Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 25 Captain Parker

Di Changli introduced a business to Tracy.

He found a district assistant prosecutor he met at work and brought in to deliver court summons for Tracy. For each subpoena, he could send six or seven federal dollars a day with an income of two or three hundred yuan.

Compared with those barbar lawyers who charge hundreds of thousands of yuan per hour, Tracy's income is not worth mentioning. Moreover, this job is not only very hard, but also has to run around all day, and it is also low. It is cursed or threatened by people's eyes, and sometimes more likely to encounter unpredictable crises - the group that are summoned by the court is basically not good stubbles. It is common to say bad words, and many obscene and obscene guys even move. Hand and foot to take advantage of Tracy.

Tracy dealt with the dangers one by one with her own agility and persisted.

Tracy's self-reliance gave Di Changli a deeper understanding of her. At first, he helped her out of apology, but soon he really regarded her as his friend. Of course, it is not ruled out that Tracy is a beautiful and charming person of the opposite sex. Although he does not want to develop a super-friendly relationship with Tracy because of himself, it is not a bad thing to have a pleasant girlfriend.

Therefore, Tracy was even more puzzled about Di Changli's behavior. Although the relationship between the two became closer and closer, Di Changli did not take any further action, and the relationship remained at this stage.

Tracy couldn't imagine that the culprit who caused her to fall to this step was Di Changli.

After such a period of time, Tracy's law firm has gradually improved, and the number of door-to-door customers has increased day by day. Therefore, she hired an assistant to deliver court summons, and she devoted herself to her business, and the firm has since become formalized.

During this period, Neve occasionally wanted to ask Di Changli to come out and meet him, but he used Tracy as a shield, which made Neve feel the indescribable bitterness in her heart and began to become a little depressed. She thinks that Tracy is indeed an excellent girl worth pursuing, but she is definitely no worse than Tracy, and she knew Di Changli first.

Why did Di Changli give up on herself and choose Tracy? Neve couldn't figure it out. She thought about it very painfully.


The summer of the Roman Colony Star is coming.

During this period, the number of adventurers in Rome has increased significantly. This is because several unique space monsters appear in the Roman Galaxy in large numbers. Among them, the more famous one is the red red dragon. The leather is light and tough, and the tanned leather is expensive. Another huge snow mother clam, whose meat is extremely fresh and delicious, is a rare delicacy. There is also a kind of ferocious, the one-horn born on the head, which is a very precious collection.

In addition to their own value, these three space monsters are more likely to produce Xuanjing in adult bodies. As long as a team of adventurers harvest ten, they are basically guaranteed not to lose money. If you are lucky enough, you will definitely make a lot of money. Therefore, despite the extremely high risk of this industry, the number of victims who come to the Roman galaxy every year is quite alarming, and the people who devote themselves to it are still flocking to it and working hard from other galaxies.

When various adventurer teams rushed to the Roman Galaxy, the first thing to do was to rest, do the routine inspection and maintenance of the spacecraft, supplement all kinds of materials and inquire about the required information.

In addition to fixed news channels, the best place to inquire about information is, of course, entertainment venues such as bars and nightclubs.

In the jurisdiction of the 52nd Police Bureau, there is a famous bar called the Pirate Club.

The owner of the pirate club is a little mysterious, and few people know his real name. Everyone calls him a one-eyed dragon no matter how strange it is.

The one-eyed dragon is said to have been a strong adventurer before, but after losing an eye and a leg in a hunt, it left the adventure team and stayed in Rome to open this pirate club. Some people also said in private that the one-eyed dragon used to be a space pirate. Because the lover who slept with the pirate leader was hunted down and killed, he fled to Rome to hide his name.

For the latter statement, everyone sneers or laughs at it. If the one-eyed dragon is really a pirate who avoids disaster, does he dare to brazenly crown his bar with the word pirate?

Adventurers and pirates have always been opposite, but the most guests in the pirate club are adventurers, which must be said to be an aus. The reason is the generosity of the one-eyed dragon.

When the adventurer team prepares for hunting, they all need funds to buy weapons and equipment and a large number of necessary materials. Without harvest, they will naturally not have much money at hand. Drinking and finding a woman is somewhat overstretched. Although these adventurers are generous when they consume, and there are very few people who do not pay back their debts and have relatively good credit, but because the casualty rate is too high, few people are generally willing to let them go on credit to avoid losing their money.

The one-eyed dragon is not, but any adventurer, no matter how much he owes in his bar, he will allow it, and when some adventurers come back from hunting, he will reduce their arrears or even write them off according to the situation. Therefore, the one-eyed dragon has been greatly favored by all adventurers. All famous adventurers are basically willing to meet him, which makes his bar business very hot. Although he loses a lot of money every year because of credit, in general, it earns more, and the name of boldness is widely known and earns both fame and fortune.

Now that the hunting season of the Roman galaxy has come, the business of the pirate club has naturally become popular.

The one-eyed dragon sat upstairs in the pirate club, drinking and laughing with several adventurers. In recent years, this phenomenon is rare. With the increasing reputation of the one-eyed dragon, there are fewer and fewer guests worthy of his personal hospitality. Usually, only the captain of the adventurer team and the captain of the hunting team will have this treatment, and ordinary adventure team members rarely have this honor.

Today's biotechnology is very developed. Even if you know that the one-eyed dragon has a disability, people who don't know the details can't see which eye is an electronic eye or which leg is the prosthetic limb. Although the nickname of the one-eyed dragon is not very pleasant and easy to give people a sense of fierce and rudeness, his appearance is dignified, tall and burly, which is enough to provoke the hearts of most of the deeply resentful women.

Today, the guests personally accompanied by the one-eyed dragon are four men and one woman, from the same team of adventurers in the Solomon Galaxy. The strength of this team is relatively strong. There are two spacecraft, the June Flower and the Crescent. These five people are the core figures in this adventurer team.

"This is a refined gardenia wine produced by Caribbean Star. Even if you are drunk, you won't be able to make it. Please enjoy it." The one-eyed dragon raised a glass and persuaded him to drink enthusiastically.

Captain Parker of the June Flower spacecraft is the oldest among the guests and the head of the team, owning the largest stake in the two spacecraft. He put his hand on the mouth of the cup, shook his head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I have to implement some weapons and equipment at night. I really can't drink too much. Let's have another drink after everything is ready."

The one-eyed dragon was not reluctant. He laughed and said, "Ok, let's drink this cup at will. First of all, I wish you all a smooth and safe journey."

Everyone thanked each other and drank the gardenia in their own glasses. The only woman present is Helen, the captain of the June Flower spaceship hunting team, which is very rare for full-time hunters in men's world. Although her appearance is quite charming, her style is extremely straightforward, and she drinks all in a cup. Helen's husband's name is Martin, and he is the logistics director of the team. Instead, he is not as heroic as her and takes a sip of the wine.

The one-eyed dragon said, "I originally arranged an entertainment program for everyone, but I didn't think about it. I didn't expect Captain Helen to be here. It's a little inconvenient to take it out, so please forgive me."

Hellen knew that the one-eyed dragon must have arranged an erotic program and said carelessly, "Isn't it just something like pole dance**? What's the inconvenience? Martin won't object to watching it with me.

In view of the high danger of hunting space monsters and staying in the vast space for too long, most of the adventurers choose to use wine to relieve their tense nerves before and after departure and return. Helen is already common to care about this.

The one-eyed dragon smiled and said, "I forgot, how can Captain Helen be that kind of jealous ordinary woman?" In this case, please move forward."

The one-eyed dragon was about to lead everyone to the place where it was ready when a foreman suddenly came over and said to Captain Parker, "Mr. Parker, a detective is coming to you. Have you seen it?"

"Detector?" Captain Parker's face changed slightly, looked at the other members of the adventure team and asked, "What's his name? What's the matter with me?" When they hunt space monsters, they need to buy some modified heavy-power weapons. This behavior violates the Federal Weapons Administration Law. If someone wants to deal with them, it is very tricky. If they don't want to affect this hunting, they have to dredge it with a lot of money.

The foreman also understood their scruples and said, "His name is Di Changli. He is a detective of the local police station, not an official of the Armed Forces Administration. He used to come to this club. There should be something else to come to you."

Captain Parker was in a relaxed mood and had not yet opened his mouth. Bill, the captain of the hunting team of the Crescent spacecraft, had snorted coldly: "What's the matter with us? Most of them want to take advantage of their heads. Humph, I don't see.

In recent years, with the increasing corruption of the bureaucrats of the galactic federal government, the reputation and image of the federal police among citizens have become worse and worse. Ordinary vulnerable people can't afford to provoke them and dare not say anything. However, the group of adventurers are highly capable and capable, but most of them pay attention to ordinary police.

The one-eyed dragon also said, "Captain Parker, I still have some contacts with some officials of the regional government, and I also know several senior police officers in the police station. If you don't want to see this detective, I'll ask someone to refuse." He has run a pirate club in Rome for many years. Of course, there is a way, and a bureau detective really offended him.

Captain Parker pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Maybe he really has something to come to me. It doesn't matter if you see him."

After the foreman led Di Changli over, everyone was a little surprised. They didn't expect him to be so young. You should know that the detective has belonged to the ranks of senior police. Judging from the age of Di Changli, if he does not have outstanding achievements and contributions, then there will be someone behind him. Either way, it can't be despised.

In fact, Di Changli's promotion to detective is not related to these two factors, largely because he is too well connected to the 52nd branch. When Director Matt nominated Di Changli on the last promotion list, almost no one objected and was successfully promoted.

After the introduction of the foreman, Di Changli greeted Captain Parker and said bluntly, "Captain Parker, have you also been to the Roman galaxy 18 years ago and been to the thirteenth planet?"

"How do you know?" Captain Parker's expression suddenly changed greatly, and he stood up and asked in surprise. Obviously, what Di Changli said was not bad, as if he had uncovered a layer of scars on his body.

The one-eyed dragon, Helen and others were surprised and listened carefully. Even among the extremely colorful adventurers, Captain Parker can be called a legendary figure. It is said that 18 years ago, he was an unknown low-level hunter, but suddenly he made a fortune, and no one can tell the reason for his fortune. Captain Parker himself is deeply unaware of what happened. Even Helen and Bill, their well-established partners, have never heard him say a word. Everyone couldn't help speculating that this detective Di Changli came to find Captain Parker about this matter?

Di Changli said again, "Captain Parker, can you talk to me alone?"

Captain Parker's expression was changeable. He looked at Di Changli for a moment before agreeing.

The two sat in a quiet room. After taking the one-eyed dragon out in person, Di Changli took out the only relic left by his biological parents - the silver-gray ring, and handed it to Captain Parker: "You should know this ring, right?"

As soon as Captain Parker saw the ring, he immediately jumped over. His posture could no longer be described as a gaffe. He almost grabbed the ring in his hand and came to his eyes to look at it carefully. After a long time, he shouted in surprise and joyfully, "Yes, yes, this is Mr. Di's ring, it's his ring..."

Captain Parker looked at the ring repeatedly almost obsessively and muttered. After a while, he came to his senses and held the ring tightly in the palm of his hand, as if he was afraid of being taken away. He stared at Di Changli: "Who the hell are you? Why did Mr. Di's ring come to you?

"I think." Di Changli squeezed his lips and said, "Mr. Di in your mouth should be my father."

"Are you Mr. Di's son? The baby 18 years ago?"

Captain Parker shouted in shock and stared at Di Changli in disbelief, as if he was going to make a big hole in his face, and then shouted repeatedly, "Yes, yes, yes, good. Although you don't look like Mr. Di at all, you are a little similar to Mrs. Di, and I couldn't see it at once.

He looked up and down at Di Changli and said with emotion, "When I left the thirteenth planet, Mr. and Mrs. Di's situation was not optimistic. Now that so many years have passed, they must have had a really unfortunate accident, alas..."

He solemnly returned the ring to Di Changli and said, "Mr. Di is very kind to me. It can be said that he gave me everything I have today. He also left you an asset for me to keep, about 300 million federal coins. Since you found me today, I will just give it to you. In addition, you can say whatever you need, as long as I can do it.

Di Changli looked at him unexpectedly: "As far as I know, my father never left me a penny of property... Captain Parker, I understand that you did this out of gratitude to my father, but what he gave you and left me are two different things. You don't have to repay me in this way."

Obviously, Captain Parker is based on the help of Di Changli's biological father. Judging from his wealth, 300 million federal dollars is equivalent to most of his current property. This level of kindness is rare, which fully shows that Captain Parker is an honest and upright gentleman and worthy of anyone's trust.

Captain Parker smiled and said, "18 years ago, you were just a newborn baby. What do you know? Mr. Di is indeed for you..."

Di Changli interrupted him and said firmly, "Captain Parker, thank you very much for your kindness, but I will never accept any form of financial and material return. Please don't say any more."

Captain Parker thought about it and stopped insisting and said, "Well, I respect your opinion... Well, what's the matter with you coming to me this time?"

Di Changli said, "I want to see the last place where my parents stayed before their death. Only you know the specific location. I hope you can take me there."

Captain Parker was shocked and shouted, "This can't be done. It's too dangerous there. I can't guarantee your safety at all."

Di Changli said lightly, "No matter how dangerous it is, I must go. I can't even know the appearance of my biological parents."