Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 5 Injury

Andre's deep voice echoed in the courtroom. According to Article 1153 of the Galactic Federal Criminal Law, the federal judge has the right to grant an amnesty to the condemned prisoners, so I finally sentenced Di Changli to death and exile him to the Paradise Star for a hundred years, during which federal citizenship will be retained.

Di Changli opened his eyes in disbelief, but the bottom of his eyes was not completely surprised, and there was a trace of complex and indescribable doubt.

How could it be Judge Andre who set a trap to frame himself? He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

A little ** also happened in the sitting table, and a crisp and beautiful voice tried its best to suppress and sob gently.

Yes, federal magistrates do have this privilege to pardon a person's death, but the premise is that they must give up their right to serve as magistrates for life, and doing so will have a great impact on their prestige in the eyes of federal citizens, which is a self-destruction of their future, and the cost is too high.

Is the behind-the-scenes black hand really Andre? If so, what does he want to get from himself? Di Changli's brain is all messed up.

"Do you have any applications and requirements?" Andre stared at him with an expression of peace.

Di Changli only felt that it was a little difficult to breathe. He took a deep breath to calm down his thoughts and said, "Before being sent away, I want to worship my father."

Andre nodded and said, "You can go later, but it's a pity that I can't leave you too much time."

He walked down from the judgment platform again and came to Di Changli's side. There was a secret message in his deep eyes. He whispered in a voice that could only be heard by two people, "My purpose of doing this is not only to save you and make up for my mistakes, but also to make her as little harm as possible. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand. I also know what to do. I hope I won't let you down again this time." Di Changli said calmly, and there was a flash of black flames in the depths of his eyes, which deeply suppressed all the surging feelings to the bottom of his heart.

"Please forgive my selfishness." Andre sighed and turned around and left slowly.

"No, you don't have to feel guilty about this. In fact, I respect you more." Di Changli whispered behind him, "An elder who does not hesitate to give up his reputation and future for the happiness of his younger generation, even if his reputation is stained by this, he also shows his human side more."

Andre's steady body paused slightly, and a strange light that could not be seen through his eyes, and then accelerated his pace and left.

Di Changli saw Andre's almost imperceptible action, looked at his back standing silently for a moment, and suddenly turned around and smiled, "Guys, are you going to hold a farewell party for my upcoming housewarming? Sorry, I'm not very convenient, so I can only leave it for next time.

Three men and two women sat in the audience, and then they stood up and walked over.

A girl with clear eyes like sapphire blue and a graceful face walked in the front and said directly to Fang Ye, who was responsible for the escort, " Untie the shackles."

Fang Ye looked at her with embarrassment and said hesitantly, "An Beier, you..."

Abbeer interrupted him and said again with an extremely resolute attitude, "Don't tell me any rules and procedures. Let him go. I will bear anything."

At a moment of confrontation, Fang Ye finally compromised and motioned the federal police to untie Di Changli with a wry smile.

Di Changli, who relieved his heavy burden, rubbed his wrist and smiled, "Ha, An Beier, it seems that you haven't learned how to become a gentle lady. Can't you say please? Er..."

An Beier has jumped on her body, put her arms around his neck, buried her head in his broad chest and sobbed sadly, and kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I still couldn't help you."

Di Changli's chest was quickly wet by her warm tears, and the three men and one woman who came up to the back helplessly said, "Look, my strong male charm is still so irresistible to female creatures. Well, Susan, do you mind waiting for a while to enjoy my warm and comfortable embrace?"

"Of course not." Susan is an extremely curved brunette with attractive delicate chestnut skin, and her slender and powerful legs are overflowing with a vivid wild beauty. She raised her hand and gently brushed a wisp of red hair hanging from her forehead, barely showing a smiling face and said, "Di, I'm glad to see you so humorous and funny."

"Humorous and funny?" Di Changli raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "This is not your evaluation of me. I remember that when we first met, you vowed to kill all the teeth of my shameless and indecent scum. If you still want to do this, I'm afraid you will have to wait for a long time."

Susan's smile on her face was much brighter, and she came forward to hug them. Yes, I'm sure I will do it, even after a hundred years.

"Can I regard it as an obscure emotional promise? Dear Susan, Di Changli whispered.

Susan looked at him in surprise and whispered with a warning, "Such a joke is not humorous at all, Di."

"I'm not joking." Di Changli stared at her beautiful light brown eyes.

Susan's eyes began to become a little flustered, and she said unnaturally, "The object of this sentence should be An Beier."

Di Changli grabbed her loose arm quickly and said slowly but firmly, "I know, but it's also suitable for you. Susan, you can deny or refuse. I won't blame you. It's ridiculous to let a woman wait for a man for a hundred years. I understand. I just want to get a clear answer.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Susan wanted to break free from his hand but failed.

"You..." An Beier, who was lying in front of Di Changli's chest, stopped crying and looked up at them in shock, with slightly red and swollen blue eyes. You were really together, and I didn't doubt it that time?

Susan blurted out in panic, "It's not like this..."

Di Changli intercepted the words behind her. Yes, Abeer, that was just as you thought, and not only that time. In fact, Susan and I have been together for a long time, but no one knows.

"Have you been together?" Amber's beautiful face, which was originally slightly haggard, suddenly turned white and said in a trembling voice, "Have you been lying to me? No, it's not true..."

She suddenly smiled crisply: "Di, your lie is too sham. If you say you and other women, I will believe it, but how can Susan? We are the best sisters... Di, do you want to dispel my love for you in such a ridiculous way? Don't be silly. I don't care if it's true, because I already knew you were such a shameless guy.

"Maybe you can tolerate me messing with other women, but Susan is different because she is your best sister, so you can't accept her deception and will think it's a betrayal to you." Di Changli stared at her and said, "I promised Susan that I would never let you know, but now I can't help but say it, otherwise it's unfair to you and her. Amber, are you still sure that you can wait for me for a hundred years? Well, of course, from my personal heart, I still hope you can wait for me to get out of prison together.

"You still want to lie to me, right?" Amber looked at his eyes carefully, slowly lowered her laughter, turned her face and said to Susan, "Susan, tell me, it's not true. He's lying."

Susan's whole body was stiff like a robot that suddenly short-circuited and lost its power. She looked at Di Changli in disbelief. Her eyes were intertwined with indescribable emotions, but there was undoubtedly an undisguable love.

Her expression is more telling than anything else. The expected color in An Beier's eyes gradually faded, and she hugged Di's slender arm from his neck and slowly drooped.


After an unbearable silence, An Beier suddenly raised her hand, slapped Di Changli heavily in the face, turned around and ran out of the courtroom, with a string of crystal tears falling behind her.

"Women are really unreliable and good creatures. It's as simple as abandoning a man as abandoning an outdated fashion." Di Changli sighed.

Fang Ye's face was as cold as a layer of ice, and his eyes seemed to spurt fire. He angrily scolded, "Di Changli, you have gone too far."

Di Changli ignored him, took Susan in his arms and asked gently, "Susan, you will definitely wait for me, won't you?"

Susan looked confused and still speechless.

Di Changli suddenly lowered his head and kissed her rose-like red lips.

Susan struggled unconsciously and soon lost in the familiar man's breath. Her stiff body softened, and their lips and tongues were intertwined and kissed fiercely.

In the trial room, the rest of the people looked at each other and looked at the ** man and woman as if they were nothing.

After a while, Susan's cheeks were flushed like fire, her plump and beautiful chest fluctuated violently, and suddenly bit her teeth fiercely.

Di Changli's lower lip was suddenly bitten with blood, and he couldn't help humming.

Susan pushed him away and shouted angrily, "You bastard, you promised never to tell her. Why did you say it again? Fair? I don't need your hypocritical bullshit. I finally saw through you today. You are a hopeless, despicable and shameless person. You really deserve to die.

Di Changli wiped the blood stains from his lips indifferently, squeezed his lips again, burst into a lazy smile that made her love and hate intertwined, shrugged his shoulders and said, "In fact, you have long known what kind of person I am. It's just blinded my mind by a virus called love and wishful thinking. It's just some kind of fantasy."

Susan stared at him with hatred, her eyes changing, angry, sad, sweet and sad. Only then did she really find that she could never really understand this mysterious man unless he volunteered to open the door of her inner world. Enter.

"Di, tell me, have you ever loved me? Please, tell me the truth, even if you only tell the truth once in your life.

I don't know when Aan Beier came back and stood outside the door of the trial room, with tears in her eyes, with all kinds of eagerness.

"Honey, of course I love you." Di Changli spread his hands and smiled, "I have always emphasized this point. Don't you remember?"

"But you always emphasize that you still love other women, including Susan. I have always thought you were joking with me. Is this true?" Amber stared into his eyes.

"Do you want to hear the truth? OK, I said." Di Changli was silent for a moment before slowly saying, "Here's the truth, An Beier, don't you understand? In fact, people like me only love themselves the most.

The color of Angle's red lips disappeared in an moment, and two crystal clear tears slid silently from her tender white cheeks and fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

Di Changli felt as if there was a sharp knife scratching his heart, and the pain was almost difficult to breathe. He smiled and slowly repeated: "People like me will only love themselves, and they will always be themselves."

An Beier's pretty face turned to dead ashes, and tears fell more quickly.

"Enough, shut up, you bastard, asshole, asshole..." Susan burst into tears and couldn't hear it any longer. She screamed hoarsely and suddenly raised her hand to clap out, and a dazzling fire snake burst out quickly.

The two were extremely close, and the defenseless Di Changli hummed in pain and suffered all the blow with his chest. He was immediately hit and fell far away from the ground. When he fell heavily, a cluster of flames had been ignited in front of his chest.

"Susan, are you crazy?" The three men in the rear shouted in surprise, and a tough man with a thinner face slightly older than his companion rushed up quickly, sprinkled a white fog to cover Di Changli to extinguish the open fire, and quickly checked his injury.

Fang Ye also shouted angrily, "Susan, what are you doing?"

Susan realized what she had done. As if she woke up from a dream, her pretty face suddenly turned pale and quickly looked at Di Changli and rushed over.

A federal policeman subconsciously raised his ray gun to aim at her, but immediately woke up and quickly put it down. Fang Ye stared at the policeman angrily and shouted, "Why don't you get the first aid kit?"

"Di..." Amber exclaimed in horror. For a moment, everything was left behind her mind, and she got up quickly. The image of a bird flying with the wind jumped quickly.

Di Changli's pale face and eyes were closed, a line of red blood bleed from the corners of his mouth, and the skin on his chest was even more charred, which showed that he was very damaged.

Susan rushed up and hugged him and shouted incoherently, "Di, how are you? Sorry, I... I'm sorry.

The thin-faced man who examined him withdrew his hand and sighed and said, "Formately, the internal organs are not seriously damaged, and there should be no major danger."

An Beier, who rushed over, knelt down and raised Di Changli's head slightly, and quickly transported the Force into his body. Soon, Di Changli snorted, and the black burn marks on his chest slowly disappeared.

Susan's mood was slightly relieved. She hugged Di Changli and cried bitterly, "I'm sorry, Di, I didn't mean to..."

Di Changli moved his body and opened his eyes. He only felt that there was a flame with a temperature of thousands of degrees in his chest burning ruthlessly. He took a breath, smiled at Susan with difficulty and said, "I know, don't worry. As I said earlier, I can usually easily understand beautiful women' mistakes, and of course this time."

Susan's tears fell like broken pearls, and her extreme guilt and heartache made her cry, just nodded hard.

"Don't talk, will you heal your luck?" Amber said chokingly. The input of the Force for the injured can only slightly relieve the trauma, which is not beneficial to the actual injury. You must use your own Force for treatment or medicine.

"Okay, but I have to say something before that." Di Changli's look slightly improved, and he took away a trace of blood on his lips, revealing his signature hidden irony, which could make people hate: "An Beier, don't you want me to miss the travel flight to Paradise Star by wasting your original power like this?"

"Stop it, please." An Beier couldn't help sobbing, stretched out her slender fingers, and stroked his handsome face with a sculpture-like outline affectionately. * The beautiful eyes of tears were full of pleading.

Di Changli closed his eyes with a silent sigh and condensed the Force and began to adjust its breath by itself.

With the operation of the force in his body, the strong burning pain in Di Changli's chest gradually eased, but his mood could not calm down, just like the carnival merry-go-round on the carnival was constantly spinning, and countless past events poured into his mind like the tide of breaking the dike...

After adjusting his breath for a long time, Di Changli slowly opened his eyes, got up slightly with difficulty, pushed away An Beier and Susan, who held him left and right, and said lonelyly, "I just want to be quiet with my father for a while. I hope you don't disturb me."

Looking at his staggering back, Susan was crazy.

An Beier cried desperately: "Di Changli, you are too ruthless..."

Di Chang did not return from his head and gradually faded away, and his figure finally disappeared into their sight.