Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 9 The depressed and soft-hearted Mr.netley

Mr.netley took a long breath, suddenly calmed down unexpectedly and said gloomily, "Well, if the 300 yuan is not returned within three days, then in three days, except for Betty, everyone else will be disqualified from injecting genetically modified liquid."

It's like 100 million wasps flying in, and the classroom exploded.

"Whoever has any comments can come up." Mr. Netley's eyes rolled coldly.

The noise slowly subsided, and no one dared to stand up to be this desperate bird.

Except one person.

"Mr.netley, you don't have the right to do so." Di Changli stood up and said calmly that his voice was not loud, but in the quiet classroom, everyone could hear him clearly.

Is that right? Then please tell me who has the right to do this?" Mr. Netley squeezed the scarf in his hand tightly and almost crushed it.

It's another damn thin monkey. He has been diligently, painstakingly and painstakingly cultivated these lowly bastards for so many years, but he can only get a little salary. Fortunately, those poor parents usually have such a little sense of understanding. Occasionally, I consciously offer some filial piety to prevent myself from being so poor that I can't even afford to go to a high-end restaurant several times a month.

But what about this damn thin monkey? He is simply the ultimate of ungrateful among the bitch. Even if he has never taken out a penny to repay the teacher's kindness, he is really full of conscience. If it hadn't been for his kindness and generosity, I'm afraid he would have swept him out of the house.

People like this are born incurable bitches and don't deserve any sympathy and pity at all. In addition to his extreme anger, Mr.netley can't help sighing once again that his heart is too weak and compassionate. Today, he should not leave any opportunity for this damn thin monkey.

In the mixed eyes of surprise, admiration, sarcasm and gloating, Di Changli said calmly, "Mr.netley, I think this must be decided by the principal and the relevant departments. You have no right to deprive us of any rights. If you insist on doing so, we can sue you to the federal government.

This is simply a disaster. Mr. Nateley was so shocked that he couldn't spit out a word for a moment. His chest bulged fiercely and let out an unpleasant and rapid gasp like a broken bellows box.

For a long time, Mr.netley finally settled down and said in a hoarse voice that was different from usual: "Yes, Di Changli, thank you for your reminder. I will declare this matter and ask the principal to make a decision."

Many timid students were so scared that they lowered their heads and dared not touch the ferocious light of the wild twinkling beasts in Mr. Ninterly's deep eyes.

Di Changli also turned his head, but not fear, but because he suddenly felt a strong nausea for fear that he could not help vomiting.

Behind him, two ruffian teenagers hooked their heads and kept squeezing their eyebrows to convey a secret message.

These two boys are Di Changli's neighborhood. One is Bernie and the other is George. The 300 yuan lost by Betty has turned into a few wisps of marijuana and a few bottles of wine were poured into their stomachs last night.

"Mr. Nettley." George suddenly stood up and said hesitantly, "Berney and I know something, and I think we should let you know."

Bernie's fingers cooperated with him and secretly pointed to Di Changli.

"Okay, you come out and tell me." Mr. Netley's eyes lit up, suppressed his almost crazy anger, and took the two kids out of the classroom.

"You mean that Di Changli brought home quite expensive natural food last night?" Mr. Netley asked.

"Yes, Mr.netley." George said proudly, "If you don't believe it, you can investigate the old white face. Oh, you can investigate Mr. William, Di Changli's neighbor, but he saw it with his own eyes."

Bernie also vowed to echo, "Mr.netley, Di Chang can't afford to eat better synthetic food at home. Why do you suddenly have money to buy vegetables and meat? Moreover, his father is a thief, and everyone on our street knows it, so I'm sure that the guy definitely stole Betty's money.

Mr.netley asked coldly, "Do you know when Betty's money was lost?"

"Afternoon." The two kids said in unison.

"Do you know where Di Changli is in the afternoon?" Mr. Netley asked coldly.

The two ghostly-hearted children were immediately stunned. Yesterday afternoon, Di Changli had already been kicked out by Mr.netley as an excuse and was not at school at all.

Bernie turned his eyes and said, "Maybe he sneaked back. I seem to see him appear in the afternoon."

"Yes, I seem to have seen him too." This time it's George's turn to agree.

"Can you be sure and testify?" Mr. Netley stared at them like a snake.

The two children immediately hesitated. They originally didn't like Di Changli, but they dared not provoke and bully too much because of their parents' ban. This time, they took advantage of Di Changli to anger Mr.netley, so they took the opportunity to jump out and kill people with a knife, which could clear their suspicion. But now letting them come forward to falsely in turn become someone else's knife. If it is exposed, there must be no good fruit to eat.

These bitches are indeed stupid guys. Mr.netley couldn't help sneering and said slowly, "Well, your starting point is good, but you may also misread it, which will damage the reputation of an innocent classmate. What's more, if someone from Di Changli proves that he is not there in the afternoon, it will have a negative impact on you. Therefore, in line with my duty as a teacher, I will not allow this to happen.

The two failed boy nodded in frustration, with a look of mourning.

"Ah, I may have misremembered a little." Mr. Netley said thoughtfully, "Betty seems to have said that the money was lost in the morning. At that time, did you see Di Changli get close to Betty?"

The two boy looked at each other, immediately became excited and said impatiently, "Of course, at that time, we definitely saw Di Changli approaching Betty, and many people have seen it, Mr.netley. We can swear to testify about this."

"Oh, okay, since you are so sure, I'm relieved." Mr. Netley smiled and said, "I'll go to Betty to check the specific situation at that time. If it's true, you should be obliged to testify. Can you do it?"

The answer is certainly yes.

"Mr.netley, do you mean that as long as I say that the money was lost in the morning, I will definitely get it back?" Betty was so happy that she could hardly believe her ears, but she had some doubts and asked carefully, "However, my money was actually lost in the afternoon. Will there be any problem?"

"No, it's just a small error in time. How can there be a problem?" Mr. Netley was quite patient to relieve her doubts and said with a serious face, "But if I don't say so, it will be difficult for me to help you, Betty, don't you want to get your money back?"

"No, no." Betty was shocked, shook her head and said timidly, "Mr.netley, I'm listening to you. Please help me get the money back. I don't want to be killed by my father."

With that, she sobbed with fear again.

"Ah, poor child." At this moment, Mr. Netley was full of love and care, and even he was moved to control himself. He couldn't help holding the pitiful young girl in his arms and hugged her tightly and comforted her with infinite concern: "Don't be afraid, son, I will protect you in the future."

Betty couldn't help hugging him and crying loudly, pouring out all her sadness and fear. She felt as if she had found a mountain that she could rely on at ease, but she didn't know that the pupils of her extremely beloved and trusted mentor were already full of evil and excited red.



Di Changli felt a tingling pain from his shoulder, and a tube of dark green gene conversion liquid had been injected into his body by a high-pressure injection gun.

"Give it down and call the next one in." A nurse threw him a piece of hemocot cotton and ordered with a blank face.

Di Changli remembered one more thing and politely asked her, "Where is my injection certificate card?"

The nurse gave him a blank look and seemed reluctantly to take out a card book. Nuo, here."

Di Changli opened his eyes slightly and couldn't help but condense. He was shocked and said, "Am I injecting a power-type gene conversion fluid? How is this possible?"

The nurse took another hard look at him and said impatiently, "This is the result of a strict multi-intelligence test. What do you have to doubt? Injection of power gene conversion fluid is the most promising to become a refiner. Many people are not qualified to get it. Do you still feel dissatisfied?

Along the way back to the classroom, Di Changli is still full of confusion. According to his weak constitution, it should obviously belong to the mathematical logic intelligence of effective calculation, measurement, reasoning, induction, classification, and complex number * calculation. How can it be classified as good at using the whole body to express thoughts, emotions and spirits? Smartly use your hands to make or manipulate the body movement of objects? Is your physique very special?

I've been thinking about it, but Di Changli still can't figure out what's going on.

The cruel mystery was quickly revealed by himself.

"Di Changli." Mr. Netley took two federal security officers into the classroom and shouted harshly to make him stand up.

Di Changli stood up blankly, and suddenly flashed like lightning in his mind, and his heart suddenly beat violently. He didn't even know that the injection certificate card in his hand fell to the ground.

"Di Changli." Mr. Netley solemnly declared: "You are suspected of stealing other people's property. The evidence is conclusive and you must be severely punished by the Federal Security Regulations. In addition, from now on, you will be expelled from the 83rd public school of Rome, the colonial star of Rome of the Galactic Federation, and will never be re-entered in this school.

Mr.netley really did something in his multi-intelligence test!

This idea swept through his heart like a hurricane, and there was a loud noise in Di Changli's mind, as if a planet exploded violently. All his thoughts immediately scattered, and a complete sense of despair suddenly sank into the bottom of his heart, like a meteorite falling into the darkest abyss of hell.

"Ah." A woman screamed and stopped immediately. Betty covered her lips with a pale face and her mind was in a mess. In any case, she would not believe that Di Changli had stolen her money. It must have been Mr.netley's mistaken person.

She turned her head to Mr.netley.

Mr.netley's eyes were still serious and melancholy, and his expression seemed to be extremely sad. He saw that Di Changli, who was stiff like a puppet, was forcibly taken away by two federal security police.

Bernie and George picked up the injection certificate card left by Di Changli, almost screamed in surprise, and threw it away as quickly as touching a poisonous snake and scorpion, and looked at Mr.netley in horror.