Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 31 Captain Parker's Will

A big planet quietly suspended in the depths of space, dark, like a sleeping demon realm. On the other side of the Roman sun, it shows a dazzling orange yellow, like a huge golden jewel protruding from the scepter of light.

Light and darkness are so rejected and coexist in this world without any change.

What you see in your own eyes should be the same as what your parents saw 18 years ago? Perhaps after hundreds of millions of years, in the eyes of future people, it will be just like this moment. Di Changli looked at the thirteenth planet with clear black and white, thinking about what his parents would be thinking when they arrived here. At the same time, he deeply realized that the vast ages of the universe are vast, and human life is always so fragile and fleeting, and even this moment in front of him may not be firmly in the palm of his hand.

What made Di Changli feel this way was not only the memory of his parents, but also the misfortune of the two adventurers of the Crescent.

After departing from the ninth planet, the team quickly arrived at the tenth planet and caught more red dragons than initially expected, and there were no casualties. Everyone was almost crazy with excitement, but they were extremely happy and sad. Next, when hunting the snow mother clam, an edible space monster that is far less dangerous than the red dragon, in the twelfth largest star field, an unexpected tragedy occurred.

The snow mother clam lives in near space and has a relatively mild temperament. The only way to deal with the enemy is to spray strongly corrosive body fluids. This level of threat is not worth mentioning to the adventurer, but two hunters were proud to make extremely low-level mistakes because the previous hunting was too smooth, resulting in the loss of precious lives.

Although the industry of full-time hunters has long been aware of death at any time, it is not worthwhile to die under the circumstances that could have been avoided. After the tragedy, the state of the crew suddenly changed dramatically. Even the most active Sykes was silent and serious like a robot that only knew how to work hard according to the procedure, which also infected Di Changli's mood quite heavily.

Entering the airport on the thirteenth planet, Captain Parker asked everyone to rest for a moment and called Captain Goniv, Captain Bill and his wife, logistics supervisor Martin and Captain Helen, and said very solemnly, "Please come today. I'm going to redraft the will. Please bear witness it."

Everyone was extremely surprised. Martin is usually in charge of the external affairs of the team, including the law, and has a lawyer's qualification certificate. In the past, the will made by Captain Parker was drawn up by him. He asked doubtfully, "Is there anything wrong with that will?"

Captain Parker nodded and said, "Yes, I want to make some changes about the distribution of my estate. There should be no problem, right?"

Martin said: "Of course, you have the right to dispose of your property at will. Well, before this, do you want Bumble to come over?

Captain Parker has no children. In his previous will, his nephew Bumble was the biggest beneficiary of the inheritance, and he should be present. Captain Parker shook his head and said, "No, the change of the will is not good news for him. I don't want him to know for the time being. Let's find another opportunity to tell him later."

No one has any objection to how Captain Parker's personal property dominates others, but Captain Parker's next words surprised them: "I have decided that whether I die a natural or an accidental death, the property will be inherited by my wife, and all the rest of the property It is divided into 20 copies, one for my wife, one for Bumble, and three copies are given to all members of the team on average, and the remaining 15 copies belong to Detective Di Changli.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. The expressions are different and unbelievable. Captain Bill frowned for a long time and said, "Captain Parker, changing the will is a big deal. Would you think more about it?"

Although Di Changli has been recognized by everyone and is more popular than Bumble in many ways, Bumble is Captain Parker's direct nephew, and Di Changli does not have any kinship with the latter, so it is too unreasonable to distribute property. Moreover, everyone knows that Captain Parker and Di Changli have not known each other for a long time, but they have to leave a huge legacy to him. The strangeness of them is really difficult for everyone to figure out.

Captain Parker said, "Don't be surprised. Naturally, I have a reason for me to do this... Martin, you can draw it up for me now. After drawing it out, please sign and witness it."

It can be seen that Captain Parker's attitude is very firm, and it is useless for everyone to understand and persuade. When Martin drew up his will, Captain Parker signed his name and handed it to Captain Gnief.

Captain Goniv frowned, hesitated for a moment, and gently persuaded, "Old man, I don't think it's too late to rush about this will. It's not too late to settle it in a few days."

Captain Parker sighed: "Actually, I have one more thing to say. I'm going to a place with Detective Di tomorrow. I don't know when to return, and it may also be a little dangerous. So, please work hard for the next hunting.

It can make Captain Parker say something a little dangerous. The hidden danger behind it can be imagined. Everyone was shocked to hear the meaning of his words. Captain Gniff asked speculatively, "Where are you going?" Is it the 'Roaring Sea of the Abyss'?"

Captain Parker didn't say anything, which was obviously acquiescence.

Everyone's faces suddenly changed.

The roaring sea of the abyss, just by listening to the name, you can know the danger and horror of this place. In fact, the territory of the Galactic Federation failed to expand to a deeper star domain through the Roman Galaxy, mostly because it stopped in front of the roaring sea of the abyss.

In theory, the universe is connected, and you can reach another from one point at will. There is absolutely no traffic jam problem. But the problem is that the universe is too vast. And human beings are too small. When sailing in the starry sky, a slight error in the direction is enough to make the navigator lost in space forever. Therefore, people can only escape the known star map coordinates and waterways and carefully explore the unknown universe.

The Roman Galaxy is located on the outer edge of the spiral arm. According to scientists, a channel may be found near the thirteenth planet to reach beyond the spiral arm, allowing humans to open up a shortcut to conquer the unknown universe. As a result, the federal government spent a lot of money to send a joint fleet on an expedition. It took the fleet five years to successfully open up a new channel of eight light-years, and then painfully announced the abandonment of the expedition.

This is because in front of the exploration fleet is a cosmic region covered with a large number of flare stars, and these flare stars are very young and have a very active explosion cycle. The material thrown forms a highly dense group of planets and comets with no fixed trajectory in this space. Under the fierce disorderly impact of a large number of planetary groups and comets, the spatial state of this celestial realm is extremely unstable. Entering the universe with the existing human technology is undoubtedly equivalent to primitive people driving a canoe into the sea of magnitude 10 hurricanes. The result can be imagined.

So, human beings with the confidence to conquer everything retreated.

The official spokesman of the federal government said that our pace will never stop. Giving up the expedition is only temporary. Even if it is the roaring sea of the abyss, we will one day be able to successfully cross. This is the origin of the name of the roaring sea of the abyss.

A burst of unbearable silence, and finally Captain Helen broke the dullness and pointed out rudely: "Captain Parker, I think this is a suicidal madness."

Captain Parker said calmly, "Maybe it looks a little stupid, but I won't cherish my life... In fact, you don't need to worry too much. I don't plan to go deep into the roaring sea of the abyss. I just walk around the edge. As early as 18 years ago, I went there. After this trip, what's there to worry about this revisit to the place where he made his fortune?

Speaking of this, everyone clearly said that nothing could change Captain Parker's decision, and why he had to change his will so eagerly. Martin pondered for a moment and said, "Captain Parker, there is something I must remind you. You set up Detective Di as the biggest beneficiary of the estate. Although there is no legal problem, he will go to the roaring sea of the abyss with you this time. If you at the same time... Well, in that case, those properties can belong to the federal government.

"If such an accident occurs, it will be allocated according to the previous will." Captain Parker replied and told him, "Yes, I will tell Detective Di and Bumble about this matter in person, so before that, I hope everyone can keep it a secret."

Everyone had different expressions and said, "Of course."


But the news still came to Bumble's ears.

"The property is mine, the spaceship is mine, and the leadership of the team in the future is also mine."

Bumble was very angry. He locked himself in the cabin and cursed hysterically: "Damn old man, don't say that I'm your own nephew. I've been working hard with you for so many years. There is no day that I won't serve you comfortably. In the end, I'm not even as good as bullshit in your eyes. Old bastard, old beast, stupid old fool who eats shit, why don't you go to hell earlier... Di's name is a bastard, you fucking come to rob me of my money, and go to hell to shovel feces together."

After a vicious curse, Bumble forced himself to calm down. "No, the old man's money is mine, and no one can take it from me. I have to think of a way..."

After thinking for a moment, Bumble's eyes lit up: " By the way, if two people have an accident together, you don't have to execute this damn will." His face twisted slightly and muttered, "Old man, you can't blame me. You forced me to do this."

Bumble came to the belly of the June Flower spacecraft, and several mechanics were carefully inspecting a space shuttle. This space shuttle is nominally a retired military ship. In fact, it was registered on the roster of a federal fleet quartermaster after leaving the factory. It even arrived at Captain Parker's hand without even entering the fleet for a day of service. Tomorrow he will drive it with Di Changli to the roaring sea of the abyss.

The teenager Akuda was also on the space shuttle. When he saw Bumble coming, he retreated with some fear. Bumble stared at him gloomily without saying any bad words. He only said to several mechanics, "Thank you for your hard work. Let me do the following routine."

The mechanics had no doubt about it, and they were so happy that they stopped their work and went out one after another.

Bumble toured the whole space shuttle to make sure that there was no one else on it. He quickly dismantled a sealed cabin plate at the instrument hatch of the life-sistance system, replaced it with an inconspicuous part, put an automatically volatile pill in a hidden place, and then quickly resealed the instrument cabin.

After quickly finishing all this, Bumble wiped off the sweat from the tension on his forehead, calmed down, and made sure that nothing would show anything strange before walking out of the space shuttle as if nothing had happened.