Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 19 Federal Convocation

"This is the information of the club's 15 professional fighters this year. You can choose one of them. As long as you defeat him, you can replace him."

The iron hand personally took Di Changli to the Ram Club and brought the daily training and competition video materials to him to select his opponents.

These materials are all highly realistic three-dimensional projections, which can make people immersively observe everyone's basic strength. After watching for two hours, Di Changli made a decision: "I choose the 'silver snake'."

The iron hand was very surprised: "Are you sure?"

Silver Snake is an old fighter who has participated in several Roman Galaxy Championships. His combat effectiveness is quite outstanding among these 15 professional players. The Force has reached the medium-term level of energy control and has rich competition experience. In fact, for various reasons, few real masters who have reached the forging level above the forging period participate in the event. Even with reference to the ranking of all players in the Roman Galaxy, the strength of the silver snake is not bad. Di Changli is really not a wise choice to pick him.

Di Changli said lightly, "If I lack the confidence to fight with him, what's the point of participating in this competition?"

The iron hand nodded silently and said nothing more, but just patted Di Changli on the shoulder. He sincerely hoped that Di Changli could live his own life through hard work, but he did not know that Di Changli had already embarked on an unknown way.

The silver snake is very angry.

If you change to a person, you will be more angry than him if you encounter this kind of thing. Accepting an inexplic challenge, there is no benefit in winning, but losing is erased from the list, losing the participation fee for each game, winning rewards, the club's * profit dividends, and the huge reputation that may be obtained... For a professional fighter, what can be better than this loss for him Angry?

The teammates of the Silver Snake were also very annoyed. They cheered up the Silver Snake and encouraged him to beat the milky arrogant boy into a permanent central nervous disorder of the brain. This is not a lie. There are many examples of fighters who failed and died in martial arts life and became vegetative people.

Put on the virtual fighting suit, Di Changli and Silver Snake decided the venue.

The silver snake has the right to decide.

A player's nickname can usually reflect one of his strengths from the side. Silver Snake is not a powerful player, and the external environment terrain has a certain impact on the player's comprehensive strength. Therefore, he chose the forest.

The cabin door used for the competition is slowly closed, and the club's physiotherapists follow the regular competition procedures and stay in front of the cabin in order to rescue players with excessive neurological damage in the first time.

Wearing a helmet connected to the realistic system, without warning, Di Changli suddenly found himself in a tropical rainforest. There are huge primitive broad-leaved trees everywhere, with dense crowns covering the sky and the sun. The dense wild vines are like cobwebs, hanging from the top of the tree to the ground full of rotten leaves and moss, with little sunlight. The surroundings are very hot and humid, and there is a faint milky white fog between the tall fern bushes, which is deep, quiet and extremely depressing, like an evil place haunted by witches.

Although it is a realistic fantasy, in the perception of those who are in it, this is a real world. Every mouthful of air inhaled into the lungs is full of the unique smell of the jungle, which is so real.

The silver snake appeared in front of Di, wearing light protective armor that protects several important parts of the body, holding a slender tungsten steel sword, leaning forward slightly, staring at him without saying a word, with cold eyes, like a snake staring at its prey.

Di Changli was calm, slightly lifting the Force, holding the tungsten steel knife of his choice, and slowly stretching all the joints of his body. Through the virtual fighting suit and helmet with tens of thousands of information feedback points, the vibration of every muscle of the body will be reflected very realistically.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, the silver snake's face showed an imperceptible strangeness. Obviously, he was quite surprised by Di Changli's calmness and calmness.

"It's a good opponent." The silver snake said.

"Thank you for the compliment." Di Changli replied politely, "I hope you can forgive me for taking the liberty this time..."

Before he finished his words, the silver snake suddenly moved and moved very quickly, like a curled snake, and rushed up fiercely, strangely and ferociously.

At the same time, a large smelly rotten leaf burst out on the ground between the two, completely covering Di Changli's sight. Using the environment is a means allowed by the rules of life. As long as you don't feel bored, you can pick up stones to smash your opponents.

In the chaotic leaves, one leg suddenly swept out, as fast as the rapid shaking tail tip of a rattlesnake, bringing a sharp wind to attack Di Changli. As long as this leg hits the real place, there is no doubt that it can be opened and cut off.

No matter his skills or scheming, Silver Snake is absolutely worthy of his nickname.

Di Changli seemed to be distracted because of his speech, so he failed to avoid the silver snake's raid in time and fell on his back.

Then, a sad scream echoed in the dark jungle, and a thigh flew high with rushing blood.

The red light outside the cabin suddenly flashed, indicating that one of the players had lost his strength and the battle was over.

The two doors slowly opened again, and the physiotherapist ran up quickly with the first aid kit, but the direction was the cabin of the silver snake.

Everyone watching at the scene almost fell off their chins and couldn't digest the facts that just happened.

"One twelfth of the frequency, replay it."

I don't know when the big-headed Barley sat in the club's stereo studio and ordered.

In the slow image, the toes kicked by the silver snake are only about ten centimeters away from Di's chest. It can be clearly seen that the burst of strength has slightly concave the skin on his chest.

At this moment, Di Changli fell back, twisting his waist, side crotch, lifted his right leg, and kicked extremely fiercely at the root of the thigh of the old silver snake. The long knife in his hand cut a mysterious track, cutting off the legs of the silver snake that seemed to come up by itself. The whole work seems to have been rehearsed thousands of times, pure and smooth, concise and direct, and there is no superfluous.

The other 14 professional fighters coincided with a toothache and gasped, as if the leg was kicked on his body, and they almost couldn't help covering it with their hands*. Their vision was quite professional, and they immediately judged that in that case, they would definitely suffer the same miserable end as the silver snake.

"Interesting, interesting, hehe." The big-headed Bali touched his brain and smiled. He has also participated in the martial arts life competition and is a powerful refiner, but in recent years, he has rarely taken action in person. Few people know which level his Force has reached.

Di Changli won this game so easily because he grasped the psychology of the silver snake, predicted the opponent's attack, and took a simple and effective strategy to make the silver snake think it was an opportunity to take advantage of, thus causing setbacks.

Of course, there is another point, which is Di Changli's near-intuitive reaction. When in danger, he can always make the most appropriate response by instinct. Under the same speed, the effective kill rate of the attack is at least 10% of the opponent. This talent once surprised Robert. It is not too unfair that the silver snake, who knew nothing about his strength, was killed in seconds.

This victory also made Di Changli more curious about Robert. His combat skills were completely taught by Robert. As early as after he agreed to join Robert's team, Robert purchased two sets of special advanced virtual devices for the federal army through the black market to train him in strict accordance with the training standards of special forces soldiers. In the past three years, Di Changli has basically mastered the use of various weapons and unarmed fighting skills. Robert was very satisfied with this and told Di Changli that no matter how real the battle in the virtual environment looks, there is still a certain difference compared with actual combat, so that he can slowly learn by himself in the future. Will. Di Changli suspected that Robert might have been a soldier before he became a thief.

The silver snake was helped out of the cabin by the physiotherapist, its face was painfully twisted, and a layer of fine sweat oozed from its forehead. Due to the high degree of simulation, the trauma suffered in the life of martial arts will be reflected in the ontology of reality to a certain extent.

For example, if a player's arm is broken while fighting in a virtual fantasy, his arm will be temporarily unable to move after exiting the game and will take time or recovery through treatment. Moreover, the more injuries there are in the same area, the longer the recovery time will be, and the cumulative a certain number of times will cause the corresponding nerves to be abrasively destroyed and can no longer recover, becoming an alternative disability patient with intact.

The silver snake's face was a little yellow, and it endured severe pain. It said shyly to the big-headed Bari, "I'm sorry, sir, I lost." He felt very cowardly and unconvinced, but if he loses, he will lose, which is an indisputable fact.

"You are too careless. Remember this lesson." Big-headed Barley comforted the silver snake, waved his hand and asked the physiotherapist to take him down for treatment, then turned to Di Changli and laughed, "Young man, you surprised me and I'm looking forward to what kind of surprise you will bring me in the competition."

"I will try my best not to disappoint you too much, Mr. Barley." Di Changli looked calm and was not so happy about this victory.

"I'm surprised, how did you develop your skills and experience?" Big-headed Barley asked again.

This is also the question of an iron hand. He has never seen Di Changli show his fighting ability. Virtual fighting can basically reflect the level of fighting in reality. As a novice, Di Changli's performance is really incredible and has too many doubts.

"I bought a lot of video materials for fighting and combat to observe and study, and work hard to exercise myself." Di Changli explained, looked at the eyes of the big-headed Bari and the iron hand, shrugged his shoulders and added, "Maybe I was born to do this, but I didn't notice it before."

"Yes, yes, you are a young man with talent. It seems that you were right to inject strength-type gene conversion fluid at the beginning." Big-headed Barley laughed again, stopped asking questions, and changed the topic and said, "I remember you used to hate violence very much, but now, why do you take the initiative to pursue power?"

Di Changli replied very simply: "Because I found that only with power can I better protect myself."

"I'm glad that you can finally realize this by yourself." Big-headed Barley nodded with admiration and looked up at everyone in the room. What everyone sees today must be honest in their mouths. If anyone leaks a word, I have to go to the funeral home to order a coffin for him. Do you hear me?

Although the Force level does not represent everything in battle, the strength of the Force is always a major factor in determining victory or defeat. In the martial arts competition, a newcomer who only controls energy in the early stage of energy control and is unknown but has strong strength, which has always brought a good opportunity to create large profits.

Everyone should be, and no one will doubt that the big head of Barley will get a half discount.

Di Changli did not disappoint Big Head Barley.

After the start of the annual competition of Roman Galaxy Martial Arts Life, it is a miracle that Di Changli was eliminated after entering the top 100 individuals in the region.

Due to the particularity of Roman galaxies, only eight zones have been set up, which is less than dozens of other galaxies. However, nearly 100 million people in Roman galaxies are concentrated in Rome, and the population density is beyond the reach of other galaxies. Basically, there are thousands of professional fighters in each division in the slums. The big-headed Balli privately owned Rams team is only a weak team, and only one player has rushed out of the regional competition with the best result since its establishment. As a newcomer, it is really incredible that Di Changli can enter the top 100 in the region.

When the big-headed Barley smiled and looked at the large number on the club's account, Di Changli received a call-up letter from the federal government.

Di Changli successfully became a federal police officer and a reservist. If he wants to become a regular employee, he has to pass three months of basic skills training, legal and regulations learning and a three-month internship period.

His file has a stain record of being expelled from public schools for the crime of theft. He was not suitable to become a federal citizen's personal and property safety law enforcement officer, but the Political Tribunal directly ignored it and included him on the reserve team's roster. As soon as the training period was over, he was assigned to the mobile execution team of the Roman Galaxy Federal Police.

He became a federal mobile special policeman. In other words, he had to hit a licensed professional hitman wherever the federal government pointed to. The conscript decree formulated by the federal government originally came from this purpose and does not pay much attention to the quality of the recruiters.

To be fair, because the profession of mobile special police is quite dangerous, the salary paid by the federal government is not low, but it is completely incomparable compared with the income obtained outside. Conscripts like Di Changli, who are professional fighters, would rather pay high fines than fulfill their obligations. Basically, only when their heads are beaten into insanity in the game will they make the wrong choice to serve in federal agencies.

Put on a new uniform, Di Changli stared at himself, who was a little strange in the mirror for a long time, and a mocking smile slowly appeared on the corners of his lips: "Good luck, Mr. Wolf in the skin of a hound."