Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

86 business boom

Will we really never see each other? I laughed bitterly. Xiao Qingyun appeared in front of me this time, and I was already satisfied. Although I never believe in fate, if Xiao Qingyun and I don't have fate, we will never meet again.

Maybe, this is not a good thing for him and me. His road has always been rough and bumpy, and I don't have the ability to help him. Moreover, my own way is still being explored.

Early in the morning, the bright sunshine sprinkled on the dense jungle. There is a little starlight printed on the ground, shining very dazzlingly. I left Xiao Qingyun's elegant residence. After passing through the bamboo forest, I took a carriage to Han Dongko's shop. There was a sea of people in front of the store, and many people rubbed their shoulders, which was so lively.

Han Dongku's shop seemed to have been decorated, and the door was repainted with red paint, which was shiny. The threshold is reinforced by new wood, which looks similar to the brand-new one. In particular, a new flagpole erected in front of the store looks more windy. It's just that there is a blank on the flag, and not half a word is written. Han Dongku probably has to wait for me to come back and think about the name of the store together. At that time, the name will be hung up, and it will be very complete.

I passed through the bustling crowd and saw Helian Dance and Han Donggu welcoming guests warmly in the house.

Han Dongko's hospitality is becoming more and more familiar. "Oh, guest, please come and take a look at the newly baked nail polish in our store." Under his leadership, guests will have the urge to buy nail polish. Helian Dance is mainly responsible for collecting money and packing nail polish.

Nowadays, the utensils for packaging nail polish are still a small box left in Han Dongku's store. In terms of when to design a special box for nail polish, this appearance will be more attractive to customers.

In the gap between Han Dongku's greeting guests, he found that I was staring at him with a strong smile. He also smiled sincerely and said, "Oh, Miss San, you're here. Come and help. The dancer girl and I are going to be very busy.

"Ah, miss, you're back. Great!" If it hadn't been for the customers around, he wouldn't have jumped over. Miss, we are really making money this time. Hundreds of bottles of nail polish we made last time were sold in the days when you recovered from your injury. The remaining 2,000 taels that Su Shixian lent us, Uncle Han and I all took the raw materials to make nail polish. According to today's situation, about 100 bottles can be sold every day.

"Oh, dancer, that's great. So how much money have we made so far? I calculated a little in my heart that the price of a bottle of nail polish is fifteen taels, so hundreds of bottles are thousands of taels. I really want to know the more accurate profit value. Haha, it's hard not to make people happy with such rich profits. Han Dongko, a small shop, has made so much money in just a few days. In the future, if a branch shop is opened, it will not lie in the silver mountains and mountains.

But Helianwu smiled mysteriously and said thoughtfully, "Miss, is it okay to sell something? Let's not talk about how much money we make now. I'll tell you next time and give you a big surprise. At present, it is more practical to recruit more people. Uncle Han and I are busy selling, and we don't have time to choose new people to sell. We should choose a time to attract people.

The idea of Helian dance is also a problem that often haunts in my mind. It's easy to talk about manpower, but we sell valuables and require salespeople to be eloquence and morally. And this kind of talent is lacking in modern times, not to mention rare in ancient times.

most of the eloquence in the capital go to storytelling, because compared with other industries, storytelling comes faster. With a population of 600,000 in the capital, there are only about a dozen well-known storytelling. It can be seen how huge the talent gap is. Some people with sharp teeth and sharp mouth may not know how to act on people's faces. Therefore, the requirements for hiring people are very high, but the salary must be directly proportional to the requirements. The more talkative people are, the higher their salary. Don't treat each other badly.

"Excuse me, shopkeeper, is it suitable for you to give this nail polish to your lady?" While thinking about it, a kind scholar came to ask me with a bottle of nail polish. He looked at the nail polish in his hand uncertainly, smelled it tentatively, and looked determined.

This scholar has a vision and can suddenly analyze from everyone that I am one of the bosses. I think it's probably because I talked to Han Dongku and Helianwu before he guessed his identity.

"Hmm. Although the nail polish in our store can be used by the public, the little jasper girls use it, like the icing on the cake, adding a little more beautiful style. Son, you are wise." I flattered with a smile. Although I have always been disgusted with flattery, if you don't flatter in business, whether the goods can be sold or not will become a serious problem. It's comfortable to serve customers, and he is willing to pay for it.

After listening to my words, the scholar finally made up his mind and said, "Thank you for the store's praise. I also see that this nail polish is really beautiful. If I don't buy it back for the beautiful woman, it is equivalent to not understanding the amorous feelings. How much is a bottle of the store?

"Fifteen taels." I like to meet this kind of straightforward customer. Basically, there is no need to explain too much. He naturally knows how to appreciate good things.

The scholar nodded, carefully reached into his sleeve, took out a handful of small pieces of silver, held it in the palm of his hand, and carefully counted fifteen taels. He didn't seem to be relieved and seriously counted the broken silver. There are words in the mouth of 'one, two, three, four, five...'.

Sometimes, some novices may answer, 'That must be good' to talk about the use of the girl. This is the lack of experience for many newcomers. I have seen too many newcomers like this. Flattery with 'good' and 'bad' sometimes will cause customers to be disgusted and lead to not buying. Fortunately, I learned some knowledge in this field before I could answer fluently.

Called Helian dance quickly and said, "Wo'er, please wrap it for this guest."

Finally, he determined the number of fifteen taels and handed it to me reluctantly. There was a trace of meat pain in his eyes. And Helianwu just finished packing the nail polish and sent it over.

The scholar took the nail polish and held it like a heirloom, protecting it tightly in front of him for fear of any damage to the packaging box. It can be seen that he saved a lot of money to barely buy nail polish. I'm afraid it's to win the hearts of a young lady.

In the past, the poor scholars in TV dramas acted more economically. Only in reality did they know that because of love, they will temporarily lose their brain's ability to think. I don't see how strong my purchasing ability is. I save money to buy valuables for women. Regardless of the dynasty, this method of chasing women with material is the simplest and most practical

I'm not against their approach, I just feel that they don't plan much about the future. People have their own aspirations and hope that they can find true love.

After making several business in a row, Han Dongou squeezed through the crowd and tried to lean over and said, "Miss San, our store has long been well-known. Unfortunately, there is a big shortage of manpower. During the days when you were injured, I discussed with the dancer girl, and we planned to call my two sisters to run together. What do you think?"

The crowd was like a dense ant, and Han Dongku's face was a little deformed. The sharp stubble accidentally scratched the customer's face, and the guest angrily and rudely handed over a white eye.

"Uncle Han, I have met your two sisters. But I really can't compliment you. Say something unpleasant. Your eldest sister dressed too well, but your second sister is too careful. It's not that I don't believe you, but I can't trust them. Han Dongku's two sisters are really not good in my impression.

Han Dongke patted his chest like a drum and said, "Miss, don't worry, sister, they have some problems. They didn't trust you before because they didn't know anything about the marketing of nail polish at that time. As long as we invite them here. Take care of me and persuade them to join us. Now I need to get the third lady's consent. With your permission, I will invite them to come and negotiate together in the afternoon.

"Since Uncle Han is sure of this. Of course I agree. I just hope they don't ask too much.

After working hard to greet the guests in the morning, the three of us sold about 60 or 70 bottles, which was a little more than the estimated number of Helian Dance. With many results, we don't feel tired at all. I don't realize it's noon. Although it's a cool autumn, the hot sun still makes people sweat. Helianwu, Han Dongkou and I hurriedly took a few mouthfuls of lunch and stood in front of the door waiting for the nobleman's arrival. We asked the errand man to send a letter to Han Dongko's two sisters. They replied that they would be there in a minute, but we waited for two quarter of an hour - we could see half of them in half an hour in modern times.

Helianwu brought three low stools and three small fan fans, and we sat and fanned the wind to enjoy the cool. Otherwise, I really can't stand the sun exposure. After a while, the sun became hotter and hotter. Even the temperature of the air rises in an instant, and the wind is hot. Occasionally, a few sweaty guests will be picked up enthusiastically. He is the master who can't sit still for a moment.

However, hard work pays off. At the corner of the street in front of the store, we finally met Han Dongku's two sisters. The two silk fans shook gently and walked together. Seeing us from afar, he accelerated his pace and came over.

Big sister Han Qinglan still wears heavy makeup on such a hot day. I don't know how thick the powder on his face is, just like white wax. Without any blood, Helianwu and I looked a little scared. Han Dongku's face was not unhappy, probably because he was used to it naturally. The second sister Han Qingnuo is normal, with beautiful hair and shawls. She is dignified and lovely, walking with Han Qinglan, just like Sister Feng and Lin Zhiling together, one by one, and there is no need to compare at all to distinguish the difference between defective products and high-quality products.

Han Qinglan approached and looked more cautious in front of us. Like Sadako in the Japanese thriller, the heavy makeup on her face was wet with bean-sized sweat beads, and the makeup was white and yellow. Yo, Tianxiang girl. Maier, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. You are doing well with my third brother.

I squeezed out a bright smile and tried to make myself look at Han Qinglan's dark eyes and said, "Well, Boss Han. We are quite predestined. At the beginning, it must have been for today's meeting.

"Sister, you can make us wait for a while. How can you come so late?" Han Dongko could only whisper in front of her sister. To express their dissatisfaction. But his two sisters ignored him at all.

Han Qingnuo's first sentence, which is always hard to guess, made me and Helianwu laugh bitterly. Tianxiang girl, do you use the dance girl to seduce our winter bandits with beauty?

"Boss Qingnuo, your imagination is really rich. Uncle Han and I are friends, and there is nothing else. It's better to answer questions like this honestly. The more you strongly oppose it, the more you will be discredited.

Han Qingnuo smiled without smiling, "That's it." She looked up and quickly glanced at the hot sun and said, "It's so hot. Are you going to let my sister and I stand outside all the time?"

Han Dongku stood up in a hurry. Big sister, second sister, please come in quickly. Dong Kou has prepared tea in it. It's specially soaked for you, but it's almost cold." He also said that he would use a three-inch tongue to persuade his sister. In front of his two capable sisters, he was obviously more like a logistics personnel. Commonly known as handyman.

I, Helianwu and Han Dongkui sat in a row, and Han Qinglan and Han Qingnuo sat opposite. It seems to have opened a formation.

The weather was originally hot, but Han Dongku's inner room was crowded, and it turned out to be even hotter. If it hadn't been for Han Dongku, a man in it, I would really want to take off my coat. So, five of us in the room fan together.

Han Dongku poured tea for the four of us one by one, put down the teapot and said, "Two sisters, Dongkui, I'll come straight to the point. As you know, I sent you an envelope before. Miss San and I have been selling nail polish recently. It can't be said to be too good, but it is also a little famous. Miss San went to your place to recommend nail polish before, but you didn't use it. I wonder if you can do it with us this time. Please be sure to think about it.

Han Qingnuo asked Han Dongku, "Dongku, this is not your style at all. You all like to be alone and suddenly change your mind to come to us. My sister and I don't know whether to be happy or worry?

"Second sister, don't worry. I have already matured. I chose to work alone, so I suffered a little, but I learned the most precious experience. This time, three ladies cooperated with us, which is absolutely sure to make a profit.

"Dong Kou, don't make a conclusion too early. What does it mean to make a steady profit? There is no business in the world that is stable to make a profit. Risks and interests coexist. How much can you earn? How much you can accompany in the future if you don't pay attention. Don't blame the second sister for not reminding you. Helianwu and I paid attention to Han Qinglan, but we didn't expect Han Qingnuo to be a powerful character. What she said is really difficult to refute with reasonable words. Sure enough, it is the most shrewd calculation.

Han Qingnuo was speechless and then said to me, "Miss Tianxiang, we almost signed the contract last time, but in the end the negotiation broke down. It's not just my responsibility."

"Yes. Boss Qingnuo. Last time I disagreed because I couldn't accept the price. Of course, I believe in Boss Qingnuo's ability, but I need money too much at present. There is not much time left for me, only more than two months. With all due respect, if you are still interested in nail polish, I hope to sign an appointment with me. Of course, the price will be renegotiated."

"So it is. Tianxiang, I also need money urgently. It's not that it's okay to retalk, but both of us are in urgent need of money. How do you think we should divide it?

"Boss Qingnuo, we can make a rule. We don't have to be fixed like other cooperative stores. If you sell more, the more you get, how about it? For example, we initially got seven or three points. If the sales of nail polish in your store can reach 100 bottles a day, we will get six or four points, and five points for 500 bottles. What do you think?" I am a person who has some understanding of financial knowledge in the future. When it comes to the division of interests, I have thought about it. This problem will never be difficult for me.

"The insight of Tianxiang girl is really extraordinary. Today, it is an eye-opener, and it turns out that profits can be divided in this way. This is indeed an attractive condition, but aren't you going to lose money? You know, it's the cost you pay."

Joke, I will still lose myself. When I said that to Han Qingnuo, I had already made a brief calculation. A bottle of nail polish can earn almost ten taels. If Han Qingnuo's store sells 500 bottles a day, the profit will be 2,500 taels per person. What's the difference between this and an empty-gloved white wolf? You can earn money by sitting down.

Because Helen and I only need to pay, we don't have to bear other labor, venue, production and sales costs. It's equivalent to investing money to let others make money for us and give others some sweetness by the way. The more happily others sell, the more we earn. Others work harder to get a higher share. Our income continues to increase. No matter what era it is, it is better to work together if you want to make money. The situation of mutual benefit is what everyone wants to see.

And 500 bottles are not a small amount, and it is even more difficult to sell them in a day. To a certain extent, the division of six or four points is guaranteed. Thank you for your concern. Naturally, I made this decision after careful consideration. None of us will lose."

Han Qinglan, who had been watching, suddenly said, "It's really smart for Miss Tianxiang to wait for work. Just invest the money you earn back in, but others have to find customers everywhere to sell goods.

She hit the nail on the head and showed no mercy. She can see through the essence and explain the strength in her heart. I won't be angry, but only happy. It is definitely a very wise choice to bring such a wise person over. It is worthy of being the first incense vendor in the capital. If it is that kind of nameless and can't see the problem clearly, who can rest assured to give her the nail polish? In case you don't handle it well, or cut corners, you will make a mess of nail polish for the immediate benefit, which is notorious. That's the complete end.