Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 12 I must be a born unlucky guy... On

Everything is going well.

There are two reception points for this message, one of which has escaped to the place where Lu Xi'an and others are absolutely safe, although they are only two streets away from the robbed bank.

After seeing the news, several people cheered excitedly, took Di Changli, who was still in a coma, out of the hiding place and quickly boarded a container car parked by the roadside.

After changing into a protective jumpsuit, Arnold moved away a movable board in the middle of the car, put on his gloves and climbed down. He leaned over and grabbed the metal cover of the sewer on the road. The strong biceps on his shoulders soared by several points, pulled up the metal cover, and then gently put it aside, without even the atmosphere. He looked as relaxed as opening the cap of a bottle of champagne.

Lu Xi'an also changed his clothes, pulled off two small but extremely tough alloy cables from the portable mobile pulley set up at the top of the car, put the hook into the metal ring at his waist, locked it and pulled it hard, and then jumped down.

"Look at this kid and wait for Dad to deal with it." Arnold didn't forget to say a word to the left-behind Jack, and then slid into the sewer along the rope.

Jack stared at Di Changli and snorted coldly, pulled a coil of rope from the side, tied his hands, feet and mouth tightly, kicked one foot into the corner of the cabinet, and then hung the cable.


Another receiving point of the message is not far from the sending point, only dozens of meters away, but it is underground, just below the vault of the hijacked bank.

At this moment, the solid foundation under the vault has been completely chiseled, and a narrow passage connected to the sewer is connected to the sewer. At the end of the passage, there is a layer of alloy floor about a little thick, which is the weakest violent intrusion link in the whole vault.

A man with his head and feet wrapped in a set of black helmets carried a powerful laser cutting gun for mining and quickly cut the extremely hard alloy floor.

The metal hot liquid that could not solidify fell down like rain, and the dazzling Mars splashed fiercely like festive fireworks. Many inevitably sprayed on the man's body, but it seemed to have no impact on him, just a white fog. If someone observes carefully, he can come out of the surface of his armor covered with a thin layer of crystal ice like cicada wings.

This closed environment can't dissipate heat at all. Under the high-intensity operation, the temperature of the channel rises rapidly to an amazing height. Even if the man has powers, he feels unbearable. After a period of time, he has to stop for a temporary rest, and the progress cannot be faster.

After about ten minutes, the alloy floor was finally completely cut through, revealing an extremely thin gap. In order to avoid making too much noise, the man lowered the power of the laser cutting gun and continued carefully.


Above, the white-haired lady and the girl who had recorded the confession were allowed to leave the scene. They walked into a mall not far from the bank and entered the bathroom.

Two minutes later, two women with mediocre clothes came out of the bathroom and walked out of the mall hand in hand to integrate into the bustling crowd outside, but the white-haired lady and the girl never saw each other again.


In the dark sewer area full of sewage, Lucien and Arnold moved forward quickly and set up alloy cables on the hooks that had already been set up on the top of the wall, and soon to the narrow corridor under the vault.

The man happened to finish his homework at this time, cut a large hole about a square meter on the alloy floor of the vault, sprayed condenser on the edge of the incision, and then called the two of them to drill a hole into the vault after it cooled slightly.

Lv Xi'an inspected a row of stands in the vault with neat cash, securities, precious stones, red gold bars, and various purified rare metal raw materials. His pupils expanded almost twice as much as usual. He raised his hands like worship and shouted incoherently with excitement: "This is getting bigger, old Zi Ke has never seen so much money, so much gold, so much jewelry, just as Victoria, no, just as charming as Charlotte's naked beauty..."

Arnold looked much better than him. His eyes were dull like an idiot. He rubbed his hands and opened his mouth and giggled desperately, almost drooling.

"Lu Xi'an." The man came up with a large drawer-type light storage box and suddenly asked, "Have you seen Charlotte's real person?"

Lu Xi'an's eyes lit up. While touching the top pure blue diamond on the stand beside him affectionately like a lover, he replied with great pride: "Of course, I have seen it. Two years ago, when Charlotte toured the Caribbean Executive Star, I finally sneaked into the scene. At that time, we were really close and close, and we would never be more than 200 meters apart. I could even smell the fragrance of roses on her body. Ah, that was really an intoxicating moment of happiness! Just like this moment."

The protective face on the man's helmet creaked into his forehead, showing a mature and resolute face, which turned out to be Robert, who was called an old fox by the big-headed Barley. He asked with interest, "Then how did you see Charlotte's **?"

"Uh, imagination, rich and detailed imagination." Lu Xi'an was not embarrassed at all and admitted it calmly.

"Oh, what about Victoria?" Robert quickly opened the storage box, seemed to ask again quite casually, and then ordered: "The storage box is limited in capacity. It only contains cash and pure titanium crystals, and the rest can only be taken as a souvenir. Hurry up, the personnel sent by the security company to repair the bank's security system will have to be evacuate as soon as we arrive. It is estimated that it will only take 15 minutes at most.

Lucian and Arnold also knew the urgency of time and acted quickly to quickly move piles of * and pure titanium crystals into the storage box. This drawer storage box seems to be small. In fact, it adopts the federal advanced space compression structure technology to expand the storage capacity. It can load more than ten times more than itself, which is extremely convenient to carry. The disadvantage is that although the volume is reduced, it cannot reduce the quality of the stored goods. This technology is generally only used in the cargo compartment of space transport spacecraft, which greatly improves the flow of goods.

In addition to being busy, Lucien hasn't forgotten to answer Robert's question and said proudly, "Victoria? Ha, I have seen every part of the hot girl's body with my own eyes. Well, that's been going on for many years. Once while she was taking a shower, Arnold and I secretly..."

"You fucking bastard, shut up." Arnold's black face turned red and shouted angrily to stop him.

"What's the big deal? Don't you dare to admit it?" Lu Xi'an didn't take it seriously, disdainfully reprimanded, and continued to return the taste without regret: "Well, at that time, the hot girl was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and her figure was so good that she had nothing to say. Unfortunately, she didn't have a chance to see it again later. I don't know how hot and enchanting she is now. If I could enjoy it again, I would rather be beaten by her. Become a pig's head.

Robert laughed and said, "It turned out that such a thing happened in those years. No wonder you two bastards would fly faster than mice as soon as they saw Victoria in those days."

"Maybe I should call you a fool, but this name obviously praises you." Hearing Lu Xi'an shake off this old embarrassment shamelessly, Arnold even turned red and cursed angrily and helplessly.

Lü Xi'an responded proudly: "Brother, thank you for your praise. I will be proud of it."

Arnold had nothing to say to this shameless guy, but he had to work without saying a word.

While talking, three storage boxes were quickly filled. Arnold jumped off the corridor and moved the storage boxes one by one to the sewer and put them on the automatic transmission device that had been hung on the alloy cable.

In less than two minutes, the three storage boxes were quickly transported to the sewer exit under the container truck, and Jack, who was waiting, quickly hung them into the container truck with a pulley.



A motorcycle with the shape of a swordfish and extremely beautiful and smooth lines soared over the bank, and a figure jumped lightly into the warning line, and its body was extremely fast and amazing.

"Good sir." Two federal special police officers came forward and respectfully clenched their fists and arms to salute a standard federal military.

The man is a young man, but his muscles are very strong and developed. His strong physique does not match his light movements. His eyes are deep, and his pupils sparkled with arrogant and fierce light, as if he would spray aggressive anger at any time.

The man returned a casual gift and frowned and asked, "What's the situation now?"

A special police officer reported the situation quickly.

"A killer whale motorcycle without auxiliary wings? This is a special flying horse for federal law enforcement officers.

Across the street, the two ordinary-looking women are observing the development of the situation among the lively crowd. The slightly plump woman on the left is still wearing a pair of glasses. It was the white-haired lady who transformed into makeup. She whispered in surprise, "The current situation does not need to summon law enforcement at all. How can this guy Why did you come so soon?"

The federal law enforcer, which belongs to the federal military system, is a super mobile force strictly selected by the federal government from the military and special police elites. Its personal force is very strong, at least to reach the medium-term level of control, and the number is quite rare, with only more than 1,000 people in New Rome with a population of nearly 100 million. These law enforcers were independently differentiated and established a special law enforcement agency, the Federal Bureau of Social Order, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the privileged federal magistrate. Generally, they do not participate in daily security maintenance and are only dispatched in states of emergency.

The woman with the right head's green eyes sparkled and whispered, "I don't think it's right. Maybe I should inform my father to evacuate as soon as possible."

The plump woman was deeply convinced and naturally hung her hands on both sides of her thighs, quickly touched ten fingers to edit and send messages. Then they immediately went to the distance, boarded a flying car and quickly drove away.

After listening to the special police report, the law enforcer thought for a moment and asked in a low voice, "The bank's security system is quite advanced. How could it be an overall failure due to a local explosion? How long will it take for the maintenance personnel of the security company to get here?

"It will take about five minutes." Another special policeman replied.

The law enforcer suddenly sank his face and snorted coldly, "It will take so long. Are all the people in the security company a rice bucket? No, the security system must not stop operating for too long. Measures must be taken.

The manager on duty of the bank was still shocked at this moment. He sat on the chair like soft mud and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. Suddenly, he saw the law enforcement man stride in from the outside. He didn't know where he came from. He got up quickly and met him with another senior bank supervisor. He bowed in fear. He said, "Mr. Mayeda, why did you come in person?"

The lieutenant led the busy federal police to salute and greet them.

The law enforcer Mayeda waved his hand quite unhappily and gave the order bluntly, "Turn on the alarm device."


The sharp alarm sounded again, and it did not stop after it was turned off again.

"No." Mayeda's eyes suddenly shot a cold light and shouted harshly, "Open the vault immediately."

After about a minute and a half of tedious verification procedures, the huge and bulky superalloy gate of the vault finally opened. Mayeda rushed in first, raised his eyes and glanced at it. His face was dark and he shouted angrily: "You idiots."