Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

87 past

"Boss Han, what I said is very clear. This kind of nail polish is all over the capital. No, there is no second person in the country who can make it. I have shown my sincerity in coming up with the production plan, not to mention the cost investment. So if you agree, the rules between us. There is no need to say too much about business secrets in this industry.

"Yes. Big sister. You see, Miss San and I sincerely hope you will join us, so just agree. You won't worry about Miss San's coming from, will you? Don't worry, the third lady is the third daughter of the prime minister, the majestic Princess Yongxing. She is not a liar. And she is the person recommended by Su Shixian, and I absolutely trust her. Han Dongko knew that we had had an intersection before, so he was not in a hurry to interrupt just now, but was following me at the end of his words and saying some persuasive words.

"Dong Kou, it's not a matter of believe it or not. I will never question the identity of Tianxiang girl, but you should know. Tianxiang girl looked for me, but at that time, I didn't even know how to use nail polish. I can't use this incense vendor, so how much will customers use? Han Qinglan seemed to wonder why her third brother always turned his elbow out.

"Haha, the eldest sister is worried about this problem. Don't worry. Miss San and I have popularized the use of the method bit by bit when selling nail polish. One to ten, ten to one hundred. It won't take long for thousands of people to know the purpose of nail polish. Besides, the third lady tied up Zhang Yanning last time, which invisibly increased the number of customers in our store. There is no need to worry about how to use it now.

Han Qingnuo suddenly said half-jokingly and half-shengly. Dong Kou, you and Tianxiang are very good at eating. Do you think you are a secret lover? Do you work hard to please her in order to pursue others?

"No, nothing. Second sister, what are you talking about? Let's talk about nail polish. Don't get involved in other irrelevant things. Han Dongku, like a child who did something wrong, tried his best to defend himself. Han Qinglan looked at his serious face and couldn't help laughing.

Han Dongkui couldn't help flirting and began to be serious: "Sister, why are you the same as the second sister? Miss San and I are just friends. I work so hard because I can make a lot of money. As long as I earn a golden mountain and come back, you don't need to come out to sell things.

"Look at you. She has a lot of beards and said something nice to make my sister happy. Han Qingnuo poked Han Dongku's beard with a silk fan. Han Dongku was neither angry nor angry, and smiled. He waved his hand and said, "Second sister, don't make trouble."

Han Qingnuo took Han Dongko's words as pleasant to listen to, but what I want to tell her is: "Pos possible. Boss Qingnuo, as long as we go hand in hand. It's okay to earn a golden mountain.

It's really pleasant to say what you want to say. Han Qinglan and Han Qingnuo looked at each other, and then frowned at me and said, "Miss Tianxiang, you can't talk big."

In the 21st century, people who sell nail polish can earn more than a golden mountain. A diamond mountain can be earned back. But now I want to tell them that I can scare them to death. A trace of hot air blew by, and I said confidently, "Boss Han, Boss Qingnuo. I won't talk big. Everything is true, if we try it or not. How can we know if we can get a golden mountain back?

Helianwu took over my words and said, "Yes. Two bosses, please believe my lady's words. My lady won't lie to you. We sincerely want to cooperate.

Han Qinglan changed the topic and asked Helianwu, "Girl Lianwu, can I ask you a strange question?"

"But it's okay to ask."

Why do you trust your daughter so much? What if your young lady can't do it? Sorry, this problem may be too direct. But please be sure to answer me." Although this sentence is a little aggressive, Han Qinglan said that it means to sincerely seek solutions.

Suddenly asked such a question, Helian dance was very troubled. With her right hand on her jaw, she closed her mouth and said, "What should I say, Miss never plays cards according to the routine. I can do whatever I think, but I always want to retreat. Although Miss doesn't succeed and do her best every time, I just believe in Miss. If you don't even have the courage to believe in the young lady, how can you talk about success in the future?

She took her hand back, glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally, and continued, "I was also inadvertently influenced by the young lady. I have become more and more confident. Maybe. I think my young lady is the most unique lady in the world.

"Thank you, dancer." I know that Helianwu's words were not only for Han Qinglan, but also for me to reveal her heart. Didn't I become happier and happier because of Helian Dance as a partner? Without her, would I have become a fighting machine like the eldest lady? Sometimes my courage comes from her.

"Hmm." Han Qinglan and Han Qingnuo nodded with satisfaction.

"Boss Han, Boss Qingnuo. Why don't you take a look at our nail polish again? We have made a small change to the smell of nail polish, and there will be no strange smell of burning. Take advantage of the hot iron and seize this rare opportunity to quickly sell nail polish as the last time.

However, Han Qinglan waved her hand expressionlessly and said, "No, Miss San, thank you for your kindness. My sister and I don't want to see your nail polish.

How could this happen? Han Qinglan is not the kind of person who is not interested in products and can come to follow people on a special way, so I have to try my best to save it and say, "Really? Boss Han doesn't even want to watch it?"

Han Dongku immediately couldn't stand it and immediately had the impulse to lift the table. He roared slightly, "This...why, sister, can't just forget it!"

Han Qingnuo patted Han Dongkuo on the head and said, "Dong Kou, what are you worried about? Listen to the elder sister's words. If you are still so impulsive, you will suffer a big loss in the future.

Perhaps because of the hot weather, Han Dongkou sweated anxiously and said, "Sister, don't be appetizing. If you have something to say, just say it. If we don't do well, we will correct it.

Han Qinglan closed her eyes and shook her head and said, "You didn't do well, you did very well. The reason why Qingnuo and I don't look at nail polish is because it's unnecessary. Let's sign this appointment according to what Miss Tianxiang said.

Wow, that's great. Helianwu couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, took my hand and jumped up with me. Han Donggu also laughed so much that he couldn't close his mouth: "Haha, if you had said it earlier, it made me worry. Thank you for your support."

The weather is so hot that everyone fans hard, but the faster the fan, the faster the sweat on his forehead. Han Qinglan's face was painted so thick that her sweat was like penetrating water, and she couldn't wait to emerge one by one. After a while, she slowly washed the white powder on her face.

"Ah, sister." At this time, Han Qingnuo suddenly exclaimed and quickly blocked the silk fan in front of Han Qinglan. Han Dongku's excitement disappeared in an instant and swallowed his saliva, which seemed to be difficult to say. In fact, Helianwu and I didn't pay much attention to the changes on Han Qinglan's face just now, but Han Qingnuo's reaction was too big, beyond the reasonable scope of ordinary people, and it was not difficult to make life doubt.

"Dan, did you see anything just now?" Taking this opportunity, I quickly asked the Helian dance beside me.

Helianwu frowned and lowered his voice, "Miss, this Han Qinglan is tricky. It seems that there is a flesh-colored birthmark on his face. It's a pity that it swings so fast that I can't really see it.

Helianwu and I were whispering, but we saw Han Qinglan shaking her head and moving Han Qingnuo's silk fan away. A pitted scar on her face like many earthworms squirmed into everyone's eyes. The scar is about the size of a palm, the rest is covered by thick white powder, and the rest is a terrible scar diluted by sweat, which is connected to the lips, like a winding red seal. It's frightening to see.

Han Qingnuo and Han Dongku were silent and lowered their heads slightly to dare not look at Han Qinglan's face, as if they remembered something sad. Helianwu and I were shocked and speechless. Who would have thought that under those white powders, there was such a face.

"I'm sorry, Tianxiang girl, dance girl, let you see my ugly face. It scared you." Han Qinglan said calmly. As he spoke, the scar trembled and was a little scary.

I only now know why she wears such exaggerated makeup every time. The main purpose is to cover up the unknown side. At the beginning, I thought she was a little perverted, and her lips were painted more red sausages. It turned out that there was a reason. I don't feel bad, I just feel guilty.

"Boss Han, can I ask you something? What's wrong with the scar on your face? Everyone was silent, and only Helian dance summoned up the courage to ask Han Qinglan. Don't worry, I absolutely don't mean to discriminate against you. I just want to ask why.

"I know you have no other meaning. Hey... the scar on my face. I don't remember clearly. More than ten years ago, when I saved Qingnuo and Dong Kou from an outsideman, I was splashed with hot water. It's nothing serious." Han Qinglan said with a smile. Han Qingnuo and Han Dongko have been motionless since their silence, but suddenly it seemed that both sides trembled.

I think it's necessary to figure out what's going on between them. After all, they will be my partners. A little familiarity can also lead to mutual trust and peace of mind. Did you get hurt by saving them? I have heard that Boss Qingnuo was raised by you, but I don't know that Uncle Han has no blood relationship with you.

"Well, Qingnuo and Dong Kou are real siblings. I was the one who saved them at that time. Since then, I have been regarded as a younger sister and younger brother. They didn't have a name before, but now I gave them a new name. Han Qinglan said lightly, as if she didn't pay attention to it.

He Lianwu intercepted Han Qinglan's words and said, "That outsider really damn it. He actually made Boss Han's face like this."

"Miss San, dancer girl. In fact, I made the scar of the eldest sister..." Han Dongku suddenly said a shocking sentence. He Lianwu and I took a cold breath. What the hell is going on? How can it be that the kind Han Dongkuo would hurt his sister? Isn't this a joke?

"Uncle Han, have you been stimulated by something? It's all nonsense." Naturally, Helianwu would not believe Han Dongko's words so simply.

Han Dongku looked very entangled and looked at Han Qingnuo helplessly. Han Qingnuo nodded to him and made a sign. Then, Han Dongku began to speak slowly.

"The truth is... My sister Han Qingnuo and I have been dependent on each other since childhood, wandering around the world. I don't want to be cheated into being a maid and a householder one day. He gave us meals and never beat or scolded us. My sister and I thought we had met a good person, but later we found that he fed us leftovers to the dogs in the house. Even our rice bowls are used by dogs. It turns out that the outsider raised us as animals from the beginning.

Han Donggu poured himself a cup of cool tea, put the teacup around his hand, and then said intriguingly, "That member is reducing our food day by day. We ate less and less. Once, my sister and I were too hungry. A chicken in the backyard accidentally ran away. Later, it was found that the chicken was not run away by himself, but by his wife. We had a grudge with our son, and his mother didn't like us, so she thought of a way to deal with us. He is a very greedy person. Even if he only lacks a chicken, he is still heartbroken. Angrily, he hung me and my sister upside down, beating me to death like an upside down chicken. My sister and I were beaten all afternoon. I don't know how we survived at that time. I only remember that I couldn't see what was going on outside, because my face was covered with blood and my hands were tied and I couldn't wipe my face.

A little red blood gradually appeared in Han Qingnuo's eyes, and her eyes gradually became transparent. She must be thinking about the unrecyclable memory.

"What happened later?" Helianwu couldn't help asking.

Han Dongko's fingers stroked the tea leaves in the tea and said, "The woman outside is a vicious woman with a snake and scorpion heart. She actually boiled a pot of boiling water to burn my sister and me to death. Although we couldn't see the situation outside at that time, we could hear the quarrel between him and his wife. The staff didn't want to make a big deal, so that we saved our lives. The person who really made us survive is our elder sister. At that time, the eldest sister was the second concubine outside the staff.

Han Dongku's voice was a little blocked. Han Qingnuo said, "Let me talk about it next. The eldest sister couldn't stand our abuse for a long time, and secretly let us go while the two were not paying attention. But we really couldn't control the pain. When the eldest sister held us, our grief attracted the two people. The staff punched and kicked the eldest sister. The vicious woman brought boiling hot water. Dong Kou thought that we couldn't live and wiped his face. At that time, he must not be able to see clearly. He grabbed the hot water and splashed the evil woman, but splashed it on the eldest sister's face. I still remember the elder sister's scream at that time. Sorry, I don't want to say more here. Finally, she knelt down and pleaded for us and let us go..."

Han Qingnuo said this, and Han Dongko's tears finally came out of his eyes. He said to Han Qinglan, "I'm sorry. Big sister. It ruined your whole life"

I pressed my hand to show that it was okay. Um, well, Boss Qingnuo, Wuer and I can guess the rest of the story. I'm sorry to talk about your sad things.

Han Qinglan comforted Han Dongku and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Dong Kou, the past is regarded as the past. We all have to look forward, right?

He Lianwu clenched her teeth and said angrily, "Who is that outsider and your woman? How can you be so vicious?"

The third sister and brother of the Han family shook their heads at the same time and said, "Sorry, we can't disclose who that member is. The member later bought an official, but he didn't expect that Pingbu Qingyun is now an important minister of the imperial court. If we tell him who he is, it will hurt you. We can't do this."

"Miss, according to what they say, I'm afraid only such a vicious woman is suitable for the eldest lady. Could it be the prime minister?" Helian dance suddenly attached to my ear and told her thoughts.

"How is that possible? Wuer, how can such a good man be outside that? And the prime minister doesn't have a son, so it's impossible to talk about them at all.

Helianwu nodded solemnly and thought it was reasonable, "I don't know who it is. If that person wants to be known, I must catch him and pull out his skin and pick tendons. Let him taste the taste of despair."

"You can talk first, and my elder sister and I will go in and put on makeup before coming out. Bring out the contract by the way." Han Qingnuo got up and helped Han Qinglan out of the room.

"Oh... Miss San, I'm sorry to let you see my disgraceful side." Han Dongkuo suddenly said the words accumulated in his heart and relieved a lot.

"It's okay. It's just that you and Han Qingnuo are raised by Boss Han. Why are you so old?" I think Han Dongko is at least a middle-aged man.

"Miss San, you have been calling me Uncle Han, Uncle Han. They all called me old. In fact, I'm only 19 years old, one year younger than my second sister. Can I do it if I'm not the third? Although I'm young, I'm still older than Miss San, you and the Helian dance girl, haha. Speaking of which, it's not too much for you to call me Uncle Han. Han Dongke said and smiled with a bright beard.

What a shame. Nineteen-year-old Han Dongku turned out to be like this. If he hadn't said that he was 19 years old, how could anyone really believe that he was so young? Perhaps removing that beard can reveal his greenness. Helian dance spread out his hands and said helplessly, "Uncle Han, this is not what you are proud of. On the contrary, don't you feel so ashamed?"