Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 10 The Merciful God Teaches Us--Part


The metal gate of the temporary detention room was hit hard, as if the door of fate was tightly closed.

This voice, like a cold bell tripod on the black Sabbath, suddenly sounded in Di Changli's ears, who had been in a trance, and suddenly woke up.

"Let me out. I haven't stolen other people's money. I haven't done anything. Let me out quickly. I must go out immediately." Di Changli rushed up and grabbed the metal fence and shouted crazily.

A federal policeman who took him into the temporary detention room turned his head, approached and knocked on the metal fence with the police stick in his hand, looked at him condescendingly with interest, and said with a little smile, "Kid, do you think you haven't done anything?"

Di Changli looked up desperately and shouted, "Yes, officer, I really haven't done anything. Please let me out."

The policeman nodded and said slowly, "Well, kid, it seems that you are coming in for the first time."

"Basically, innocent people are divided into several categories." He narrowed his eyes and asked Di Changli, "They either encountered some small accidents, or were framed, or were too unlucky to become victims. Which one are you?"

Di Changli ignited a glimmer of hope in his heart and shouted in surprise, "Officer, I was framed, do you know?"

"Of course I know, because I have listened to this countless times, and every scum who comes in for the first time will say it to me." The smile on the forensic policeman's face suddenly restrained, waved the police stick and shouted harshly, "Listen, boy, if you don't want to suffer, just stay honest with me. Don't play these funny tricks with me. Do you hear me?"

Di Changli was hit hard by the police stick and looked at him in consterred.

Someone behind the temporary detention room shouted strangely: "Officer, I'm also wronged. I just want to borrow some large numbers on the paper from someone. Who knows that guy stuffed * to me. Officer, do you think I'm fucking wronged? Please let me out."

A strange burst of laughter immediately exploded, and some people whistled vigorously.

The policeman, who was used to this atmosphere, didn't take it seriously. He glanced at the coaxing old oil, pulled his mouth and smiled, "Do you think it's interesting, right? Well, let's continue. I'd be happy to stay with you energetic and enthusiastic guys for a while.

Those guys suddenly became much more honest. A shaved head with only two yellow braids above his ears. The boy who looked like a slippery mouth immediately smiled flatteringly and said, "Officer, we're just joking to tell everyone not to be too bored. You don't have to take it seriously."

The guys temporarily detained here have basically not committed any serious crimes, and they are also juvenile delinquents waiting for the judgment of the juvenile court judge. They are either sentenced to the youth center for several months of hard work, or they are treated leniently by the judge to be released on parole and then go out. It usually depends on whether the judge's natural nightlife is pleasant.

But even if you are sent directly to the youth center, it is better than staying in the temporary detention room. There are only a few bare and hard iron benches in this damn place. If you want to close your eyes, you can only lie on the cold floor, and you can only ask the police to fill your stomach with something. No one wants to be dragged to the juvenile court like a dead dog by the justice police after two or three days of starvation. At that time, they will definitely be sentenced by the judge to one of the most demanding juvenile centers without hesitation.

The policeman was very satisfied that his voice was immediately respected, and he was generous and didn't care much about it. Then he knocked on the grid and said to Di Changli, "Yes, a clever young man who knows the rules will be pleasant. Little ghost, learn more from your clever ghost brother."

Di Changli came to his senses and shouted eagerly, "Officer, I was really framed..."

"Do you want me to explain it to you in another way?" The police interrupted him and began to become impatient.

"Officer, I have to go out immediately." Di Changli was so anxious that there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart and shouted, "My academic director not only framed me, but also asked me to inject an unsuitable genetic conversion solution today. I must immediately find an expert from the Federal Institute of Genetic Engineering to help me resolve it."

The already extremely annoyed policeman was stunned, and the baton in his hand stopped in mid-air and did not continue to shoot him down, and looked at him carefully.

The clever yellow-braid man squeezed his eyes at several guys around him and said, "Hey, guys, this is the sweetest true confession I've ever heard here."

Those guys laughed.

"Shut up." The police stopped the little hooligans and stared at Di Changli and said, "Kid, don't you know the characteristics of the genetic transformation liquid? Or do you think I'm gentle and easy to fool?

"Officer, I didn't lie to you. Please believe me." Di Changli grasped the fence like holding a life-saving straw and gasped and pleading, "They injected me with a power-type gene conversion solution, but not long after the injection, the experts may have a way to save it. Please let me out. I will definitely take the initiative to come back after the solution."

"Have you been injected with power-type gene conversion solution? Are the guys who test and inject you blind? The policeman looked at the teenager's thin body and the intertwined eyes of despair and desire, and believed Di Changli's words.

The justice policeman was quite sympathetic. He shook his head and took back the baton and said, "Even if I let you go out now, the genetic transformation fluid can't be deconverted, so you'd better worry about how to pass the judge first."

"No, no, no." Di Changli, who was extremely disappointed, shook the grid crazily and shouted in a sharp treble that he himself felt was extremely strange: "I don't believe that the expert will have a way. I'm going out and let me out..."

Looking at Di Changli, who screamed like a desperate injured beast, those little hooligans looked at each other, and the clever ghost sniffed and said in disbelief, "Er, officer, isn't this guy serious? Then he will be fucking lucky."

The rest of the little hooligans consciously closed their mouths, but stared at Di Changli with different expressions.

Everyone can only inject one type of gene conversion solution in his life. Mr.netley waited three days later to inform the federal security police to arrest Di Changli, which made him unable to inject the gene conversion solution suitable for his own characteristics from now on.

In this life, Di Changli has basically been destroyed. No matter how hard he tries, he will always travel on a bumpy road that originally did not belong to him. Moreover, it has to carry indelible stains all its life.

"Okay, I'll call the Federal Institute of Genetic Engineering to find an expert." The police asked Di Changli to calm down a little and warned the little hooligans, "Don't touch him."

A slightly bigger black-faced hooligan said with great interest, "Officer, don't worry and save your time. This little one is not... Hey, that bastard is really cruel. Fortunately, I didn't meet it that year.

The clever ghost glanced at Di Changli, who was bright and dark, and his mood was obviously fluctuating violently. He sniffed and said, "Black squid, what's so lucky that you haven't met? Isn't it this unshalled virtue?

The little hooligan named Black Squid was furious, clenched his fists and shouted, "I'm your brother, what the fuck are you doing?"

The clever ghost ignored him and only said to Di Changli, "Hey, buddy, take it off. It's no big deal. These brothers didn't inject the wrong genetic conversion fluid, but aren't they squatting in this damn place together to have fun now? No matter how bad it is, it's just like this, isn't it?"

The black squid glanced at Di Changli, loosened his tight fist and stared, "I'll settle accounts with you later."

Di Changli stared eagerly in the direction of the policeman's departure, and there seemed to be only transparent air around him.

The clever ghost grabbed his head and approached the black squid and said, "It seems that this little guy is really a little unhappy."

The black squid hummed angrily: "If it were you, would you be very happy?"

The policeman came back soon. He didn't say the result of the inquiry and handed a hot drink to Di Changli from the middle of the fence. Drink it first, and I'll take you to the judge later.

Although the rest of the temporary detention room arrived earlier than Di Changli, no one expressed any dissatisfaction with the special preferential treatment of the police. Everyone knew that compared with the misfortune of this little guy, he was the favorite of fate.

Di Changli's face was pale without a trace of blood, and his dark eyes were as faint as the deepest dark night sky, but unexpectedly he did not shout crazily again. He just stared blankly at the steaming fog in the cup until the hot drink gradually cooled down and completely dissipated.

"Let's go." The policeman returned again and opened the gate of the temporary detention room.

Di Changli drank the already cold drink, stood up and bowed slightly to several little hooligans such as smart ghosts and black squid, and then went straight out.

"Why does this little one suddenly look like a different person?" The clever ghost muttered to himself as he look at his back.


"It's a little fucking weird today. Did you take the wrong medicine for that iron noodles? Unexpectedly, he showed great mercy and let go of us. I thought I had to do at least three months of hard work this time..."

The little rogue black squid came out of the juvenile court building happily, as if he had picked up an unexpected windfall and kept dancing.

"Look." The smart ghost suddenly grabbed him and pointed to the side and whispered, "It's the unlucky little guy. We should have benefited him."

Di Changli quietly sat on the long stone steps on the side of the juvenile court building, looking up at the slowly changing black clouds in the sky. His face and eyes were very indifferent. The tight lip lines were more tenacious as metal casting, and there was no trace of a 14-year-old childish teenager in his expression.

Because it was the first offender and the kind-hearted forensic policeman's plea, Di Changli was released in court. The judge instructed him that if he wanted to appeal to clear the charges, the free defense lawyer appointed by the federal court might not be able to help him much. He had better go to a fee-based professional litigation lawyer.

However, although this lawsuit is small, it will take a lot of time and money to fight, and there is no certainty that it will win, because it is not the little girl named Betty or Mr.netley who sued Di Changli, but the 83rd public school of the Roman colonial star of the Galactic Federation, among which The degree of difficulty can be imagined. As for taking the Federal Institute of Genetic Engineering to court for the wrong injection of gene conversion fluid, it is even more like a crazy dream for a powerless civilian. I'm afraid that the whole Galactic Federation can't find any lawyer willing to take over this is doomed to be thankless and may ruin his reputation if he is not careful. Potatoes.

The judge read countless people. As soon as he saw Di Changli, he knew the inside story of the case. Although he also sympathized with the unfortunate experience of this little guy, he was unwilling to set himself on fire, so he vaguely told him not to consider the feasibility of the latter at all. Now the only hopeful thing to make up for is to wash away the bad record of this theft. Let yourself get the right to continue to receive free education, otherwise no federal public school will accept another juvenile delinquents, and then his life will be ruined.

The reality in front of Di Changli is so simple and cruel that he can't accept it at all, so that he thinks that this is an alternative nightmare that has not appeared for a long time without blood and death. He even forgot his anger, but he didn't understand what made Mr.netley hate him so much that he could erase all his hopes and dreams so cruelly.

"Hi, man." The clever ghost came to Di Changli, greeted him affectionately, and introduced himself, "My name is Mickey, and this is my good brother black squid."

The black squid was very disapproving and disdainfully denied, "You just laughed at me. I no longer regard you as a brother. At least you are not a brother today."

"Whatever you want." The clever man Mickey said perfunctorily, sat side by side with Di Changli intimately, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, man, what's your name... Oh, just don't want to say it... Well, it's not good for you to be like this, or how about finding another place to sit down and drink two beers? You must have never had a bar... Er, are you not interested? All right, all right, let's just sit like this for a while.

Mickey couldn't help saying a lot. Di Changli's sculpture-like body finally moved and nodded slightly and said, "Thank you. I just want to stay quietly alone."

The sudden doom almost completely defeated Di Changli, and the thoughts in his mind could not be more chaotic. He had to sort it out.

"It's okay." Mickey pulled up the black squid and sat away for a moment. He stopped disturbing him, but did not leave and glanced at him strangely from time to time.

After working for a long time, Di Changli was made more upset and couldn't calm down. He stood up and walked to them and said, "I don't know you, and I don't need your pity. Can you stay away from me?"

Micci blinked and said, "Man, this is a public place. Are we here to get in your way?"

The two stared for a while, and the speechless Di Changli had no choice but to leave.

Mickey and the black squid looked at each other and smiled, and also stood up and followed him down the long steps.

Three people walked to the big square below. Di Changli walked faster, and Mickey and Black Sluke walked faster. Di Changli walked slower, so they walked slower and kept a few meters away.

Di Changli finally couldn't help stopping and shouted at the two guys angrily, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Hey, man, what did we do to you?" Mickey still looked stunned and asked him in a more exhausting tone.

Di Changli almost wanted to rush up and punch off the boy's front teeth. However, judging from the power comparison of the two sides, it would definitely be his own front teeth that would be blown off, so he rationally dispelled the impulse.


A sudden roar of airflow sounded above the square.

A wide-wing flying car flew quickly from a distant eagle and landed smoothly in the square. Before the two flying wings were fully converging, a figure jumped down from the car.

"Although the other conditions in Rome are not very good, the ground traffic is still quite smooth. What's the big emergency for this guy? Oh, it's still a high-end car, purely his mother is showing off." Mickey reached out to block the airflow coming from his face and muttered enviously and jealously.

Although today's vehicles basically have flight functions, the energy consumed when flying is much higher than when driving on the ground, so few people waste it in slums unless they are really in a hurry. Of course, except for a few rich people.

"Di Changli." The figure quickly swept in front of Di Changli.

was a master. Mickey was shocked and quickly put away the face. People with hard fists deserve respect, and rich people deserve respect. Of course, people with hard fists and rich people deserve more respect. This is an unbreakable truth in the whole universe.

Di Changli was stunned to see who the person came, and immediately sank his face.

The iron hand said with a heavy look, "Son, I'm sorry I'm late. I heard you..."

Di Changli interrupted him abruptly: "I'm fine, Mr. Iron Hand."

"Aha, what a stubborn little guy." A strong and solid bald gentleman came down from the car and walked slowly. He laughed and said, "Children, we meet again."

"Mr. Barley?" Di Changli was quite surprised.

Mr. Barley? Is this short fat man the famous tough character Barley in the West District? Mickey was even more surprised, but the big head with an abnormal person quickly relieved his doubts, but couldn't help thinking doubtfully that the big-headed Bally can also be regarded as a figure in the slums. Since this little one is familiar with him, how can anyone dare to frame him so viciously? Isn't he not afraid of big-headed Bally's revenge?

"You two little bastards." The iron hand glanced fiercely at Mickey and the black squid and said sharply, "What's the purpose of following him?"

Mitch was shocked and said guilty, "Nothing, er, just curious."

"Curious?" The iron hand's eyes were even sharper, and he said coldly, "Okay, I can satisfy your curiosity and come to the car."

Mitch's face immediately began to turn a little pale, and he reluctantly said with a smile, "Sir, you see, we really don't mean any harm."

The black squid quietly clenched his fist, but immediately loosened it. He saw that the iron hand had a robotic arm, and such a punch on his body was enough to make any bone simply break into two pieces.

Barry looked at it, touched the bright forehead and smiled, "Well, it's interesting."

"My business has nothing to do with them." Di Changli stood in front of the iron hand and said to Mickey, "You go."

Mic and the black squid glanced at the iron hand and saw that he did not stop him. They immediately relaxed their atmosphere, slowly retreated two steps and turned around and ran away.

"Mr. Barley, Mr. Iron Hand, thank you for your concern, but I don't think I need it." Di Changli was behind his head and left after saying politely but coldly.

"Hey, kid." Barry stopped him and frowned and said, "The iron hand just wants to help you and repay the favor you owe. Why are you so resistant to him?"