Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

73 give you a pair of crosses

Helianwu suddenly realized, "I said why Fang Yuyi pretended to be a lady. It turned out that she was to raise money."

"Now that the two of us have told the truth, you can circumvent our lives." Changhong climbed to us from the ground and said, "The person who disguised you is Fang Yuyi. I have no grudge against you!"

"It's ridiculous. If I didn't use lime powder on the roof, wouldn't you kill me on the spot if you caught me?" Changhong was speechless when I asked him.

Hmm, when this kind of person poops his buttocks, I know what they are going to poop. Although he is not a big traitor and evil man, he can't let the tiger go back to the mountain. What a headache. What should I do about them?

"Miss, be clean and neat." Helian danced with his right hand to cut his neck.

The expression of Helian dance was so expressive that I unconsciously swallowed my saliva. It's too violent.

"Not for the time being, dancer." I whispered in Helianwu's ear, "Once you kill them, Shiqi must be aware of them. At that time, we beat the grass and shocked the snakes. We must think of a perfect solution to stabilize Shiqi, and she can't catch any flaws.

"What should I do? Is it possible to leave them like this?" Helianwu curled his lips and said helplessly.

Good idea!" Well! Wuer, you are really witty. It's the best way to leave them here. I love you so much."

Think about it, it must be against the law to kill them. And let them go, hey, Helianwu and I don't have to be punished.

The monk who dances like two feet is confused. Miss, aren't we busy for nothing?"

"No, we have got important information about Shiqi everywhere for money. Because I have always thought that she just asked me for money. Besides, these two people don't know what we look like at present, so we can leave at ease. I touched the package with a bad smile, "Waner, we still have important things to do."

Through the fat man's dictation during the day, Helianwu and I have figured out the locations of the printed pirated comic strips. And there is a lot of gunpowder hidden in my bag, and I want a fire to burn these factories. Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey. Let anyone dare to pretend to be my name again.

With the assistance of Helian Dance Qinggong, we soon went back and forth to each printing factory. Sprinkle black gunpowder and put on a little fire. The wooden building burned into a ball of charcoal ash in a few times. Every factory is piled with wood, which is an excellent combustion aid. When I was burning, I even found that fake comic strips were still being printed.

That night, five pirated printing factories in the capital caught fire. The fire soared to the sky and reflected the dark night.

When I got up in the morning, I heard a maid and a maid in the house talking about the fire last night. Some people say that God was angry and punished the people; some people said that ghosts are endless and want to harm the world; some people think that the lawless people ran rampant and want to destroy the harmonious order in the capital; some bold people think that it is a natural mutation and the country is going to change its owner!

I came to a conclusion. Ancient people, like modern people, like to play some gossip! My 'behind-the-scenes murderer' swaggered over.

After breakfast with Helianwu, he decided to go to Uncle Han's store. In order to know Shiqi's wolf ambition, I have to work harder to raise 9,000 taels of gold. I don't know how Uncle Han sold his nail polish yesterday. Sell ten bottles? Twenty bottles? More than 30 bottles?

No matter how much it is, I'm very happy to sell it. Of course, if the business is booming, Helianwu and I will definitely wake up from a dream.

Uncle Han's shop still looks old-fashioned. Entering the door, I found that there was a female guest asking Uncle Han about nail polish. Haha, it's a play. It seems that our nail polish has lived up to expectations and blossomed smoothly.

However, Uncle Han patiently explained to the female customer: "This nail polish can be applied toenails and fingernails. But don't wipe it anywhere else.

The female customer was hesitant, reached out to buy it, and withdrew her hand and didn't want to buy it. I want to buy it to apply my toenails, but we can't show our toes in front of outsiders. Is it useless? No one appreciates it at all.

I can't stand it. The beauty of women is not only for others, but also to improve their physical and mental quality, and sometimes to make themselves comfortable and confident.

I squeezed out a most natural smile and looked at the female customer and said, "My sister looks really beautiful. I just secretly looked at your softness. It's really white as jade, and my five fingers are also like green onions to make my sister envious. Unfortunately, there is less nail polish, otherwise your hands look more like ingenious workmanship. .

The female customer smiled shyly, "Sister, you are really good at praising people. My sister knows what she looks like. I don't belong to the type of closed moon shy flowers.

She is also very smart. It absolutely meets the criteria of the 21st century beauty pageant championship.

"Alas, my sister's words are bad. As the saying goes, 'Only lazy women, no ugly women'. Since ancient times, beautiful women have come out more graceful by dressing up, haven't they?

"Well, what you said is reasonable. Then sister, let's observe for a few more days. After all, my friends around me haven't used nail polish yet. The female customer rushed out of the door and couldn't stop it.

I said in my mind: Since I haven't used it, why don't you give it a try?

"Hey, one more." Han Dongkou grabbed his beard boredly and sighed helplessly.

"Damn. Miss, you smiled at her. She kissed her and called her her favorite, but she still ran away. I'm pissed off." Helian danced his waist and exhaled angrily.

"It's okay, Wuer, it's her loss that she ran away."

There is no emotional fluctuation on Han Dongku's face. It's normal to meet such a customer. I'm used to it.

"Didn't the nail polish business get better yesterday?" I was surprised by Han Dongku's calm self-confidence. Yesterday, he was a hot man. After a day of nail polish sales, he became gone.

"I'm sorry that a bottle of nail polish has not been sold since yesterday. Third Miss.

I said why he was unhappy. It turned out that he was worried that I blamed him for not selling a bottle. But now a bottle has not been sold, which is really miserable. Anyway, I have nothing to do today, so I stayed here to help Han Dongku sell nail polish. I asked Helian dance to go out to solicit guests, but the first words she said on the street made me spray rice.

"Ouch, please inside the guest officer~"

It's enough to say it with her mouth. She also took the man's arm and won't let go. Anyway, she had to pull people into the store. Herian dance is top-notch, but her communication skills still need to be improved. What she did would only cause the disgust of customers. I immediately called me back and asked her to follow me to help.

"Bearby, Uncle Han, have you seen Xiaoxiu's maid coming?" Helian asked.

"Oh, don't mention the dance girl. After leaving yesterday, he never appeared again. I guess he is a little liar. Han Dongku said impatiently.

"Why does she want to deceive people just for a bottle of nail polish?" I interrupted the conversation between the two of them. I still believe in Xiaoxiu's maid in my heart,

The three of us were talking when we saw a beautiful young man in a blue and white robe walking in front of the door. Wow, his eyes are like meteors, his face is like jade, and he is a handsome man. Rare customers, unexpectedly, a handsome man came to the rouge gouache store.

"Welcome, do you want to see the nail polish?" Han Dongku greeted him devoutly. He pulled out a bench for him enthusiastically.

The pretty man shook his small fan, looked around Han Dongko's shop, and said honestly, "Boss, your store hasn't been cleaned and taken care of for several years, and there are spider silk." Oh, the beautiful boy's observation ability is really strong. I decided to sit aside and watch the play.

Han Dongko wiped his black and bright beard and said, "It's not that I don't want to clean the store. I really have limited financial resources. I hope you can forgive me."

The pretty boy shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about anything simple. I accidentally heard that there is a shop selling nail polish in the capital. Don't know what it is?"

Han Dongko's heart was half cold when he heard this sentence. Because many people like him came in with the mentality of looking at curious new things, but of course they didn't buy anything and left. After their curiosity was satisfied, they instantly lost interest in the product. This pretty boy must be the same as others.

"Can the boss show me the nail polish?" Seeing that Han Dongko was stunned, the pretty boy reminded him again.

"Oh. Come right away." Han Dongke took the three kinds of nail polish on the shelf and unveiled them neatly for the handsome boy. The pretty boy's sense of smell seems to be very sensitive. He doesn't look at the texture of the nail polish at all and distinguishes his favorite fragrance by smelling it.

"Which one do you like?" He has been smelling like that for about 15 minutes, and I can't sit still and hold a word out of my mouth.

The pretty boy looked up at me doubtfully and asked, "Boss, is this woman the servant you hired?"

Damn, you are a slave, and your whole family is a slave.

"The prince misunderstood. Haha, this Tianxiang girl is the third lady in the prime minister's mansion. He is also one of the investors in our store. Han Dongku's representative voice - the cheerful laughter is back.

"It turned out to be the prime minister's three-grandfather - Princess Yongxing, disrespectful and disrespectful." The pretty boy suddenly stood up and saluted me.

"Excremely." Everyone on earth knows that I disdain the superiority between grades.

I took this opportunity to look at the handsome man carefully and saw him wearing a jade belt around his waist. The fiery jade pendant was pinned to his waist. The breeze blew, and the jade pendant rippled slightly. The whole person is slightly romantic. I didn't know there was such a person in the capital.

We were all talking about nail polish, and we didn't notice when a woman in green clothes walked in. In her double decade, the woman was dressed in a green cigarette shirt and a light gauze, with a good look of sinking fish and falling geese. This beautiful woman entered the house and ignored her. He stepped forward and suddenly hugged the beautiful man's waist, snuggled in his arms as if no one was around, and said delicately, "Qinglang, we have only been separated for a while. I miss you so much."

Shit, I was almost disgusted by that delicate and pretentious voice. You can't just look at the appearance. This woman is beautiful, but she is really not flattering in terms of voice and performance. The pretty boy she called 'Qinglang' stroked the soft hair on the woman's forehead and said, "Yanning, you are getting thinner and thinner, but you are getting more and more beautiful."

Is this a shampoo advertisement? The beautiful man also specially distributed the show of the woman named 'Yanning' on his fingers, rubbing and rubbing it thinly.

Han Dong was stunned on the spot. I don't know whether the pretty boy came to buy nail polish or flirt. Helian dance hid behind me and smiled secretly. She was covered with greasy goose bumps.

"Yanning, look, I heard that there is a kind of nail polish in Beijing. I just came here to buy nail polish for you. It's very colorful and colorful." Qinglang's 'beautiful man hugged 'Yanning' and gently picked up the nail polish to show her. His eyes are full of charm and ** charm.

"Well, Qinglang just asked the slave family to wait in the inn, but the slave family couldn't wait for a moment, so the slave family came in person and bought it with Qinglang. These nail polish are so fragrant and beautiful. Yanning's beautiful woman looked deeply at the beautiful woman and the beautiful girl Qinglang.

I tried my best to hold back my smile, but my stomach hurt badly. This pair of 'living treasures' successfully knocked down my numbness, and the integrity fell to the ground at that time.

Thank God, the two of them finally brought the story back to the point. Han Dongko hurriedly interrupted and said, "The prince and the girl are newlyweds, aren't they?" Son, you see, since your wife likes nail polish very much, why don't you buy it back as a thoughtful little gift for your wife?

Yanning's beautiful woman's face suddenly turned red like a fire, "I hate pulling, boss, the slave family and Qinglang are not a couple, but thank you for your good words."

"Yes, haha. Yanning and I are not married yet, and she is not my wife. But it's fast." Qinglang's beautiful son waved his hand, "Boss, this bottle, this bottle, this bottle, this bottle... I want it." He bought ten bottles in one go.

Haha. I'd rather the two babies are more greasy, so that my nail polish will sell more.

"Okay, please wait a moment. I'll pack it for you immediately." Han Dongku sold ten bottles for the first time, which is really happier than me.

However, a saying goes well. Great joy makes sorrow. When the shop was just full of joy, yesterday's little maid came.

I quickly pulled Xiaoxiu over and was secretly happy that she was indeed a good girl and lived up to our expectations. Xiaoxiu timidly glanced at the people in the store. She suddenly looked at the pretty boy Qinglang and was stunned.

"Xiaoxiu, what's wrong with you?" I asked softly, but Xiaoxiu didn't answer.

I saw her respectfully walk to the beautiful son of 'Qinglang', saying good luck and saying.

"Master Liu, all is well."

Master Liu! This claim. The store is full of shock. I, Helianwu and Han Dongku were so surprised that they could no longer close their mouths.

The beautiful young man of 'Qinglang' hurriedly pulled out from the beautiful woman of 'Yanning', straightened his clothes, cleared his throat and said, "Xiaoxiu, why are you here?"

"back to the master. Xiaoxiu was ordered by his wife yesterday. I came here to get nail polish. But because I didn't have enough money, I will come again today. Xiaoxiu replied quietly.

"Oh, you are Xiaoxiu, the close maid under the yellow-faced woman. I heard that you are quite amazing. There are few family members and maids in the Liu family who don't like you. Yanning's beautiful woman sneered at Xiaoxiu.

Hearing these words, I, Helianwu and Han Dongkuo suddenly understood what was going on. To sum up in one sentence: Liu Qing eats secretly!

Tut, the cat still remembers licking its mouth after eating the fishy food. Liu Qing has now been hit by Xiaoxiu's maid, hoping that he will not target Xiaoxiu for various reasons.

Xiaoxiu lowered her eyebrows and said to Yanning: "I'm very proud of Miss Yanning. Xiaoxiu is just an ordinary person.

Suddenly, with a 'pop' sound, the beautiful woman 'Yanning' slapped Xiaoxiu heavily. Xiaoxiu fell to the ground, his hair was scattered and embarrassed.

"It's time to fight! What is praise? The slave family just said a word, and you think it's a compliment. You are so proud and forgetful. You arrogant slave. If I don't teach you a lesson now, your wings won't be harder in the future!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Yanning, I'm talking too much." Xiaoxiu stumbled and got up to apologize, and tears rolled in his eyes.

There was another crack, and the beautiful woman 'Yanning' continued to slap Xiaoxiu. Xiaoxiu's thin body fell on the cold ground again.

"It's time to fight! You are not qualified to be called Miss Nu Jiayanning. I'm tired of seeing you." Yanning's beautiful woman rolled up her sleeves and raised her feet to step on Xiaoxiu.

"Enough!" I suddenly pulled a green cigarette shirt of 'Yanning' beauty, and her foot stepped on it and stamped on the ground.

'Yanning' beautiful woman glanced at me, "Okay, you lifeless bitch, let's see if the slave doesn't kill you."

She raised her hand and even wanted to slap me! Shit, tigers don't do their power. You think I'm a sick cat. As soon as Helianwu was ready to ambush, Liu Qing suddenly grabbed the wrist of the beautiful woman Yanning and shouted, " Stop!"

You are fortune-telling. Just now, you were going to take action. Helian Dance's counterattack guaranteed that you could only lie in ** for the rest of your life.

'Yanning' beauty changed from a strong woman just now to a weak woman, and said softly, "Qinglang, the slave family just wants to teach a lesson to ignorant servants and pars."

Damn it, you won't be talented if you don't join Sichuan's face-changing troupe.

"You can play Xiaoxiu as you like, but do you know who is in front of you?" Liu Qing pointed to me and said.

"How does the slave know which animal she is from and doesn't have three heads and six arms?"

"Yes, I'm a beast, and you are not as good as a beast!" I unceremonially fought back against the beauty of 'Yanning'.

"You--!" She raised her hand to hit me. Liu Qing stopped me desperately, "Don't make aback, she is Princess Yongxing!"

"Real?" Yanning's beautiful woman suddenly got into Liu Qing's arms, "I'm so scared. Qinglang, why didn't you tell her that her father was Shang Shuling?

It's so ridiculous that he even fought with me. I don't want to talk to this mentally retarded woman more, otherwise it will lower my IQ. I picked up Xiaoxiu, but saw that her face was swollen, so I quickly asked Helianwu to go to the golden medicine. It's too cruel. I'm afraid that the beautiful woman 'Yanning' is the 'unrivaled palm skill' practiced by her subordinates.

"I'm really sorry. Princess." Liu Qing bowed his hand to me. I don't pay attention to his sentence 'Xiaoxiu, you can play whatever you want'. I have remembered that my good impression of him has dropped to zero percent.

'Yanning' beautiful woman flirted and said coquettishly, "Qinglang, the slaves in this place feel so shabby and disgusting. Let's buy nail polish quickly and go early. The yin here is so heavy that the slave family thinks that there are a lot of dead people here.

"Okay. Boss, hurry up and pack the ten bottles of nail polish I ordered just now. Liu Qing said to Han Dongke.

"Uncle Han, don't sell it to them!" I shouted suddenly.

"But, Miss Three..." Han Dong was in a dilemma. It's not packaging, it's not packaging.

'Yanning's beautiful woman suddenly lost face and unexpectedly put down her skirt sleeves and knocked all the nail polish on the table to the ground. The crackling sound of broken porcelain is endless. The nail polish flowed on the ground and finally converged into a 'small river'. Humph, you don't let the slave family get it, and the slave family won't let you be satisfied.

Uncle Han shouted sadly, which was all hard-earned money. Miss Yanning, you have gone too much!"

"What, do you dare to say that the slave family is too much?"

"Danger, do you think someone is too annoying?" I watched the Helian dance.

"Of course, someone is in the way, that's you." Yanning's beautiful woman poohed to me.

Helian Dance came over slowly. Miss, I really want to grab the eye-catching one to move my muscles and bones.

Yanning's beautiful woman clasped Liu Qing with her hands tightly and hid under his chest. Qinglang, those two little bitches are threatening the slave family.

Liu Qing took out a huge ingot of silver and said, "I'm sorry, Princess Yongxing. We will compensate for the overturned nail polish. Here is 700 taels. Is it enough? If not, I will add it. Yanning didn't mean it. She just failed for a moment.

"Qinglang, don't compensate! They don't dare to do anything to the slave family, they are just bluffing. A group of cheap people take some garbage as treasures. I don't want it anymore. If it is broken, it will be broken. So what if the slave family did it on purpose?! They dare not come to 'bite' me.

"Miss, close the door!" Helian danced and said.

I suddenly closed the door. The room was suddenly dark.

"What are you going to do? Don't come here. If you get close to me, I will hit you. Ouch, you two little bitches. Let go of the slave!"

A rumor suddenly spread around the capital. In restaurants, teahouses, and restaurants, the people have heated discussions.

"Someone is going to lynching. Let's go to West Street quickly.

"I heard that it was Shang Shuling's daughter who was tied up."

"What, who dares to lynnch Shang Shu's daughter? Isn't that a capital crime?"

"Really, is there any king's law?"

One to ten, ten to one hundred. West Street was quickly overcrowded.

I stood on the square of West Street, overlooking the bustling crowd below. Yanning's beautiful woman was tied to a cross made of wood and couldn't help cursing at me.

"Little bitch, you bastard!"

"If you dare to touch a cold hair of the slave family, the father of the slave family will never forgive you!"

I patted her on the cheek indifferently, "Shout, you can't save your throat."

I suddenly felt that my words were so evil. I wrote it down in the TV series before, but I didn't expect it to come in handy today.

"Guys, there was a person who made trouble in my store today. The situation was too bad, so I decided to torture her in public. I want to teach her what is the way to be a man!" I am like a national president, giving an impassioned speech in the face of the people under the tsunami.


Helianwu solemnly handed me a whip stained with salt water. I took the whip seriously. We seem to be completing the handover ceremony of the Olympic flame.

"Wow, there is really a whip!"

"I'm going to be flogged!"

"Whip the beautiful woman!"


The people below were completely boiling.

I shook the whip and snapped. Yanning's beautiful face turned green.

At this time, the people below suddenly made way. Liu Qing and an old man with a white beard led the people to the front.

The beautiful woman 'Yanning' seemed to be alive and shouted at the old man: "Dad, Dad! Save your daughter! Dad! Help me kill this little bitch! Hurry up!"

It turned out that the old man beside Liu Qing was Shang Shuling. Liu Qing must have gone to inform.

The white-bearded Shang Shuling shouted at me, "Princess Yongxing! I have known the truth of the matter. I know that the little girl is offensive, please forgive me. It's sultry, and the little girl can't bear this. Please let the little girl down!"

Shangshu is quite kind. Why is his daughter so stubborn? It's not that I'm used to it.

"Lord Shuling, the little girl is not unleashed. I want to teach Miss Yanning a lesson and tell her not to be arrogant in the future.

"Princess Yongxing's lesson is. I must strictly discipline my daughter this time. I'm sorry to bother you." Shang Shuling has been in a large number of grades to have such a young and beautiful daughter. It can be said that she is an old woman, and she should cherish it very much. It's just remorse to get used to that kind of problem.

"Dad! What are you talking about? You love your daughter the most. Hurry up and get rid of the little bitch!"

Since Shang Shuling has spoken, I should have stopped it. When I motioned Helian to let go of the beautiful woman Yanning, the crowd below suddenly made way again.

It turned out that the boss led many families who walked ahead this time.

Damn it, who told the news this time?!

The prime minister's beard trembled with anger and his face turned pale. He apologized to Shang Shuling and said, "Brother Zhang, I'm sorry, the little girl has caused you trouble for your love!"

"Where, where. It was the little girl who caused trouble to Chu Xiandi's love. Shame, shame."

The prime minister symbolically brushed his beard and pointed directly at me and shouted, "Rebellious girl, why don't you put down your daughter? You know that you have lost your face to the whole country. Why don't you come down quickly!"

"Dad, whatever you say about me. I don't want to make more excuses. Because I won't contradict my father, I just want to convince him with the truth!"

"The truth is that you kidnapped someone else's daughter!"

The prime minister said to the family behind him, "Go, you guys go up and bring down the lady. Even if you carry it hard, you have to carry it away!"

"Yes." Four strong and tall families climbed on the stage, and the eagle grabbed me like a chicken. I couldn't struggle. They carried me down from the stage and carried me to the prime minister's house.