Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 11 Are you born unlucky? Next


A beam of silver light shot from the mouth of the superconducting electromagnetic gun in Jack's hand. The bursting electric snake quickly hit one of the girls. After a strange and noisy electric current sound came out, the girl's whole body immediately condensed, and the fast flashing red light in her pupils was also disordered and dim, and her eyes turned wildly.

Arnold waved the one-handed tungsten steel axe in his hand, swirled a cold light in the air, and fiercely hit another girl's beautiful neck.


With a dry and harsh metal crack, a dazzling spark splashed in the girl's neck, and her head was simply cut off. She fell to the ground and rolled far away before stopping. There was still a pitiful sweet smile on her beautiful face.


The remaining strength of the one-handed tungsten steel axe was not exhausted, and it took the opportunity to fiercely cut in front of the chest of the simulated robot in a state of being in the machine, bursting a dull sound. The robot's charming beautiful breasts were suddenly out of shape, and a large hole was blown open on the chest, a large handful of broken fiber wires fell out, and Mars splashed everywhere at the broken head. The sky fell straight.

"The rude guy who doesn't know how to pity the jade." Lu Xi'an threw down a sentence, and the wind generally rushed into the bank gate.


As soon as Lv Xi'anfu rushed into the bank lobby, he shouted and raised his hand and fired a few shots. He quickly rushed to the platform on duty, grabbed the bank manager on duty who had not yet reacted, put a gun against his head, and shouted harshly: "No one is allowed to move."

Arnold and Jack immediately rushed in, separated left and right, and also shouted with guns to keep all the staff and customers in the bank as they were.

In fact, as early as after Lu Xi'an shot, most of the people in the hall were stunned. A white-haired woman wearing a pair of eye glasses was even scared and almost fell down. Fortunately, a girl beside her held her in time.

"tu tu."

As soon as the two armed security guards took out their weapons, the exquisite floor under their feet were hit with two straight black smoke *. They were so scared that they immediately dropped their guns and raised their hands and shouted, "Don't shoot."

"Very good, get down now." Lu Xi'an dragged the pale bank manager to the counter, took out three bags from his backpack and threw them into it. He politely said to the staff, "Please put in as much cash as possible. Please hurry up, please."

A dull-eyed female employee blurted out, "Please show me your bank account number or a valid withdrawal certificate."

Lion's blue eyes suddenly stared round, shrugged his shoulders and asked in surprise, "You are really a humorous and lovely lady. Do I have an expired bill of lading in my hand?"

Looking at the muzzle pointing at her black hole, the female employee was soberly aware of the current situation. She hurriedly raised her hand and said in a trembling voice, "Please forgive me, I will do it immediately."

When Arnold came to monitor the staff who were in a hurry to put money, Lucien dragged the bank manager to a metal door on the side of the hall and ordered, "Open it."

The manager's forehead was sweating coldly, and he kept trembling and stammering, "I'm sorry, I can't..."

"Can't?" Lu Xi'an poked the gun on his greasy forehead, tightened the trigger, and said with a sneer, "Maybe I can understand your situation, but my partner doesn't have a heart of sympathy."

"Please wait, that's not what I mean." The manager's body trembled even more and begged eagerly, "Listen to me, I can't enter the vault alone. Even if you open this door, you won't get anything."

"How can I get in?" Lu Xi'an slightly loosened his finger on the wrench and asked.

The manager was also relieved and replied quickly: "The vault is usually only opened before and at the end of business every day, and the password is changed every day. It is controlled by the manager on duty and another senior supervisor on the same day. If it needs to be opened, two people must be present. The supervisor is not here."

"Shit." Lu Xi'an cursed angrily and said harshly, "Open it and talk about it."

The manager wiped the sweat from his forehead, put his face in front of the scanner on the metal door, verified the retina and facial features and fingerprints, and then entered the password to open it.

After they went in, the people outside suddenly heard the manager scream: "Oh, God, what are you going to do? No, it's useless. The vault gate is the strongest superalloy, unless you bombard it with a nuclear bomb..."

"If you don't want to stay here and get blown up, shut up." The robbers shouted at him.

"..." The manager's cry stopped abruptly.

The two quickly came out again. Lucien closed the door and flashed aside and laughed, "Aha, everyone, it's better to cover your ears to welcome the upcoming salute."

The hostages looked at him at a loss, but the manager hugged his head tightly and lay on the floor like an ostrich buried its head in the sand.


The earth-shaking explosion suddenly came out, just like thousands of vicious demons roaring in the room in unison. The eardrums of everyone in the hall buzzed, and the whole building trembled violently. Many people stood unsteadily, screaming and staggering to the ground. The elderly and weak white-haired lady did not fall unexpectedly, but no one noticed it in the chaos.


The alarm device in the bank was triggered and made a sharp sound.

"Damn, the power of this salute is terrible." Lu Xi'an, who had already prepared, couldn't help grinning, shaking his head, kicking open the metal door outside and rushing in.

But in a blink of an eye, he rushed out of the rolling smoke at a faster speed and couldn't help coughing fiercely while shouting, "Cough, damn it. Was it just Satan who just farted in? Cough cough, the damn door is so smooth that it can be used as a mirror, cough..."

Arnold carried three bags full of cash and shouted, "The alarm is ringing. We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

The three quickly withdrew from the bank with the booty and ran wildly into the flow of people on the street.

Di Changli was heading towards this direction and didn't have time to avoid it. The wine in his hand was knocked down and fell to pieces. He was anxious. He raised his hand and grabbed one of them without thinking and shouted, "Don't run, pay for my wine."

Unluckily, Jack's mask was pulled off. He covered his face in horror and shouted in a low voice: "Dat, this kid saw my face."

Lucian and Arnold were shocked and quickly stopped.

Di Changli found the abnormality of several people in front of him. The weapons in their hands made him breathe coldly and hurriedly affirmed, "I didn't see anything..." As he spoke, he slipped aside.

"This damn kid is looking for his own death. I have to kill him." Jack, who was so frightened, clenched his teeth and raised his gun to shoot.

"Are you fucking crazy? He is still a child. We can't kill him. Let's take him away first. At this time, Arnold's mind turned the fastest, hurriedly blocked Jack, grabbed the front and punched Di Changli on the head.

If you walk well on the road, you can even encounter such a disaster. Are you born unlucky? Only such an idea flashed in Di Changli's mind and fainted directly. Arnold picked him up and continued to rush forward.

As soon as their figures disappeared into the dense crowd, a group of eagle-wing motorcycle patrol fleets shot down like arrows in the air. Two of them hovered about meters high on the ground, and the two had already started the battle form of overlapping armor. The glittering federal special police jumped down with standard equipment - pulse particle shields and pulse electromagnetic guns, and the other suspended above the bank gate to observe the situation inside.

At both ends of the street, several federal police assault vehicles sounded sharp sirens and quickly drove towards here, and the upper part of the vehicle body also began to deform, gradually combining into a simple defensive land battle base vehicle.

After preliminary observation and analysis of the situation, the federal special police who arrived first entered the bank, lifted the combat alert, and quickly notified the federal police center to dispatch more police to the area to urgently search for the whereabouts of the suspects. After that, the regular patrol police stationed and isolated the crime scene to investigate and collect evidence to record confessions.

"These guys are fucking good at their work." After a quick survey of the scene, he did not get any valuable clues, and a lieutenant officer leading the team muttered with a headache.

Usually, it is most critical to solve a violent robbery in such a large and densely populated super metropolis within a quarter of an hour after the crime. Now the perpetrator has been fleeing the scene for several minutes. If they are not tracked within the next ten minutes, the subsequent detection work will change. It is extremely difficult. Moreover, what was robbed this time was old banknotes, not valuables that need to be sold. There is no way to trace their circulation. It can be said that this robbery is likely to become a death case in ten minutes.

The only fortunate thing is that no one was injured in the robbery, the cash taken by the robbers was not much, and the losses on the bank were very limited.

There was a small episode during the forensic investigation. The alarm that had been turned off made a harsh sound again. Less than a minute after it was turned off again, the alarm screamed inexplicably. The federal police checked carefully and even called the senior director of the bank to open the door of the vault with the manager to check, but did not find anything strange. It can only be attributed to the damage of the alarm device in the violent explosion just now.

After such repeated times, the lieutenant and police officer simply ordered the entire alarm system to be completely shut down and inform the bank's security service company to send someone to repair.

At this time, the white-haired lady, who was cooperating with the police to record her confession, quietly and quickly touched the ten fingertips of her hands under the cover of the girl beside her.

An imperceptible faint light flashed on the chip of the white-haired woman's old mirror, and a subtitle that was only visible to her appeared: Everything went well - was this message sent?

The white-haired lady gently clicked on the data input film of her left thumb, and the invisible radio waves were instantly transmitted into the micro honeycomb modem she carried, and the subtitles became: the message was successfully sent.