Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 24 Tracy in Dilemma

"Miss Tracy, there are still not many customers today?"

Raymond, the little hooligan, saw Tracy coming out of the building, immediately left his partners and trotted all the way to meet him with a shy face.

"You stay outside all day, can't you see it?" Tracy gave him a white look angrily and didn't bother to say more. Today, there are not many customers, but there is no customer at all. This situation has been going on for several days. The firm's business has been unable to make ends meet, and even normal expenses cannot be earned. If it goes on like this for another ten days and a half months, it will soon have to close down.

Raymond scratched his head with regret and could only comfort him dryly: "Don't be discouraged. Difficulties are only temporary. Er, you are so smart, capable and beautiful. You must be able to overcome the difficulties and become a famous lawyer in the Federation."

"If there is such a day, you don't have to pay back the money you owe me, and I will file any lawsuits for you for free, but now it's better for me to focus on cooking dinner." Tracy waved her hand absent-mindedly, ready to hurry home.

Raymond looked ashamed and whispered, "One day, I will also develop."

Raymond, a little hooligan, lived nearby and was the first customer to visit when Tracy Law Firm opened. He was sentenced to three months of surveillance by the judge for extortion and minor injury. Because he had no money, Tracy not only did not get his lawyer's fees, but also paid him 1,000 federal dollars. Bail. However, although this Raymond is very poor, he is not bad. He is very loyal, and there have always been more than a dozen little hooligans around him. A few days ago, another group of street ruffians came to harass and flirt with Tracy. He stood up and took his brothers to fight with the group of ruffians. After driving them away, he wandered outside the office every day, which was also used to protect and repay Tracy in his own way.

There are still about ten days to pay the rent and repay various bills, but I only have the last 800 yuan left. This is the necessary living expenses next month. If I can't earn enough business income during this period, not only the office will be closed, but also there will be no place to live. However, according to the business volume since the opening, the probability of this possibility is basically the same as falling from the sky and hitting the head.

While walking, Tracy felt extremely distressed about the exhausted situation in front of her. Does she really have to sell her beautiful body in disguise to survive?

Six months ago, the vigorous Tracy didn't expect that she would fall to such a level. Even if she has to resign from Anda Law Firm, she is still full of confidence in her future and hopes that she will soon emerge in the legal profession. If she is lucky enough to encounter an influential case, she may even be stunned and enter the ranks of famous lawyers without any effort.

However, the gap between reality and ideals has made Tracy get rid of this delusion faster.

After leaving Anda Law Firm, Tracy sent her cover letter to the major law firms in Rome with great ambition, but all of them were sent in a simple rejection letter without even giving a reason. Tracy was quite strange. She asked someone to secretly investigate and inquire about it. Only then did she know that her former superior supervisor Rabito was retaliating. He spread rumors and slandered everywhere, saying that Tracy used her work to use her work to collude with outsiders to steal the business secrets of Anda Law Firm's cooperative clients. Because of the secret methods, the police could not find conclusive evidence. Tracy was free from the conviction, and Anda Law Firm persuaded her to quit. What's more despicable is that he also said that Tracy wanted to seduce herself with lust in order to stay at Anda Law Firm, but was severely reprimanded and resolutely refused.

Rabito is a senior in the lawyer's circle in Rome. His words are quite convincing. As soon as it spreads, Tracy's reputation is unconsciously made bad by him. Of course, no law firm dares to attract wolves into the room to hire such a notorious staff. .

Tracy was deeply angry and ashamed, but she had no way to accuse Rabito of clarifying the facts and restoring her reputation, so she had to swallow her anger and retreat to apply for other less famous law firms. But most of them were also rejected. Although some firms agreed to let her go for an interview, they were curious to see what kind of person she was. After that, they casually found an excuse to send her away.

After running around in vain for a while, finally a partner of a law firm was willing to hire Tracy as an assistant lawyer, but the second day after her work, the guy showed his real face and brazenly asked Tracy to have sex with him.

Tracy answered him with a loud slap in the face.

Next, another small office hired Tracy, but soon she encountered almost the same scene, except that she punched another * flooded guy in the nose this time. Whoever thinks that Tracy is delicate and can be bullied because of her beautiful appearance is a big mistake. Tracy, who grew up in a slum, has tried to practice the Force and skills to prevent the invasion of perverts. The Force has reached the level of the late stage of condensation, and it is not a problem to deal with several five or three thick men with fists and feet.

Finally, Tracy was determined not to apply for a job and decided to list her own business. Then, the business was deserted to her surprise, and the situation was getting worse day by day, and now it is no longer sustainable.

All this is thanks to that damn bastard Roda. Tracy gritted her teeth and vowed that if she could meet the culprit again one day, she would not hesitate to break the bridge of his nose.

"Hello, Lawyer Tracy."

A tall and well-proportioned young man stood on the road in front of Tracy, smiling and saying hello.

"Who are you?"

Tracy stopped and had a vague sense of familiarity with the young man in front of her, but for a moment she couldn't remember where this impression came from and couldn't help asking vigilantly.

Raymond behind saw someone stopping Tracy and quickly caught up with him.

"Oh, lawyer Tracy, please allow me to introduce myself." The young man said, "My name is Di Changli, an agent of the Federal Police. I met you once the other day when I went to your office to find Sheriff Nelson."

Tracy immediately remembered that her sense of Sheriff Nelson was quite poor, but the young man in front of her was very masculine and had a very warm smile, which made her feel no resistance at all. She nodded and said, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Di Changli took a step, stared at her and smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing. I just want to treat you to a meal. I hope it won't make you feel too presumptuous."

This kind of invitation is indeed too abrupt, but Tracy often met and was not surprised. She looked at him and said, "Do you want to date me?"

"Yes." Di Changli admitted calmly: "I don't know if Tracy's lawyer would like to be honored?"

Tracy looked at him carefully and said, "What if I refuse?"

Di Changli smiled and said, "Then I'll invite you next time, but can you tell me the reason for rejection?"

Raymond shouted beside him, "Miss Tracy doesn't want to, but she has no obligation to explain it to you."

Di Changli looked at him and still smiled, "I remember seeing you last time. Are you a friend of lawyer Tracy?" He took the initiative to reach out to Raymond: "I'm Di Changli. I'm glad to see you again."

Raymond was surprised that in the slums, the police were old men, and the gangsters on the street could only be grandchildren, but no policeman had ever been so kind to him. After a moment of frenmentation, he reached out and shook hands with Di Changli, quickly shrank back, glanced at Tracy, raised his head and said in an aggravated tone, "Yes, my name is Raymond. I'm very good friend with Miss Tracy."

It is natural to say that Raymond has no indispensable thoughts about Tracy. At first, he also paid attention, but after getting along with him for a long time, he felt that he was not worthy of Tracy, so he gave up the idea. At this time, he wanted to be Tracy's shield.

Di Changli didn't care and smiled, "Since everyone is a friend and met another one, why don't we find a place to sit together?"

Tracy looked at him and reminded him, "Don't you think it's inconvenient?"

Di Changli understands that she means that his identity is a policeman, and Raymond is a little hooligan with a bad record and a criminal record. He may have any negative impact on him if he brazenly mixes in one place. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm not on duty now. No one cares about making any friends." He turned his head and looked at the other seven or eight little hooligans not far away and said, "Well, Raymond, is that your friend too? Let me know each other. I'll buy you a drink today. Lawyer Tracy, what do you think?

He obviously wanted to make an appointment with himself, but he also invited Raymond and the others. What on earth do he want to do? Tracy looked at Di Changli and felt a little strange. She didn't know what he meant. After thinking about it, she refused politely: "Agent Di Changli, I'm glad to meet you and thank you very much for your invitation. It's just that I'm in a bad mood today. Let's talk about it another day. I'm sorry."

To be honest, Tracy's youth is full of her youth. As a dating partner, Di Changli can be said to be a quite good candidate, but as far as her current poor living conditions are concerned, it is really inappropriate and she has no energy to think about anything else.

Of course, Di Changli is not a person who gives up easily. He smiled and said, "I'm in a bad mood, and I need to relax more. If you encounter any difficulties and troubles, you can't solve the problem alone. After relaxing, there may be unexpected gains... If you are willing to accept me as a friend, you might as well tell me. Maybe I can give you some advice.

Before he came to Tracy, he investigated some of her situations and was very clear about her current situation. The date was just a cover, but the purpose was to apologize to Tracy and find an excuse to get close to her to make up for it.

Tracy thought carefully, showed a touching smile on her beautiful face, and finally nodded and said, "You are very reasonable. Maybe you will also be a very good friend. Well, I accept your invitation and accept your invitation on behalf of Raymond.