Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 20 Meritorious Service

Federal Police Division of the 9th District of the Roman Galaxy.

"Exturbing me." Di Changli stopped a policeman.

Out of unpleasant memories in the past, Di Changli has always had a bad impression of the police, even though his current identity has become a policeman. However, there will be exceptions to everything, and the policeman in front of him makes Di Changli's senses feel good.

Because this is a very young policewoman, with a pair of blue eyes as clear as the summer sky, a delicate face and delicate skin, a small and slim figure, and her straight uniform makes her exquisite curves very touching. No matter from any angle, she can be called a beautiful woman, which is the main reason why Di Changli came to her.

"What can I do for you?" The beautiful police officer's tone to Di Changli in casual clothes was also very soft, without the rudeness and impatience of the police officers on duty on the street at all, which made Di Changli's affection rise by several percentage points, thinking that she must not have been a policeman for a long time.

Di Changli smiled and said, "I would like to ask how to get to the five personnel places." There are tens of thousands of employees working in the police branch of the 9th District of the Roman Galaxy. The complex is quite large, but the planning and design are a little unreasonable, and there are too many departments. Even if there are electronic signs along the way, it is not easy for unfamiliar people to find a place to go quickly.

A trace of blush appeared on the beautiful police officer's cheeks. Although Di Changli is not full of charm and handsome, after a round of martial arts competition and field training, Di Changli's temperament becomes more masculine and resolute, and his smile brings a lazy and unruly look from time to time. No one will believe his real age at all. The girls at the Purple Banana Casino said that when little Di stared at his smile, it was simply knife-like and lethal.

Obviously, the beautiful policeman was also gently stabbed by the knife. She settled down and pointed out in detail, "The personnel five are located in the No. 2 auxiliary building in the south. You go out of the corridor over there, turn right 300 meters through an exit, and then go through... Remember?

"Well, I wrote it down. Thank you very much for your advice." Di Changli answered her seriously, "However, if you can draw a map for me, I will be more grateful, lest I die in this maze."

The beautiful policeman held back her smile and said, "If you are willing to wait here for a quarter of an hour, I can take you there... I happen to work in the No. 2 auxiliary building. You are lucky that you don't have to die in this maze."

"Don't say a quarter of an hour." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders. Even if I wait here until the end of the world comes, I am willing to.

The beautiful police officer finally smiled and glanced at him charmingly and said, "Then you can wait until that day."

The beautiful police officer turned around and swayed away, and Di Changli's eyes chased her thin waist and round buttocks for a long time. The ** of uniform is a strange feeling for any man, and it is worth experiencing it first-hand.

The beautiful police officer did not let Di Changli wait for a quarter of an hour. At about ten minutes, she came back with a large pile of files. Di Changli greeted him and said, "Let me help you get it."

"Thank you, you are a very elegant man." The beautiful policeman had no disgust with his attention.

"I am very happy to serve a beautiful lady." Di Changli took over the file, and his eyes stopped for a moment on the rich arc exposed behind the file. He blinked and laughed softly, "Moreover, I can't bear to see all good things being oppressed."

Such a blatant flirting made the beautiful police officer's face turn red again. She wanted to be angry, but Di Changli's eyes were warm and frank, undisguised, and made her feel that she should not be too angry, so she had to pretend not hear clearly and turned around to lead the way with a red face.

"Sorry, I haven't asked your name yet... Neve... Well, should I call you Officer Neve or Miss Neve... Of course, it's a great honor to call you that, Neve."

Walking side by side, the distance between the two bodies slowly shortened. When he stepped into an elevator, Di Changli was half behind and naturally freed a hand to hold Neve's waist to let her advance.

This is the etiquette between a closer man and a woman, and it is not suitable for the first meeting. However, Niff did not show obvious resistance, so Di Changli continued to put his hand on her slim and soft waist and enjoy the faint fragrance of the beautiful woman.

"You are a very bold guy."

From the smooth mirror wall of the elevator, Neve seems to be snuggled up to Di Changli's chest, like a pair of intimate lovers. She looked at Di Changli with a smile and said, "Do you think I'm a woman who is easy to seduce?"

Di Changli was not embarrassed at all and said with a smile, "Because you attracted me, that's why I seduce you. As for whether it's easy or not, it depends on whether you give me this opportunity."

Nife smiled charmingly: "I don't think you will have this opportunity... because I already have a fiance."

Like being bitten by a snake, Di Changli's hand took away from Neve's thin waist like lightning and pulled away some distance. Er, please forgive me for my rudeness and rudeness.

Nev looked at him interestingly: "What are you afraid of?"

Di Changli answered her seriously: "I'm afraid that I will be blocked in bed one night and shoot me in the head."

Niff threw him a white eye: "If you are really afraid of this, you should stop saying that now."

"You're absolutely right." Di Changli admitted it and immediately closed his mouth.

Niff glanced at him again and took the initiative to talk to him: "You are going to five places of personnel. Are you a lawyer?"

"Why do you say that?" Di Changli was a little confused.

Niff explained: "The five personnel departments are specially responsible for arranging the personnel recruited by the General Administration from outside. They are generally excellent people in the martial arts life competition, but basically no one wants to come. Usually, only lawyers pay fines for those people to avoid recruitment. Aren't you?"

"You are definitely not a competent detective." Di Changqi attacked her rudely.

"Are you here to report?" Neve was very surprised. A professional martial arts professional with excellent grades can find a job outside, and the salary is much higher than being a policeman. Are you willing to give up?

"Of course." Di Changli said righteously and impassionedly, "I am an ideal and ambitious federal citizen. Unlike those who only know how to chase money, of course, I should actively undertake obligations, respond to the call of the Federation, and dedicate my youth and blood to the Federation."

"You are so thick-skinned that you can be a politician." Neferge laughed: "Maybe I will believe what others say, but it's a big lie to say from your mouth."

"We have known each other for less than half an hour, do you regard me as a liar?" Di Changli sighed, and his expression seemed to be very hurt. His eyes fell on the wonderful wave line that Nave's chest fluctuated because of her delicate smile, and he couldn't help sighing regretfully. Although Nave's figure is petite, a pair of * is obviously quite plump and elastic, and she is really a beauty. Unfortunately, the famous flower already has a master.

Di Changli felt very confused about his future. The only thing he wanted to do was to find out William to avenge his adoptive father. As for the rest, he had no idea. Even the hard work of learning the various skills taught by Robert and Sheila is only out of instinct and exclusion.

Therefore, his life is very empty. In order to get rid of the loneliness in his heart, he chose to anesthetize himself with pure love that you and I would like. Due to the uncertainty of the future, he is afraid of falling into his feelings and does not want to hurt other people's feelings, let alone play the role of a disgraceful third party. Therefore, this charming and beautiful policewoman can only be excluded.

"What are you sighing about?" Neve noticed that Di Changli's eyes fell, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and hurried to find a different topic.

Di Changli scratched his chin and lied wisely: "I'm an honest person. I sigh because I was misunderstood by you." Then he said, "Officer Neve, thank you for your help. Well, I envy your fiance. He will have a good wife. I hope to have the opportunity to meet him and bless him.

Sadness flashed in Neve's eyes and was silent for a moment before saying, "He can't hear your blessing... He is a federal soldier. Last year, he died in the line of duty in an operation."

"I'm sorry..." Di Changli suddenly felt that he should sew his mouth up.

The elevator stopped on the floor where Neve was about to arrive. She took back the file from Di Changli's hand and went out. When the elevator door was about to close, she suddenly turned around and smiled: "You don't have to be sorry. I haven't laughed so happily for a long time. Thank you, and I'm also glad that you can become my new colleague."

"I'm glad, too." Di Changli smiled, but after the elevator door was completely closed, he sighed with regret again. Obviously, this beautiful policewoman needs spiritual comfort, and he can only give women physical happiness.

Emotions are a luxury that he can't give.


Special police on duty room of the 9th District Federal Police of Rome.

"Today is so fucking boring that I don't even have a chance to go out for a walk."

I don't know how many times the chatter complained in his ear. Di Changli stretched out lazily and said, "Tie Niu, do you want me to make a report for you and apply for a transfer to the field for anti-smuggling? Then you can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery every day, and occasionally encounter very exciting surprises.

Tie Niu is Di Changli's partner. He is a big muscular man with a rude and straightforward personality. He said with a smile, "I'm just complaining a little. Peace is a blessing. I won't be stupid enough to ask for hardships. By the way, I heard that your warrant lieutenant award report has been approved, and you can at least be a team captain. At that time, I will have to call you officer.

As a specially recruited talent by the federal government, Di Changli joined the 9th District Police Station with the initial rank of sergeant. The probation period was less than two months. Because of his outstanding performance and his third-class achievement in an operation, the Ninth District Police Station reported for credit for Di Changli after the internal award.

Because few professional fighters can join the police station to fulfill their civic obligations after receiving a summons, his superiors, after further investigation and review, are determined to set up a model to attract talents from all walks of life to work for federal government institutions. In this matter, the protracted bureaucratic style was changed and quickly passed.

Di Changli shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Even if he took the rocket a few more stages, there was nothing for him to be happy about.

"There are still about ten minutes to hand over the shift safely." Tie Niu looked at the time, whistled, came over and whispered, "What's the arrangement of tonight's activities?" A man said that there are several new hot steel pipe queens in the Golden Cat nightclub. How about going to sit down?

"Your message has never been very well-informed." Di Changli expressed his contempt. Didn't you hear that those steel queens were turned over by the Silver Ring Snake Bar?

Tie Niu touched his head with shame: "Then let's go to the pirate club. There are many hot girls there. Maybe we can get two of them tonight."

"I'm not interested today. I can go with you for two glasses of wine, but nothing else is fine. Tie Niu, your body is really iron, and some things are still good. Di Changli shook his head. Although he does not deliberately suppress his physiological desires, he does not want to be enslaved by desires. It has nothing to do with romanticism and must be tempered.

"Okay, it's up to you." Tie Niu does not insist on his opinion.

In fact, Tie Niu is not a good person to get along with. Because of his impulsiveness and irritability, his relationship with his previous partners is very unpleasant. When Di Changli first came, he had also had a red neck several times, but when Di Changli killed a vicious gangster in the course of that meritorious action and rescued him from danger, Tie Niu's attitude was completely reversed.

"There are still five minutes left. Even if there is a situation, it should not be our turn to go on a mission." Tie Niu looked at the time from time to time, fidgeting, and began to prepare to unload his equipment.

"Dip Didi..."

The alarm in the standby room suddenly sounded: "There was a gunfight near the overpass of 7 24th Avenue, and ten teams are needed to support. There was a gunfight at the overpass of No. 4 24th Avenue..."

Ten groups? I'm going to blow up those bastards' eggs." Tie Niu shouted angrily. There were nine groups of mobile special police on standby in front of him. He and Di Changli happened to be the tenth group.

Di Changli ignored his shouts and pulled down the handle above his head. The two people's seats quickly slid down, fell vertically to the parking lot under the waiting room, and quickly jumped onto the eagle-wing motorcycle. Tie Niu scolded, but his movements were not much slower than Di Changli. He jumped on another flying car and rushed to the sky with Di Changli.


When the mobile special police arrived at the scene of the gunfight, two groups of unidentified fighters were fleeing separately. Di Changli and Tie Niu chased out two streets before blocking one of them into a warehouse.

"What should I do? Are you covering for me to rush over?"

shouted a few slogans of surrender, but there was no reaction from the other party. Tie Niu's thick body shrank behind the pulse particle shield and tried his best to lower his voice to ask, which looked quite funny.

Di Changli is pasted behind a shelf. Although it has launched the battle form of overlapping armor and protects the whole body, it is not uncomfortable for the bullet to hit the body directly. It is better to cover and buffer than the hard top.

He motioned Tie Niu to wait a moment, picked up a bundle of canned drinks from the shelf, and threw it out from the top of his head with his backhand.

With a "bang", the bundle of drinks burst into the air, and the juice burst everywhere.

"Damn." The iron cow shrank his head. The guy inside is fast and accurate, and he is obviously holding a modified superconducting electromagnetic gun. The power is only stronger than the pulse electromagnetic gun he is equipped. One shot is enough to be choked, and he absolutely can't withstand the bullets behind him. I can't help but secretly congratulate myself that if my former partner had been by my side, I might have rushed into the muzzle of the gun.

"See?" Di Changli raised his eyebrows and said, "If you rush over like this, I'm afraid you can only lie in the morgue and drink tonight... Call for reinforcements."

Tie Niu was still thinking about winning the award for meritorious service and hesitated: "The bandits have been trapped in it, and there are no hostages in their hands. It's better to throw two shock bombs first and then attack them in. In this case, I'm afraid I won't have the face to see anyone at that time.

"Is face important or life important? I don't want to be sung to die young. Since the gangster has a modified powerful weapon, he may have stacked armor or even recovered armor. Throwing two shock bombs has no effect on him at all. Di Changli sneered and began to call directly.

"I surrender."

The gangster inside suddenly made a sound, took the initiative to throw out a gun, and came out of the hiding place with their heads in their hands. As expected, they were wearing double armor.

"Damn." Tie Niu scolded again: "Now the firepower and equipment of the little hooligan are better than me. * What kind of world do you raise... Slowly take off the stacked armor and put it on the ground, and then slowly walk forward."

The other party removed the battle form of the stacked armor as required. After putting it down, he still came slowly with his head in his arms. The pace is very natural. It seems that I have encountered this situation more than once and I don't care about being arrested at all.

Tie Niu took out the alloy handcuffs and was about to come forward. Di Changli stopped him and ordered him to raise his hands.

A violent light flashed in the eyes of the bandits, rushed forward, waved a cold light in his right hand, and quickly stroked Di Changli's neck.

Di Changli raised his wrist slightly, broke the gangster's right arm shoulder-to-shoulder with one shot, then lifted his foot and kicked him up and fainted directly.

Tie Niu admires Di Changli's foresight: "How do you see that this guy is going to attack?"

In fact, Di Changli's extraordinary intuition had already detected the other party's intention, and he was too lazy to explain it to Tie Niu. He only shrugged his shoulders and said lightly, "This guy is very cunning. I don't see anything, but I've always been very careful."

I have been a special policeman for two years, and I can live without danger until now. It's simply hit the dog's luck. Tie Niu muttered, stared at Di Changli for a while, and suddenly announced loudly: " Cherish life and stay away from danger. I have decided that I will follow you anyway anyway. ."

"Sorry, I only need beautiful women." Di Changli thanked him and looked at the bandits in the bloody pool: "Well, if you don't call an ambulance for this guy, you can only send him to the morgue."

The fainting bandit woke up at this time, and his eyes were full of resentment. Regardless of the severe pain of his broken arm, he stared at Di Changli: "Kid, I will remember you. One day, I will send you to hell with my own hands."

"We look forward to your ride at any time." Not long after he became a special policeman, he heard a lot of such words. Di Changli smiled carelessly and casually kicked the guy into a coma again.

At this time, Di Changli never thought that he would meet this guy again one day. Moreover, there are many people who met him who were captured by him like this.