thought that the master of Helian dance was a man who was about to grow old. I didn't expect to be so young that a blind man could make delicious things. It's really not easy.

I looked into his eyes, just as he said, there was a piece of gray inside without any luster. It's a pity that people who are more beautiful than Su Shixian can't eat the world's fireworks can't see this great world.

"Miss Chu, it's not a pity. The world is cold, and it may be better not to see it!" I was shocked when I heard it, and he actually knew what was on my mind! Sure enough, there are two brushes.

I climbed out of the pool without hesitation. Anyway, he couldn't see it, and Mujin turned around politely. After changing into dry clothes, I simply sat on the stone by the pond.

"Are you looking for Helian Dance? She is on the road ahead. Do you want me to call her here for you?" I looked at him as I proposed, and he thought for a moment and nodded.

"Ah..." I suddenly shouted, and then heard a burst of rapid footsteps. He even danced and fought with Mujin without seeing the people clearly. Mujin obviously expected that I would do this, and there was no surprise. After a few moves with Helian, he calmed out the baby.

"Wuer, you have been lazy recently. Are you greedy again? The light skill has regressed!" Mujin only felt a little spoiled in his tone when talking to Helianwu.

"Master Mujin!" Helianwu obviously didn't expect it to be him. He shouted happily and threw himself into Mujin's arms. I was stunned by the name of Helian dance. What is this called? Looking at Mujin caressing Helianwu's hair with a spoiled face, what's the situation?

We took Mujin back to the room. Helianwu was afraid that he would disappear silently, so she kept pulling him and refused to sleep, but Mujin had something to say to me and had to order Helianwu's sleeping hole.

Watching him gently cover Helianwu with a quilt, then went to the table and sat next to me, picked up the teapot and poured water to drink. Not a drop was sprinkled on the table, and he did not kick down or overturn anything during walking. What's the difference from normal people?

"Sometimes when you look at the world with your eyes, it will be clearer!" He put down the teacup and said to me, to be honest, he knew what I was thinking, which made me panic!

"What are you here for?"

"People all over the world!" Mujin looked at me and said, "You can also see the current situation! You should know the reason and don't plan to intervene?"

"Isn't it so great! You don't know the reason. Go and save yourself!"

"I can't save you, you can only go." He looked at me with a heavy face, "My eyes were blind when I took Helianwu away!"

I can't believe looking at him. He doesn't look like he is in his early 20s now. How did he save Helianwu at the beginning?

"Helian dance is destined to be a murderer in order to avenge her whole family. Less than a month after she was born, my master calculated her fate. When I was young, I was curious about what the future female demon would look like, so I took a look. But at that time, the innocence in Helianwu's eyes was what I wanted to protect for the rest of my life. I changed my life for her without permission, and my eyes gradually became unclear.

I kind of believe Mujin's words. Helian dance is young, but he has a very high talent in martial arts.

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked puzzledly.

"Everything is compatible with each other. If I change her life, there will be someone who will bear her fate to make up for the balance of the world! And your fate has been rare for thousands of years!"

"But I don't know martial arts, how can I become a female demon!" I looked at him puzzledly.

"It is not necessary to use a knife to kill people!" He said so far that I was speechless. He meant that the locust plague would not have come without me.

"Also, your fate and Helian dance complement each other, so you will attract each other. Helian dance has secrets about the world. You should be careful that people who know this use you to attract Helian dance!"

I'm even more depressed. The so-called throwing bricks to attract jade, I've been bricks for a long time, and Helian dance is jade. What's this?

Finally, Mujin said something that made me more sad.

"Dancer is the fate of the mother world, and I won't let her enter the palace, so you have a great chance of becoming a queen!" I suddenly thought of Murong Zijun. Forget it. What's good about the queen?

"It's not like this, it's unfair to me! It's not good at all!" I said indignantly.

Who says it's not good for you? If you still want to be the same you, you are destined to be alone for life! But now there is a good fate waiting for you!" Mujin looked at me inexplicably.

"So you want to send me away with such a good fate? There is nothing so cheap in the world. You have to promise me one thing, which is not harmful and unreasonable, or I will leave all this and let your dancer be that queen! You believe that I can do it with my current ability."

"Okay! I promise you!" Mujin thought for a moment and then agreed to me. It seemed that she really loved his family's dance.

"I don't understand why you let her go down the mountain since the dancer was taken away by you! Just leave her on the mountain all the time!"

"Some things are destined to escape!" He sighed that he stopped talking after this sentence, which was too official! But there is no doubt that the so-called master of Helianwu's feelings for Helianwu have exceeded the boundaries of the master and apprentice. Alas! That's great. What's wrong with having such a person guarding all the time!

"So where are you going now?" I looked at Mujin walking out of the door. In case he woke up and asked me for a master, how can I tell him?

"The dance can't wake up before dawn. I'll go to the prince first. Mujin doesn't have a position here!"

"There are still official positions! Isn't it big?"

"It's not big, it's just a national teacher." Looking at his distant back, I was silent. Ya is really modest, and the national teacher is not a big deal. Has't this national teacher always been the emperor's guiding light? Which one is unhappy? If you settle the charge of harming the country and the people, you can pull out a fire. Sure enough, they are all strong people!

The excitement tonight is a little too big for me, so that I can't sleep again. I sat in front of the bronze mirror early in the morning and looked at the blue and black under me. I'm still so young. What can I do in the future? Today, I looked at my face carefully. Xu didn't look at it, and my intention became more and more watery. The facial features gradually grew, and I felt pity for the third lady Qingliu. The skin is also much smoother and whiter than a few months ago, and the body is much plump! I can't help it. I always go to Yunjinlou to eat some delicious food. It's really hard not to grow meat! At present, it is no worse than Chu Tianxue and Chu Tianxiang! That is to say, the baptism without time looks quite immature.

When Helianwu and I went to the side hall for breakfast, we saw Mujin. Fortunately, before I went out of the room, I ordered Helianwu to pretend not to know him, otherwise, now Helianwu would have rushed over.

"This is the master of the country, Mujin!" Murong Zijun respectfully introduced Mujin to everyone. It seemed that the visit of the national teacher in the middle of the night surprised the prince.

After everyone saluted Mujin, they began to eat breakfast, which turned out to be chicken porridge! But the taste is delicate and the taste is really good. I see that Mujin seems to be a little unhappy with this porridge. In fact, if everyone sitting here knows the truth, I don't think I can eat it.

"The national teacher came here because of this locust plague?" Mujin nodded and said that he was here for this matter.

"Does the national teacher have any high opinions?" Murong Zijun was a little eager to see Mujin not talking.

"Why don't we go to the field and have a look and then discuss it?" As soon as everyone heard it, they agreed that the national teacher could come to explain that this matter could be solved. The national teacher has always been nowhere to come and go. Now as soon as the prince comes, he follows him. It seems that the prince is indeed blessed by heaven.

"Why don't you come together?" When I was drinking tea beside me, I heard Mujin call me by name. Sure enough, how could this man let me go!

"That's what the national teacher said, Tianxiang, come together!" Although Murong Zijun didn't understand Mujin's intention, he still agreed.

I had to follow everyone with Helianwu in Chu Tianxue's dissatisfied eyes and walk to the field under the mountain. Murong Zijun respectfully held Mujin's hand and showed him the way. He Lianwu always looked forward on tiptoe, afraid that Murong Zijun would fall her precious master. I really couldn't stand the way she looked left and right, so I simply proposed.

"Why don't you let my maid help the national teacher? This mountain road is a little unstable. It's not good to fall down the prince later!" Everyone was afraid that the prince would step on the air and even fall out with the two of them. They thought my proposal was very good! Mujin will never object, and the prince agreed under everyone's persuasion.

Helianwu was so happy that he had nothing to say. He immediately left me to hold Mujin. Sure enough, it's not left by the Women's University!

All the way, I observed the foot of the mountain, and everyone was drinking tea in the pergola set up in the field. The mountain road was really not easy to walk, and I sweated all over.

"National teacher, how do you think this matter should be solved!" Murong Zijun didn't have time to drink tea and asked Mujin, who didn't talk all the way.

"What's your opinion, Miss San!" Mujin accurately found my existence and looked at me with his gray eyes. He really couldn't even breathe.

"Since the national teacher opened his mouth, the little woman said a few nonsense!" I looked at the crowd and obviously had great dissatisfaction with the name of the national teacher who asked me to propose.

"Can you ask Lord Liu that the hundreds of birds and phoenixes we ate yesterday are birds in the forest and so on!"

"Yes, yes, our Ruicheng is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there are many edible birds and birds in the forest. This hundred birds and phoenix is a special banquet created by a chef ten years ago. Liu Yiqing answered me truthfully.

Ten years, wow, how many birds have to eat? It's a miracle that something goes wrong now. God did it on purpose!

"Can the people of Ruicheng like to eat chicken in the field?" I asked again.

"I like it very much. Ruicheng is a fertile place. The chickens raised are quite large, sweet in meat, and can be seen everywhere in the fields, so they are deeply loved by the people!" Liu Yiqing was obviously a little impatient with my question, and he did answer me politely.

"Duld Lord Liu hear a bird song when he came down from the mountain with us just now? Have you ever heard a frog in the villa at night? I see that they all appear in an impatient posture, so they no longer whappiness.

"Listen to Miss San's words, it seems that there is really no!"

"Everything in the world is compatible with each other. Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp! Only by maintaining balance will there be no chaos. You have cleaned up all the natural enemies of the locust and given it a harmless growth environment. It's hard not to have a locust plague!"

"According to Tianxiang, this is not a natural disaster but for human beings?" Murong Zijun seemed to look at me clearly.

"This... with the words of Miss San, it's hard to be persuasive..." Liu Yiqing heard this and I mean that they deserved the current situation. Suddenly, their faces were earthy and very ugly.

"Miss San is right. This locust plague is indeed man-made!" Mujin, who had been silent for a long time, finally said something. What he said was much more convincing than what I said. The reputation of a national teacher is easy to do.

"The subordinate is panicked, please ask the national teacher to show the subordinate a famous way!" Liu Yiqing knelt down in horror, and other officials also knelt down and begged Mujin.

"If you have time to cry here, it's better to mobilize the restaurant inn to release the birds and chickens caught in your hands!" Murong Zijun shouted angrily, and the officials who were kneeling were all so scared that they got up and ran to the city.