Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

72 See also `Shiqi`

"Bastard. How dare you copy my things. They definitely don't want to live." Although the content of my comic album is not my original, not everyone can punch out the flag of 'Black Mountain Old Demon' to cheat money.

"Copying?" Helianwu, Han Dongkou and Liu Laosan were puzzled by my words and asked with one voice, "Isn't the cottage the stockade of the mountain thief? Is it the mountain thief who is behind his back?

"It doesn't mean mountain thieves. Copycat is equivalent to piracy, which is what I usually call this kind of thing. Like a teacher, I patiently explain the connotation of the words to them.

But now is not the time to play word games with everyone. It's urgent. I'm going to settle accounts with those people. Liu Laosan, you lead the way. I want to see which book merchant who is not afraid of death dares to sell my fake books. I want to follow the vine and catch the originator behind me.

"Okay." Liu Laosan said and ran out, and I said decisively, "Wu'er, come with me, and Uncle Han continues to sell nail polish."

Liu Laosan usually likes to go to the bookstore to read poems and books, so he has a clear view of the bookstores in this area. At present, he took me to a bookstore called Wen Moxuan.

Wen Moxuan's shopkeeper is a fat man. He sleeps to death on the desk, and his snoring makes people upset.

With Liu Laosan's reading, Helianwu and I found about ten books that 'clone' my comic strips.

The comic album is about five centimeters thick, and each piece of paper is very thin. At first glance, it is a defective product that cuts corners. Opening the album, I almost blew up my lungs. What kind of comic is this?! It's clear that they are childish matchmen. Modern eight-year-old children dare to take out and deceive them. Forget it if you cheat money, but you can still sell it so well! To mention damaging my reputation, the behavior is extremely bad and outrageous.

Helianwu took the album and said angrily, "It's really the work of a pirated lady. The painting is not good. It's so ugly.

"Liu Laosan, do you know any other details? Tell me all about it."

"Tianxiang girl. I don't know much about the rest. It's just that after this pirated album went on the market, the price is lower than our books, and the comic album we sell is no longer interested in it. Liu Laosan said sadly. He is a poor scholar with no other source of income. If the book sells well, he will eat well. If the book doesn't sell well, he can only starve and freeze. He has suffered a lot these days.

I thought to myself that the bookstore owner who slept like a pig might know the details of some things and just went to ask. I picked up a pirated comic book and smashed it on the fat man's table. The loud noise can be heard throughout the bookstore. But the fat man still snores vigorously.

Damn, like you. You don't know when the bookstore was emptied. Fortunately, ancient people were more qualified, and there was no need to worry about being stolen or robbed when the door was opened. Do you dare to try modern? Don't say that the book is empty for you, even your house may be stolen. Your clothes are also quite valuable. Take them off by the way. When you wake up, you will sadly find yourself lying on the road.

I picked up the album angrily, used my strength to breastfeed, and hit the fat man's ear, and then he was startled. Sweating profusely on his head.

He looked at me puzzledly and looked at the album in my hand. He laughed and said, "The little girl is here to buy the album. Two taels of silver in a picture album, thank you.

"Buy your head!" I threw the book in front of him fiercely and deliberately pretended to question him fiercely, "Say, where did you get this album?"

"If you don't buy it, don't buy it. Why are you so bad-tempered?" The fat man feels very wronged. Why should I tell you my purchase channel?

"Why?" Helianwu sneered and said, "With the fraud of this album, her original author came to her door."

The fat man is very stubborn and not afraid of us at all: "If you come to the door, come to the door. It's none of my business. Also, you think the original author is the original author. Am I still your father?

"F bastard, what are you talking about!" Helianwu roared, raised his little feet, and the dagger at the bottom of his boots was pulled out by her.

In the lightning, the bright dagger is on the neck of the fat man. The fat man's firm face suddenly wither. Spare my life. I don't know Taishan and offended my two aunts. Let me go. I'm just a small bookseller. It's useless to kill me.

"If you don't want to die, just tell us. Which bastard imitated this comic strip? I pinched Helian's sword and swayed in front of the fat man's eyes. The sword has no eyes, you have to make it clear.

"I said, I said. I say everything." The fat man can't stand it. He revealed the person painted behind him.

It turned out to be like this. When I learned the truth, I threw out those fake comic strips called Helianwu in return for him.

I asked Liu Laosan to go back and wait for the good news. Helianwu and I went back home to discuss strategies. Our enemy is not a small role, but a very difficult person. We need to plan well.

Three times in the middle of the night. The city is surprisingly quiet. The sky was dark, without any moonlight, and the earth seemed to be covered by an iron pot.

"Miss, are you all right?" Helian danced in night clothes and shouted at me as I changed my clothes in the room.

"Here we are, here we are. It will inevitably take time for me to wear a night suit for the first time. Under the tireless urging of Helian Dance, I finally put on my black tights. With the dim kerosene lamp, I looked in the mirror and covered with a towel. I can't even see my mother now.

I grabbed the burden of the bulging bag and said happily to He Lianwu, "Wuer, I'm ready for all my good things. I definitely want to show them some colors."

Helianwu stared curiously at my package and rarely asked me what was contained in it. She then hugged me and performed light skills to 'step on the snow without trace'.

The body jumped like a running cat, and Helianwu and I disappeared into the night. We fell gently on a roof, and Herian danced like a hunting dog, looking for the goals we set. I followed closely, afraid that I would step on the air and fall half to death.

It's really not as brave as Helian dance. She walked on the eaves like the wind, like a flat ground. Instead of making a sound, I walked carefully and still made a 'rustling' sound of tiles.

"Miss, we are here." Helianwu pointed to the red roof tiles underneath and whispered to me.

"Are you sure it is right?" I want to be foolproof and don't want to make mistakes.

Seeing Helianwu nodding, I thought: The ancients said, go to the house to lift the tiles. I'm about to uncover the tiles to see how fun it is.

Quietly remove two pieces of the tiles, and the bright candlelight shines out. Helianwu and I saw a man and a woman talking in the house. The man was dressed vigorously and was furious during the conversation, but the woman's face was as calm as water.

"Montenean old demon, what do you think you should do?" The man actually called the woman the Montenegrin demon.

Damn, the old demon of Montenegro is my pseudonym. Since this woman is called the old demon of Montenegro, she must be the one I am looking for - Fang Yuyi.

Fang Yuyi held a large tobacco pole about 20 centimeters long and crossed his legs. The snow-white thighs were exposed from the skirt. Swallowing clouds and spitting fog, Fang Yuyi said indifferently, "Changhong, why are you in a hurry? No matter how anxious you are, the facts will not change. Now that they have targeted us. We can do our best."

It turns out that smoke has appeared in this dynasty, and I don't know. The smoke rose above the house as the air rose. Helianwu and I quickly covered our noses to avoid being choked to make a noise.

"Old Montenegrin Demon, the paintings you drew recently sell well. Save a lot of savings. Also, is the old Montenegrin demon you before? Why do I feel that the styles of the two paintings are much different?

I wipe it, and I still need to ask. This bright-eyed person can see it at a glance. It must not be the same person.

Thank you for liking my work. I painted all the paintings. Is the name of my old black demon also fake? Fang Yuyi shook the soot and said proudly.

Damn it, Fang Yuyi, you can be more shameless. In the dark, I quietly presented a noble gift to Fang Yuyi - a middle finger.

"Then it's easy, Montenegrin girl. Can you lend me some money to get through this crisis with my brothers? I, Changhong, swear that I will return it to you as soon as the danger is over. Changhong withdrew his violent expression just now and begged Fang Yuyi instead.

"Okay. I, the old demon of Montenegro, is kind-hearted and I can't say it without lending you money. Fang Yuyi took a deep breath of smoke and exhaled a thick smoke. "As long as you cut off one arm now, I will lend you money immediately."

Sweat and cut people's arms. The most poisonous woman's words are really not groundless.

"Montenegian old demon, don't bully people too much. I have been polite to you for my brother's sake. Changhong was so angry that the strong muscles on his arms exuded an extraordinary masculinity with every time he spoke.

"Don't bully others too much. I don't know if I can complete the task. There is no spare money to support you."

The more they scolded, the louder they became, and there was a faint quarrel. Changhong blushed and his neck was thick, "Old Black Mountain Demon, I'll ask you for the last time, do you lend me money or not?" Fang Yuyi smiled and said, "I will answer you for the last time, and I won't lend you money!"

"That man came here in three months. If we don't have enough money, our Fengshun Dart Bureau will be destroyed. Please help us with the friendship between Fengshun Dart Bureau and Yunxing Dart Bureau for several years. Changhong pulled down his face again and pleaded.

When I was gloating, I suddenly accidentally touched the tile next to me. The tiles fell to the ground and fell into pieces.

"Who!" The two looked at the roof at the same time and shouted. Shit, Helian and I subconsciously dodged. Fortunately, they didn't see the real face.

"Don't hide. You still can't come down. We're going up and smash your bodies!" Death threats came from below.

He Lianwu snorted coldly, "Miss, I'll go down and fight with them. I won't pay attention to their three-legged cats.

Of course, I believe in the strength of Helian Dance, but I can't act rashly at this moment. Wuer, they have secrets that we don't know. We try to get them, and it's not too late to kill them again.

"Why don't you two bastards get out of here!" The two people in the room are angry. What I'm waiting for is your impatience.

The roof tile exploded, and the two broke out of the roof at the same time. At a good time, I kept stretching out my hand in the package and threw it out in an instant. A large handful of white powder was sprinkled out. The two couldn't dodge, and the white powder dyed their black hair and faces white. I took this opportunity to grab a few handfuls of powder from the package and waved them into night snowmen without mercy.

They were not angry and sneered at me, "Do you think playing some tricks can stop us from killing you?"

Hey, they sneered and I secretly sneered, and I immediately knew who was better.

Ah, lime! What a despicable." Finally, the lime powder splashed into their eyes. They fell from the roof to the ground like they were burned, and they died in pain.

Helian dance took me into the sandalwood-scented house. It should be you who are despicable, the 'Black Mountain Demon'. Today, you are a fake Li Kui who met the real Li Kui. You have lost your home. Fang Yuyi can't hear my hints.

"What!" Sure enough, Fang Yuyi was shocked. Because he couldn't see things clearly, he groped on the ground with his palms and said, "Are you really an old black demon? What's your purpose?!"

"I just wanted to destroy the book. But when I just listened to your conversation, you seemed to be coerced and seduced by someone. As long as you say it will come true, I can spare your life.

Fang Yuyi bit his mouth, and the blood flowed down his lips to his lower jaw. She endured the severe pain and said, "Don't think you can fool me. We don't say that maybe everything is fine. As soon as we say it, you will definitely kill people!"

"The dead duck has a hard mouth and dances. Cut off Fang Yuyi's thigh first." Before I finished my words, Fang Yuyi's words "Don't, don't, don't, don't, I said, I said..." came out. I can't compare with you, and I can't compare with you.

Fang Yuyi revealed that she handed over 1,000 taels of gold after being coerred by others for three months. In the same way, I made Changhong say that he was forced to hand over 800 taels by Shiqi.

Hmm, I think it's inseparable. Sure enough, 'Shiqi' made trouble secretly. Damn it, the dead woman forced others to pay 1,800 yuan and forced me to pay more than 9,000 taels. What on earth is she doing? It makes people in the capital panic. Of course, Helianwu also thought of Shiqi and resented: "Miss, it's her again!"

"Real black god and old demon, how did you know that I pretended to be you? How did you find it here? Fang Yuyi asked. I'm afraid that if I don't answer her question, she will be very resentful.

"unlikely, a bookstore owner told me. I came to you by the vine. I finally caught you." But my answer may make her complain for a lifetime, haha.