Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 45 Temporary Captain

The atmosphere in the barracks became extremely delicate.

Temporary captain, this is a position that involves everyone's vital interests. Among other things, during the formation of the team, the temporary captain must have the right to assign tasks to the 12 participants in the 085 barracks. This alone can give the temporary captain more and better opportunities to advance than others.

Of course, no one is willing to give in such a stake position and power, and does not want to sit down and hold it by himself.

Twelve people stared and were silent for a long time, or Di Changli took the lead in breaking the dullness again: "It's unrealistic to come to an internal knockout match by force. Why don't we launch a few candidates first, then vote, and finally determine the interim captain according to the number of votes."

This idea is actually not good. Most people are not familiar with each other. It is really unknown whether they can choose a suitable temporary captain. But at this time, there was no better way to find it. Therefore, everyone agreed one after another, and then divided into several small circles to communicate.

Di Changli, Gambino and Findley naturally belong to a small circle. Before they could speak, Di Changli said directly, "I give up my qualification as a candidate. You can discuss who the quota belongs to."

He abstained so simply, which surprised Gambino and Findley. He couldn't help but change his senses of Di Changli a lot. At least he thought that the young boy was still very self-asured. Looking at each other, Findley hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, then I propose Gampino."

Di Changli's proposal to Findley is not surprising. According to previous observations, he also seems to have a hint of respect for Gampino. It seems that he also thinks that he is not as good as the latter in some aspects.

"In that case." Di Changli smiled and said, "Then let's stop wasting time and see if we can get a little more votes."

Gampino nodded and said, "Yes, who do you think we should lobby?" He increasingly felt that although Di Changli recommended by Director Matt was young, he was indeed extraordinary. At least, his ability to judge the situation was very strong, and his opinions were worthy of his own attention.

The twelve people in the 058 barracks were divided into four small circles, ranging from two to four. Di Changli's circle was moderate. After a casual glance, Di Changli muttered to the side and said, "How are they?"

Gambino followed his eyes, but saw the smallest circle with only two people. First, he was stunned and immediately understood it again. He smiled admiringly at Di Changli, knowing that it was time for him to leave. He walked over and said to the two people, "The two are Mr. Cohen and Clay recommended by Redstone Security Company. Mr. Zi, right? I'm Gampino from the 52nd Branch, and everyone just got to know each other. There is no need to say anything else. I just want to ask you two. With our number, it is impossible to be elected as the temporary captain. Why don't we combine the votes to support which one? What do you think?

Corn and Kretz also understand the truth, but the question is which of the combined votes support either side? They exchanged glances and hesitated.

Gabino then said, "You two, I have to be clear first. Whether the five votes we have added up to support me or which of the two, even if one of us eventually becomes the temporary captain, it will have to be for the overall benefit of the team. Thinking about it, he may not be able to take care of those who support him as captain. Therefore, after the result, no one should take this vote as an example, so as not to make anything unpleasant happen.

Di Changli listened to him and nodded secretly to appreciate it. This Gambino is indeed a talent, and his style of doing things is also quite open and aboveboard.

exchanged another look, and Crace, among the two, agreed, "Okay, we can cooperate... Just now, Cohen gave me the candidates. It seems that you are the person they elected. Can you talk about your strengths in some aspects first?" Although he agreed to cooperate, he was obviously unwilling to give up and wanted to compete with the temporary captain.

Gabino smiled and said, "Actually, I don't have any special strengths, but I still have some experience in deploying personnel when solving cases. Well, the serial killer belly snake that was arrested in District 9 last year was caught by my serious crime team.

Creze's faces immediately became solemn, and Cohen was surprised, "It turns out that the belly snake was captured by Sheriff Gampino."

A serial perverted killer belly snake has a cold-blooded and ferocious character. Every time the victim is a woman, she will be raped and dismembered. Because the Force has reached the level of energy control in the later stage, it has high skills and has repeatedly escaped from the French net. In three or four years, it has killed more than 20 people, including two federal police officers. During the period when the action was rampant, it can be said that it was famous in Rome, which made people smell it and change their color.

Gabino smiled modestly and stressed, "I'm not the only one, but the concerted efforts of the guys in the police station."

As a powerful figure from the security company, he naturally knew the difficulty of catching the killer snake. Crace quickly distinguished the current form, dispelled the original idea, lowered his posture and made a clear statement. Sheriff Gambino, don't be too modest. Judging from this case, I think you absolutely have the ability to be a temporary captain.

Of course, the movement on this side could not hide the eyes of the other two small circles. They realized that Di Changli was planning to work together. The two small circles couldn't sit still and came together to start discussing. Unfortunately, neither side is willing to compromise easily and has been inconclusive for a long time.

For a long time, the dispute has slowly escalated into a quarrel. Di Changli looked at Gampino and did not intend to come forward to stop or mediate. As a competitor selected by everyone, this is what Gampino should do. If he can't even do this, it may not be so bad to let others be the temporary captain.

Not only Di Changli thinks so, but others, including Gambino, are also very aware of this. He went up and took a straightforward approach. He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention and said, "Guys, after living in the base barracks, the test may start at any time. Time does not allow us to squander like this. I think we should vote for the temporary captain as soon as possible, so that all resources can be reasonably and appropriately arranged and give full play to the advantages of a team.

His reason was irrefutable, so a minute later, everyone voted on it. When the opinions of the two small circles could not be unified, Gampino became the temporary captain of the 058 barracks with a vote of 5-4 to 3. Although some people are still unconvinced, they can't change this established fact.

Gampino did not waste any time and immediately delivered the interim captain's first speech: "I know that maybe my ability is not enough to convince everyone, but now, this is not the key. The key point is that if you are unwilling to cooperate, then our team will be completely scattered and unable to form a strong force to fight against other teams, and will soon be eliminated. I repeated what I had said to Krez and Cohen.

This speech was very simple and reasonable, and it was also very effective. People with some ideas consciously adjusted their emotions. After all, the focus of the previous paragraph is indeed to work together to break through the barrier. Even if it becomes a competitor later, there is no need to worry about it now. At present, internal hostility is really unwise and stupid.

"Very good." Feeling the change in everyone's mentality, Gambino was very satisfied and immediately said, "Time is limited. I can't learn more about your abilities and strengths one by one, so I can only adopt a general deployment... Anyone who thinks he is good at attacking, please stand on my right. If you think he is good at defense, please stand on my left. ."

Except for Gampino, there are seven people who think they have strong offensive ability. Di Changli belongs to one of them, so is Findley, and the remaining four are stronger than defense.

Gampino was a little surprised. He looked at Di Changli and said, "Please tell me what other outstanding skills you have, such as reconnaissance, control, electronics, blasting and so on. My specialty is intelligence analysis.

"I'm good at electronic monitoring."

"I'm good at makeup."

"I am proficient in driving various vehicles and good at tracking."

"I have learned first aid..."

I have to say that people who come to participate in the selection have their own skills and have their own expertise in some non-combat skills. However, it is doubtful whether these are their real strengths at the bottom of the box.

When it was Di Changli's turn to speak, he had already thought about it and said, "I have a little understanding of lurking in different environments."

Gampino looked at him again and thought about it. When everyone finished speaking, he raised his hand and said, "Thank you for your trust in me. Now, I number all my hands and then divide them into two tactical teams. The first team focuses on attack and the second team focuses on support."

The nature of attack and support is naturally very different. How to distribute manpower is up to the temporary captain, and it is self-evident that there may be differences.

It didn't take long for Gampino to come up with a specific distribution plan, and both Fendley and Di Changli, who came from the 52nd branch, belonged to a small team. This result kept silent the people who were ready to pick, including other members who were assigned to a small team, and minimized their potential resistance to Gampino, the temporary captain.

Before this distribution plan*, Gampino did not reach any tacit understanding with Findley and Di Changli in advance. At this time, he deliberately observed Di Changli's expression, but he only saw a faint smile on the latter's face.