Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 4 Trial

"Find it, you must find it..."

"Find it, you must find it..."

"Find it, you must find it..."

In the huge empty darkness, a firm and powerful voice kept repeating this sentence with irreversible majesty, more and more majestic, louder and louder again and again, until it roared like thunder, circling and circling for a long time in this boundless underworld.

"No, no, no, *..."

Di Changli roared angrily, woke up sweating profusely, and breathing quickly.

"*..." He muttered angrily on his forehead, and his consciousness gradually emerged from the surface of the dream and returned to reality.

There is no wind, no light, no exit, only cold air and suffocating silence, still the deep darkness.

This is a special cell isolated from the outside world and used to hold the most dangerous and horrible federal recidivists.

Time, it should be time. In the dark and dead silence like endless void, Di Changli, who slowly calmed down, put aside the trouble of nightmares.


The slight electric current sound emitted when the external electronic door is opened is clearly transmitted to the ear.

"Plop, Plop..."

The footsteps in the fully enclosed corridor are dense and heavy, but they quickly approach the cell neatly and steadily.


A fist-sized square* was opened on the superalloy door, and a pale light silently penetrated into the cell, like a cold and smooth snake, swimming silently from the abyss of time that has long been forgotten.

"Recede to a safe position that I can see..." A voice that seemed to have no emotion sounded coldly, but suddenly stopped.

Di Changli had already sat on the floor in the middle of the cell, with a faint smile on his lips, slightly raised his angular jaw like a knife carving, and said in his usual lazy tone, "I know, please continue."

After a while, the indifferent voice sounded again, and this time it was obviously a little softer. I'll open the door and you can come out by yourself."

"No." Di Changli shook his head and declined this kindness. Fangye, this is nothing. Let's follow the prescribed procedures.

"I'm sorry." There was a little more apology in the voice of the person known as Fangye.

"It's rare to hear your apology, and I accept it." Di Changli laughed, stood up and slowly stretched his limbs, and nodded to indicate that he was ready.


A snow-white and dazzling light suddenly flashed in the cell, and the high-intensity gravity field was activated, like tens of millions of tons of compressed invisible seawater forcibly filled the whole claustrophobic space in an instant. Suddenly, the huge pressure made Di Changli's breathing stagnant, and his shoulders sank several inches, and even the blood followed. The speed of the ring has slowed down.

Di Changli took a deep breath and stood up unyieldingly. His whole body's bones couldn't help making a dense crackling sound. His long body, which was slightly bent under heavy pressure, stood upright again, as high as a peak.


The super alloy door, which is more than five meters high and thick, slowly slides aside, making an unpleasant abnormal sound because it has not been used for a long time.

In the deep but not at all cramped corridor outside the door, a young man who was obviously from a good family and had a handsome but very cold appearance led four federal constitutional special police officers with ray guns to silently step into the cell, approached Di Changli with some effort, put on a shackles made of titanium alloy, and then heavy The force field was removed.

Di Changli strode forward carelessly, and the flings that tightly tied the important joints of his whole body seemed to have no impact on him.

There was a trace of imperceptible admiration in the handsome young man's eyes and couldn't help saying, "Di Changli, I now admit that you are indeed better than me. No wonder the Federal Office of Social Order will recruit you as an exception."

Titanium alloy is the latest extremely densely structured supermetal material developed by the federal government. The mecha melee weapon made of this new alloy is enough to easily tear the shell of the strongest space monster known to humans, the lizard scale beast, into pieces. The shackles are equipped with a built-in pulse particle flow device, which can stimulate the pain nerves of the bound person to varying degrees according to the size of the activity area. The severe pain caused by excessive movements can make the bearer feel that life is worse than death. With the range of movements like Di Changli, ordinary people will already faint in pain.

"Fang Ye, are you comforting or flattery? I remember that you are not very good at either of them. Di Chang continued to move forward without looking back.

Fang Ye looked at his tall and straight back, with a little complicated and strange look on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but it seemed that it was difficult to say. After a little hesitation, he finally kept silent and followed him.

No one made a sound during the escort, and the atmosphere was very dull. It took more than ten minutes to finally reach the ground from the special cell deep underground.

Several special sea, land and air amphibious armored vehicles that can be simply deformed and combined have long been waiting on the wide empty floor, and a small team of federal police in light mechanical combat armor are listed as standard combat formations, alerting the movement around them as if facing a big enemy.

Di Changli turned a blind eye, stopped before getting on the armored car, looked up at the sky, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Well, today's weather is not too bad."

The current era is 4138 AD, and the season of Roman colonial planets has just entered early autumn.

On this planet with an unsatisfactory climate, God will not give a good face every morning after autumn. The same morning, the Roman sun hid behind the layers of dark clouds all over the sky, and the gray light behind the clouds seemed to have strong moisture, which was bleak and depressing, making people feel inexplicably palpitated.

Fang Ye did not urge him and waited patiently.

Di Changli suddenly turned his face and asked, "Fang Ye, there will be a secret trial on me today. You should also know the result of today's trial. There must be a death penalty waiting for me, right?"

Fang Ye looked at him in surprise, frowned and said, "Why do you think so?"

"Very good, you have already told me." Di Changli smiled and said, "Thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Fang Ye was even more surprised.

"In order to keep me from entering the gas chamber, An Beier has been working hard outside, so she hasn't come to see me these days. If I guess correctly, you must have made a lot of effort in it." Di Changli smiled again and said, "Thank you, but I'm afraid I won't have a chance to return your favor."

Fang Ye was silent for a moment before smiling bitterly and said, "You don't owe me anything. You should know that I actually did this just for Abe."

"Maybe." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders, turned around and got into the car, laughing loudly, "Today I'm a well-deserved focus. It's a little exciting to think of this, but it's a pity that there are too few spectators. Haha, let's go."

The highest federal court in Rome is a retro building in the early colonial style. The majestic main building is solemn and has a sharp cone appearance, like two huge swords pointing straight at the sky. The momentum is extremely majestic and awe-inspiring, as sacred and inviolable as a temple. Even if you look at it from a distance, it also gives people A strong sense of oppression that comes from the face and makes people awe.

When I came to the elliptical square and looked up, the contrast between my own smallness and the huge buildings made this awesome feeling more profound, and I almost wanted to breathe and worship.

Di Changli is very familiar with the pattern of this place, and he can walk in step by step even if he closes his eyes. Because he has been here countless times and sent countless social scum residues such as murderers, terrorists, ** criminals, drug lords, poachers, thieves, liars, interstellar smugglers, etc. to receive due trial sanctions.

At that time, he was a glorious galactic federal law enforcement guard, but today, he is a criminal. His identity has undergone earth-shaking dramatic changes, and the river of fate is already destined to begin to turn against the current here.

As Di Changli thought, this was a secret trial, and few people participated in it. It was held in a rare small courtroom. There were no jury, no clerks, no prosecutors, no defense lawyers, and of course there were no reporters, and even no chief judges. Finally, this The point was beyond Di Changli's surprise.

The result of the trial was announced by Di Changli's former boss, Andre, who ranked third among the five judges in Rome. In fact, in the administrative system of the galactic federal government, the status of the grand judge is far more respected than that of * officials, and belongs to the federal military system. It only accepts the dispatch of the colonial star governor and is not under the jurisdiction of the local government. Usually, only the top chief of the city-state can be restricted and has considerable authority.

At this time, human society's biological genetic technology is very developed, and its average life expectancy is close to 200 years. Andre has just turned 80 and is at the peak of his life. At this age, it is rare to be at the top of a colonial star's political system and see the whole Galactic Federation.

Moreover, he has a rigorous lifestyle, fair and honest law enforcement, has never abused privileges or used power for personal gain, and has an excellent reputation among federal citizens. Even the most conservative media of the Federation once made a bold prediction, claiming that within 50 years, Andre will enter the executive core general affairs of the Galactic Federal Government, become one of the nine members of the highest political body of the Galactic Federal Government, and may eventually win a seat in the council of the Wanxing republic. Andre's reputation This shows that.

"Di Changli, I can only express what I have done to you in one mood, that is, heartache and regret."

Andre's voice is low, powerful and slightly magnetic, like muffled thunder rolling in the clouds, containing convincing power. His appearance is more eye-catching, and his broad forehead and energetic gray eyes show infinite wisdom, which makes him exude a amiable and respectable leadership style and authority, which also brings a lot of help to him gain the general favor of the federal people.

Di Changli, standing in the dock, was silent. The man in front of him can be said to be one of his few respected elders. Although Di Changli's experience since childhood has always been cynical and unruly, he has always tried his best to restrain his temperament and maintain proper etiquette in front of Andre, even though Andre has always been extremely harsh on him.

Andre got up and came over, waved his hand to let the two federal policemen go away, stared at Di Changli for a moment, and then continued to say, "In addition to pain and regret, I have to say that I should also bear a large part of responsibility for what happened to you."

"Mr. Andre..." Di Changli looked at him unexpectedly.

Andre put his hand on his shoulder and said with emotion, "For a long time, in anyone's eyes, my attitude towards you has been obviously harsh, and when the Federal Social Order Agency specially recruited you to become a law enforcement guard, I also expressed strong opposition. Do you know why I did this?"

Di Changli replied simply, "This is because my moral quality does not meet your requirements, Mr. Andre."

Andre nodded, shook his head again, and suddenly said unexpectedly, "You are very talented. You are the hardest child I have ever seen, and of course, you are also my best subordinate. Although you have just been specially recruited as a law enforcement guard of the Roman colonial star, you are the least qualified and the worst among more than 1,000 colleagues. But if I want to choose a successor now, then there is no doubt that this candidate is you, and I am convinced that you will not let me down.

Di Changli opened his mouth in shock. He never thought that Andre's expectations and evaluation of himself were so high that he completely subverted what he had expected.

"Exstanding talent is nothing. There are many better geniuses than you in the world." Andre looked at him emotionally, as if a father had a heart-to-heart talk with his son. Child, you have lived at the bottom of society since childhood. You have experienced ups and hardships and lack of due care, but you never give up the ideal of striving for progress, but turn hardships and hardships into the driving force of hard work in adversity. This kind of tenacious and unyielding spiritual perseverance is the most valuable. This is what I appreciate most about you.

I'm afraid that such a tall positive image description can run for the top ten outstanding figures in the Federation. Will it still be yourself? Di Changli laughed at himself. In fact, everything he did was just to live a better life and more comfortable.

"Because I admire you too much and know that your past has made you have a different view and understanding of this society, I am too strict with you in some aspects, hoping to correct your bad habits in the past."

Speaking of this, Andre's tone sank and said with great regret, "Unfortunately, I used the wrong way and was too eager to achieve success. Not only did I not change your temper, but also made you more extreme. It was my mistake that destroyed you, destroyed a promising pillar of the Federation, and thus hurt my beloved. This will be my lifelong regret.

Di Changli's heart suddenly jumped violently and felt something burning like fire behind him. He knew very well that it was a bunch of eyes coming from the audience.

"Yes, Mr. Andre, you are wrong." Di Changli looked directly at Andre and said slowly with gratitude from the bottom of his heart, "However, what you are wrong is that you have misread me at all. In fact, no matter how much you do to me, I will never change. This fact was doomed ten years ago.

"Do you want to tell me something?" Andre withdrew his hand from his shoulder, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, doubtfully frying his wide forehead with no wrinkles.

"No, sir." There was an unclear light at the bottom of Di Changli's dark and clear eyes. Please allow me to call you that."

"Of course." Andre nodded slightly.

"Well, I'm not very good at apologizing, but today I still want to tell you that I'm sorry." Di Changli paused and turned to glance at several listeners at the audience - his colleagues who had been born and died together before calmly continued: "This is what I've always wanted to say to everyone. I'm sorry. This is because there is a secret in my heart. Please forgive me for not telling you. Let me take it away forever.

He did not look at the extremely hot and infinitely painful and sad eyes, and then turned to look at Andre. Now you can sentence me."

"Are you ready?" Andre's wise eyes became sharper, as if to penetrate Di Changli's heart.

"Yes, I'm ready." Di Changli answered affirmatively.

Andre nodded, then reached out and patted him gently on the shoulder, and returned to the judgment stage.

"In the name of the Federation, I, the federal magistrate Andre, convicted the former federal law enforcement guard Di Changli, of first-degree murder and deprivation of federal citizenship and sentenced him to death."

Di Changli closed his eyes and exhaled and silently accepted the expected ending.