Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 6 Slums in Slums

Time goes back to ten years ago, 4128 AD, the 10,000-star republic, the Roman colony of the Galactic Federation.

The Roman planet is a very specific habitable colonial planet in the federal star. Its size is equivalent to one and a half Earth, but there is only a megacity with an area of more than 100,000 square kilometers, and several small satellite cities. There are nearly 100 million federal citizens on the entire Roman planet, most of whom live in this super metropolis called Rome. Most of the rest are inaccessible primitive wilderness. The harsh natural ecological environment can be called a forbidden area for human survival. Only the native owner of the planet, all kinds of fierce beasts that are incredibly strong for human beings, can freely appear in it.

In addition to the fact that the climate on the planet is too complex and changeable to be suitable for large-scale development of human settlements, the more important factor is that the Roman galaxy has lost its development value, which has led the Galactic Federation to abandon its plan to send more immigrants to the Roman planet.

In fact, the Roman planet was not originally on the large list of the habitable colonial star development plan, but it was later included due to the wrong decision of the federal government.

There are countless known planets in the Milky Way that can develop into habitable colonial stars, but there are extremely few that can meet human living conditions without any transformation. Therefore, usually, before migrating to a selected colonial star, it is necessary to transform its conventional weather (atmospheric), geology, hydrology, and selective original biology to eliminate as much as possible and ensure the most basic survival safety of relocated human beings.

The most important point is that the planet must be within a distance of 100 light years of the developed galaxy, because the human subspace jump technology is still very imperfect, and the spaceship can only jump in the interstellar space for up to ten light years at most. And the energy consumed by each jump is quite large, and the fuel energy carried by a spaceship during an interstellar voyage is limited, so it is difficult to make multiple jumps.

So to sum up, such a habitable colonial star transformation is an extremely huge and arduous project. In addition to unimaginable material and human investment, it will go through a long period of time. It took at least a few decades, and it took 300 years for the longest colonial star to begin to emigrate. Fortunately, the average life expectancy of human beings at this time is close to 200 years, and this protracted renovation project was successfully in the hands of the second chief engineer.

It is precisely because the transformation cost of the habitable colonial star is too huge that it has not flooded under many conditions. Usually, it has to be carefully surveyed to confirm that the cost of transforming the living environment does not need to be too high, or that there are extremely rich resources in mining stars, so the federal government will set up a project to develop it.

The development of the Roman planet was a major decision-making mistake of the federal government. The Roman galaxy is composed of a star (Roman Sun) and 15 planets, five dwarf planets and at least 80 satellites, as well as more than two million asteroids and countless comets. It is located in the spiral arm of the constellation of the Milky Way, on the edge of the huge galactic federal map, and the nearest developed galaxy is close to 80 light. Years away, it is difficult to develop into a deeper unknown universe with existing aerospace technology, which strategically limits the prospects of this galaxy. Moreover, the human natural enemy in this galaxy, space monsters, are numerous and frequent, occupying many planets and most of the cosmic space, which is really not suitable for development and utilization.

However, during many explorations in the 38th century AD, the federal government found that there was a crystal-like mineral with extremely high energy content on all the planets of the Roman Galaxy, which is not listed in the list of known elements. In the past, all metal materials, supermetal materials with extremely dense structure, were titanium alloys. If titanium alloy can be produced in large quantities and widely used in various fields such as industry, military, science and technology, it will inevitably bring a comprehensive revolutionary breakthrough in the application of materials. In the long run, the comprehensive national strength will certainly be ahead of any country and political system of the Wanxing Republic.

This discovery greatly excited the federal government. In the subsequent exploration, it was not known whether there was an error in the data of the survey machinery, or the minds of the officials of the authoritative departments. It was determined that the crystal ore deposits called peptide crystals in the Roman Galaxy were extremely rich enough to meet the current federal stage. Therefore, with a big stroke, the sixth planet in the Roman Galaxy, which can barely adapt to human survival, was added to the big blueprint of the habitable colonial star. While can't wait to carry out development and transformation, it also vigorously mobilize aspiring federal citizens to join the development army.

According to historical official records, in this development call, the participation enthusiasm of federal citizens was unprecedented, and the number of volunteers exceeded 300 million. The federal government selected 10 million technical talents with their own strengths and went to the primitive star with the army of the federal armed fleet.

As a result, the most vigorous and prosperous development tide in federal history began. Only 20 or 30 years later, the powerful fleet that gathered nearly half of the elite military power of the Galactic Federation eliminated most of the space monsters in the Roman Galaxy and ensured the safety factor of development. Ten million development pioneers are even more energetic, overcoming various unimaginable difficulties, and building a large framework for the city of Rome, including spaceports, satellite belts, underground fortifications, military fortresses, ecological residential areas and mining bases under extremely harsh natural conditions.

Since then, everything has been ready. Although the colonial conditions are still quite immature, the federal government has spared no effort to promote almost all federal citizens to believe that in the near future, the Roman colonial star system with rich resources and broad prospects for development will become a new industry in the Galactic Federation. , commercial, cultural and administrative central galaxy. Under the temptation of this infinite bright prospect, the federal citizens in the gold panning era were excited, like chasing flies. Within a month, the number of immigrants applying for relocation soared to more than 4 billion like a rocket. In the end, the federal government had to draw lots to select 100 million people, which took several years. It took time for all parts to be relocated to the Roman colonial star.

In the following decades, Rome expanded and prospered like balloons, and coupled with the successive arrival of federal citizens, in the early 39th century, the population of Rome once reached nearly 200 million, becoming the largest, most populous and densest super super in the entire galactic federal metropolitan area. The city is described as a can full of fanatical ants. If it hadn't been for the simultaneous development of the surrounding universe, and the manpower needed at this stage had been completely saturated, I'm afraid the second Roman city would have begun to break ground.

But just then, a bad news hit the federal government and all federal citizens living in Rome.

After almost grabbing and crazy mining, the known peptide crystal minerals in the Roman Galaxy have been quickly run out in less than 100 years, and the exploration team has almost stepped on every inch of the land of the 15 planets, but can no longer find large new minerals. The mineral deposits found are either too low or too few reserves. There may be more peptide ores on asteroids, but the mining cost and technical requirements are too high, and it is only suitable for small-scale mining. Mining in the existing way will only outweigh the benefits.

Then, the largest governmental colonial operation in the history of the Galactic Federation burst like an over-expanded and overloaded balloon.

The exciting melody of this song came to an abrupt end, with a harsh rest.

Every immigrant who left his hometown, was not afraid of his life danger, and worked hard to come to the Roman galaxy realized that they were not set foot in a beautiful paradise full of gold and gems, but a poor and dark Gobi desert.

The wave of panic suddenly swept across the Roman galaxy, and the immigrants were angry and condemned the stupid administrative actions of the federal government, demanding that the authorities be responsible for moving all immigrants to other colonial stars and compensating them for all their economic losses.

Although the federal government will pay a high price to make up for this mistake, such a requirement is not too much and must be fulfilled. However, under the activities of some ulterior motives of the government, this legitimate request was severely rejected, indicating that the people can move freely, but the government will not bear any costs, and the demand for compensation for losses is of course abandoned.

This absurd decision of the federal government is like pouring a ladle of ice water into boiling oil. All the immigrants of the Roman galaxy rushed to the streets one after another, burning vehicles, destroying public facilities, impacting government agencies, and fighting by various fierce means to protect their rights and interests.

Under the activities of ulterior motives, the federal government hastily defined the overly radical resistance of Rome immigrants as * without a detailed investigation resolution, and quickly dispatched the federal fleet to defend the frontier of the Roman galaxy to suppress it. More than 200,000 civilians were killed and millions of civilians were injured in the armed conflict. Thousands of officers and soldiers of the Federal Fleet were also injured, and countless infrastructures were damaged, resulting in a tragedy nearly 2,000 years after the founding of the Galactic Federation.

Compared with the Galactic Federation, which has a population of nearly 100 billion at this time, although such losses are not too great, the impact is extremely vast and far-reaching. As a result, the image of the federal government plummeted, and the public trust rate fell to the lowest point in the history of the federal government in a short period of time. Most of the nine judges of the Galactic Federal Government's highest council were forced to resign, including federal heads of state, and countless federal officials were affected. It triggered a major earthquake in the federal regime.

Although the tragic and absurd bloodshed soon subsided on the surface, the consequences were obvious. Although the federal government, which was no longer trusted by citizens, did not disintegrate as a result, it was also a real existence and split into several major factions from within. The huge federal territory is also faintly divided into several sub-administrative areas that are difficult to govern by federal decrees, but there is no public break, but I believe that this day is not far away.

So far, the original intention of democratic politics when the Galactic Federation was founded has been basically lost, and it has become a foolish politics of fighting for power and profit. The declaration of independence of freedom, equality and justice has become a high-sounding slogan for politicians. The eager and positive pace of human society began to stagnate, fall into a low tide of development, decadent hedonism prevailed, the crime rate generally rose, and various criminal activities became more and more intense one after another. Even the cosmic pirates that once disappeared began to run rampant in the territory of the Federation again, resulting in the original occupation of the Wanxing Republic. The reputation and influence of the galactic federal government as a powerful country have plummeted, and its national strength is no longer strong as before.

Federal government officials who secretly split into several major factions competed for more interests for preservation. Later, they only symbolically made some compensation measures for the immigrants in Rome. The immigrants who were violently suppressed were disheartened and unable to fight again. They could only bear it silently. Capable people moved out of the Roman Galaxy one after another. Rome, which was once extremely prosperous, finally left about 30 to 40 million poor civilians with no way to go. Several small satellite cities were even more empty and lifeless, and the Roman colonial star almost turned into a barren star in a lonely universe.

Fortunately, although the Roman Galaxy is far from the major prosperous galaxies of the Galactic Federation and the living environment is not satisfactory, its resources are not barren. There are not only a small amount of peptide crystals ores unique in the Federation, but also a large number of other types of available minerals available for mining. In addition, there are also a variety of space demons that are not found elsewhere. Beasts let people hunt, so the federal government has not completely abandoned this tasteless chicken rib galaxy, and still has government agencies and fleets stationed here to manage.

Since it is profitable, after the aftermath of the bloodshed, all kinds of private industrial and commercial enterprises and groups and interstellar adventurers slowly returned to the Roman galaxy and injected fresh blood and power into the city of Rome. After 200 years of rest and slow development, this city's economy has almost completely collapsed. At the beginning of a slight recovery, the resident population has also reached more than 60 million.

However, after this destruction, the Roman galaxy can't be compared with other galaxies in any way. It is poor, backward and seriously polarized between rich and poor. Most of its wealth is in the hands of a very few people, and the overall standard of living is extremely low. It is described as the Federation by all federal people. Slums.

At the beginning, not to mention the rare sight of dignitaries and businessmen in the Roman galaxy, even the pirates of the universe rarely patronize this ghost place that can't squeeze much oil and water. The indigenous people of Rome summed up with a slightly contemptuous but quite refined swearing: "These days, even loan sharks are penniless. * If you want to do business, you have to credit condoms first. What other bastard is willing to come to this pit that doesn't shit?"

It was not until later that this closed situation gradually improved slightly, because the peptide crystals previously collected in the Federation had been consumed, so a small amount of peptide crystals unique to the Roman galaxy became more and more popular. After the government's limited mining, the price soared thousands of miles, which made many people come up with the idea here.

Di Changli unfortunately grew up in this super big pit where birds don't shit, and his background is even more unfortunately very bad. His family belongs to the impoverished Nikko family. There is no mother, only one father who is addicted to alcohol. All the financial resources of the family are the government's meager relief funds that are just enough to drink, if not his drunkard father occasionally gets something outside.

So, in the limited years of Di Changli's life, he has undoubtedly lived a pretty bad life every day, and today is certainly no exception.