Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 30 Harvest

On the third day of the hunting operation, the radius of the search area had expanded to 1,000 kilometers outside the camp. The teams still achieved nothing, and everyone began to feel a little anxious.

In fact, in the adventurer's hunting career, it is nothing if there is no harvest in a few days, but it depends on the specific situation. This situation, which relies on a wide range of people to cast nets and arrest, and the extremely harsh environment must be tense at all times, is easy to hit the morale of hunters, thus causing both emotional and physical depression, which greatly increases the probability of casualties when danger comes, so the hunting time must not last too long.

After the gale blowing in the evening, Captain Helen and Captain Bill contacted the team captains and held a brief meeting. It was decided to let all the hunters have a good rest tonight and expand the search radius by 100 kilometers the next day. If there is no trace of the ice, they will withdraw to the spaceship at the airport and collectively decide the next step.

The raging gale in the morning slowly stopped. Di Changli drilled out of the temporarily excavated hidden ice cave and saw the Roman sun hanging in the sky, sprinkled under thousands of golden lights, jumping and changing on the white ice, like a thousand flame swallowing, which was a spectacle.

After eating a light and tasteless nutritious meal, Di Changli and Sykes hurried off. Their current position has reached the edge of the center of the Arctic of the ninth planet, and they are more cautious when driving snowmobiles to search, because the closer they are to the center of the Arctic, the more likely they are to encounter an extremely dangerous ice whirlpool. The ice vortex is a nightmare that makes all adventurers on the ninth planet smell. It is unfathomable, and its surface is no different from ordinary ice surface. People can't observe it with their naked eyes. Once they step on it, it will immediately turn into countless small smoothies that make people fall into, and at the same time, it will produce an irresistible Despite the suction, it swallowed people and buried them in the huge cold tomb of the ninth planet, and even the bones could never be recovered.

"Six." There was a crisp and loud cry from the sky.

Six looked up and smiled, "Detector Di, your buddy is here again."

Di Changli also smiled and waved to the sky. A pale golden black is spreading its wings and hovering against the morning sun, vigorous and beautiful, like an elf transformed by the golden sunlight. If it hadn't taken the initiative to make a call, it would not have noticed its existence at all.

This Ming Liewu was the prey released by Di Changli. Somehow he did not fly away, but kept following Di Changli nearby. Sykes joked that this Ming Liewu must have evolved a mutant creature, which is far more intelligent and emotionally rich than its kind, and is ready to repay Di Changli's release. Di Changli didn't care when he heard it, but he didn't expect that Sykes's joke would come true immediately.

"Sax, let's search separately today." Di Changli suggested: "The area is too large. If two people act together, they must speed up. Maybe it will be missed. If they are separated, the time will be much more abundant."

Sykes thought about it and felt that Di Changli was very alert, stronger than many new hunters, and had run with himself for two days. It should not matter to be careful when acting alone, so he agreed. He took out a spare biodetrator and gave it to Di Changli, and the two walked separately.

After riding a snowmobile for about ten kilometers, suddenly there was a sharp sound of "a" above his head. The head flew in front of Di Changli and circled up and down in a hurry.

Di Changli was very surprised. He stopped the snowy motorcycle and carefully observed Ming Liewu's strange behavior. After half a sound, if he realized something, he thought, is there any danger in front of him? Is this Ming Liewu stopping him from moving forward? He tried to move forward, and the dark sharp sound became more and more urgent. His red eyes were shining brightly, and he poked out his claws and grabbed them anxiously, as if to rush up to attack him.

Di Changli turned back a distance again, and the loud cry immediately made him much happier, and he kept flapping his wings, trying to lead him to the rear.

Di Changli must be strange among them. After thinking about it, he adjusted the sensitivity of the biological detector to the highest, and several signal sources immediately appeared on it. Of course, one of them is Ming Liewu, and the other three are seven or eight kilometers away from here.

The signal source is green, which should not be a space monster. What fierce monsters will there be that even Ming Liewu is so scared to retreat? Di Changli felt even more strange.

In a blink of an eye, two signal sources suddenly disappeared, leaving only one. Di Chang couldn't help but wonder, frowned and think, and suddenly reacted. The disappearance of the signal source does not mean the disappearance of creatures. It is more likely to be the sudden death and the loss of life energy.

Thinking of this section, Di Changli's curiosity suddenly rose, and the creatures that can survive in the Arctic of the ninth planet absolutely have no weak people, making the life that can be avoided by the wind even more leisurely. In any case, very powerful creatures are usually very rare and precious. Even if they are not space monsters, their value will make full-time hunters happy.

After a while, the remaining signal source began to move quickly and quickly escaped from the sensing range of the biological detector. Di Chang couldn't think much about it. While contacting Sykes, he drove a snowmobile to the direction of the signal source.

The head squeaked a few times, circled two circles in the air hesitantly, and finally caught up with it.

Di Changli didn't care about it. When he came to the target, he saw two strange-shaped animal corpses lying on the ice surface, with neat fur and claws. His appearance was unharmed, but his body was extremely dry. After approaching and observing carefully, Di Chang couldn't help taking a breath. It turned out that the two animals were completely left with fur, and there was no muscle, bone and blood inside, but the ice surface was so clean that there was no trace of blood stains, and there was no trace of fierce struggle, which was extremely strange.

Six also rushed over and recognized the bodies of the two animals at a glance. He shouted in surprise, "Solid and flying scorpses?"

Guang, flying scorpionfish, are not of the same kind of animals. They are quite fierce and cunning. There is no fear of one alone, but when the two are combined, their combat effectiveness increases geometrically. Even the black tooth, the king of beasts on the ninth planet, dare not provoke them easily when they see them. I don't know what can be gently. Loosely destroy them

Sykes came forward to look at the bodies of the solid and flying marmouse. His face suddenly changed, and he shouted with surprise and joy: "It's the ice dazzling dragonfly. Only the ice dazzling dragonfly can suck up the prey like this."

Di Changli asked, "Since it is a space monster, why is it not displayed on my biological detector?"

Sykes explained: "Space monsters are much more intelligent than protozoans in positive space. They have strong adaptability and can weaken or even completely hide their own energy. It is not surprising that they cannot be detected. In fact, the biological detector should have been eliminated, but there is no other effective way to replace it at this stage, so we have to reluctantly continue to adopt it.

Sykes is usually careless and slippery, but he is very measured when doing business. He does not go in to pursue the traces of the ice dazzling. Instead, he informs the camp as soon as possible and gathers all teams to hunt together.

Soon, six hunters from the North District team arrived one after another, and half an hour later, hunters from the other three teams also arrived in shuttle boats. After the meeting, the four teams were divided into two groups, led by Captain Helen and Captain Bill. According to the clues provided by Di Changli, one left and one right, they carried out a net search in the direction where the ice vanishing disappeared.

As a member of the ship June Flower, Di Changli was naturally assigned to the team of Captain Haili and was still in the same place as Sykes. Looking ahead and galloping for a few kilometers, the Ming Liewu suddenly flew to the top of Di Changli's head again, and his voice was extremely sad and rapid, as if the disaster was extremely frightened.

Di Changli's heart moved, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a hunter holding a gun and trying to shoot Ming Liewu, and quickly stopped it loudly. Regardless of the hunter's consteration, he drove to Captain Helen and shouted loudly, "Stop everyone. Bingxuan is around here."

Although the biological detector on everyone's body was no different, and Captain Helen was quite stunned, he heard Di Changli's cry and knew that there must be a reason. He immediately ordered all the hunters of the group to stop in place to be vigilant, and then asked Di Changli if he had found anything.

Di Changli briefly talked about the Ming Liewu and said, "Animals' senses have always been much more sensitive than human beings. It must have felt a strong danger, so I speculate that the ice dazzling dragonfly should be not far away."

Captain Helen has been adventurous hunting for many years. He has a deeper understanding of animals than Di Changli. Without any hesitation, he immediately summoned a shuttle boat. He and the deputy captain boarded the boat to drive the two fighter armors carried on it and carried out the search mission in person. The rest of the hunters all opened the stacked armor, picked up weapons to follow them, and marched carefully.

Di Changli uses a set of navy blue stacked armor, which is exquisite and very smooth and dazzling. His figure is already very tall and well-proportioned, and under the background is more masculine and powerful. Sykes looked twice and couldn't help praising: "Well, Detective Di, your set of stacked armor is really good. It should be the top product made by hand."

Di Changli smiled and said nothing. In fact, although Robert complained about his illegal trip, he spared no effort for his safety after agreeing. If it hadn't been for Di Changli's Force cultivation, Robert would never have been stingy to assemble a compound armor for him to enhance the safety factor.

Not far out, the armor controlled by the deputy captain suddenly stepped into the ice and fell forward. Fortunately, he always tightened his nerves. As soon as he realized something was wrong, he immediately turned on the engine, spewing out two light blue energy fireworks, and flew forward against the ice.


It was like a bomb exploding under the ice, and large and small ice cubes and snow rose to the sky one after another, covering everyone's sight. Captain Helen looked condescendingly in the control compartment of another armor. He saw a white shadow burst out under the ice, shaped like a python, thick, more than ten meters long, as fast as lightning. Unexpectedly, he caught up with the fighter armor that swept forward at high speed, rolled up the tail end, and dragged the armor stiffly.

You know, the mecha driven by the vice captain was originally made of all metal, weighing more than ten tons. In addition, the energy module is moving forward at full speed, which is difficult to calculate, and the white monster can forcibly slow down the speed of the armor, which is horrible.

However, the armor only slowed down and immediately regained its original speed and flew forward with the white monster.

"Wow..." A sad roar like a hell beast suddenly sounded, but the energy flame spewed out from the rear of the armor made the white monster roar. The long body of the armor loosened and fell heavily, smashing the hard ice out of a big pit. The momentum was endless, and it rolled forward quickly, with ice and snow all the way. Chip splash.

Captain Helen clearly saw that the white monster was the ice monster to hunt this time. She seized the opportunity, drove the armor to chase it quickly, picked up the super alloy sword, and the light flashed, cutting the ice dazzling into two pieces. The front end of Bingxuan burst out a more tragic roar, and the cut-off seven or eight-meter tail suddenly bounced up, sweeping fiercely at the left thigh of the humanoid armor, making a sonorous sound like gold and iron.

Captain Helen was distracted and only seized the opportunity to cut off the super alloy sword again, and cut the first half of the ice dazzling sword into two pieces. The head of Bingxuan spewed out a flame and was destructively hit by Captain Helen. The flame had just spewed out and extinguished, and the remnants of his limbs bounced violently on the ground. Obviously, he could not survive.

When the dying ice splashed violently, the burst of residual power still hit the solid ice into potholes, and the snow grains roared like bullets and splashed with amazing momentum. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and secretly congratulated themselves. Although this ice dazzling dragonfly is not particularly powerful and fierce compared with some space monsters they had hunted before, if it hadn't been for Di Changli's reminder to improve everyone's precautions, I'm afraid that the hunting team would inevitably have casualties. It can be said that Di Changli will be the first to kill this ice dazzling dragonfly so easily and without damage.

Six rushed forward, cut Bingxuan's head with a light blade dagger, reached in and picked it up for a moment, and suddenly shouted happily: "Xuanjing, I found Xuanjing."

Seeing a dazzling energy crystal raised by Sykes, everyone burst into joyous cheers and couldn't wait to surround them to see the trophy.

At this time, Captain Bill led his team here, and when he saw this scene, he was also full of joy.

After a few days of hunting, the hunting team's supplies have almost been consumed. Now they have successfully harvested a precious ice dazzling crystal, which not only has won a lottery, but also guarantee half of the expenses of the whole team's travel. Everyone returned with satisfaction in the cold wind. Cheng.

Captain Parker and Captain Goniff personally waited outside the airport to welcome everyone into the spacecraft. Although they could only celebrate with beer, they were not drunk, and the crew members in a good mood were also very happy.

When the banquet was about to break up, Sykes suddenly shook out two furry things like magic and shouted, "Look what this is?"

Everyone saw what he had in his hand and shouted in surprise, "It's the fur of the solid and flying malt, which is a rare specialty on the ninth planet... Well, it's still so complete and rare that it can be sold at a high price."

A few days ago, in the hunting of ice, everyone naturally picked up some profitable prey by the way, but the combined profit was similar to that of these two solid and flying mazes. Originally, Bingxuan was discovered by Sykes. In the future, he can get an extra share than others when distributing income according to the rules, and now he has made an extra handful. Everyone is very envious of this guy's good luck.

Six smiled and said, "Don't look at me with such warm and loving eyes. I'm very shy and clean... In fact, this is Detective Di's harvest, but he doesn't know the value, so I helped him pick it up and temporarily keep it. Now the things are returned to the original owner. Everyone has no objection, right?"

In this scene, even if the crew have different opinions, of course, they can't say a word.

Di Changli understood that Sykes didn't want to suffer losses and make up for the loss of letting go of Ming Wu. He was grateful for his kindness, but he couldn't accept it. He said, "Since it belongs to me, I have the full power to deal with it. Well, no matter how much money I sell at that time, I will use it to treat you to drink."

Bold and generous people are always popular, especially among rough adventurers. After listening to it, everyone was happy and became more fond of Di Changli, and basically officially included him in the ranks of partners who can share joys and sorrows.

In fact, a large part of the hunting of ice savage depends on luck. The original plan was to arrange a week to capture an ice stingray Xuanjing, but now the time has been shortened by half. Captain Parker and Captain Gonif discussed not to continue hunting on the ninth planet and seize the time to hunt for easy-to-handed space monsters. .

After the decision was announced, the crew did not object. The June Flower and the Crescent left the airport of the ninth planet and sailed into the vast starry sky again.